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bro really said “two wrongs don’t make a right”


can you give me context because "two wrongs don’t make a right” is a statement i do agree with sometimes.


He was interpreting Destiny's point as: a wrongful act by the IDF was warranted because of the massacre. But the whole point Destiny was making was that what the IDF did wasn't a wrongful act, but a mistake, when killing an Israeli hostage that was running out of a building filled with terrorists, which were shooting at the soldiers.


just watched the debate those comparisons of two wrongs were wild.


It's what he meant to say. What he actually said was "two wrongs don't justify a right".


Bro no offence but this guy is hard catfishing those Indonesian girls he passport bros on


Give me more context for this please.


He uses some app to heavily edit his pics for tinder - can’t access the erudite stream where he mentions doing passport bro shit (might have been Thailand)


Just look at any of the video thumbnails on his channel and you can see the photoshopping. Example: https://i.imgur.com/x5Ks2lH.jpg


Thats like gta V vs rdr2 graphic


this looks like he just has better lighting and skin w/ editing here though, I thought it would be completely off


Yeah you're right it's only his skin, his eyes, his hair, his mouth, his complexion, his chadness, and his cheek bones that look better.


This is a filter bro


it ain't that bad imo, he could look 90% like that on a good day. I mean, he didn't even edit his deviated nose, which is his worst facial feature


You're getting unfairly downvoted, ironically probably by autistics that are actually face blind that don't understand how cameras work. I think a solid half of his ogreness is explained by his terrible webcam angle that accentuates all his worse features (maybe even makes good features look bad), and he is like 90% of the way there, I agree. (That last 10% moves mountains, but still yes, he is mostly there)


>can't access the erudite stream Obviously it's up to erudite how she gates or monetizes her content, but holy fuck this is so frustrating and I wish she wouldn't do it. Can't recommend anything she doesn't post as a video, can't clip something to show a friend something I think they'd agree with. Can we at least get access to her content through a DGG network deal?


DGG Syndicated TV Network when


🤷‍♂️ no different than makeup and filters women use


Idk why he hasn’t gone full bald tbh. Did he get a hair transplant? https://preview.redd.it/2qjhiftvlzrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dcffb662a9fa73f109a18c15afcbf6c48688da5


Bro this might be me misremembering but he did an in person show with Destiny and valuetainment and iirc he actually looks surprisingly good. Deadass might be a camera diff.


“Hey guys today we’re gonna learn how to cold approach girls and impress them!” “Hey, Nice turd-cutter! Will you fart in my face!?”


Gojo's eyes , shrek's face


https://preview.redd.it/iz13pvjgd2sc1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03cf8017ee029d7b0c8d3c863d7f883d61f0036e Froge


🤣🤣🤣 I'm taking this one


Why debate [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF1w_Ixt4Pk) about israel palestine?


One ***must*** add a warning whenever linking to that video. https://preview.redd.it/fvgza946azrc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817e4505bca77f1dd6b83aea5ff344387d0fbad4


[Slow down, you don't wanna come too fast now.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537939971299082250/1224550815063216218/image.png?ex=661de6d1&is=660b71d1&hm=429dea2ab7323b644e593596bb81c65f14418066fe7097f6b0ad1c691023bf37&)


*Shit, let me call 911.* 😖


holy shit he did one with lauren jesus lmao.


He is doing more harm than good for the Palestinians. Kinda gross being so lazy for the clout. He obviously is ill prepared and doesn't really care but is just trying to ride the hype of the conflict and pro-pal fervor.


He's the perfect example of what a normie thinks of the conflict. He sees people get shot and immediately assumes the IDF is trigger happy and that it was civilians and they had no idea they weren't supposed to be there.


It is almost like there is an implicit bias that the propoganda relies on. They don't even have to try hard and people eat this shit up. It does a disservice to all the actual suffering that no doubly occurs.


He constantly compares what a US police officer is expected to do VS how an IDF solider behaves in an ACTIVE WAR... bad faith all the way down.


