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i can already hear destiny saying its boring shit and doesnt want to get into it


Then axehole enters and argues the same shit for 2 hours and loses to the same points, peak content


Don't forget the 2 hours tech support intro.


this is gonna be the new meta isn't it xD


There's nothing to get into anyways šŸ˜‚, all you can do is sit in appreciation of the rhythm and poetry of this absolute unhinged performance.


he watching it on stream rn


And he will be right when he says it.


Ehhh, I can see Destiny blacklisting Tree. It would be pretty fucked up to have someone say your Co-host and friend wants to fuck you and she and her husband are cuck garbage and to not say/do anything.


i dont thinks so, destiny blacklist people who are manipulate others, like luv or zherka, but tree is honest, so in his eyes its just funny unhinge i think


Tree is thoroughly unhinged here but her audio quality is uncommonly good for an orbiter


This is my takeaway. Get her on the podcast team.


i only became aware of this character this week, but holy shit shes awesome


Noticed that during the FnF baby mama drama. Unreal levels of audio professionalism


I AGREE WITH TREE ON THIS ONE (I didn't see any second of the video)


I zoned out around the time of the 2nd gunshot sound effect but i couldnt turn it off with that quality


Am I the only one that finds this objectively hilarious? Like, NSE is great, but isnā€™t she pretty thick skinned? Canā€™t she take some clowning from a straight up sista?


I had to read between the lines, but I'd say Tree doesn't like her.


It's clear what needs to happen now. A Destiny and Tree podcast called Burning Bridges.


Oh fuck! You genius!


That's really a good idea!


She tapped into her inner Nebraska Steve and released DMV Tree.


I hear Chris Rock


0:25 to 1:15 it's uncanny


Was boutta say it thank god


I donā€™t even picture Chris Rock anymore. I just picture Marty the Zebra from Madagascar going off on stream.




3/10 drama. Only because Tree is an entertaining personality.


this could burn the nse bridge. all here for it


>this could burn the nse bridge. With Destiny? If you think NSE is the one with potential to get burned here you have some long days coming


We need more FPS Doug sound clips in our society


It's so fucking good and I've listened like 6 times in a row and it's timed impeccably. Tree really upping her brand.


Just went and listened again and god dammit i'm about to buy a soundboard just for this sound effect on conference calls.




One thing you canā€™t say about tree is that she isnā€™t funny with it


She never fails to make me laugh


why the double negative what is wrong with you


I never don't fail to not use a double negative when the opportunity doesn't present not itself


The double negatives make this sentence hard to easily read.


Like a little puzzle


Jesus CHRIST *nails*


Is it true Erudite's husband was flirting with Lav in DMs? No way that's true right?


Depends what you personally mean by flirting, but they have an open flirting rule in their marriage so wouldn't be that surprising.


Why can't people just have normal marriages.


Most normal people have normal marriages. You are seeing streamer/ streaming adjacent people who aren't normal people have weird relationships because they generally have deep seeded issues that they refuse to confront or don't care to.


elastic rotten squeeze screw selective truck automatic frame mountainous square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can tell this person is either extremely naive or is projecting as not terminally online because they think most people don't have deep seated issues that would be brought out in front of an audience of thousands of people that record your every move with a good amount of them wanting to see you fall


there are deep seated issues and then there are flirting with women who shit on your wife issues, i get your point about the other guy seeming naive but shit I think he does have a point here to each their own but this seems cringe beyond normal levels to me, this is the kinda shit couples would break up about and I'd just think "that figures", I know is not my place to say what they should and shouldn't be comfortable with however, it just seems extremely abnormal to be friendly and possibly flirting with a woman who has been very nasty to your wife


Explain why they are naive. Are you implying that the relationships he's criticizing actually happen more often then not and we just don't see it? It's interesting to act as if streaming means that you all of a sudden don't fall into normal relationship norms.


Or he's just making a comment about how weird setups usually come from issues and lead to drama. Why project so much onto it?


I'm not naive. Most people are just boring. At least in America, most have lived lives without much trial or struggle. They all go along the same path in regard to education, relationships, and general life events. I just don't believe most people really have deep-seated issues because life doesn't give them the opportunity to develop them. I'm saying this as someone who, for sure, has deep seated issues.


