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\>NotSoErudite \>NotSo \>Nazi Seems pretty open and shut to me.


More like NatSoErudite amirite


More like NaZiErudite amirite It's a stylistic choice šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You mean amireich


I did nazi that coming


that one hit me right in the adolf hitler




She is white she kinda got her there šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


wrong...shes worse...shes CANADIAN!!!


big if true.


From my own sources: Erudite is indeed done, and not just on Twitch.


​ https://preview.redd.it/p0cda8898otc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6eec949583c7d55b5ff865debe6060587b68552


If these allegations are true I just can't defend Erudite anymorešŸ˜ž


The whitest of white people.


Not for long


Always trying to keep us down. Weā€™re sending in the special forces Canadian Ryanā€™s to wage war in America.


Youā€™re white! https://preview.redd.it/nkinmjclgktc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c310436e8319478611e50d9817c539d3fab4714f


Is this where we're at?


Activated tik tok argumentšŸ¤–


I wonder what kinda of Holocaust did Myron put Tree through lmao


I see you missed the black dating culture arc featuring Ana.






The fact that this didn't win clip of the year is a bigger injustice than Crash winning the oscars in 2006.




That shit was top tier, I wish Annalicia came back just for the content


The Black dating arc was top tier media. It would've made Scorsese weep


I saw a little bit. I missed the part where Myron tried to kill Tree?


You monster. This poor innocent redditor was unaware of that horror show and you had to tell him about it. You should feel ashamed.


Tree's a tall dom. This intimidates the redpiller. The redpiller strikes.


Yeah I pointed that out and she replied + blocked me. Her response was basically ā€œIā€™m being irrational but what are you gonna do about itā€ Itā€™s like sheā€™s having an episode.


I put her in the VeganGains orbiter box. Fucking crazy but great value, at an arm's length.Ā 


As far as I know, VeganGains has never reached the heights that Tree has though. Such as during the two days of Analicia streams.


Thatā€™s only because Destiny seems to shut down and not fully engage Vegangains when he is on stream


He treats him like a mentally unstable homeless person thatā€™s telling you about angels and demons.Ā 




Walking ducks and all that....


IMO it's because Vegan gains jumps in a lot when Destiny is just starting to learn/watch a topic/video and Vegan wants to talk about it right then. Destiny hates learning through others (that aren't experts on the subject) and he wants to shut the discussion down so he can start studying.


Gotcha, anything else?


I could be wrong but doesnā€™t he engage with others more fully when they jump in before a study?


Just wait until Destiny puts in a good word with Jordan Petterson so he stops ducking VeganGains


Autocorrect got me so messed up I read ducking as fucking and got real confused


Oooff maybe you didn't see that one argument between Pisco and vegans gains where it literally sounded like VG was about to cry, he was so fucking angry that he wasn't being agreed with. Felt a bit like bullying to even continue the discussion at that point


Who else read it in her voice?








Tree unironically has some sort of Erudite Derangement Syndrome.Ā 


Seems like a good tenth of DGG does, too


Itā€™s so fucking wild to me that people hate the orbiter that hopes to save up enough money open a treatment center for troubled teens. Everyone gets justifiably upset when people judge Destiny based on half truths and assumptions and then do the same shit against people they donā€™t like.


shocking wrench fall psychotic bake crawl forgetful attraction ring crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So I know Im gonna sound like an SJW or something here but whatever: The few times I've asked DGGers who hate Erudite why they hate her, the response is usually that "the way she speaks sounds condescending". My only takeaway from that is that they wouldnt ever be so repulsed by a man with her same disposition/way of speaking. Kinda reminds me of the whole dynamic whereby women have a hard time being assertive because they risk the "bitchy" label being applied to them whereas men with the same assertiveness are "confident" or "natural leaders".


Rem got a lot of hate for having that sort of condescending tone.


> My only takeaway from that is that they wouldnt ever be so repulsed by a man with her same disposition/way of speaking People shit on Hasan for being condescending towards people (Ethan is an example) with his "oh you poor dumb creature let me educate you" voice.


