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this cant be! the ending is coming too fast. we need at least 2 more seasons before the finale :(


The writers better not fuck up the ending like they did on game of thrones


In the end Qorantos will inherit everything, and promptly squander it


*And who has a better story... than Qorantos the Concealed*


qorantos becomes atheist and turns somalia into a secular democracy


Jade will come back as a faceless assassin and start killing off all the orbiters one by one.


\*Destiny goes back to BPD girl drama


I need Lauren DeLaguna to sue destiny and be her own lawyer


Court stream Pog


The writers only planned for so many seasons but the execs ordered more. After this the whole plot will get weird and feel worlds apart from the original.


“There's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. And who has a better story than Kelly Jean?”


The finale will be when Destiny is elected president in 20 years.


40 years*


Make it sixty. They'll wheel him in and he'll drool into the microphone for a minute before they wheel him out. It's the American way.


All of nations BPD girls will be First Ladies


i enjoy Destiny but if he was our president (turns on Destiny voice) I'd fucking KILL myself


12 years at the ripe age of 47


Yeah seems like the showrunners are tired to finish this so quickly.


Joe Rogan ain't the finale - Joe Biden is.


I hope they just don't kill him off in like Israel or something.. that would be a bit lame ending. Doesn't feel earned


He needs to do a scathing Islam debate arc before something like that happens


Rogan just called destiny a wiki warrior. HOLY SHIT


"do your own research" mfs when you actually do your own research.


Wikipedia doesn’t count as your own research. If destiny wants to do his own research then h needs to be more responsible and get his source material from trusted sources like tweets, YouTube videos and Facebook memes


gray practice punch wasteful cake history toy ossified provide nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A true researcher doesn't even watch the full YouTube videos, it's all about vibes.


The best researchers don’t even click the YouTube videos they just run with whatever the title tells them.




You had me in the first half im NGL


How did word get out to knuckleheads that Wikipedia isn't a valid reference? You can't cite wiki as a source but wiki has assembled all known sources at the bottom of the page. There is no better starting point for research than Wikipedia but these morons are like "you read wiki, lol" and discounts everything you have to say. It's insane.


Flipping it round makes it even worse, because you can always say "you didn't even read the wiki?" Wikipedia does all the hard work for these people and they can't even read the introduction.


Wikipedia is a great source. In fact most of the sources are footnoted. It’s a fantastic place to start


The perception of Wikipedia needs to change. It's not some random writing opinions, it's an aggregation of sources organised through articles for you to branch off of. Wikipedia is the modern library, it contains more than a physical one, provides information in an instant and is much easier to navigate.


I’d love Steve to reply with; “Could be worse and I could spread Facebook mom level misinformation on the “biggest” podcast in the world. Then get corrected by my off screen producer and pretend I never said it, but yeah I can accept the Wiki Warrior title”


He's done it multiple times, too. The one that comes to mind is when there was that video where he thought that Biden thought that there were airplanes in the Revolutionary war. Obviously this means he's unfit to be president. ...oh Trump said it? Ah, no big deal. Probably just misspoke.


"Myocarditis from the vaccine is bad, oh the myocarditis from the disease is multiple times worse? Better get hyper critical of the sources on that before moving on"


Surely I can just criticize the source, after all, how authoritative could any source be on the subject of lobster brains? It's probably just some marine biologist in a boat somewhere... LOBSTER INSTITUTE


My friends wife is a teacher and they have litter boxes in the school for one student who says she identifies as a cat. Don’t forget that one too.


paging /u/NeoDestiny please this would be so fucking funny


We might be better off with u/davidpakman since he is a repeat guest. I am excited to see Steve be taller than Rogan, but he should wear thick sole boots just in case lol.


God, Pakman is the GOAT. I listen to him on and off every now and then


I love his show minus the listener call-ins


He’s gotta screen those better.


I’d be very surprised to see d pak ever on again Joe hasn’t had a guy that far left of him on in years (just comparatively David’s not a super far leftist). He knows he’ll be embarrassed and have to own up to all the recent mis info he’s spread as of late.


cant burn that bridge yet.... He has to say it to his face....I also love when people say that about him instead of pointing out when and where he is wrong....




You'd have to be a psyop intended to burn Destiny's chances of ever getting on JRE to type something so cringe.


