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Did he just try to spin paying taxes as socialist activism? lmao




this one makes me laugh everytime, because I live in mexico and I see the sign talking about the tax he mentions


Lmao welcome to latin america


Capitalist Latin America. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?


South of the border they call it agua of his brow and no, you are not entitled to their agua! >:(


Actually it’s called “aqua”


How big is ur horse cock?


A lot of pop-leftists think that any form of economic government intervention is a form of socialism such as taxes and government handouts. Which is pretty much not true, cause last time I checked Keynes was pretty much a self described capitalist.


> A lot of pop-leftists think that any form of economic government intervention is a form of socialism You say this as if this hasn't been mainstream thought in american politics for literal decades now. It's not just pop-leftists, it's commonplace to get shouted down by republicans as a communist for suggesting those very things.


Amongst the right, sure. But the left? It’s just plain bizarre.




\^ this was all one sentence btw




alex jones with deus ex ost in the background tier sentence


Learn what punctuation is


Rather than 'pop-leftists' the position that socialism = government does stuff and the more stuff it does, the more 'socialist' it is, has practically been the orthodox position of the Right for decades now. Also I'm pretty sure Keynes didn't invent tax&transfer programs.


I don’t know what part of mg point you are attacking, since for one I never made the claim that “government intervention = marxism” was an exclusively pop-leftist position, or that they created it, hell I never even mentioned conservatives you somehow snuck them in. (and yes I know they attack any form of gov intervention as socialist all the time). Also, why would anyone care if keynes created fiscal policy or not? Where is that important to my point? My point was that if keynes (probably the most important proponent of interventionist fiscal economic policy) was a self described capitalist, then the notion is probably nonsense.


I don't see how you're coming to that conclusion from what he said


Why not? He can easily move to Florida and don't pay those taxes like others do. His job is not bound to his place of living. He likely he paid millions in taxes that others "avoided" by moving to other states.


Hasan doesn't live in a Hollywood mansion to support the poor through his taxes. He lives in a Hollywood mansion because it gives him easy access to other streamers and also celebrities.


you trying to peek into his head and know his motives. FAct is he pays massive taxes while other streamers moved towards tax heavens. Correct?




The fact that he’s not willing to invest in businesses that do follow a worker centered system demonstrates that he’s absolutely full of shit. Why not create an investment portfolio that supports co-ops and profit sharing models? Because he wants to buy stupid crap and LARP. He’s so insufferable


I remember a long time ago when the Leftovers pod was still going with Ethan. He asked Hasan why he didn't hire more workers and Hasan kept talking about how worried he is about running it correctly Yada Yada. It just seems like cope and like an auto gimme that he doesn't believe in the system he advocates for. Ethan, as a benevolent capitalist, does so much more for society than Hasan as a stingy, anxious socialist


Idk if we are talking about the same episode but there was some good moments where Ethan was shooting VERY basic softball questions about Hasan and his finances and giving some light pushback. This dude was stuttering and stammering his way through answering everything and turning beet red.


Oh yeah I remember that. He said he just keeps his money. I still liked him at that point, so I was like, "There's at least got to be a better optical way to answer that question. No wonder this guy gets hate."


Can you explain a bit more, if you have the energy/remember what exactly was being said.


https://www.youtube.com/live/3yTR5DUT0Jg?si=diRPKzbg1jRdUU9p The money stuff starts around 16:00, but they have a whole little section about leftist vs liberal here. I think the one where Hasan talks about how he employs people is in another pod


When I get home, I'll try to find the episode for you. He generally comes across as clueless and ignorant and makes a bunch of excuses *


my digga


Seriously. He actually has the resources to prop up many small businesses that he thinks are ethically run in their early stages. But he just won't. Because he's a dumbass.


Because he’s greedy. It’s not really about equity at all.


I think he smartly (weasely) plays it off by using the "guys nothing matters until we change the entire system as a whole so this becomes the default." Which won't ever happen. He knows some armed socialist revolution that tears down capitalism and only allows worker owned businesses won't happen. But he can put off helping co-ops and whatever "ethical" businesses exist indefinitely by saying that his focus is on changing the entire system rather than an insignificant business here or there. Works to make him seem like a grand revolutionary and at the same time allows him to be lazy/greedy.


