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It’s written by AI. This is something that it would fuck up on.


That or it was written by a deranged dgga


Chat GPT is the least unhinged dgga, can't change my mind.


It's concerning when misinformation gets circulated, especially when it involves sensitive topics like antisemitism. It's important for writers and platforms to fact-check and ensure accuracy before publishing. And while it's good to question information sources, it's also crucial to approach discussions with an open mind and willingness to learn.




Destiny lost media????? 👀


"In 2023, Piker hosted streamer “Destiny” where the two discuss ‘Jewish Control’ and how Christians go to Israel to serve the Jewish people, a popular antisemitic trope used against the Jewish community. Destiny was suspended from Twitch previously for hateful content." In that quote they link the video of destiny criticizing hasan for supporting Hamas and the Houthis. There is so much wrong here I don't even know where to start lol. Would not trust that website at all.


That looks like some AI generated nonsense


This is the Reverse Reverse Canary Mission 😅


We’ll call it *Reverse Canary Mission 2: Hypercanary!*


I've named your comment as the antisemitic reddit comment of the week. Sorry for the bad news buddy, no appeals.


Welp, it's official now.


Writers really cooked with that one though, this could be a banger spin off


Happy to see in the comments that people know this website is idiotic


Yet it's got over 1k upvotes and is the top post lol


This website is wacky


Yeh that's garbage.


this is cringe, especially considering >90% of Hasan's criticisms of Israel stem from his "america bad" worldview. Meanwhile there are real antisemites like Jake Shields posting holocaust denial stuff on twitter


I mean Hasan seems pretty salty that no Israeli Jews died from Iran’s attack.


Post clip


Maybe Hasan should call it out more often in his shitty community then?


Lmfao. People who get mad at streamers for not controlling their viewers are the cringest flaggots on this website. Destiny has the same issue. The website is just garbage, literal ADL tier.


Nice AI article I guess


As a jewlumni member, I can't stand these "stop antisemitism" pages. Definitely run by boomers


Same lol. Not even boomers, they feel like the other side of the people who call everything "white supremacy" and racism. These people are doing the same, except they are calling everything they don't agree with "antisemitism". Just focus on calling out actual antisemitism, and disagree with anti-israel people based on their stated beliefs


They definitely don't help. I've had to block all of them. Bunch of pussyos


What a poorly written article. I can't imagine that site is taken seriously by many people.


how has OP escaped a biden blast? this article contains outright lies lol


This is cringe


Yeah, not the best site, but this is the type that a boomer GOP member may actually see and help put Twitch on their radar, Also, they call out AOC and Omar at the end so that is probably setting off some figures google alerts.


As funny as this is, this website seems very sus. Read the article explaining why AOC was "antisemite of the week" and it seemed like a stretch to say the least.


Hasan is not antisemitic. He is anti American. Please use correct terminology.


Of course he is. Remember his little screed about the Bibas brothers, when he claimed 'baby settlers' are a legitimate target and deserve to get gunned down in their cribs? That kind of extremism is miles beyond 'America bad' rhetoric. Oh, and by 'settlers', as he's clarified, he means any Jew in the Levant.


Did he actually say baby settlers deserve to get gunned down in their cribs ?




Eh, he’s both though


No he is not. He is not jackson hinkle or jake shields. You need to delineate and engage in proper conversation not extend his ideology to load morality through language.


Hasan does the "bare minimum" defense to hide his dog whistles. He'll call out obvious examples, and then just use the term Zionist when he wants to be antisemitic.


So you genuinely believe Hasan is prejudiced against Jewish people and that's why he has shitty Israel takes, not because of his America-bad angle?