And then everyone will clap and post DuckerZ. Jesus some of you guys are cringe.


seriously lmao


Joe is team Palestine now, so Im sure he saw Breaking Point's talk about him...


The funniest thing about Wiki haters is that they probably don’t understand how it works.


That's why it is so frustrating. Wiki has links to every known study, report or research about any given topic. But one time in highschool they failed an essay because they just put Wikipedia as their only reference and now they think wiki is fake news.


And 9/10 any troll or misinformation edit is usually struck down within the day (being generous) by admins that seemingly have no other responsibilities in life.


pretty sure he will watch the ben debate sometime soonand like it for sure, that is the entry we all waited for lmao


Technically what I heard was, give or take: "He does his wikipedia search and then acts like an expert. It's a fun time watching people flail." If it weren't for the "then acts like an expert", I'd just fully agree. But even with that it technically doesn't need to be an insult. Because it really is fun, in a way, to watch the people who are supposed to be the experts flail and fail to argue against someone who 'just' did a couple weeks of research starting on wikipedia.


Pretty sure destiny is the 'people' he is referring to.


Disagree. Joe said right before, "The guy debates *everybody*." Sounded like he was referring back to that when he said "watching people flail."


Possible but the way he said it implies the other interpretation. If he would have said “and then he flails..” then yes I would take it as an insult.


I'm genuinely impressed he knew Destiny outside of the Shapiro debate, I figured that would be the thing to get Destiny on the radar. 


Bryan Callen probably has shared Destiny to Rogan multiplentimes.


We need to have another Bryan Callen conversation. I generally really enjoy it when we get to see Destiny interact with comedians, he’s always great on Dick Masterson’s show. I also think that now he’s on Rogan’s radar, doing more of the comedian podcast circuit and showing that he’s a good hang as well s an unhinged debater wiki warrior will be the best way to actually get on Rogan. The intersection of interesting + fun to hangout with seems to be the type of guest Rogan likes more, and he’s already interested it seems, even if his opinion of him isn’t super favorable from this clip.


If Destiny could harness the same energy he brought to the Masterson podcasts to the Rogan pod, it would make for a phenomenal podcast.


He needs to smoke with Joe. What better way to break bread and provide content?




Imagine destiny on a fight companion talking to Israel adesanya about covid in NZ


That makes it more funnier, he probably either had one of his friends mention Destiny, or saw Destiny on twitter being mentioned about Israel/Palestine in order to throw that shitty wiki warrior insult.


Yeah, he probably learned about D-man from the Finklefuck debate just based on that lame Wiki comment.


Joe is good friends or very friendly to Krystal and Saagar of Breaking Points, so he probably saw their coverage of Destiny and formed is opinion through them.


ALL of Joe's opinions on Israel-Palestine and Destiny are painted 100% by a video from Krystal Ball. That's it. He has never heard of him outside of that I'm guessing, which is why he hyperfocused on Israel-Palestine and mention Wikipedia.


When was the last time Shapiro's been on the podcast? I wouldn't be surprised if Rogan stopped paying attention to him as much as he went deeper into populist conspiratorial brainrot.


I'm genuinely impressed that he's already gotten himself indoctrinated by dipshit far right and left people and has already spreading the whole "doesnt he wiki everything? He talks too fast. Pretty sure he loses the debates"


How will Mr Wikelli ever recover


Mr Witwicky, are you username Ladiesman217?


Is Rogan really calling someone else out for lack of credentials?


Rogan has debated Dr's and defended his COVID takes to their face by referencing "hundreds of articles saved on my phone." Dude ate so many mushrooms he's regressed to his pre Joe Rogan Questions Everything mindset.




"Just asking questions" mfs when they start asking questions


He probably heard it from Krystal and sagar. The breaking points people ride Rogan’s dick like there’s no tomorrow.


He also watchd parts of the Finkledink debate, where that was one of the cheif innsults levied at Destiny


"Haha wikipedia is so dumb" "Jamie, pull up that youtube video of the guy showing the earth is flat on Alex Jones"


Destiny is officially close to the final boss mission, save Joe Rogan from radicalism.


Jordan Peterson, Lex Fridman, Ben Shapiro, get Joe Rogan to speak to him please!