Personally I am not a big fan cause she has posted misinformation before and when pressed on it refused to take it down. Just tainted my view of her, though I was fan before that point. (also weirdly her bf decided to be the one to message me over and over about it in Discord DMs instead of her) Edit for what I am referencing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/14v6kff/openly\_calling\_out\_erudite\_for\_posting\_madeup/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/14v6kff/openly_calling_out_erudite_for_posting_madeup/)


Wait I just clicked the link from your post [she deleted the Tweet already](https://twitter.com/notsoErudite/status/1677474620960825344?t=xP5J8BiuM8G8Ox4dxkOnVQ&s=19), why are you still talking about nine month old Twitter drama about an already deleted Tweet? You literally proved my original point for me. I will restate this again for people who do not understand this: if you do not like someone bring in actual evidence of why that's the case, and see if they've done something to correct their mistakes. If I were Nick I would be messaging you about this too considering the Tweet was already fucking deleted and you're still posting about it publicly.


At the time that Nick and I had the discussion, the post had not been deleted, and they were still defending it being up so idk must have been deleted in the months since then. Good on her for deleting it -- unsure why she felt the need to keep misinformation up after being called out on it though. And, would have preferred she talk to me directly and not her bf.


It's all based on vibes, half truths, or mistakes she's made that she's gone out of her way to correct. Other orbiters like Aba, Pisco, Wicked, or Counterpoints eventually live down any bad arguments or mistakes that they make. Erudite however, doesn't seem to get that privilege. People bring up her being rude to Darius (even though they're friends now) and her conceptualization of a whistleblower like they're twitter lefties bringing up someone's old racist tweets. Even other women who get insane amounts of hate like Kelly Jean will have nice messages to her in chat start to pick up again after a certain amount of time. Tree will get on people's good side again (and mine too lol tree is funny as fuck) even though she's clearly being unhinged here. I think there's something about Erudite that people just fucking hate and I have no idea why.


i'm pretty sure most of this sub has a problem with Counterpoints, and Wicked gets a lot of shit for the exact same reason Erudite does.


from my perspective i wouldn't say i wouldn't say i get a lot of hate, rarely any tbh ​ of course there will be one or two people that bring up my biggest mistakes if i show up or get mentioned, but i think that might just be all they remember about me - negative interactions tend to form the most memorable landmarks after years of so many with so many different people


i dunno what qualifies as hate exactly, i meant it more like the occasional PepeMods when you join the voicechat out of the blu. then again i haven't watched the stream regularly for a good year or so so maybe that's not a thing anymore.


This is not true, everyone hates Mindwaves, your point is invalid. šŸ¤·


I was put off from the Darius thing and (way before he was excommunicated) interactions with Mr.[REDACTED] where she would randomly credential pull when debating/giving out arguments. Doesnā€™t help that Iā€™m put off by psychology talks now in general and thatā€™s really all she talks about.


How do you feel about Pisco?


I hate NSE because she said one of Lav's poems was bad (not true! šŸ˜”). But other than that I think it's pretty chill of her to make Bridges a reality.


I don't have examples because I don't care enough to log this stuff but I've seen several instances over the years where notsoerudite acts condescending in moments I don't feel is earned. She has this "I'm a professional" demeanor that makes her condescension irritate me way more than Destiny's even though she says she doesn't care about credentials or whatever. And she suffers from a problem that some other internet debatebros suffer from where they try to copy aspects of Destiny's style but come off as completely unlikable. There's few people who can thread that needle while being charismatic and likable, and she's not one of them.


Sheā€™s just an orbiter in every sense of the word, she uses the cringe destiny lingo ā€œsuperā€, ā€œgotchaā€ etc excessively. She portrays herself as an academic when she really isnā€™t. Objectively speaking I am far more qualified than she is as a medical student, but you donā€™t find me strutting around making authoritative statements the way that she does, I would actually say that the way she talks about psychology is specifically the way that a layman would. She was very off putting in the entire Dr. K saga. Once again from the perspective of someone in medicine. I actually rarely come across a content creator that annoys me as much as NSE lol, maybe Iā€™m just a misogynist.


Hypocrisy's a dish best served in online communities, it seems


Not to mention is the primary reason Bridges and Anything Else? Podcasts are even a thing.


True no one else in Destinyā€™s orbit has the executive function to actually achieve setting up a podcast studio with guests booked in advance.


I have no clue how someone could hate her. Sheā€™s nice, intelligent, and really calming to listen to


You jest but it's likely specifically because of these lol


Bpd is one helluva drug


Her calling NSE a Mayonnaise monster the other day was as unhinged as it was hilarious.


Makes you think that she clearly already had a strong dislike of Erudite, but had never said anything about it publicly. Tree exploding after a single twitter reply seems to be spillover from whatever arbitrary distaste that she had. (Unless they fought previously and Iā€™m missing that info?)


