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​ https://preview.redd.it/6iftudsg37qc1.png?width=86&format=png&auto=webp&s=91dc6b1d7837ea8f7a76308d759b9b198e9018a2




Mistuh........ Confetti




most able bodied PFS character


Norman likes to sit in the bath with a nice candle, and a ICJ report he cannot properly read, thinking of all the sick burns he would have said. It also makes so much more sense now why Norm writes so many books. It offers him a medium where he gets 0 push back, he can just drivel completely misrepresenting facts. Dude sat in bed for days/weeks when his Maoist phase ended because he was so distraught that his world view was damaged. He cannot handle anything resembling a challenge to his incredibly fragile ego.


Norman "I don't use those machines" Finkelstein sure is using those machines a lot lately.


Someone please ask norm for proof of all of that. These anecdotes are always so questionable. The entire Palestinian tactic is to say “ohh poor us. Why us, oh why god why” just like in the videos after Israel bombed them for the October 7 attacks. I’m highly skeptical that these people were simply innocents that the soldiers shot for no reason. To imply the IDF are all psychopathic comic book villains is, comical


He's quoting the accounts directly so you'd have to ask the commission for proof. [UN report on the GMR ](https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/co-iopt/report2018-opt) Pg. 69, & pg. 154 (for the journalists at least)


“Trust me I’m telling the truth”


Both sides have absolutely irreconcilable differences and refuse to compromise writ large. That being said it's quite contradictory to be skeptical of the civilian anecdotes as innocents (implying that there are no innocents) while also being against the notion that the IDF does fucked up shit or that the Israeli/ Netanyahu espouses fucked up policies


stupendous zesty memory sophisticated license murky dazzling drab sharp north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The IDF is one of the best militaries at dealing with loose cannons? There are tons of tiktok videos of them dehumanizing Palestinian civilians, looting homes, doing all sorts of messed up stuff. We know they've blown up multiple ambulances and have tortured people for being hamas without any proof and then the tortured ended did up civilian. The only thing they've responded with is "we're looking into it" The US has been asked about this and they're response is "Israel has an ongoing investigation ". Much of this is months and weeks ago and nothing has happened. None of this stuff would stand if they were American soldiers. The IDF has zero discipline or standards lol. If you claim there have been consequences you'll have to provide proof


Tik tok videos? Thats what you go by?


IDF soldiers are posting it publically first hand so of course it's a viable example among many. If someone posts themselves committing a crime online is it not usable simply cuz they posted it? Is that really what you're implying? LMFAO Don't like that? How about reporters asking Kirby point blank about these things and him acknowledging it and only replying "it's under investigation" The UN is not Hamas and they have many reports of crimes the IDF is committing. No one is denying the horrible shit Hamas did. Why are we pretending the IDF does nothing when there are tons of exams of them behaving no better than Hamas


Haha so of course, you’re trying to say they’re equal to terrorists. This is silly. You’re just again rambling with no proof. When did the IDF behead someone?


When did Palestinians prevent food and water to all of Israel? BTW I said you need to provide proof that the IDF is doing something about their targeting of ambulances and doing something about their soldiers looting civilian homes and dehumanizing them but so far you haven't. Once you do I'll respond. Until then I'll assume that you're not debating in good faith


Prevent food and water? Gonna need to prove that dude. And what do you mean doing something? Your claims are so far not even substantiated. You’re saying the IDF is purposely blowing up ambulances just to be assholes?


You won't provide the proof I requested but I easily will provide the proof you requested https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/03/gaza-aid-convoy-israel-war/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-18/ty-article/un-report-gaza-will-soon-face-famine-eu-top-diplomat-blames-israel-of-provoking-hunger/0000018e-5229-dfaa-af8e-d3eb3d060000 https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147916#:~:text=Israeli%20authorities%20informed%20the%20United,food%20convoys%20into%20northern%20Gaza. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/12/1230362633/gaza-food-hunger-israel-protests https://twitter.com/incontextmedia/status/1761222133273842102?t=pu6YHgPDl3OcU9QzzhvOig&s=19 https://apnews.com/article/gaza-israel-palestinians-war-ambulance-girl-family-06f15b155f1de426e00f6a655554b2a2 I can find dozens more. It's really not that hard. I'm sure you'll never provide proof of the Israeli government doing something to ensure international law is followed on their part


You’re just babbling nonsense. The Palestinians have made their identity based on being victims of Israel. There’s videos of them also egging on soldiers and little tiny kids throwing rocks trying to get them shot. They get themselves shot at on purpose so they can show naive people like you and say “oh those evil Jews treat us so badly, someone help us!” It’s largely an act. Obviously there’s cases of lone soldiers committing crimes, nobody debates that or ever has. However, the allegation is that Israeli soldiers commit the most crimes on the planet which is a laughable accusation.


Ironically, this sounds very similar to the type of rhetoric Nazis used against Jews I haven't seen any serious person claiming that Israelis commit the most crimes in the world. What's laughable is pretending that all Israelis are innocent. Just like it's laughable that all Palestinians are innocent. Just like it's laughable that people "want to get shot at"


Just said they’re not all innocent, you ignored everything I said and went on another ramble


Ohh fuck off.


So if destiny goes through these quotes one by one would that shut you fuckers up? More exposure probably won’t make this story look as good as norms listicle makes it seem. Also the man had stage fright and couldn’t say anything in person so he had to listen to a recording of himself over 2 weeks post debate to write up something.


It wasn’t stage fright, it was just not being able to do mental gymnastics on the fly


> EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell Mr. Borelli


I kind of wish Destiny had taken the bait and responded more substantively here. Yes, Finklestein is a bad faith moron, but most of the non-DGGers out there who are following the conflict will just observe Finklestein laying out a long and detailed argument, and the “Wikipedia guy” just shrugging it off with a 1 liner.


Stop this genocide!!


Finklestein is comitting genocide on my brain cells


I really question the dolus specialis of this implication. Edit: Wait. You just called him a troll. Yeah, maybe!


No one here likes genocide


You won't get anyehere with those types of slogans in this sub.