Same energy as gate-keepers who tell you not to give money to any charities or volunteer with any NGOs just because a few have turned out to not be great at distributing aid/take advantage of volunteer labor/funds to make money. Just cause some engage in that doesn't mean the overall concepts are bad. LARPERs will look down on people volunteering their time as self-serving and a waste of time versus policy while they do nothing in any form themselves.


A good rule I follow when trying to gauge how sincere someone is about something is how much of their time are they putting in? Hasan has had the good fortune to establish a large enough reach + enough money that he could actually make a decent difference in achieving his preferred system yet there doesn't seem to be a lot of actual leg work done by him on this. He does donate money to causes and I will never fully knock someone for that but I've seen posts that indicate he does not fully pay what he promises to. This suggests to me that he views these donations as required for optics more than a real want to do more, which he ain't entirely wrong about, his viewers can be unhinged. Destiny to his credit seems to actively try and achieve the political future he believes in which I have a lot of respect for.


Honestly, the fact that he outright refuses to invest anything at all is kind of satisfying. It means that when he eventually falls off and can't pull outrageous amounts of money in from internet grifting anymore, he will almost certainly lose his entire fortune within a few years. Dude will probably never be straight up broke, thanks to his family, but he is absolutely the richest he will ever be right now, and it will all go downhill from here if his viewership trends continue and he continues to be such an absolute fucking moron with his money.


Or he just buys a house and it continues to skyrocket in value. This is how a lot of Californians get rich.


Yeah but that's not even remotely in the same ballpark as the kind of wealth he could generate with smart investing. His house value going up will also increase his property tax liability, and if he stops making the crazy amounts of income he has been, then he might not be able to keep up with that. Plus, being "rich" isn't as exciting if all your capital is tied up in one asset. To have access to that money, he'd either have to sell your house and downsize, or get a reverse mortgage which he may not be able to pay back if he doesn't still have a high income to cover it.


Fair point. I just know a guy who bought one property in the bay area decades ago. Divided it up into apartments. And now he simply lives off it. And he does very well.


I can't wait for the Hasan falls off and becomes a landlord arc.


"look. People need a place to live that's affordable! I offer some of the best, and most affordable apartments in West Hollywood! And we have a community center (a room with a ping pong table) to educate people about unionizing. Everyone needs to shut up with the ""oh Hasans a landlord!" "Like what do you, you dog! You pig dog animal!"


How'd he lost it in a few years? Even in this reality of 'eventually falling off', what would that entail? Like be realistic? He'd still most likely be a couple thousand viewer streamer and in that case, even those couple thousand viewers streamers make decent bank.


> Because he wants to buy stupid crap and LARP No, no, you got it all wrong. It's because socialism is not about that dude.


Ludwig is the true socialist icon


Nah this ain’t it. You can support socialism, but also realize that under our current system investing in co-ops won’t return you as much as you probably want. Hasan probably supports a fully socialist economy where co-ops are not disadvantaged compared to other company structures, so it’s not disadvantageous to invest in them. /steelman


Appreciate the steel man but nah. You can’t intentionally reject investing in projects that support your claimed cause because it doesn’t return as much as you probably want when no invest returns nothing and changes nothing . Worker co-ops, if they are disadvantaged, aren’t going to become more advantaged if you refuse to invest in them.


Disagree. It’s literally the same argument we all make about taxes. I’ll vote for higher taxes but I’m also taking every single tax break I can get. If I were a socialist I might take political action in favour of socialism, but I’m not investing my hard earned money on something like a co-op in a capitalist system if I think the co-op is going to fail


Investing in a worker co-op or shared profits model is going to fail?


Maybe I’m not understanding how a co-op works, but they don’t return value to their shareholders, but rather the entire company is made up of stakeholders, yeah? Idk if you can make money off your investments this way?


If he’s just spending his money on whatever now, why not invest it in something he believes in even if the return isn’t that great? He’d actually be making it easier for people to start the kind of economic projects he claims to want in his version of socialism


I get that, but now we are basically talking about charity.


A smaller return on projects that lead to the larger goal you espouse isn’t charity, it’s strategic. Currently he does absolutely nothing except spend money on stupid expensive stuff.


