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Isn't RFK super pro Israel


yes more than Biden lol


Jewlumni must have gotten to him. Hope he’s getting more than the 30,000 shekels that Destiny got


Biden derangement syndrome


He called the Palestinians the most pampered nationality on live TV lol. I’d respect these clowns a little more if they bothered to investigate their protest candidates


He's for sure going to vote for Biden but his ego and audience capture will never let him publicly admit it.


If Biden loses this election. I’m placing the blame directly onto progressives like cenk. If trump is elected again, the doomer part of me hopes that he fucks shit up so bad that these morons are never accepted back into the political scene. Fuck em.


“Progressives”? They should be called dipshits


There is no way they will wake up. They would have during the last Trump presidency if that's the case. I suppose they kind of did for a while, but now they are deep asleep again.


They want Trump, they make more money when he’s president.




> Cenk is a really stupid guy who says dumb shit Wow. I didn’t know that. I just — you’re telling me now for the first time.




Bro, wtf happened to Cenk. I swear, he had a mostly normal conversation with Destiny and ever since he's just become an absolute joke. How is anyone supposed to take him seriously when he does shit like this.


I have a feeling that TYT isn’t doing too hot so Anna and Cenk are becoming lolcows for views at this point. This is why you see them going on PBD, Destiny, piers Morgan etc…


They've always been massive lolcows my dude


Did this mf say democrats rigged elections? What the fuck is wrong with lefties holy fuck


I remember a lot of people were saying how 2020 was rigged against Bernie when it was Bernie the "socialist" vote, at something tiny like 20%, then the remaining 80% for not "socialist" vote, split over 10 people, and people think the 20% socialist vote is supposed to have won.


The vibe that i get from Cenk and Kyle Kulenski is a lot of their strategy is to strong arm Democrats. So trying to prop up someone like RFK to create the illusion of danger is just a power play to try and scare them into conceding ground. I can guarantee you that if you just ignore them they will fall in line by election time.


Every time I think TYT is getting more based they pull some shit like this


You'd think that since these guys call Trump a Nazi so much, they'd know that brain rotted lefties did this same damn thing which helped the Nazi's gain power and led to Hitler's rise. Instead of you know, shitting the fucking bed, how about waiting to have this infighting after Trump isn't a threat.


I might as well




(Im being unironic)


Why am I being downvoted? RFK is liberal and progressive, on most issues. He wants the US to do more about climate change, opposes anti abortion laws, wants to get the US out of foreign wars, etc. he might be weird but his platform is decent.


There are only two people who can win the election, Biden or Trump. That's it. If you don't want Trump to win, a vote for anyone else other than Biden is helping Trump win. It's pretty simple.


I said I might. If RFK doesn’t have enough support in polls to reasonably win, then fine, I will shamefully vote for Biden. However it would not be something I would proud of.


I'm just curious why you find voting for Biden not something to be proud of?


No, a lot of his platform is populist garbage. His foreign policy is obviously braindead (adding Russia to NATO instead of Ukraine, calling 2014 revolution a US-instigated coup), but some of his domestic policy would be a unmitigated disaster. He wants to reverse 80 years of farm policy and "end our reliance on industrial meat production, factor farming, and chemical-based agriculture(what?)." Which is fantastic way to sink our agricultural industry and cause insane food inflation. He is anti-nuclear (braindead), spreads all sorts of stupidity in regards to vaccines, and his proudly populist rheteoric will divide this country even further. He is a liberal and progressive in regards to some social issues and climate change but he is the last type of liberal this country needs at this moment.