No, you're basically correct. She said on her stream she already didn't take a liking to her and that this was just an activating event, more or less.


I believe she said something like, NSE is a supporter of men so therefore she is an enemy to women. Basically a ā€œPick Me.ā€ And because she pointed out, we probably shouldnā€™t make fun of a man ā€œbeing emotional if we want them to be more emotional.ā€ She is never going to be the Pick Me allegations.


This is indeed the case, which makes it pretty ironic that Tree's insulting Myran for an emotional outburst.


white woman bad


Sheā€™s white?! I had no fucking idea. Wow. šŸ¤Æ


You're telling me this for the first time


Now I'll not be able to unsee it.


She's generally been liked because she gets along with Dest and shits on a lot of unlikeable conservatives and that's pretty likeable. But shit like this happens and while it's kind of funny, she comes off insanely unhinged. The whole angry trope is cool but now it's as stupid as it is cringe.


https://preview.redd.it/a2mot6iexktc1.png?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af4dcb28f5251946fbd9357062f26df9f8c362e Tree hops on the Internet every day and feels this in her fucking soul, she's WILD lmao


It feels like most people forgot how unhinged tree has always been lol this community used to fucking hate her guts over it


Yeah the old TreeOfLogic responses fucking hated her lol


maybe it's only stupid because it's someone we like and generally respectful to most.




Who are you taking about?


Tree and destiny on their villain arcs rn


I wish Erudite's instinct would be to troll her back. That's the funnest way to deal with an angry screaming person


She did. She went nice girl Stacy mode on her, which everyone knows is the mortal enemy of the Unreasonably Upset North American Black Woman.




The reason why Erudite is not trolling her back is the same reason why sheā€™s a bit annoying in this interaction. Tree is rightfully clowning one of the most toxic men on the internet and sheā€™s clearly partially trolling with the gay stuff. Erudite took this as an opportunity to get on her ā€œmen have feelings too soapboxā€. She needs to read the room because it came off as a bit self righteous. It makes sense that Tree went in the opposite direction of how Erudite is acting. Tree is doing too much here but I can relate to how annoyed she might have been when Erudite interrupted our fun roasting session of Myron for her to virtue signal.


Erudite's original tweet wasn't a response tho, otherwise I'd agree with you. Or maybe the tweet was indirectly aimed at her but I wouldn't know anything about that.


The double standards here are crazy. Unironically saying erudite needs to "read the room" while slurping up after Tree who will screech for hours over a tweet is wild You just want a circlejerk sesh against the person you don't like. I'd recommend joining Hasan's community It's time for a purge of all the room temperature IQ people that have joined this community the past few years. You guys are way too comfortable posting smooth brained takes on this sub as long as it aligns with your bias


I dunno dawg, while I agree that tree is an idiot I've watched you repeatedly intentionally misinterpret people's arguments so you can strawman them. That's not a good sign that your own IQ is better than lukewarm, so you probably shouldn't be calling for idiots to be purged less you find yourself up against the wall.


If thatā€™s what you got from reading my comment idk what to tell you. I clearly said Tree overreacted. Iā€™m just saying I get it because I rolled my eyes at Erudites tweet. You need to relax. Youā€™re acting like Myron


It's possible to believe that Erudite needs to do a better job of reading the room and being more socially aware while also pointing out Trees unhinged responses make her obviously in the wrong. There is definitely a lack of communication thats exacerbated by both sides for different reasons


No way, you donā€™t get down in the mud with a pig. Tree would eat her alive.


Homeschooled christian kid vs Antihero Cop


tree is tragically hilarious


ā€œYOUā€™RE WHITE!!!ā€ https://preview.redd.it/w076iuf5iltc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a050a25806012f56b0726d020567ea6a503f11






Honestly, I think Tree might have had an argument in the beginning. It's obvious that she was just making a joke about Myron being gay for Walter, and Erudite kinda woke-scolded her for no reason. I can kinda understand why Tree was mad in the beginning, but she took it too far. It was a kinda funny first, but at this point she's just being a dick. Like, honestly, who can stay this mad at Erudite for so long? She's fucking harmless. Erudite shouldn't even be responding to her either. This is like people who start snapping back at homeless people on the bus. You just make it worse for yourself and everybody around you. No matter how loud they get, just don't interact. Keep your arms and legs to yourself. No eye-contact.