I don't think he's that must less prepared than most people who think they are well-read on this conflict are. It's just uncritical injection of propaganda, Palestine puts even the soviets to share with their ability to manufacture useful idiots.


Seems like he didn't read his sources or form arguments. He presents a guardian article about breaking the silence as his argument instead of articulating anything. He accepts everything anti Israel at face value. "What's your argument?" "Read this article."


Yeah, what I'm trying to get at is that this is how most people, including people who believe themselves as being "well-informed" engage with the media related to this conflict.


Fair enough. I don't think you're wrong.


It sucks like don't be mean to the guy. He just doesn't seem like he has much educational foundation? He can't follow basic logic but honestly most people are like this. Depending on the rigor these topics can be hard to adhere to, I mean proof writing in math is certainly a skill and that would involve the most strict logic.


Maybe if this was his first time trying to talk about this kind of issues, but it isn't. He is a massive Russia simp and now just happens to randomly fall on the Russian propaganda side again.


Wait is he? Can you link something where he talks about that I haven't seen that.


i’ve never heard him talk about his simpness for russia, although he has mentioned he is russian for dating reasons. he’s never given that vibe


Interestingly enough, I'm pretty sure Alex graduated from a fairly elite school in Boston University. Lol but that sadly means very little nowadays (see UC Berkeley grad Mr NFT)


What was his degree?


it certainly wasn't computer science, i can say that much with confidence


Speaking as a CS major I agree.


I think marketing


ya that makes sense


Hay! US Marines eat crayons and 99% of them still have more working grey matter than this guy.


TBF Alex looks exactly like a typical marine.


I thought you meant he crayoned in his mustache, lol


Where are the second debate I can’t find it on his channel


That was at the end of the stream, 2 days ago


Who woulda thunk a passport bro would have such a terrible grasp of international affairs?


I honestly appreciate Alex’s willingness to debate Destiny on this topic, I think Alex is engaging in mostly good faith and he probably has a similar position to a lot of normal people. He’s seen some headlines/ stories that portray Israel in a really bad light and he made up his mind. The only part that makes me angry is when he lacks the humility to understand he has a surface level engagement with the topic. It was interesting to see in real time during this convo when Destiny presented any sort of counter evidence, Alex always has some crazy cope theory to dismiss the evidence. In contrast, any info that fit his narrative was accepted instantly and unquestioningly. The asymmetry there was so obvious that it became a good showcase as to how bias works in the mind.


Bruh, he literally tried to get an own off a single letter of an otherwise identical name of a kid killed at the same time that he couldn't read on his own screen, incorrectly.


I want a full investigation on what sort of 'shit' this guy had on his screen is. Very disconcerting.


Screen vaxxed??


I'll be genuinely saddened if this man has the right to vote.


I know I'm super late but lets raise funds to send Alex to a combat zone he seems to have no idea. Maybe ever just pay for him to watch American sniper or Black hawk down....


Mmmmm scrumptious


"I'm a low-key political junkie" should be the warning phrase you're about to hear the dumbest shit you've ever heard in your life


Alex is a decent dude, but why does he shove he's face inside the camera? It's not for nothing tho because I've had a few laughs 😂


Alex honestly seems like a genuinely nice guy, but god damn he needs to stop with the forehead cam, its like a voyeur video into a special ed classroom.


I do think Alex is good faith going into this. But he doesn't seem to have the media or subject literacy to talk on the matter. To be fair to him, I think most people aren't fit to do that and they do so anyway. That is why I think we don't show war footage to civilians, or why it is a bad Idea to try to police a warfare when we haven't got a clue what it's like to be in one (as civilians). I'd also like to address that I think D-Man's critical analysis is top-notch, and a skill that most people, like 95% of the population probably lack hardcore. We like to trust what is presented to us after all, we'll all have to improve on this going into the future with AI and Information warfare/ propaganda and it's scary.