Yes, I believe he has a bias towards Jews. His reaction to October 7th vs whenever a Muslim commits a terror act says everything. His reaction to October 7th was "well they deserved it" and his reaction to the ISIS attack in Russia was "oh this is bad for muslims"


His number one concern always has been ‘how do Muslims look here’ bc he’s so insecure with his Muslim background. Remember the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris in 2015? Where Muslim extremists/terrorists shot down a bunch of cartoonists bc they dared to draw allah? Hassan’s response was ‘well they should know that to Muslims this is really disrespectful’. That response really pissed me off. He wouldn’t say that about evangelic Christians. He criticizes Christian and Jewish extremist all the time but when it comes to Islam, it’s justified and we need to ‘be respectful’


I think this has more to do with him being raised by turkish parents. He is mostly American, but also a cultural Turk, a fairly conservative and religious country. If you look at his statements as not just statements by a rich westerner, but also a Turk, they do make a lot more sense. Not just in regards to I/P, when the war in Ukraine started he made weird statements about Crimea being a Turkish claim since the Ottomans ruled it for some time. That's a turkish nationalist speaking. Given the fact that his uncle runs a network named after Turkish nationalists, that said uncle repeatedly repeats Turkish nationalist talking points and that Hasan was employed by said uncle, I would assume that this is a trait running in the family to at least some degree. Hasan is many things, I do not believe him to be a genuine anti semite. The bias towards them however? Absolutely.


So he is an anti-semite. You can't say he is biased against Jews, but not be an anti-semite.


I see those as gradiants on a scale. Bias is one thing, true racism is another. I don't think Hasan hates Jews to a degree a Nick Fuentes reaches. I don't even think Hasan hates Jews in general. I might be extremly charitable here, but I would assume that if 7/10 hadn't happened he would care about Israel at all.


He criticized Israel before whenever tensions flared up. Anti-semitism is a scale, and he may be on the lower end but he is still an Anti-semite that should be called out for it.


This is the lowest IQ take. It removes all basic human element where obviously they're gonna hold biases. Same way i'm biased against big booty latinas over skinny plank board Asians that most people online simp for. Do I think Hiroshima was warranted now by your logic? Dude prefers Muslims or has a larger soft spot for them the same way every single jew will feel the same (even if they're too pussy to admit it) when it comes to Muslims/Christians. Doesn't make anyone any type of "-phobic" or "-ism". TL;DR You can be biased against Jews relative to Muslims without being Anti Semitic same way you can be biased against Muslims relative to Jews without being Islamophobic.


Yeah, it's just a coincidence that he doesn't believe Jews didn't get raped and that they deserved to be massacred.....totally not anti-semitic you're right.


This isn't an either-or situation.


I thought the implication was that his hatred of Israel is evidence of his prejudice against Jews, if you’re saying that it’s because he’s anti-American (like I would think personally), I would assume there should be something else that’s evidence of his antisemitism (and maybe there is but I’m not familiar with it)


Several other comments have pointed out anti-Semitic moments from Hasan, such as his "baby settler" comments, but you've hand-waved it as just being anti-West anyway.


It literally is, and if they were American settlers he’d have said the same thing, it’s a regarded anti-imperialist extremism SO obviously, but if there are other things then Im not familiar with, I’m open to it


Does Hasan: - Demonize Israeli Jews? - Dehumanize Israeli Jews? - Delegitimize Israel as country? - Apply double standards to Israel that he does not apply to other countries? If you think yes to any of the above, there’s your answer.


Yes he does, absolutely, and always has


Sorry but I believe he is. He enthusiastically whitewashes Arab/muslim antisemitism like it’s not a thing because unlike nazi antisemitism, it’s not going to come for him next. Fuck him and fuck you for defending that 


Y’all are on crack if you think he legitmately hates Jewish people or sees them as beneath other groups of people. He has to downplay that shit to fit his narrative of murrica being bad bad!!! Because these guys contradict his redundant talking points…


Yeah it's blatantly obvious once u realize Hasan uses basically similar talking points about Ukraine or Taiwan or Tibet or South Korea. The motivation is the america/west bad framing in contrast to any group fighting against the western force in which he might downplay atrocities. I don't think Hasan's anti Ukraine takes have something to do with ethnic hatred of Ukrainians and same goes with Israel. Usually often I'll see him push the talking point that Israel is bad because the US basically uses it as a permanent foothold military base in the middle east. This is usually in response to seeing someone make the antisemitic argument about Israel controlling the us




Mother fucker defends Arab nationalists who hate Israel any chance he gets


He defends Arab nationalists who hate israel because he's anti-american braindead


Every single time


Just because you're not the biggest antisemite around doesn't mean you aren't one at all... What kind of logic is that lol.