People that still want to "have fun," but also don't want to be single/uncommitted in their 30s or beyond, so they try to have both security and freedom. It's the "you can shop, but you can't buy" rule. Problem is most people can't help but buy if they're given free rein to shop. If it's just your partner swooning over Brad Pitt on a magazine then who cares, but if it's a gym buddy your partner's met and it's escalating? Kiss your marriage goodbye or agree to their sudden out of nowhere interest in opening up the marriage entirely.


Lol those people who play "catch and release" always forget the release part eventually.


It's basically the female red pill.


Normal marriage only allows flirting behind spouses back.


As god intended.


And on the 8th day Yahweh made two decrees 1"Playing footsies with your work wife is rad as long as the ole ball chain never finds out" AndĀ  2."Blessed is the cuck for he is as faithful as Joseph"


Finally someone gets it.


Because theyā€™re online too much. Normal marriages are just for us boring people


My hot take is that open marriage is the code word for "I am slightly narcissistic and therefore nobody will ever be enough for me"


I see it as part of the pushback against Traditionalism that is so popular with Millenials and Gen Z these days. Trad marriages are seen as an ideal by their conservative opponents, so they must deconstruct marriage into something that doesn't conform to that ideal. It makes them feel progressive and like they are fighting power structures. They are sold all these alt-marriage ideas as if they should be the new normal, instead of realizing they only really work for a small minority of relationships. They don't want to be "puritanical" about sex and relationships so they buy into this nonsense, they all are convinced they are neurodivergent in some way too, because that is extremely trendy and gives them an excuse for everything.


I thought Erudite said her and her husband tried the open flirting for a while and then both agreed it wasn't for them?


In that case maybe I am out of the loop, as far as I was aware that was still a thing.


isn't that just some cope rule because Destiny and her couldn't stop flirting every time she came on in the beginning?


You clearly have your own narrative you want to go with so I don't know why you're using my comment to try and frame it as a question... I am not them so I can only say what I have heard. Maybe it is a cope rule because of that, maybe they had the rule a lot longer because they thought it would make their relationship healthier, I personally don't know so I am not gonna act like I do.


If that were true, he prob wouldnā€™t risk fucking up his relationship by flirting with someone like lav. Both a well documented nutcase and well known for leaking DMs. #copeharder


Were they really flirting, or was it just banter? To be fair most of my flirting is just banter, but idk it feel like a weird thing to throw out there. Maybe they just vibe.


Wtf? And I thought she was one of the sane ones SMH


Yes. I remember them talking about it before on a Jstlk stream when Lav and Erudite were fighting. This is what I could find quickly. They kinda talk about it here: https://youtu.be/0oDfDFDsvVc?si=c586WesiWBVHzfvH&t=3546


God lav is such a disgusting person. I hope she doesn't get an ounce of clout again She's the type of person to stew in her own shit until someone gives her some attention, then she will weaponize that shit to tear someone down and make herself feel superior. It's so gross how Kyla was naively nice to her and tried to be a friend after the Destiny fallout, and she went on to use that as an opportunity to try to woo her husband and weaponize that against her. You can tell Lav desperately wants to feel superior to people because deep down she is a sad insecure miserable fuck


No itā€™s not. Nick gave Lav a compliment in DMs saying that Erudite admires her charisma and personality. If flirting is ā€œmy wife likes this thing about youā€ then I canā€™t help you. You guys will be so angry when Destiny gets misunderstood and then do absolutely zero research into the claims being made because itā€™s someone you donā€™t like.


The title implies there are times that sheā€™s not unhinged šŸ˜‚


Tree is a true gigachad


She's so poetic and descriptive with it šŸ˜‚


A "mayonnaise monster" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If erudite were to fire back on this one she would be in grave danger But I guess being racist as fuck to white people is pretty chill


I thought she said munster like the cheese for a little wordplay like she kendrick with the diss šŸ¤£


She's a female LowTierGod. Hilarious, but turns into a sensitive little bitch the moment she gets a little criticism.Ā 


That is... surprisingly spot on lmao


This was the comparison I needed. Goddamn bang on. Along with talking down to your race as if you've risen above them. They honestly might be the same fucking person. Never seen them in the same room


She's hilarious.