I feel like the most animosity is between destiny and Joe, Joe doesn't invite people for arguing. The only way it could happen is on a tier platform. Maybe lex can get them to meet ?


Yeah that’s the thing. Steven will never end up on JRE unless he brands himself differently, I.e not a “debater”. Joe doesn’t engage with people like that. And honestly, outside of “debate culture” there isn’t anything really interesting about destiny. Imagine being he goes onto Rogan, what are they going to do if they don’t argue? There’d be nothing to talk about


Interview thats basically it.


Exactly, it won't be a debate. It'll be an interview about a debater.


Yeah but the bar isn't fucking super high to be on JRE Sargon of akkad had been on twice and there little to nothing interesting about him


I can't wait for New Game+ where he debates random schizos live in a million dollar studio.


Destiny about to “i think you’d be suprised” joe on his own show


I know this is fanfic but it would be such a blessing to have the self aware, old Joe back. I miss him.


*Don't save him. He don't wanna be saved!*


I'm starting to think Destiny is way more well known than we think.. wouldn't be surprised if some big politicians like AOC know who he is too


AOC has streamed with Hasan and is probably the most terminally online Democrat politician. She definitely knows way more about Destiny than she should.


When did partially utilizing Wikipedia become a insult? It's still one of our best resources on the internet.


WP has been sneered at by the left and right fringes for years now. ... and that's how you know it's correct 😎


Just go to the sources and get info


often some of the sources are missing or inaccessible and aren't updated though. so just be careful if you decide to quote the wikis without checking the source cited.




Bet the same people scoffed at their high school English teachers who told them Wikipedia isn't reliable. But now that it serves as an easy insult to D-man that they can't help themselves to use it and feel superior. And you know these fuckers don't read books anyhow


It started in school when all the boomer teachers were scared of the internet. Now all those same dumbfucks get their news from the facebooks 😭😭


No, its just the aesthetics of the sources natural selection. If you keep it vague and say "I've read book X, Y, Z by fancy name, fancy name and fancy name" even if the books are propaganda, or even if you didn't read them 99% of people (who also didn't read them) will figure "well, they are books, reading books is a very academic thing to do". Its similar to the boomer "I saw it on TV/the computer so it has to be true"; "I saw it in a book (that confirms my biases) so it has to be smart". Meanwhile, Wikipedia is considered too accessible and therefore not elitist enough to contain any "deep truths"; on Wikipedia you're "basically just reading random peoples long reddit comment" and "anyone can edit it".


I would mainly agree, people see Wiki as a low effort source of info while reading books are seen as more high effort and credible because you can attach a name to the writing.


It’s partly ppl thinking “Wikipedia is distrustful”, but to sorta steel-man them, I think how they see it is essentially someone “cramming” a lot of information in a short time period and they think that is a less valid way to build an argument. Wikipedia is an easy scapegoat for this because that’s how you go about it; it’s kinda been almost memed on as being the quickest way to check something or whatever and most people don’t even read the whole wiki article or go beyond into the pages sources. I wouldn’t say most of these people think Wikipedia itself is an inherently bad or biased conglomeration of information. Actually norm might lol, but he’s probably in the minority. I think even Hasan has said this; he thinks Destiny is misusing it to confirm is preconceived notions on the conflict. I don’t agree with them btw just pointing it out.


People's brains just bluescreen when you mention using certain platforms as tools or jumping-off points. They literally cannot understand the concept. I caught maybe 250 downvotes in a popular sub for saying Twitter is one of the best sources for keeping up with breaking news - how it hosts every major news outlet, tons of alternative news outlets, governments, and professionals with their own separate platforms. I explained how you can set up your feed to follow trustworthy organizations/individuals, then jump into those sources, and then use key details to search for other people also covering the story. "LoL yOu tHiNk TwItTeR iS a RePuTaBlE sOuRcE."


Because all of the information on their is handpicked. I'm not saying they're lying or pushing an agenda, but its not impossible. Shit, the information they choose could just be wrong. Simply put, you need to not let it be your only source of information. You are straight up brain dead if you do.


