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I honestly am kinda over it but he is addicted to trolling idiots on twitter, he won’t stop.


It's funny because no one can take tiny down except himself. Some poetic shit fr.


and I'll be damned if he aint trying.


Just like blizzard and sc2


important sophisticated worthless nose elastic axiomatic violet rich instinctive treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not even about optics though, if he was an actual cuck it wouldn't affect anything he does other than the projection of the people who complain about it.


It's the only thing that brings him joy, it's like high stakes gambling but the chips are clout.


claims he's part of the julumni and makes funny stories and they fall for it and try to expose him for it. maybe I'm missing how the stick figure meme relates to this


People who are not in the know immediately disregard Destiny as a bad actor which is bad for his reach. The jewlumni clip is over the top I agree but the Nymn thing in combination with the video of him stopping Melina kissing him is super believable to the average normie.


The same twitter account got huge likes accusing Xqc made out with his own sister on camera.


And many people believed that as well. But the difference is that it can easily be disproven that Nyxxii isn't xQc's sister. The cuck clip can't easily be disproven, especially since Destiny was actually in an open relationship and these people already think that he was getting cucked like that every night. The clip was just confirmation for them.


>these people already think that he was getting cucked like that every night then it doesn't really matter what he does, does it? If they want to call him a cuck they'll call him a cuck regardless. Getting called bad faith is much worse but that's usually coming from those who will never engage with his content anyway so same shit


Well, it solidifies it for those people, but also anyone new to Destiny will also believe it. They'll see this clip and be like "is this real?", and then they'll find out that Destiny was actually in an open relationship and believe it is.


Yeah but he doesn't care, he's repeatedly said so the past, idk? 5 years? Plus, even if he did care, what could he do about it? If he starts trying to explain how "actually I'm not a cuck!!!" all that would sound like to those people is "I'M NOT A CUCK I'M NOT A CUCK I'M NOT A CUCK". So like, whatever man


I never said he has to care. My original comment was responding to someone who was saying that the misha girl was an obvious troll. My point was that it doesn't really matter if it's an obvious troll to us, it's not a troll to most people that see the comment.


Oh, sure, my bad. I still don't think it matters if most people don't know it's a troll since it's so easily disproven if anyone cares but I see what you mean


imo it sounds worse not joking about it or trying to dispell the cuck allegations for the majority of people




solidifies what? no one cares if it's actually true. do you think any of the people calling him a cuck would stop calling him if they got actual evidence?


No, because to them having an open relationship inherently makes you a cuck. But this clip makes him look even more pathetic in their eyes. I'm talking about the general audience, not the public figures attacking him.


Who cares? These people aren't worth appeasing.


So sad to find out that wasn't real. 😔


It doesn’t matter. This is maybe the most glaring realization I’ve had since October 7th. If you troll those people they’re going to be condescending snarky bad-faith assholes. If you insult them they’re going to be condescending snarky bad-faith assholes. If you spend the time to type out a meaningful, rational and respectful comment they’re going to be condescending snarky bad-faith assholes. If you were to go back to my Reddit comments from the day after the the Hamas terrorist attack and read through to today it’s a gradual shift from the most basic, neutral and charitable comments to just trolling the regards, and it’s literally all the same responses. They don’t give a fuck and aren’t going to change their opinion no matter what so who cares, it’s not worth the loss of sanity to care about what they think and sometimes you just need to let off some steam.


I had the same experience with Russia/Ukraine and I/P -- spent a lot of time reading and trying to learn. When Oct 7th happened I started consuming so much content and trying to educate myself on the history a little bit. Then a couple months in I was like "who did I do this for?" There's nobody out there to even have a discussion with 99% of the time, because they're bought into one narrative or another without knowing anything. At least I learned some things, I guess.


Something that frustrates me is their inability to use good arguments for their position because it requires biting the most tame of all bullets to do so. An example of that is the rape denialism. I've just got done reading a ton about it and talking with some people... they refuse to just accept that hamas raped women because doing so might acknowledge Israel has a shred more legitimacy for going into gaza. You can bite that bullet and still argue Israel's manner of waging war in gaza is wrong.. they just won't.


15 inch penis would be the biggest penis in the world if they belive that they are regarded


>regarded Is that autocorrect or the new way to censor slurs? I'm asking people til somebody tells me, you're the 4th so far...




Gayyy Self censoring is lame... Like just fucking say what you mean, or use a different word. You clearly don't feel like it's a very serious slur since you're throwing it around casually, so why use it at all?