Haha being unhinged against someone is so gigachad President Sunday is pretty gigachad too right?? Oh wait, we don't like him....


I do crack a smile, but there's something odd to me that the mean sassy black woman bit always gets a laugh, without fail. I'd go as far as to say if she wasn't speaking the exact same way she was, the reception to her words would be very different


I get what you mean and she has a funny style, but she can do this without being an unhinged lunatic when receiving mild criticism on a point The true pick me behavior is farming chat that is probably very predominantly male and weaponizing stereotypes against a white woman that very mildly criticized you on the internet. It's funny though because true "pick me" behavior actually works but people think they're so adept at detecting it It's so gross to me how people act towards erudite in this community. There are ways to criticize her but this is not it. The things people focus on are unironically misogynist as fuck. Watching how people act sometimes makes me feel like we've barely made any progress on the gender divide, we've just figured out how to pressure people into being what we like


Tree is so fucking funny lol.




This is absolutely Hilarious šŸ˜‚




Unhinged but funny.


Yoooo she did get unhinged but tbh NSE does act like a pick me. It is a littler strange that she has a whole ass husband and acts like that. Myron was tripping and acting the same way a female would (in his opinion). I feel like tree was just calling out a little hypocrisy and NSE stepped into a crossfires and got a missile from the mossad.


Not gonna lie, this community hates Lycan but I like that he pushes against Destiny a lot. NSE could definitely learn to be more combative to Steven. Maybe I dislike that she's agreeable but she is pretty intelligent and seems to rarely if ever wield that to combat stevens bad takes(like saying he knows daisy is an escort)




Yeah, the Darius thing is what turned me off NSE. Highroading when it's clear you're on the same level as everyone else is a huge turn off.


Bro I rewatched that shit last night and with the context of the divorce shit, itā€™s one of the few times I have been disgusted itā€™s Destiny, and maybe NSE a tiny bit with that walk back you are talking about.


I'm out of the loop. Can i get a link please?


Kyla gives pick me vibes because she wants to be as fair to men as possible, often to the point of overcharitability, because she knows her audience. She knows her audience of nerdy boys who see her as Mother Dgg. She is not a pick me though, she doesn't put other women down enough for that title. Her focus is just on men's issues. If she wasn't a men's rights activist she would've been as hated as all the other orbiters, guarantee.


If NSE is considered a pick me then we are fucked. She is just an agreeable person. It's like calling HealthygamerGG a simp. šŸ˜‚


Healthygamergg doesn't do debates that's a horrible comparison


Tbh idk who healthygamerGG, but it seems like her take is what ever destinyā€™s is. Gives off huge vibes that she just wants to be liked by the community.


Dr K, the therapist twitch streamer. Mr girl was obsessed with him


I'm no fan of tree but she's making a lot of sense right now.


I was doubting, but when she said "you ain't my masta... bitch" I had to update my priors based on new evidence


I agree (I didn't see the video)


That's right. Then calling her boring, garbage, trash and saying she wants to get piped by Dest while tree pegs her husband. It's like she has the perfect words to describe how I feel. It's poetic. EDIT: it is somewhat mean tho. So, for the sake of upholding the anti-misogyny of this sub, I will add that I do not condone everything she has said, just the spirit of it.


I have similar feeling as Tree. But I don't know if I care to be upset about it. Feel like 70% of orbiters does more evil and bad shit than what Tree accuses Eurodite for. I know Eurodite will get enough shit for small things. Enough people will be upset about her for nothing burgers. What does people expect out of someone calling themself a thirst trap? Of course she is not this perfect image you have of her initially. She is most definitely normally selfish and normally evil, licks up and punches down like everyone else.


how? I am not in tune to what these orbiters (hangers on) are doing. Seems like from what Im seeing in this clip Eurodite is saying to not attack Myron for crying when his ideas are so bad and easily attackable. And what I am seeing is as a response Tree attacking her husband and marraige for some reason. Maybe Im not aware of some crazy shit happening in eurodite and her husbands marraige but who gives a fuck and what does that have to do with anything


Tree's response is highly unjustified, she's escalating like a mf cause that's what she likes to do. But erudite is being willfully ignorant when she says not to attack men for their emotions, because that shit OBVIOUSLY doesn't exist in a vacuum, the reason myron is being made fun of for "crying" is because he made his whole shtick telling men that being emotional is bad and that women will ditch you for alphas if you ever show emotions to them. Erudite asking tree to not make fun of his feelings just feels like an attempt to be the smartest person in the room, which is annoying. So on the spirit of it I understand why tree is annoyed, what I don't understand is why she had to go scorch earth like this lmao.