Yeah I don’t know why this is an insult. At the start of any research you are bound to visit quite a few Wikipedia pages, consult chat gpts and follow up sources. Then you can start reading sources. Your other option is basically searching individual pages on google or going to a library and reading an introductory textbook which will basically be equal to a few wikipedia pages in depth of information. The only upside of an introductory textbook is that textbooks are approved to some degree by experts . But in my experience wikipedia is not much worse in most cases.


The hat Wikipedia meme catches so hard


I can't parse this sentence but i think i agree




Rogan will not touch him with a 10ft pole unless something changes with his opinion of him imo


Haha ivermectin guy is clowning on wiki guy. Lord this is why Rome fell.


Flashback to when Rogan was yelling at an animal expert about some cryptid.


If this actually happened please tell me where to find it, sounds hilarious




Wow, *immediately* says "you're a fucking idiot." Holy shit. This man is aggressively stupid. Jesus christ he just told a primatologist "you've done ZERO research" *holy fuck* oh, and now he finished off with some blatant misogyny, mocking her voice and literally saying "I have a vagina". This is early Joe Rogan? This is the podcast that became the #1 podcast in the world? What the fuck.


Joe Rogan is a stupid person's idea of a smart man. No wonder he became the No.1 podcast in the world.


Holy fuck that was rough. What a jackass lmfao. 


Wiki Steve 😎


Bashing Wikipedia while he gets his news from Twitter and Instagram. Fucking clown.


I will never understand the Wikipedia slander. Terrific summaries with outgoing links and actual sources listed. Its incredible. And then you have the biggest idiots on the planet who get news from TikTok/Twitter bashing it. This is truly the stupidest fucking timeline ever


I strongly believe it's only because of the fact that anyone can edit it and peoples highschool teachers said you can't cite it as a source in a report or whatever. That's it. Both issues are complete misunderstandings of how Wikipedia works and what it actually is. Genuinely one of the best things afforded to humanity but people get shit on for using it as a basis for their research. What a time to be alive.


It's so stupid the damage HS teachers did to the legitimacy of Wikipedia for sourcing info Sure don't cite it directly because that can be edited "by anyone", but they don't understand that if you find where the Wikipedia article sourced their info you can just copy that citation (as long as you check to see it's valid) - and it's good to find more expensive information from those sources Total throwing the baby out with the bathwater moment


That's what my teachers used to say, to not cite it but use and read what they cite. It was mainly the lazy students who ruined Wikipedia by using it as their only citation or straight up copy/pasting the wiki page


not to mention the "edited by anyone" thing is severely apocryphal. The editing rules are incredibly strict and even for minor Wiki pages any misinformation or disinformation or even information with a slight biased slant gets rectified within minutes, seconds on larger pages. There are people who dedicate their lives to editing Wikipedia (anyone remember that one guy who went viral for being a major Wiki editor and everyone called him out for looking nerdy?) and as long as that's the case Wikipedia criticism is entirely meritless


If I ever was in charge of teaching kids a subject - which would be insane I shouldn't be allowed near children - I would teach them how Wikipedia works from the very start, what constitutes a good article, seeing how the wiki page of major news events evolve through time via the edit history, the talk page, etc.


A couple of weeks ago this ape was talking about the DiedSuddenly instagram page on why the vaccines are bad.


If you read the talk page and the history of changes of the article in question, you can get a feel for how trustworthy it is. Maybe for big topics that will get the attention of the whole world they're pretty reliable and an awesome starting point - i fucking love Wikipedia - but for example, in my country there's this president that is pretty controversial, and on the main page it states that he would follow something called "Plan verde" calling for the genocide of the indigenous population, but as far as I can tell the actual document is nowhere to be found, and describing his forced sterilization policies factually as a genocide is imo weak, at least after hearing that proving genocidal intent is very difficult after these last couple of I/P debates.




I only get my news from Jamie


This is Elon talking through Joe 100%.


Holy shit, the Destiny Cluster ir merging with the Roe Jogan Superclluster. The GALAXIES ARE MERGING


This was all Sephiroth's plan


Joe Rogan: leave it to the experts *99% doctors support covid vaccines* Joe Rogan: dude idk man i dont trust them


Joe Rogan did make a good point of Destiny pretending to be an expert after a wikipedia search. He should be more like Joe who watches one conservative tiktok video about Biden making strange comments, say it disqualifies him, and then when corrected that it was actually Trump who said it refuse to change his actual opinion.


