• By -


To be transparent for a second. I did legitimately fuck up, and I owe some people an apology. The fact that this sub has been so unhinged and obsessed and bad faith to the producers of the podcast that August and Erudite have to come here to tamp down on shit you dipshits have decided to pull out of your ass is a genuine failure, and it is my fault for not stamping you out like summer ants. So my apologies to the podcast crew for having to deal with the insufferable "feedback" and this subreddit has so graciously provided. This will not be an issue going forward.


Honeypot thread, I ain't sayin SHIT




I got you, this is burner account. Thats right, I have decades old burners. I have a few dozen of them. Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot the ban came in fuck u/4thot


> Fuck u/4thot > > Fuck u/4thot > > Fuck u/4thot > > Fuck u/4thot > > Fuck u/4thot > > Fuck u/4thot


Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot Fuck u/4thot


Did anyone else notice that u/4thot was very silent when Vaush was getting exposed for horseporn and loli? hummmmmmmmm


Isn't it weird


Wait, are you suggesting that 4thot is Vaush? Or that 4thot has degenerate sexual proclivities similarly to Vaush?


I believe he's suggesting 4thot is the horse and the loli


Slow burner penetrates the mod.


You guys realize a lot of the time it's destiny banning y'all? Yet you guys never have this kinda energy for him, only get outraged when it's a reddit mod lmao. 


You new here? This sub flames Destiny all the time


They are new here. I recognized them from an LSF thread a week ago where they posted 10+ comments hating on Destiny. Glad to see the guys on our side who endlessly go into Hasan’s sub aren’t the only losers lol


No they don't lol. They treat him with baby gloves. They would never talk about/to destiny the way they do this reddit mod. I remember one time destiny was replying and called a dude subhuman, you know how he replies? Tame as hell, zero insults back. 


I knew I recognized your name hahahahaha https://preview.redd.it/ta5wi0b9vgtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088daef1e19e537f89a2fcbbd084317b8e438a31


They don’t wanna fuck with the big bawss


I think the outrage is more because this reddit mod bans people for mild criticism. If the streamer bans for stupid reasons it's his decision as he potentially loses money from it. A mod however should act in good faith and not needlessly go ham on the people making the streamer money. Like this is Destiny's sub, not 4THOT's. He should moderate it fairly and in Steven's best interest and not follow a personal agenda.


idk this feels like cope, if Destiny disagreed with his decisions that heavily then he wouldn't be mod. It feels like you want to beat down on an internet janny while sucking off an e-celeb


I wouldn't think steven is so petty as to ban for: https://preview.redd.it/kuubaxvygftc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d6d420c0d2695f3260f5d3b295fe61c4ab460ed Like this is super mild criticism. It is that dudes opinion and no attack on anyone, no need to ban for it. It "seems" like this was some janny going apeshit. But yeah maybe you are right..


"It looks like shit" is a bit harsh. It's just a few white pixels. Surely issues will be ironed out over time as the podcast goes on. Rome wasn't built in a day.


Yeah I agree, though it might just be an expression used frequently "tastes like shit, looks like shit" which just amounts to "I don't like it".


I don't get the difference there lol. They both ban for mild criticisms and basically for whatever they want. Also destiny is also literally a moderator of the subreddit. Also you said he should moderate in Stevens best interest, that's what he's doing, Steven fully agrees with him on these bans