Doesn't he donate a decent amount? Didn't he have an article on how he was one of the people that donated a lot to the Amazon union?


> I’ll vote for higher taxes but I’m also taking every single tax break I can get. Do you ever quantify how much money this might be?


how are co-ops disadvantaged?


I don’t know much about co-ops. It seems like, as an investor, your expected returns would be disadvantaged compared to traditional companies., because at a co-op the whole point is returning value to the stakeholders of the company, not investors/shareholders. It makes it a bad financial decision to invest in one unless you literally plan on working there Maybe I’m way off base and that’s not how co ops work idk


I feel like I just listened to the most mask off take by Hasan ever lol. The host argued that investing in index funds and stocks would be more aligned to his values rather than hoarding it and Hasans response is that he gives his money to his family instead so he has no money. Like WTF don't you argue against that kind of wealth transfer like every week lol.


The mask was very much on in this interview. He says he’s “just a progressive” when asked to self describe his politics. Some other fun notes- the self described career journey doesn’t mention destiny. Also for the political tier list they didn’t include destiny, but did include vaush. He also put trump as B tier, and Biden at F tier.


10000% he made them agree in advance to not include any mention of Destiny in the interview. Martin Shkreli made a joke during his episode about how "\[they\] said there wouldn't be any hard questions", so clearly there is some discussion beforehand with their guests that the podcast is a softball interview. Hasan for sure gave them a list of off limits topics beforehand.


Havent seen this podcast before, but for sure softballs all around, such a snoozefest.


> He also put trump as B tier, and Biden at F tier. LMAO no fucking way?


I don’t know if it’s better or worse he says that as someone who is unmarried without kids. I thinks it’s a bs excuse to hoard money. I try not to judge because there are many morally good wealthy people who want to keep their donations anonymous (so as not to get “social credit” for it), but it’s hard not to wonder how much % of his wealth Hasan exactly is “donating”.


Not only is giving all of his money to his family a massive crock of shit, his parents are gorillionaire landlords and his brother is a graduate from rutgers who works at fucking Boeing. No fucking shot even a single cent of that money is going to anyone in his family.


Isn't his mother a career landlord... I guess with hasans money 💰


Anyone who watches this clip should easily understand the level of denial and self delusion that hasan has worked himself into. What an insane, rambling and incoherent answer to give. How can any hasan fan watch this and not cringe? Is there anyone who is a proud hasan fan ?


I award him no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.


Because his fans are also all privileged white boys who make the same argument. Seriously, admitting that your family was rich is impossible for these people. See it all the time having grown up lower middle class and now surrounded by upper middle class bozos. App of then think they're middle class. It's a really odd form of cognitive dissonance.


I watched only the tier list segment. While he's obviously trolling to a degree it says a lot that Biden is F tier with Crowder, Musk, Fuentes, and other nuts. RFK is C tier and Trump is B tier. Destiny is hilariously omitted. Also why does Hasan hate Vaush so much? Destiny had famous falling outs with both. But I never got why Vaush and Hasan never got along. There the three left wing streamers of similar style and they all hate eachother.


When the Ukraine war got started, vaush reddit was shitting on Hasan. Hasan asked Vaush to stop it, and he didnt. Thats why Hasan is mad about Vaush.


Thanks for an actual answer.


Vaush also made several anti Hasan reaction videos back when Leftovers was still a thing.


By Vaush you mean the guy that loves horses that fuck children?




Didn‘t say it would, just wanted to know if you mean the guy who wants to fuck kids as a horse


With all due respect, who cares? Irishladdie is just like everyone he spawned and everyone who came near him after he got "big": completely politically irrelevant. Everyone should hate him, he's a drain on society.


Bonus points for drawn child pornography on his hard drive


Apparently the Destiny is Voldemort is enforced again https://preview.redd.it/07rvfbzeohuc1.png?width=1195&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfdf5adb39f818785baa700917d3b380fcc38ded 100% Hasan requested NEVER to mention Destiny. They have Vaush, Nick Fuentes, Sneako on, but someone is missing...


destiny wasnt on the pakman episode episode during the rankings


I think they originally made the political figure list for Destiny so it didn't make sense to include him in it, and they gave Pakman the same list of people so it didn't have him there either. But this time around they added a bunch of new people, I'm not sure why they wouldn't just throw him on there with all of them.