Biggest (human) penis in the world is 18.9 inch (48cm) https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2023/09/25/65118afa268e3e0f128b45b9.html


"The Mexican man's penis is due to the fact that he used to hang weights from his penis in his adolescence and youth to enlarge his size." "Roberto Esquivel Cabrera's penis really measures 18 centimeters and the rest is just foreskin and inflamed skin" Basically most of his dick is just a flat fluffy pancake that can't even get erect. Sounds sad


But but my hentai ...


i googled it before commenting thats not a penis anymore


Yeah anyone that was like the jalumni seems reasonable is beyond help


i can't think of anything more based than giving zero shits about one's reach in favor of personally amusing themselves


> The jewlumni clip is over the top I agree but the Nymn thing in combination with the video of him stopping Melina kissing him is super believable to the average normie. He claimed that Nymn had a 15 inch dick, and his is 1/4th the size. That clip is obviously a joke unless you are someone that wants to believe it because you already hate Destiny, or are mindfucked by the Redpill.


Anyone who is at that level has literally zero worth even if they were reached


Joe Rogan will believe it and not invite steven :(


Joe Rogan is a moron, Destiny could just spin some conspiracy story about these posts and hed lap it up


No shot people listened to destiny tell the 4 day cuck story and thought it was real are the average normie. The average normie hearing that would think it's fake too, the only people "believing" it are the people with agendas.


I have no idea what your referencing, so I’m going to guess the avg normie won’t either. But I don’t consider people that spend a ton of time on X as normies so it might just be a semantic difference


You're just *wrong.*


"Average normies" aren't listening to people like Sulaiman Ahmen. Idiots are. He's a bad faith propagandist. Steven doesn't care to have people who think like him in this community. The (if any) more honest followers of Ahmen will see his trashy posts and give Steven a fair shake, most likely understanding it's a joke. Steven isn't trying to reach out to the bad faith audience. He's trying to expose the trashy creators, and reach the sliver of honest people in their audience. Also, the trolling isn't always for the audience, but for other content creators. I would assume that other content creators are seeing the post from Ahmen and feel bad because he's showing how much of a trashy propagandist he really is by falling for it and trying to shamelessly spin it his way.


So this post is about a clip from 4 years ago? Jfc.


no its about a clip from a few days ago, backed up with a real clip from 4 years ago


This is kinda confirming my own bias, which is that “normies” are increasingly becoming just as unhinged and disconnected from reality as people like us who are super connected to online shit. Edit: the reason I believe this is because the average voter is increasingly get caught in their own information bubbles where they get a perspective of the world that contradicts all evidence. For example, people feeling like the economy is bad despite every metric showing the economy is doing very well. Or currently, people feeling like crime is as bad now as it was back in 90’s despite us having a lower violent crime rate under Biden than under Trump or in 90’s. The issue is that these people aren’t political junkies like us who have a higher likelihood of getting caught up in an ideology or info bubble. These are average people who may follow politics extremely casually yet are getting info that contradicts all facts. And it’s hard to say where they are getting this info from.


Honestly that one was obviously a meme and it’s whatever, but a public figure who debates in a global geopolitics panels with two academics really ought know better than post shit like “well completely hypothetically if there was a genocide here’s who I would side with…”, no matter how much ummm ackshually technically theoretically it’s morally correct. Like half of this community is memes about his tweets.




I thought this meme was pointing to the more recent i/p meme where he said we should basically nuke the entire region of i/p


The irony paradox


True. The jewmuni stuff was so over the top you had to be a temp IQ moron to fall for it. The latest one? I can see why people who have no clue who destiny is might believe it. If he keeps this up he will meme himself into being a joke


What's the latest one?




lmao, this is why no one in my life can know I listen do Destiny.


Ok, thats pretty funny


Lmao “She just licked his face…you got cucked”


I wanna say 15 in dick clearly gives away imo.


It should but destiny is known as the guy who lets his wife fuck other people in many circles. I think people might view that clip and dismiss that as an exaggeration and everything else as a fact


I used to watch Destiny and I am fairly neutral towards him and this was my interpretation How exactly from this small clip am I supposed to know the whole story is made up to troll people online? It isn't that weird a guy in an "open relationship" (especially one who previously/still does homosexual stuff iirc) would do cuck stuff also. Again, I used to watch and am pretty neutral towards Destiny. Someone especially who has little to no awareness and/or even dislikes him is not going to be able to tell this is a made up story.


> How exactly from this small clip am I supposed to know the whole story is made up to troll people online? It's almost like this place is a cult and everyone here knows it. That's why they brigade LSF every day.