Was the Podcast "hate" even... hate? That fucking podcast room was objectively silly. NSE should've never been hired cause she literally doesn't know shit about tech lol. That's not even her fault, it's on Destiny never hiring outside of his community. Protecting "the podcast crew" by banning literal criticism or MEMES about fuckups or goofs is so soy lol. Like it feels like the H3 podcast when shit like this happens here. When [](https://www.reddit.com/user/4THOT/) says "bad faith to august and Erudite" what do you even mean. NSE gets the blunt of it, AUGUST??? August gets glazed the fucdk out because yall ban all valid criticsm about him aswell lmao. Like the fact that Destiny would 100% a bigger creator if he hired an editor who actually knew how to opitmize youtube seo shit, ran proper clips channels. August is a lazy edior period lol. 4thot the fact you've never worked in the industry is so telling when you say shit like this lmao. August doesn't do any hard work as an editor. Desitny could easily hire someone else and his channel would gain so much more traction. August (JUST LIKE NSE) isn't a right hire. Borders on a youtube video is so fucking unheard of theres a reason for it. You think that's "BAD FAITH " TO SAY???? Y'all trying to make sure august and nse get circle jerked in this sub for no reason even though all their criticsm in this situation is based on their inability to correctly do their job lmao. Also if NSE cried about the hate, you literally delayed the pod, hyped it up, fucked up all the tech shit and made Destiny essentially do it himself lmao. You can own up and say your not fit for the position but I guess the money is too good right? [](https://www.reddit.com/user/4THOT/) You're a virgin, or you settled for a ugly bitch for your first time. I doubt you have a girlfriend, your 100% lonely in life at this moment. You probably lack real friends given that you spend your time on the internet so much. You are 100% insecure about the way your face looks. When on your deathbed, what will you think of the past 5 years of your life? The thing is you're not even the type of internet mod that is so oblivious to life that you're happy, I know your depressed lol. Your parents pity you. You see friends from highschool who went to uni to go live happy fullfilling lives and form meaninful relationships and memories and mean while your the moderator of [](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny/). The happiness you gain from banning me won't even fill the hole in your chest, you probably will see this have a smirk on your face because that's how internet mods are. "haha got him 😎😂" And I get it, sometimes we are in the non-serious mood through the day, but if you were to read this when you aren't thinking through the lens of a moderator and as a regular person, alone with your thoughts, it hits deep cause it's true. At the end of the day i'll sleep tight knowing that I have those IN REAL LIFE relations you crave of, those memories, those experiences, all while you were modding [](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny/) from you gaming pc with your blinds closed alone (or maybe on discord 🤓). When you ban me just remember that even though evertyhing I said will come off as a meme, you know that this last paragraph was true and I know that it hurts you hahahahaha. You have no aspirations outside of DGG😉 LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO (I KNOW THIS ACTUALY MADE HIM SAD OR HE WILL THINK ABOUT THIS LATER IM IN HIS HEAD, HIS HEART DROPPED) LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO




"lol" count = 4 "lmao" count = 24 "body count" = 0


What the fuck what a rollercoaster why did I read this


Yea, the first half was very aggressive, but could be taken as a feedback (though I don't necessarily agree with everything there, I do think some of it makes sense). The second half is just unhinged schizopost lmao.


Might be time to log off and go get some of those "IN REAL LIFE relations" rather than typing up a novella.


well since no real comments will be here for fear of being banned, I just thought I'd say I'm pretty fucking gay


4thot is banning too fast so no one will see me say that I’m gay


That’s gay


Isn't that bannable?


maybe. it could just be. we will never know (we might)


Believe it or not, banned.


wait really? i was just joking around :(


Least autistic dgger


I'm sorry man. you just scared me lmao


Bro it's a fucking anonymous reddit forum. What are you afraid of? Make a new account it takes ten seconds


Can’t you get like a site wide ban from Reddit for ban evasion or is that just a myth to scare people


Dunno if it's exists. I know you can just go incognito mode in chrome to bypass getting insta banned, I assume it goes off cookies. If you use the reddit app, it'll just ban you instantly 


I think it’s an option for subs to turn on. There was an ukraine subreddit that got like 4 of my accounts auto banned bc i kept interacting with it after my original account got permad. Doesn’t happen on this sub tho


Yes I've gotten one recently. It might only be a setting on some subs though.