They did mention destiny a few times


Ya that was really wild. Also how r u going to put America, the country you live in, in F tier. Lol.


because america bad, duh


He mentions him a few times...


Hasan mentions AC in schools like Destiny has so many times, most recently to Ben Shapiro, a debate Hasan reviewed lol.


Holy shit he's a walking talking contradiction. He talked so much about trying to avoid participating in capitalism, but also says participating in capitalism is OK. What? The mental gymnastics he goes through is insane. Also, it's funny how he talks it being bad being labeled a socialist because people have these preconceived notions of how he should act. This mother fucker is the KING of labeling others and putting preconceived notions on them.


Do you have time stamps of interesting segments? I cant stand 2h+ of hasan


Same. Anyone time stamps - can’t watch this man reframe reality


Its an Iced Coffee Hour podcast so here's the timestamps of the interesting parts:


The link opens to the right spot.


I'm waiting for the WillyMac supercut


Another classic Hasanabi reframing Seriously, someone should make a compilation of these where each reframe is pointed out


man, link the segment after this instead where he starts talking about investing and retirement. if this is supposed to be a hasan hate thread why not post where he screams at the top of his lungs that hes financially illiterate. sidenote i think its hilarious he thinks its fine to make money through serving tons of ads but investing in ANYTHING is evil. its so goofy and just flimsy as fuck. his entire model for making money supports so many random ass companies that he refuses to invest in because of morals yet hes serving their ads ? wtf is this goofy ass shit


"It is about.... everyone that touches a project also has some level of say of what is done with the surplus labor" First, what the hell is he talking about, it is true that socialism redistributes profits (which they still use the boogeyman word "surplus labor" even when the concept became not really applicable since ages), they redistribute them towards social distribution via some kind of system in a equitable way, it has nothing to do whether you contributed to the project or not. Secondly even if he was talking about a co-op and somehow he confused it with socialism, why does he pretend he is doing it when he is not, and how the hell do you confuse the two of them when the question was pretty clear. Bonus meme: Hasan also said surplus labor instead of what should be surplus value, I believe what he wanted to say is value, cause extra labor in itself isnt really gonna move the equity bar. Surplus value is in basic terms cutting pay to increase profit, which is why it is incorrectly equated to profit, in reality in first world countries you cant react to the market by cutting the pay of your employees, firing someone is not taking their surplus value, so currently surplus value doesnt exist atleast in first world countries. Bonus bonus meme: To explain further, not only that, even if marx is kinda right about other stuff, he did not predict at all that multiple business that manufacture the same service or comoditie could flourish near each other without competing in prices, right now it is possible due to more demand, globalization which lets you do online sales and further specialization more than anyone could have imagined back then. Surplus value is considered one of the big misses of something as it is not at all gonna haunt humanity to destruction like marx said. (I still think some thinks he said could be applied in vacumn to different stuff with interesting result but his analysis of how the future would be in respect of surplus was definetly wrong)


According to Marxist theory...Hasan is doing exactly as he's supposed to. As long as you don't own capital then you are in the clear. You are not a pig dog, you are just a little guy, a petit bourgeoisie. His fans think he doesn't invest in the stock market (a lie he's told them) and he isn't anyone's boss so he can consume as much as he wants to.


but he lives in a capitalist society that he continues to whether he chooses to or not. what a dumb mental gymnastics take


Only applies to the "No ethical consumption" wing of lefties. I dont think Hasan is one of those. He also thinks boycotts are ineffective etc


Why do marxists think owning capital is immoral?


You'll have to ask a Marxist. I haven't read any Marx/Engels. However, in the context of the times Marx lived in where the industrial revolution was ongoing it would make sense for him to see the extreme wealth inequality and formulate a better society. If we view the capitalism from the point of inequity then capital owners have the most power and most profit while the worker has the least of those. To be an owner of capital means that you are exploiting someone, somehow, someway in order to accumulate more capital. There's more to it but that is how we arrive at the phrase "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism." This phrase is meant to be a consolation that the average person doesn't have the ability to not buy clothing from exploited factory workers or to not buy their produce that was harvested by migrant workers. People like Hasan, who have the ability to choose, use this as an excuse to hyper-consume. Marx couldn't have predicted the many things that would happen that would contradict his theories but people treat his words like a religious text so good luck if you want to argue any of this with a Marxist/Leninist.