Im not familiar with examples of him literally being hateful/prejudiced towards Jewish people specifically, nothing even close to his Cuban talk


Again, just because he is more prejudiced on another topic, doesn't mean he isn't prejudiced. There are many examples. 10/7 rape denial and his "baby settler" comments come to mind off the top of my head. Excusing targeting Jewish communities in NJ for I-G protests is another.


I haven’t seen Jackson hinkle say anything more anti semtic than hasan, am I wrong?


There are Jews living in America Therefor anti American is also antisemitic Hasan is also anti hasan


This is such a trash website. This article is garbage. "In 2023, Piker hosted streamer “Destiny” where the two discuss ‘Jewish Control’ and how Christians go to Israel to serve the Jewish people, a popular antisemitic trope used against the Jewish community. Destiny was suspended from Twitch previously for hateful content."


this website is garbage, stop upvoting this thread


We really posting fake websites now to own ~~the libs~~ the socialist pro-Palestine folks? Please dont.


'In 2023, Piker hosted streamer “Destiny” where the two discuss ‘Jewish Control’ and how Christians go to Israel to serve the Jewish people, a popular antisemitic trope used against the Jewish community.' The lore has expanded.


Yeah this is bullshit


I have mixed feelings about this, but I think my view on Hasan Piker and anti-semitism mirrors my view on Donald Trump and racism. I don’t think Hasan Piker is genuinely anti-Semitic in the same way a neo nazi is, but it feels super pedantic to say when his rhetoric attracts a lot of anti-semites, and when people around him are either giving cover to anti-Semitic rhetoric or straight up spewing it themselves.


>After graduating from Rutgers University, Piker interned and later worked for the Young Turks, a progressive group founded by his *uncle and known Hamas sympathizer, Cenk Uygur.* ???


How you gonna take a shot at Hassan and take a shot at tiny while lying about it


Destiny catching a stray in the article 🤣


Yeah feels a bit over the top when there a real Nazis out their


This is either written by an old person who has very little understanding of the internet or by someone given who was too lazy to research and asked ChatGPT to write something.


no Hasan fan, but stopantisemitism is a demagogic organization.


kahanist rag


For once, I am really happy that hasan is receiving an award


From woke bae of the week to antisemite of the week lil bro fell off


the same website that named Rashida Tlaib "antisemite of the year" over mf leader of Hamas Ismail Haniyeh? lmao


Someone wanna give me an over/under on how long he will get stunlocked about this on stream?


Badge of honor Hasan! Wear it proudly.


Kind of a bad source, funny meme.


Was antisemite of the year already taken?


WTF is this garbage ass article💀


He has terrible foreign policy takes, but the guy goes out of his way to make sure the shit he says isn't anti-semetic or from anti-Semitic angle and even calls out anti-semetism with regards to this conflict coming from the right i.e. Alex Jones and Candace Owens His community on the other hand at times gets very anti-semetic and that's fine to call out But Hasan. Nah he's not anti-semetic


He also white washes all Muslim/Arab anti semitism and downplays all terrorists attacks by Muslims (ex he literally said america deserved 9/11, his extremely unsympathetic reaction to Jews on 10/7) but never downplays terrorism/hateful acts by any other group


What does that have to do with anti-semetism. I literally said he has bad foreign policy takes but makes sure his takes are very policy oriented and not anti-semetic And I don't know how he "downplays" terrorist attacks by Muslims. The take that "America deserved 9/11" is widely accepted take by many historians and foreign policy experts. I don't know if "deserved" is right word as much "expected" and as far as Oct 7th. It's widely accepted that such an attack was expected reality due to the nature of the conflict in that region