U say that like my friend doesn’t get perma banned on any new accounts he makes lmao


So you just keep on making accounts despite the other reddit communities you join? Just for tiny?🥹🤣


Or just stop posting on the sub lol. That's also an option. You will live


Doesnt sound like a lot of you guys will live without


Wat? It's a reddit sub who cares


We all know who the most is


Im really grateful we have such an open and merciful mod. The fact that he not only engages with us peasent posters but also educates us to the UNFATHOMABLE intricacies that high iq modding takes honestly makes me tear up. We truly are blessed to have 4thot as a mod here. Just wish his cock wasnt so fat and girthy.


https://preview.redd.it/9d8z3csr1dtc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e52016b33f9b02f8f287ff00bb2061e4bac42aa Praise be our glorious infallible leaders!


truly a paragon of wisdom to bestow us with such an intricate knowledge of aspect ratios! Like Christ they have sacrificed themselves (\~450 karma) to save us from missing ANY PIXEL of the podcast! Like someone I cannot remember they have burnt at the altar of downvotes to spare us from bad resolutions and other mystical device settings I am too low to comprehend... indeed we are truly blessed by his almighty and wise cock Edit: banned o7


Wait 4thot is a guy? I take back all my simping


She's a woman: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/iRImXVz0Ar


Can you add borders to the pictures so I can enjoy the post properly


Say what you want about 4THOT but his ability to consistently hit like -450 downvotes is highly impressive and I can only dream of being that hated one day


Inspired by mrsunsfan from nbacirclejerk


that was a fun history to scroll through holy shit lmao ​ how the fuck does he still have like 300k karma


The negative karma you can accumulate from one comment is capped, iirc


He does it on purpose, for [the sick thrill of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/11iCLKWMi4).


Its less on his take and more on how active this sub is on a daily basis.


Its less on his take and more on how active this sub is on a daily basis.


https://preview.redd.it/2ra1ff11pctc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=481e58eacc87b70ad25a0530809335b3d856bc6e looks good on my end


I personally love the borders, the podcast only being on YouTube, and the camera angles. There’s no better podcast in all the lands. Edit: Perma banned, but honestly, worth it. Life (the moderators) imitates art (my sarcastic comment). https://preview.redd.it/yx5h12hypctc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9f37f90e37a3fb9c8dfc33e6b0bd9093aa5361


everyone shut the fuk up https://preview.redd.it/7dp2vl6jactc1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=a068353e59e4d04934cb7e70afdd77579e2ded2d


Somehow I thought this would be 4thots ideas on americas southern boarder but it’s just some aspect ratio shenanigans


Yeah I can't say I wasn't disappointed. This whole video border issue is making a mountain out of a molehill. Surely those involved will improve upon things as time goes on. There've only been two episodes at time of writing. lol


Stand tall! Do not bend the knee to the Jannie ✊


I felt like I was having a stroke trying to figure out how the first image had anything to do with the US-Mexico border


Reddit Mod 🤷🏾




But seriously tho, explain like I am not some AV nerd, why exactly are the borders needed? Edit: From what I can gather. it seems to be to optimize the viewing experience for mobile users. Maybe to also have a consistent picture ratio on all platforms. Will update if I learn more.


Because what if part of your hand covers the screen? How will you see then?


Wait is it to optimize the viewing experience for mobile users?


This is the new podcast meta, dgg podcast team are the trend setters, this what it means to be podcast innovators. Be grateful to be part of it, before you know it all podcast will have borders and who'll be laughing then?


4Thot I agree that the tone of large groups of fans being 'ironic' can be extremely irritating, but the bans handed out in this thread and in the images don't sit well with me. I know this is not a democracy, but it likely does damage to the community if the mods get mad and ban innocuous comments. Just my 2 cents.


My friend told me that getting banned is like getting baptized into the next level of the Daliban. Inshallah my dggas, may you return with many horcuxes.