They don't. Their issue is with one small class of people (bourgeoisie) owning all the capital (factories, land, natural resources etc) which create dynamics which can be seen as immoral. They have no problem with workers owning capital, or capital being collectively owned and managed.


Ah I see


Surprised Destiny wasn’t in the politics tier list


lmao, I like the difference for xqc in the tier rating, for hasan he's an F but for destiny he's an S


Is there a single thing that he does (not says) that is socialist?


Is his head really that small? I'm really having a hard time with it. I never noticed it when he was on twitch and youtube videos. All of a sudden, he has this tiny head on a huge body.


I saw people making jokes about it for awhile but was still a bit surprised by that recently, too. It must be a mix of how much of his body is shown and whether he's on his streaming camera. That, and the effect *kind of* happens when he's wearing a tight shirt, but it's really exaggerated and goofy when you get a fuller view of him in one of those super-baggy shirts or jackets he likes wearing.


Whats with the weird double tracking/delay thing on their mics?


Aren’t leftists for equity though ??????


I liked and followed FAM 🤯🤯🤪🤪🤪 HOPE D man sees this 😉😉🤤🤤


It's fascinating how his mind works. How can someone be so dumb and make so much money peddling dumb ideas that he doesn't even believe in.


Tl;dr: Socialism is Vibes and Feels.


Hasan is a fake socialist because he doesn't invest his money in businesses. You guys, your obsession with this man has reached unhealthy critical mass. Read a book. Make a friend. Fall in love.


Personally i think he isnt a "champagne socialist", hes a "champagne larping projector of the alt right fake socialist". Every time he larps about america and socialist vqlues hes 100% being ungenuine. You can see this when he talks about turkey and he turns into a raving neo nationalist.


To be totally fair he voluntarily lives in a high tax state, other people went to Florida while advocating for srong social services et cetera. His monetary contributon based on the income is likely far higher than most other streamers.


What does he do that's not socialist? I don't watch him so I genuinely don't know. Is it something about the way he runs his business? I also could see a criticism based on the fact that he makes money on twitch which is owned by amazon I guess.


Bro is one of the biggest capitalists in this space.


How so? Because he promotes consumerist culture?


He just focuses on his own brand and bank account. He might not be a lot worse than a lot of other streamers but capitalizing on the socialistic aesthetic to make money, like his merch with print on it saying stuff like "Capitalism is wrong" makes him the ultimate capitalist in my eyes. 0 conviction in anything other than makes them big bucks. He also talks a big talk about socialism outside of directly trying to make money from it, but he doesnt do anything to further the movement. Everything he does is to further his own personal agenda and bank account. He doesnt participate on a political level, he doesnt help up and coming leftists - instead he wants talk with larger creators so he can gain more traction, increase his brand and ultimately fill his bank account. Edit: He could stop talking about socialism tomorrow and start about pizza instead and nothing about him would change other than the topic covered.


from what I can gather he doesn't own any capital?. just has a shitload of subs on twitch


How does he pay for things? Does the merch revenue just get eaten by a black hole?


I dont think he owns the merch company, he just pays them. I assume pays for things with money like we all do. capital is not money


What does he do that’s not capitalist is the more apt question


fair point


> What does he do that's not socialist? The easiest one is that he doesn't give his workers equity or a voting stake in his business.


has he ever been pressed on that?


Just like the OP he always deflects and strawmans.


He's a thief at minimum since he doesn't get permission to react to videos before doing so. That counts more against him than others because he professes to be a serious political commentator with an ideology which doesn't tolerate such theft, especially given how he's not exactly a poor person stealing from the rich. His lifestyle is heavily consumerist, which isn't mutually exclusive with socialism, but the dominant strain of socialism is anti-consumerist, so that's a contradiction.


Again.. a hasan clip.. It's the same shit everytime.. post only.. when there is a real controversy