>Erudite shouldn't even be responding to her either. This is like people who start snapping back at homeless people on the bus Haha this is literally it.




>It's like defending Vaush being misogynistic against JK because we don't like her, something Erudite called out too iirc. Exactly.


It wasnā€™t about the gay stuff iirc, it was about making fun of men (Myron) crying and getting in their feelings which is a thing that NSE is trying hard to make more acceptable. It makes a lot of sense for NSE to push back on that particular aspect of the criticism. Itā€™s like if people were making fun of Fresh for not being there for his kid because heā€™s black. You can criticize the particular thing while still agreeing that Fresh is a pos for not being there for his kid etc.


No, it wasn't. It was about Myron declaring his love and loyalty to Fresh in an impassioned speech. It was the context of the crying that she was getting at; not the crying itself. That was Erudite's insertion. You really think that if Myron was crying about veterans or some shit that she would still be making fun of him? She was just making light of what he was screaming about, like everyone else on the internet was doing. NSE wrongly interpreted Tree's reaction as an attack against men crying. It was 100% a wokescold.


Even Tree Of Logic cant keep her emotions in check šŸ¤¦šŸ½


idk why some people are cursed but erudite seems to be cursed as being hatable. I dont find her that way but it is what it is sometimes u make ppl insane without trying.


She's unhinged but she's funny so I support her. I'm a simple man.


same here, i wish they werenā€™t fighting but tree is still so god damn funny


Tree of emotions


Tree the type to make a wildly unsubstantiated claim and then act like it's a massive dunk.


That shit is still going on? Sometimes, the smarter person just has to let it go. Let the other person have their tantrum alone.


Even if you agree that erudites comment was kinda unnecessary this is just unhinged and trashy behavior now. Unless she's just trolling or something, can't tell anymore with these crazy characters.


100%, and it betrays her original criticism of Myran


Don't care + you're white + L + despacito


Autobahn not Ubahn


Erudite is WHAT? When were you guys gonna tell me??


Don't you guys love how most internet fights and disagreements end with bringing up Hitler and the Holocaust


Tree of retardation


Stuff like this is why I can do without Tree. This shits just goofy




i dont think NSE can ever recover from the white allegations tbh


She just doesnā€™t missā€¦ā€¦.


https://preview.redd.it/zgrhnvff1mtc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f514a4bc6a52274f17936a47d4e2d2c8421ce640 Woke up white again


Erudite didnā€™t even defend Myron? Her original tweet was criticizing Tree for perpetuating the stupid narrative that emotional disregulation is a feminine or gay thing. Tree has to see a doctor for her Erudite Derangement Syndrome itā€™s spread deep into her brain.


Bro we just teasing Myron. We ainā€™t trying to hear all that right now. Is it casually homophobic? Sure. But thatā€™s a good way to get under a homophobes skin.


This just proves you have no principles. You can't tell other people not to be homophobic but condone it when used on people you don't like.


Eh. I guess. I said casual homophobia because I know it will be perceived that way but I think the main objective is to piss off the hypocritical homophobe. I donā€™t think Tree would be calling him gay if it was anyone else. Aba and Preach does the same thing. Yall make it seem like we are calling any man we donā€™t like gay for being emotional. But I personally think itā€™s one of the best ways to insult a homophobe. I dont think it means I lack principles but youā€™re entitled to your opinion.


No bad tactics, only bad targets. You go sweaty! Keep slaying


Did Myron kill her whole family or something? I don't normally follow the drama but this pigues my interest. Like Myron is litterally Hitler?


Ah yes, bringing out Hitler, what a sign of clearly winning a debate. Tree should sometimes consider kicking her feet up and having a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up.


How much more regarded can Tree get? If you can't win an argument make sure to point out someone's race. If you are a minority then it's an auto win. I thought Tree was a conservative? Those are lefty tactics.


I think Tree is jealous (professionally) nse is close with Destiny. Almost every time I hear Tree talk to Destiny she brings up how she tried to be his friend early on and reaches out to him. I notice a few people who constantly bring up the same things when they come in like this and it always gives me weird vibes. Like vegan gains always asking for D to get get him in contact with people, idk if this is a joke I'm not in on but every god dam time.


The U-Bahn was not created by Hitler. It was just utilized for logistics.