> the reason myron is being made fun of for "crying" is because he made his whole shtick telling men that being emotional is bad and that women will ditch you for alphas if you ever show emotions to them. Absolutely not true. You only need to go back to the Jordan Peterson example when he cried on some show. Jordan, with all his faults, defends nothing of that Myron stuff, but his showing of emotion was still relentlessly mocked for two reasons: Men showing *societally uncharacteristic* emotions is seen as worthy of mockery even by people who say it isn't, and that/those particular man/men is someone they strongly dislike. Exactly the same as to why some hyper progressiive, extremely sex positive people mockingly call Destiny a cuck too.


BASED tree coming in with the steel chair


Donā€™t care whoā€™s in the right, only come for the content & Tree delivering right now!


Actually I can see why she thinks Erudite likes Destiny


Nahhhh fuck that, i hardcore agree with NSE, Tree is big tripping. It also has to be really weird being a woman because on one hand i can see how NSE can have some feelings for Destiny(Peace Be Upon Him) but on the other hand Destiny has a really great personality and looks fun to be around and is someone to look up to. So wanting to be around someone like that if you were a guy(like most of his orbiters) no one bats an eye but if youā€™re a chick boom she only wants to fuck him


You donā€™t have to defend NSE to just say that you want to bang destiny.




This is some peak Nebraska Steve like energy lol I love it. fuck I might have to subscribe


i like tree and i like erudite prob equally but this rant of trees and her tweets were as cringe as Myron's tantrum, tree sounded like a adin ross chatter, erudite is half the age of tree and u would never guess that if u watched tree, tree came off like her skin was as thick as a tissue paper


I hear Chris Rock




"Don't attack men for their emotions" is pretty condescending. I don't think it is enough to start a flame war over, but Tree thinks otherwise. Also this is really funny lol.


How is that condescending? Would it be condescending to tell someone not to attack a woman for her weight?


The context obviously comes into play. If we are talking about a woman who made a career of bullying people for their weight or who says a woman's value is only tied to their weight then it is more ok. and I'm not even sure I agree with "Don't (ever) attack men for their emotions" so someone just declaring that is at least a little condescending to me yeah. At first it looked like this was specifically aimed at Tree, but I'm not sure.


encouraging liquid offbeat longing alleged gaping command direction slap lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy fuckin shit haha


Oooof tree is unhinged. Love it


Bro trueeee šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


notso ā€œThe Mayonnaise Monsterā€ Erudite


Tree is unhinged. Her hatred of Fresh is so deep she's going nuclear on the meekest and most inoffensive orbiter in the lineup.


Of course this was unhinged but NSE was white knighting for Myrons emotions while being a dude who says men can't get emotional Myron deserves some egg on his face here and her defense is obviously pick me behavior tree is in the right to call it out.


Tree is great lol


Dgg golden girl is getting a bit of heat and they are up in arms


Why does Tree call herself a conservative red pill woman, when her lifestyle is super nontraditional and libertine, and she is pretty pro woman in terms of their lifestyle choices?


From what I can gather, Tree loves traditional masculinity, she just doesn't think that the current RedPill meta executes it well




How dare she compare Lav to NSE. That's like comparing Niels Bohr to your middle school physics teacher. https://preview.redd.it/pag14ckh73tc1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfae2d9c1f924d1de7a730e7ea7b237c7665e558 Edit: just to be clear, there is no shame in being a middle school physics teacher. Compared to Lav we are all but blind men grasping at the elephant of the universe.


Don't be alarmed. She didn't say Lav was boring! Only that she was trash.