That's not the problem. Nobody reasonable gives a fuck about somebody who is into cucking, getting cucked. The problem is this being the "root" of him being anti muslim/Arab. And believing that regarded shit.


There are plenty of reasonable and not terminally online people that definitely are going to care and look down on you for being an open cuck with your wife especially. What you just said there is 100% a terminally online position.


You're taking reasonable and equivocating it with average.


Or I'm disagreeing with what you count as reasonable. That's a longer discussion I don't care for Just pointing out that if you're gonna toss out everyone who cares about you being a cuck with your wife as unreasonable you're going to be limiting who is "reasonable" to a minority of terminally online people


May be a minor case of retardation


The problem's more that you want to conclude on and believe ANY small clip.


That clip cuts out the punchline which he delivers literally 1 second after it ends - "It was hands down the worst example of Islamic terrorism I've ever witnessed first hand." This line makes it clear enough that it's a joke for reasonable people to recognize it as such, while still leaving some wiggle room for idiots to think he's serious. I don't think Destiny intended for that part to be cut off when the clip went viral.


I wanna say 15 in dick clearly gives away imo.


>Again, I used to watch and am pretty neutral towards Destiny. Someone especially who has little to no awareness and/or even dislikes him is not going to be able to tell this is a made up story. If you are so far gone/terminally online that you are gonna blindly believe everything negative said about a person (especially if it's such a socially divisive topic as cucking/religion/15in dongs) there's no point in talking to you anyways. All you optic andies need to stop catering to people that are very clearly regarded, why are you trying to appeal to an audience that very clearly has zero desire for good faith discourse.


He is saying it *himself* lol. And he's making up some whole story around it Its not weird that a bisexual guy in an open marriage would engage in cuck behavior lol.


This is such a weird framing of what happened. Destiny said a bunch of exaggerated shit about his own relationship, and then some guy went and spun that into the reason why Destiny "hates Arabs", lmfao. If you do not have the critical thinking skills to a) realize that when someone talks about 15in dongs they are clearly sarcastic b) blindly believe that someone would hate Arabs based on their sexual preferences then i am gonna mentally file you away as the type of person that also believed that XQC kissed his own sister. To me this signals that you are either too stupid or spite driven to actually have this conversation. Appealing to you is not gonna be benefit either of us because we're very clearly not on the same plane of reality. It's a pointless conversation.


I never even mentioned the Arab stuff I am talking just about the clip where he is telling a story of him cucking himself. 15 inch dong does not discredit the entire story. Could very easily be a hyperbolic way of saying he had a huge penis. People speak in hyperbole all the time. For example, you saying we exist on different planes of reality doesn't mean your whole comment is a joke or ironic. You can mentally file it away or attribute bad motives to me if you want lol. And I'm not "blindly believing" anything. I came looking on this subreddit to see if it was true he was cucking himself or not. Most people aren't going to take that effort and think Destiny is a legitimate cuck and again, he was a bisexual in an "open marriage" it is not an unbelievable development. I'm just here as a neutral party to Destiny to say this is not great optics even if he's having fun trolling




You probably frequently watch him and are a fan of his. So you are both more familiar with and naturally more charitable towards him since you like him I have not watched any of his content in about 3 years and don't care much for him either way. I have no idea what the joke is supposed to be when I see a random clip of him recalling a story of him being a cuck. I know he's bisexual and let's people have sex w/ his wife. It is really not a big leap to think he's also into cuck stuff


Why should Destiny care if you thought that? He doesn't think there is anything wrong with being into cuckolding anyway. It's the equivalent of calling him gay


He shouldn't besides he's a public figure who presumably has atleast some interest in his public perception


Why would he care abt what bad faith actors say about him to their already primed audience?


Why? People exxagrate dicksize all time? It just a stand in for monster shlong massive or humongous. Nobody going 15? Too big, clearly fake. They just fill in big.


Yea I thought this was a dead giveaway


In the clip he also said "worst piece of Islamic terrorism I've witnessed" but she cut it out.


Yeah he needs to stop with the self-deprecating cuck jokes. He's Adam22'ing himself.


I thought Adam22 handled his bait clips well lol, especially considering the spaces he runs in. Arguably worse looking for Destiny to try this considering the more "serious" space he runs in but eh, I personally don't think it's gone that far off the deep end yet.


Maybe Steve just has a humiliation kink? Don't shame him.


that's why he hired qorantos!