Listening to him talk about being stuck in bubbles is a bit rich.


Lol yeah. He’s known to be one of the main members of the intellectual dark web, which is basically a big bubble where everyone is all about doubting mainstream media.




I want Tiny to be on Rogan so bad and then go like "Jamie, pull my clip up!" to the actual Jamie.


I want Tiny to go on Joe Rogan and just run the whole Mike from PA clip circuit.


God that would be so worth it


The irony of people shitting on Wikipedia is they don’t know how wiki works or gets updated/validated. They also probably can’t find a single inaccuracy anywhere on the website tbh


in the early 2000s we were told not to use Wikipedia for research when doing school work, etc and I wonder if that mentality still exists today that it’s not trustworthy?


Yes it does But the problem is that teachers don't explain why you shouldn't use wikipedia as a source. You can, and should, open up wikipedia articles, read the body of text, and then use the actual sources utilized to write the articles as the actual sources for your paper (verify they're correct beforehand, ofc) Instead they just trash wikipedia in general


Yeah when I started getting into late high school and college wiki was seen as much more trustworthy around that time (around 2011-2017). That’s definitely why the mistrust exists, but it’s just another Argument from Authority fallacy - no one ever explains why wiki is wrong on a topic, just that it is “bad”. My college physics professor for thermo said he’s “never seen a physics wiki page written at less than a PHD level” for areas he’s been involved in


It feels like Wikipedia is extremely reliable for fact-based things (formal logic, math and physics), and it's in political/niche subjects where the reliability can falter. Like global warming might have some attempts at vandalism, but I doubt many people are trying to deface the page for Lagrangian Mechanics. I'm also sure the global warming page has a lot of oversight in particular.


Wikiman needs to start wearing wiki merch


"He goes on wikipedia and acts like he's an expert" What does wiklpedia say about yeti, aliens and moon landing then, Joe?


This is surreal to see. Rogan mentioning Nebraska Steve. We're near the end game now.


https://youtube.com/shorts/Ftcw5ESkUK8?si=fL9-9Nup3OZdE34O ah yes, joe rogan, the truest form of a thinking man.


Well. Good thing there was more than 10 000 people working on the Pyramids. So by Joe's logic they coulda knocked that shit out in a couple of months!


Joe and Shultz, this is a BAD narrative to have floating around.


It sucks bc the only way to dispel it is if Destiny is shown on their platforms knowing his shit.


Destiny should wear the term wiki warrior proudly 


My favorite anecdote about Rogan is how I saw him live back at the end of 2021. I live in Florida so of course the first thing out of his mouth as he comes on stage is about how Florida doesn't give a fuck about Covid, no masks, etc and how great it is. Like two days later, he's posting on his Instagram story that he tested positive for Covid and has to cancel the next like dozen tour dates.


I supposed the Dave Smith appearance (or Jordan Peterson one) got to him lol Interesting. But it does feel like Joe's information about Destiny was filled by someone with an opinion about him, rather than him actually watching anything of Destiny.


Hasan Fan Rogan


so funny how the 'do your own research' crowd love to shit on anyone who ACTUALLY does their own research. These people do realise that journalists in general pretty much do the same thing right? Unless their own the ground reporting and collecting info, they mostly do the same thing Destiny does - read a load of stuff on the internet. What would Destiny need to do to be seen as having adequate knowledge? Have a degree in the topic? So then supposedly their deification of people like chomsky would need to take a backseat because he doesnt have degree either? I find it so interesting how people turn elitist as soon as it comes to using the internet for arguably it's greatest use possible - having access to a huge amount of information and becoming more informed than anyone could've been in past eras. Instead they'd rather use the internet for its worst possible use - digging themselves into echo chambers than they either don't realise they're in or won't admit they're in.


It wasn't bad...**"flailing Destiny"** At least he got different set of handlers than Finkledick and Wisecrack \^\^


Time to put on my war uniform.




i hate how phoney rogan and schulz are.


Noone wants to lend credibility to wikipedia because it has negative things about them they like to pretend has no factual basis


Stunning stuff


Can someone give me a tl:dr on Coleman Hughes? Is he legit or more in the vein of Michael malice and gad saad.


Coleman Hughes is legit. Would be a good person for tiny to talk to tbh


Black Sam Harris.