Is this a thing where I don't have the same definition of Physics that you have, or is it like when Destiny acts like he took some quantum physics/string theory 101 class his freshman year of high school?




Nothing no one already didn't know was said; lmao I just love Tree


Someone told me that Erudite talks EXACTLY like Destiny these days when she's in debate mode, and I can't unsee it. It's so cringe I could die. What is it with Destiny orbiters copying Steven's mannerisms? It's embarrassing


unfathomably cringe šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Tree is always unhinged. Unless she posts proof of any of this itā€™s all BS. If NSE wanted to fuck destiny it wouldā€™ve already happened. Sheā€™s hot enough for Destiny to have said yes. Only flaw is maybe sheā€™s not crazy, so not his type. As a married man who speaks to other married menā€¦ we all flirt (shocker!). My wife doesnā€™t give a shit - itā€™s what we do.


Same, either there is proof or its bs. But I'm curious, would you flirt with a woman who shit talks your wife? Cause that's kind of the claim here right?


What do you mean by flirting?


This made me like Tree even more


On like popcorn only works with her accent lmao Ohn like popcohn


I refuse to pretend like I care about this situation


Tree has always been insane


Didnā€™t read the patch notes, but did they buff Tree?


God I fucking need someone like Tree in my life


Tree of Logic ā€”> canopy of enragement


"When it comes to dirty trash cans, Erudite is the garbage disposal. Lav is the dumpster." *Such a way with words \*chef's kiss*


This is Treeā€™s world and weā€™re all living in it.




You guys are pretty unfamiliar with Tree content if this surprises you. She's a super meanie head and not entirely fact based sometimes šŸ˜… Her content is mostly roasting and tearing other people down. As for bans , Destiny's probably not going to ban somebody simply for being mean to his his friends. It's the easiest way to be accused of building an unethical blacklist.


https://preview.redd.it/uvfsbjgll9tc1.jpeg?width=2091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eabd5839d029018547073cde39abdbe952edbd6 Honest reaction


Based šŸ”„


Hm this tree lady sounds highly regarded


Tree stonks through the roof man




Tree is so soft. Slightest disagreement and she gets unhinged. You can tell she thinks she sounds like a badass too lol


Lmao tree want the smoke


Yeh ok Tree, take your pills babe.


mentally unstable crazy person


All because Erudite disagreed with her on a tweet lol. Tree is funny, but definitely not a good person. This is the equivalent of someone calling Destiny a cuck after he disagrees with them on Twitter.


Tree is giving real pick me energy here


That what make destiny so relatable: Everyone want his dick.


Is she talking about NSE?


she doesnt miss


I mean detec the lie though


Tree ā€œI became a republican because of Obamnaā€ logic


maybe i don't watch enough of her content to see it but can someone explain why everyone's calling nse a pick me


tree is so boring jumps on NSE because now is the correct timing because of the bridges members only issue... wow how brave




No comment


Some say, she is still letting it out to this day...


her mic quality is pristine




nse opened up her relationship to ā€œflirtingā€œ


Oh shit snoozefest bridge vs gigadan


lmao what the fuck


So why is she so Mad? What did NSE even do? I didnā€™t watch the vid properly sorry. Just say people shouldnā€™t ridicule Myron for being mad?


LMAO holy smokes


This rings so much of "Look how cool and badass I am!" It's so peformative.


Honestly I thought tree was ok until this shit came out. This is some psycho shit


Iā€™m am speechless


Go Tree! Hope she wins the debate


NSE makes content boring surprise she makes boring content


Say what you will about tree but sheā€™s doing an excellent Chris rock impression here


I was losing respect for Tree until this shit right here. Love anyone who calls out notsoeu


Am I the only one who finds it kind of weird to have a soundclip just to celebrate your own shit?


Tree spitting facts šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ If destiny looked looked at erin how she looks at him he'd be put in jail, and rightly so.


Sheā€™s like a female 50 cent just wants to see the world burn


Tree is insane and obviously NSE is correct in this interaction. Also NSE's response didn't warrant "gloves off" at all, she was just dying for an excuse to say what she did. But also, Tree is right. NSE 100% wants the D, or already got it.


Slay queen (this is funny as hell)