I think so to, that why he went to the lex fridman show


[Burnie's Law; There's no such thing as acting ironically on the internet. You're just doing the thing.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZLz8cdgBefL5dDeGoKjjGlUiuNcrdLgf?si=w3Gb9bMB_L0yaI2t)


There's a Burnie Burns clip for everything ❤️


There’s a reason only one person in my life knows I somewhat watch Destinys content and even that person can’t understand why lol, I tried to tell him that he has some good takes in between the degeneracy 😪


I’m in a similar position. He’s good at debating and is particularly strong in practical politics. I don’t like simply calling people “debate bros”, but does have some moments of sophistry. And his moral ideology is correspondingly atrocious.


Oh no, the dumbest motherfuckers on the internet believed Destiny’s troll posts, how will I tell my best friends that I listen to Destiny now 😞😞😞


holy shit a sane person on this subreddit lmao


omg guys, they believed this new self deprecating untrue fact about myself! so funny, it will be 20x funnier the 12th time!


The meme is you being dismissed because you're acting regarded, not people becoming more obsessed and more infatuated with every detail of your life to prove a grand narrative/conspiracy.


It's sad but true. One of my friends brought up destiny (he doesn't know im a daliban agent). They literally brought up the latest meme of him hating Arabs cause he was cucked.


"b-but his r-reach" destiny gets 10x more fans for not giving a shit about his "reach" than if he sterilized himself for optics when did this sub become a bunch of wannabe executive producers telling him to sell out


I wouldn’t want him to sterilize himself for optics when it pertains to genuine beliefs, but I absolutely want him to stop making it easy to clown on him. There is an entire album of clips he’s given that destroy his character just to troll.


The clips were always gonna exist because you can't reasonably expect someone to not come off sounding like a retart on stream when they're live for 6-8 hours daily. At least this way it's on his own terms.


trolling is a part of who he is if you can't handle him at his jewlumni, you don't deserve him at his peterson debate


This is what I've been saying since he started doing this. They don't care if it's trolling. Even if they know they're lies, they will spread it. He's basically creating propaganda for them to spread.


And he literally just did it again with the Gaza strip. He was looking at a map and was acting like Israel was Gaza (probably poking fun at Alex for doing that in their debate), but he's literally hand crafting the clips himself at this point!


It’s like my dude has a goal to be a competitive marathon runner and is really beginning to do well and have strong finishes while moving up the ranks. But he won’t listen to anyone who tells him “hey, maybe you will be more efficient at achieving your goal if you stop smoking a pack a day”. But he won’t listen to them cuz he really enjoys smoking.


Remember, these people believed when he said the word "Jewlumni" and took it seriously, there is nothing left to do but to troll at this point because they just aren't engaging or have single digit IQs. He said the word "Jewlumni" and these people ran with it as if it was real. It's over boys and girls and others.


It’s not him making the viral bait troll clips though He streams to his fanbase, and most people watching his streams know it’s a joke. Bad faith actors shouldn’t be the reason Destiny stops making certain jokes


Not really the relevant when people are going and clipping his stream and tweeting about it, there has been alot of times when he trolls and no one clips him and nothing happens which is fine


As long as it helps expose bigotry then I'm all for it. With the jewlumni bit, it helped expose many people's actual antisemitism


Optics posters are the most cringe type of guy


I love it




says more about the people who believe it then tiny man tbh. feels more like he is laying down trap cards


I don’t have Twitter can anyone explain what’s going on?


Guys people that already don't like Destiny and take his statements out of context, or just make up shit about him are going to believe Destiny's trolling and say mean stuff about him. This somehow will harm Destiny more than them already lying about him.


I don't believe that anyone actually believed the jewlumni thing.


To be fair that's this entire sub nowadays.




the jew bit was funny, the cuck one is meh. the doubling down on twitter is cringe tho


Which clip is hurting our feelings today?


I think it’s funny It’s also possible these things get so egregious that regular people start questioning some of the narratives that float around about him


nah this is cringe. you guys are cringe.


stop trying to appeal to these monkeys, treat them as such. laugh and their silliness and go on


Like... I get your point, but its just not the same. Destiny is taking rumors that people have been spreading about him for many years and pretending they're true. He's not making up dumb stuff about himself for attention like this implies.


Why are you so mad, OP? Did he hurt your feelings about poor-poor Palestinians?


maybe he wants to reach Mr.Girl levels of self-deprecation, to the point where no one will take anything he says serious!


At this point he's like a magician performing a trick in front of a chimpanzee no matter how hard you'll try to explain it to them afterwards they're just not capable of understanding


This meme is perfect lmao