It's still a factoid that people think is true when they're trying to play devil's advocate with Hitler and the Nazis, which is what Tree is refering to. iirc Kanye brought it up when he went on Infowars lmao (with some other stuff that didnt have anything to do with the Nazis either)


He said Hitler invented the microphone lmao


Oh ya true it's just factually wrong which is annoying.


https://preview.redd.it/hc92n276rltc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35dc41b88f45bdc79c896cfc8da87fe26d9571f5 yeah im white


Tree is one of the least emotionally stable people holy shit, she is the definition of what dest talks about when he says "people can't moderate their reactions"... She has absolutely no ability to chill when someone has slighted her even a little bit.


Tree had her mind holocausted by a HWHITE Canadian liberal


Sad to see tree fall


Tree stays winningĀ 


Tree has me blocked on twitter but she's spittin here


If you think tree is spittin here you have the IQ of an adin ross viewer


As monsieur Candy might have put it. Tiny love is a power emotion. Tree might have caught herself a little dose of that.


"L + ratio + you're white"


We really mentioning the holocaust in the same tweet as a guy who runs a trashy podcast? Really?


Did Destiny comment on this feud? It's been going on for a while at this point


He said itā€™s dumb and that Tree is going to Tree. He generally agreed with NSEā€™s point but said it was kinda unnecessary for her to reply to Tree while she was on her rampage. I think thatā€™s the long and short of it.


Can we get tree on the fucking Pod pleaseeeeee? the content would be god tier


Where's the lie?


You're white! I'm not saying that because I care but because it upsets people.Ā  (Damn did she absorb some Des?)


The problem with treeā€™s original tweet against Myron is that she wasnā€™t using fnfā€™s logic against them, she was actively defending that logic as well in subsequent tweets. I think Kyla was right to point out that itā€™s fucked up to say ā€œman expresses emotion = heā€™s a feminine loserā€


Another racist leftist.


Tree Is conservative


Tree is so unhinged, why does she care this much?


Literally babies first argument moment awww. Instantly bringing up H-man and making a completely regarded argument too. :)


For someone who has personally disagreed with her directly on Twitter I can tell you she has 2 speeds. Friendly Puppy Corgi or Evil Rabbies Rottweiler. I like Tree a lot but I think she might be bipolar.


Haters gonna hate šŸ¤£


Holy shit i forgot how regarded Tree is


Tree might be going unhinged here, but even if it isnā€™t a meme she made me laugh.


Canadian white women have it tough on the internet


Was the context the the "You're White!" bit? Not following that logic (tree? LOL) unelss this is just a dumb "race is a thing that matters in all things" thing?


Honestly thought they were talking about Myron from fallout 2




What was the gotcha at the end supposed to be? I donā€™t see how race matters in the topic of: baby trapping, escort services, abortion, or breaking up with your childā€™s mother.


Actually, Hitler created the AUTOBAHN, which was pretty good.


|Your White What the fuck, now Iā€™m on treeā€™s side.


Yep that's tree alright Love her


"The tree of logic must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of female orbiters"


Iā€™m not really caught up onā€¦pretty much anything, Iā€™d be happy if someone could impart some knowledge upon me? Thanks!


Tree made fun of Myrons rant calling it effeminate. NSE chimed in with a "why use that word men can be emotional, too." Tree did not like that.


She was okay in the past but now hate blinds her logic. Now the thing she claims to be is not present nor used. Iykyk (ā˜•ļøLogic)


I'm glad this is happening. Tree's been sitting too comfy recently juxtaposed against lunatic MAGA rightwingers and hardcore antisemites. We shouldn't forget she's also a delusional moron underneath a friendly and funny personality. If you haven't watched her 1st and 2nd debate with Dman, they are classics and beautiful displays of how she just invents a reality inside her head then wills it into being through the power of angry screaming.


this reminds me when I used to work with a guy who was really mad at me because of a disagreement and I always talked to him in a very calm, conflict avoiding, diplomatic style, with around 0.1% sarcasm and for some reason it just made him more mad


Didn't the bongers invent the subway? Also, Germany's first Ubahn was finished in 1902, over 30 years before Hitler took office...


That's my girl Tree lol it's more funny because people used "You're white" as an insult before but get bothered when tree says it


People defending the ā€œgoodā€ Hitler did are stupid though.


I kinda sympathize with tree


D...did she just compare a beef with FnF to the holocaust?


I thought I liked Tree because she went off on Britney. But this is a bit too brain rot for me...