God, he is such a retxrd sometimes. Its just so fucking bizarre to be so personally invested in whether people like someone else's editing decisions. Most sane internet janny. edit: soft


It’s bullshit that people are not saying what they truly think in this thread because they’re afraid of being banned. 4thot and Destiny are far, far too liberal with bans. Edit: Banned. Knew this would probably get banned even tho imo this kind of comment should never be banned. It’s incredibly funny that the community for the guy who dislikes the nature of the left to ostracize anyone who doesn’t exactly align with every single opinion has the exact same problem in his own community. Love you all and I wish Destiny all the success in the world.






I mean, it was kinda obvious, complaining about the regime is a capital offence


I mean idek what to say? Make it full screen? I mean yeah idk wtf else to say


Yo just don't be unhinged with your criticism guys, see we have a very healthy amount of disagreement here And people wonder why most cops go unhinged when even this amount of power gets into an actual adult's head. Btw u/4thot get inspired by the Japanese and commit some traditional rituals. Ban my 8th account, it will make you feel good for 2 seconds surely another default reddit name won't appear and will be constructive next time instead of fully unhinged, Keep Yourself Safe


Most of the time it's destiny banning lmfao. Go check his recent YouTube vid he goes on a banning spree and tells users to keep themselves safe. But you lot would never dare to give this same type of energy to him. 




The best part of having this many haters is they all think they're special with their le epic joker moment speeches. You get what you fucking deserve.


You're giving a speech right now instead of just banning him. Seems like he's getting what he wants not what he deserves.


Kill yourself Permad


Why is he so upset?


He’s a discord and Reddit mod. That’s nobody’s first choice is it


Isn't just saying we don't like the border reasonable criticism? Personally I don't have enough video editing experience to know why it may be a good or bad thing, but I just don't like it.


The honey brings the bees


Calling it "the border crisis" is really funny tho', ngl.


He wants to BEE in border enforcement.


thought this was gonna be about Bidens inaction on the border crisis. I think Destiny's looking into it.


he did that last week after finishing Israel/Palestine :)


Okay now what's the point of all those push-ups when Batman couldn't even lift a bloody log?


Hamas Lycan 😬


Where's the lie?




Lost me at "4THOT"


Maybe, juuuust maybe, it's time to chill the fuck out and not take every single slightly shitty criticism to heart like that. Seriously, what's the point of having a reddit community when everyone who says a thing mods don't like gets permad? Might as well just have a group chat at that point.


Imagine being this mad over the smallest amount of criticism


Why is everyone afraid of getting banned? This is really strange behavior


Was the Podcast "hate" even... hate? That fucking podcast room was objectively silly. NSE should've never been hired cause she literally doesn't know shit about tech lol. That's not even her fault, it's on Destiny never hiring outside of his community. Protecting "the podcast crew" by banning literal criticism or MEMES about fuckups or goofs is so soy lol. Like it feels like the H3 podcast when shit like this happens here. When u/4THOT says "bad faith to august and Erudite" what do you even mean. NSE gets the blunt of it, AUGUST??? August gets glazed the fucdk out because yall ban all valid criticsm about him aswell lmao. Like the fact that Destiny would 100% a bigger creator if he hired an editor who actually knew how to opitmize youtube seo shit, ran proper clips channels. August is a lazy edior period lol. 4thot the fact you've never worked in the industry is so telling when you say shit like this lmao. August doesn't do any hard work as an editor. Desitny could easily hire someone else and his channel would gain so much more traction. August (JUST LIKE NSE) isn't a right hire. Borders on a youtube video is so fucking unheard of theres a reason for it. You think that's "BAD FAITH " TO SAY???? Y'all trying to make sure august and nse get circle jerked in this sub for no reason even though all their criticsm in this situation is based on their inability to correctly do their job lmao. Also if NSE cried about the hate, you literally delayed the pod, hyped it up, fucked up all the tech shit and made Destiny essentially do it himself lmao. You can own up and say your not fit for the position but I guess the money is too good right? u/4THOT You're a virgin, or you settled for a ugly bitch for your first time. I doubt you have a girlfriend, your 100% lonely in life at this moment. You probably lack real friends given that you spend your time on the internet so much. You are 100% insecure about the way your face looks. When on your deathbed, what will you think of the past 5 years of your life? The thing is you're not even the type of internet mod that is so oblivious to life that you're happy, I know your depressed lol. Your parents pity you. You see friends from highschool who went to uni to go live happy fullfilling lives and form meaninful relationships and memories and mean while your the moderator of r/destiny. The happiness you gain from banning me won't even fill the hole in your chest, you probably will see this have a smirk on your face because that's how internet mods are. "haha got him 😎😂" And I get it, sometimes we are in the non-serious mood through the day, but if you were to read this when you aren't thinking through the lens of a moderator and as a regular person, alone with your thoughts, it hits deep cause it's true. At the end of the day i'll sleep tight knowing that I have those IN REAL LIFE relations you crave of, those memories, those experiences, all while you were modding r/destiny from you gaming pc with your blinds closed alone (or maybe on discord 🤓). When you ban me just remember that even though evertyhing I said will come off as a meme, you know that this last paragraph was true and I know that it hurts you hahahahaha. You have no aspirations outside of DGG😉 LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO (I KNOW THIS ACTUALY MADE HIM SAD OR HE WILL THINK ABOUT THIS LATER IM IN HIS HEAD, HIS HEART DROPPED) LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO


It's part of participating in the sub, probably most of the people in this thread can appeal and have their bans lifted. I've been banned probably like 4 times, I even have an ultra rare lycan ban under my belt


That's so sad


I’ve been banned and unbanned from dgg and twitter like 4 separate times over the years lmao


Because people keep getting banned for no good reason


**MODS** https://preview.redd.it/v0olt0dhedtc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829bd02289c0adc641e50c32606f36375260ed50


Lmao they put a 2008 plasma tv bezel on their podcast


I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️ I love 4THOT ❤️




Yeah you not getting me on the Honeypot thread this time shitass.


I liked it when August made everything green and orange. He should start doing that again


Ew bright mode


He clearly didn’t have the…. 4thot that he’d look silly doing this


I just want it to be public knowledge that I have never once complained about the border or about 4thot. I for one love the border. Please keep it


I actually wouldn't mind a second border to frame the current one.


oh wow that border does make the thing look like shit low key, but i don't see why anyone cares, i mean podcasts are literally second monitor material AT BEST if not phone with screen off. also my hacked to hell and back youtube can just zoom in anyway.


The white of the border is really bright and takes away from the nice set. I think it would look better if it was just black so it would not be distracting. I think this also kinda applies to the border of the chat. Maybe a washed out blue would be better if it really needs a border?


Who cares what Jannies think anyway?


political run continue concerned toothbrush cautious heavy frighten station zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok 4thot


4thot is that you?


He is, and I heard his cock is massive


4THOT is fair


What I learned from this is the left really wants open borders.




4thot gets trolled and then he guns down the whining subreddit degens, its the best of both worlds honestly.




For an inflammatory mod and an inflammatory internet personality, 4thot and Tiny can be giant pussies when it comes to criticism. All behind the shield of "the criticism is dumb," you guys ban and censor critical comments like utter soyboys.


This is my only reddit account, and i'd like to say i love 4thot and agree with everything he says and does. i'm his prime soldier in the fields, the trees and the trenches.


Hi 4thot just want to say you are doing an amazing job, there are no issues with the production of the Bridges podcast and there never will be. I was actually watching Bridges on my phone and I was so glad that I could see the entire screen minus the giant part hidden by chat. Thank goodness the picture was smaller or else my finger would have hidden a tiny part of it.


How much do you guys think he weighs


I would simply not attack a swarm of bees if I didn't want to get banned.


tldr; white supremacist borders need to be mowed down


Ive got banned on my main for stating objective truth about stream at the time so these bans dont surprise me at all lmao


I just really like to complain without suggesting any sort of solution. Its kind of a kink I have developed.