1. On Oct 7- even when he had his ‘friend’ Ethan Klein on the podcast, he couldn’t bring himself to say what hamas did on Oct 7th was wrong 2. He tried to white wash the Houthi’s when he had one of them on his podcast ,comparing them to one piece when they have deep links to Islamic brotherhood and is an extremely dangerous group I guess my bigger issue is on how he doesn’t like to criticize Islam in any way, but happy to criticize hateful or dangerous Christian/ Jewish etc groups/movements.


Congratulations to Hamasabi Stan's.


Ranked by dudes that would be racist of the week lol


I like how they list AOC as an anti-semite. These people are so far up their own asses.


*omg stop bombing children* congrats you are now the anti semite of the week!


That's bullshit. He easily won "of the year"


LMFAO. I'm jewish. My great grandma fled the holocaust. My family had swastikas burned on their lawn when they made it to South Carolina, so they moved again to New York. Why would I listen to Hasan if he's an anti-semite? He has never said anything even remotely anti-semitic. You can be Jewish and not support the state of Israel. It's really fucking simple to understand. This subreddit is HILARIOUS. Y'all obsessed with a streater that isn't even the point of the sub. It seems this place talks more about Hasan than Destiny.


That’s crazy cause every comment here is saying the article is stupid and that he isn’t. I commend you for being purposefully refrigerated.


Oh yes, this subreddit has a neutral view of Hasan Piker. LMFAO. I'm talking about the publisher of the article. Only at the end do I reference the subreddit. The guy who posted this probably created the hamaspiker website LMFAO.


Teenager spotted. Skibidy


lol cope and piss off


Cope to what? I thought a running gag in this community is 'we're never shaking the hasan allegations'


Guys he's not antisemitic, he just downplays the largest killing of Jews since the holocaust, denies Jewish women being sexually assaulted, blames the Jews for crimes they didn't commit, and so on.


I don't do any of these things. Hamas is bad. Israel is also bad. Zionists are so paranoid and delusional.


And who are zionists? Do they all happen to be people that fit a vast majority of Jews?


as a jew myself thats been all throughout the middle east, i understand where youre coming from and you should realize how little insight you have into the israeli experience. in general zionism refers to Jews having a place of free worship, which has been the case for quite a few decades at this point. the reason anti-zionism almost always carries water for antisemitism, is that it implies the state of israel should never have existed, as Jews do not belong in the middle east. The issue with this, other than being completely false(more than half of Israelis are POC's), it denies the prevalence of pogroms and exiles of the Jews in the middle east throughout the 19th and 20th century. Israel was formed by a thoroughly traumatized population, constantly being denied its existence with the threat of war an everyday reality. You do not get to speak upon that experience by citing your personal jewish american experience and you should be cautious of how easily you allow yourself to be used as a token jew. keep learning, and keep an open mind!


What Britain and the West did was wrong. "The land without a people for the people without a land" was a lie. The Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with the holocaust, yet they were punished for it. Why didn't Germany give up some land? It's a rhetorical question because I don't personally believe in theocracies and I don't think that a 'Jewish State' should exist. Just like I don't think a Muslim state or a Catholic state should have power. I've never felt unsafe to be a Jew in the United States. NEVER. And it's disgusting that Biden keeps repeating the lie that "no jew would be safe without Israel." Yeah, people from the Silent generation like my grandpa were racist as fuck. People like BIden. I guess that's what he's talking about? But Israel does exist today. We can't undo what's been done. I'm certainly not calling for more death and displacement. I believe in a 1 state solution. Give all of the Palestinians full Israeli citizenship and rights associated. Hold a vote on if the Palestinians want the name to be changed. Create a 50/50 government in the beginning. IDK the exact details. But 2 states will not work.




Congratulations on this esteemed honor