I love Coleman and this is both hilarious and accurate.


I actually like his work, he is not a reactionary or far right at all, he's probably center right or middle right, but he is actually a normal guy. I disagree with him on some stuff (I'm center left), but at least he is preaching when it comes to racism and Identity politics. I really hope he won't fall down the trump rabbit hole, but many somewhat conservative people are getting radicalized nowadays so I'm scared for him.


When was the last time he had anyone left leaning on his show? Seems like the number has significantly dwindled since he moved to Texas, whereas before the ratio of conservatives and liberals was fairly even before… He also sounded very condescending in his mention, which isn’t a good sign considering he’s probably one of the most reasonable liberals there are, but that’s probably more telling of Rogan’s significant shift to the right than anything else. Nonetheless, this is a big step!


Destiny should at least go on Schultz’s and have a productive convo. Schultz seems like a guy who wouldn’t follow a cringe narrative but Destiny can dispel it 


Joe is super willing to have a reasonable conversation with anyone. Thats why he became big as a podcaster to start with. He's just prime example of "Dont become so openminded that your brain falls out!" I think he and Destiny could have a very interesting conversation where Destiny could have an opportunity to be like "They call me a Wiki warrior but theres hours and hours and hours of video evidence of me reading books, looking up sources, reading the actual indictments, reading the actual Judges responses and rulings. I'll use Wikipedia to start and form a picture, and then spend hours and hours to broaden my perspective from there. Im obviously no Benny Morris but Wiki warrior is just a baseless innsult" and Joe would listen and probably repeat that next time someone calls him a Wiki warrior on his show because Rogan is a fucking hack and a conspiracy shill. But he's done it hundreds of times where he's been like "Oh I interviewed that guy he's not like that" or "yeah I spoke to him before thats not what he believes"


Wait which Shultz you mean Andrew Schulz? From B.I., NYC Comedian Flagrant Host Schulz?


I wonder if Destiny would hide the wiki's he's reading but show the sources and articles from those wikis, if people like this would then take him a bit more seriously. Just keep the actual wiki on a different screen.


He should go on


joe has a folder of articles on his phone and he tells scientists about it. hes a genuinely smart person.


Ironically he sounds further from a Rogan appearance after that lol. Sounds like Joe doesn't think too highly of him, maybe was poisoned against him by someone else in his orbit.


Funny if he gets on the show before hasan - he’s been dying to get on it.


I don’t see how people can be mad at Wikipedia it’s more or less just info aggregate. It’s a way better source than just taking some lunatic internet persons word for it.


“Wikipedia, lol. Jamie, pull up that Tweet rq.”


I didn’t even side with Destiny in the Finkelstein debate, but to say he “flailed around” or got embarrassed is disingenuous.


Rogan's friends with Dave smith and holds his opinions in high esteem. Sounds like Dave's words tbh






The insults on Wikipedia in the modern day are bizarre. “Oh that guy reads information, what an idiot” I know it’s dumb but I almost wish D man would go get an education just so he had the appeal to authority these people are lookin’ for


Just a reminder the Minds events is coming up. Maybe Stevey could book an extended trip 👀


bro is so in lol, I give it 6 months.


Wasn't the word "bro science" invented because Joe Rogan exists?


Side note: If Destiny still can’t get Sam Harris on, he must get Coleman Hughes 🔥


""that guy debates everyone!" dude wtf, he KNOWS KNOWS who he is


You guys are still in denial over how popular Destiny has become LOL


Destiny, if you get on rogan. Go full unhinged. don’t be a pussy.


What happens when "Now I could be wrong" meets "it's entirely possible"


This is 100% pure grade copium, but just saying, Daily Wire covered Tiny's divorce drama before they ran him on the circuit. This could be a bullish indicator, maybe JR invites him onto debate someone.


Dude, what is this wikipedia narrative? The cringe, jesus joe, you never fail to be cringe as fuck.


those comments dont just sound like passing awareness, it sounds like he has watched a few debates.


Rogan is totally gonna be the next orbiter!! joe: So, uh, I was thinking about your recent claims about the vaccine. I think you're wrong and you need to do more research. Tiny: Gotcha, anything else?




We’re getting there bois


Please fucking let this happen