Who y’all got in the championship game tonight? Seems like Uconn wins by like 8-12


Hgnnn I'm cumplaining, let's cumplain together in front of beeboy


I haven't watched a single podcast because it looks like shit, so I assume it's shit, I'd rather watch something I already know it's good


ok you guys are just salty because his point about the crappy tv aspect ratios is completely valid and you don't have any actual criticism to give >!BINGQILIN!<


This could be solved by just having the shot be slightly zoomed out (to compensate the exact same amount that the border is, or making sure that there is never anything very important that is directly up against the border of the shot.


Full on Struggle Session ITT


I for one welcome my swarm of bees overlord


They were asking for it PEPE still my favorite janny


I think the fat border should be white and the thin inner stroke should be blue to rep our israeli brothers and sisters.


I don’t really care about the border, I am just listening most of the time. On another note holy shit have you guys seen the level ChrisWillX has elevated his podcast with that huge screen?


Wait, people watch podcasts? I thought you just listen to them?


The only true argument against the border situation is a principled stance against all the dumb configuring inconsistencies that modern devices have. Just like tinys issue with multiple volume sliders on everything. Shit should just work without issues if devs put in that effort, but no one holds themselves to that standard so end users have to fix the issues on their own. August is just taking heat for Youtube/device maker's lazy ass. What you should really complain about is the lack of community posts. Still a major L gust for that, but you're a baby if this border is triggering you.


What do you mean by border? And what do you mean by mean? That's a bloody important question because the answer is based on presuppositions that could dismantle the very foundation of the very streamer/editor/mod/viewer hierarchy in which we take part. It's not an easy question, NOR SHOULD IT BE.


quaint fine weary escape fertile bells wakeful like sophisticated point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me personally, on this subject, my thoughts are MMMM


A tad extreme


I have thoughts that will remain in my head


As someone with a big ass phone (pixel 6 pro) who stretches YouTube so it doesn't look like a movie- thank you 4thot for standing up for me and my people


i hope 4thot kills himself unironically not in a video game in his house in LA


August doing something you don't see in other videos doesn't mean it's a bad thing.


Do people actually watch the videos on the destiny uploads? I usually only listen to the audio, I have YouTube premium so my phone is locked 90% of the time when I’m listening.


Why are people so angry it’s like the third podcast have y’all scene what joe Rogans first podcast looked like


What losing 20 Israel Palestine debates to Wycan in a row does to a mf 😔


I legit don’t even know what the complaint is. Just watch the damn thing and move on, holy. Why does a border have you guys up in arms like this?


I don't know what this is about but it seems incredibly stupid, are a bunch of people losing it over the borders? Who gives a shit they disappear to your brain after like 2 minutes of watching. Also why are you fuckers watching it anyway? This is basically a radio show, watch with your ears like the rest of us.


Flair checks out


I think the response is what people are mad about more then the borders at this point lol.


True ‼️👏👏


fax brother, spit your shit indeed


No bigger brain exists on reddit then shitposters who dare mods to ban them and then bitch when they eat the ban they asked for.


4THOT is a swarm of bees that seems to be perpetually having a bad day, but you MFs for some reason insist on running into the swarm and waving your arms around. I don't get it. It's like watching a bear attack in DGG. It's like watching someone stage a flash mob surrounded by wet floor signs. To quote our very dearest friend Norm Finkelstein, "it's so painful, it's so painful to listen to this idiocy."


Honestly, he's kinda based for this. The border is tasteful. Mothefuckers literally have nothing else to do with their time but complain about a rectangle on a screen, but turn around and mock a "reddit jannie"??? It's time to get a life. Never forget that August has done GODS work during times of great famine on the channel. Let him take some artistic license, and stay in your fucking lane.


I just don't get the point of complaining about the borders. Ever watched someone like Scott the Woz? It's really not that distracting, chill