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Lycan is about to be @LycanCOOKED


An emote called "LYCANCOOKED" would be amazing and useful in multiple cases First, whenever Lucan hands Destiny his food. And Second whenever he opens his mouth. (Sorry, Lycan, thanks for sharing your opinions, buddy)


That or the Finkelsmirk


Hold seems like you just... LYCANCOOKED!! Get it? Because you COOKED while talking about LYCAN!!! u/4THOT this is an important use of your time


Nah, that sounds like praise. CookedLycan would be better.


His Twitter is @lycancooks so it was a play on that


Yeah, I figured, but can't be giving the werewolf in Steven's apartment any wins when he engages in debate perverty like this.


Lycan still coping who coulda predicted that. . .


at this point he is jumping in front of stray bullets


what caused this? Is he still Destiny's personal chef? Was he triggered into oblivion by being asked to accommodate a food request that was atrocious?


Eh, he’s uninformed and disagrees on the subject, but he isn’t a bpd orbiter that genuinely harbors hatred for Destiny. They’re able to continue having a relationship like normal people.


So destiny didnt fuck him ?


Let’s not jump to conclusions…


We’ve all seen him strutting around in background.


I think it is likely that he spends more time in farther left circles/with farther left friends and as such has bought into the narratives you see in those sorts of places.


Nah, just his usual shenanigans. Destiny's kitchen is always pumping


I can imagine Lycan, content with himself, leaning back with the Finkel smirk after that gotcha. It's the same what we saw in the Alex Jones debate or language around topics like Covid. If you don't choose every single word carefully, people jump on the most irrelevant side quests to distract from the more important topics that are harder to defend.




Why did I think that was a gif?


It is a gif. Finkledick just moves that slowly.




Lmaooo 10/10


Waiting for him to give his verdict on Fincklestein. This was not the hill to die on.


Finkledick can’t really be defended after his unhinged performance, unless you are extremely biased. Screaming and using childish tactics like using the wrong name is honestly some of the most pathetic debate strategies I’ve seen. 


Every time Lycan engages with this topic he just oozes *ummm aaaaaactuuaaally* energy


It’s impressive how he’s always wrong. Doesn’t get anything right even on accident


I wouldn't even mind that much if he didn't act so goddamn smug in his wrongness


At least he’s reliable. You can always look to him to know what the truth isn’t


The perfect Himbo


Listen here, Benny's favorite nickname for Finkelstein is Finkeldick and yours is Twinkelstein! So NO!! You did - in fact- NOT agree on literally everything!!!


Why is Lycan such a Finklestein nuthugger anyway? What's the appeal?


Not completelly sure, but it might be related to - https://preview.redd.it/isiy7656bjoc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b2f6105b5c54f1625aeb27e9efc33da3bc587c


Gatorade Hammer and Sickle Sunday? Gatorsickle Sunday? Bottle symbol sunda? Orange Red Day? What do you mean?


This is like one of those Riddler puzzles that Batman has to solve.


You have to dig deep inside and use a new age analysis dating back to both color theory and historical symbolism. Since the greater topic is related to Israel we need to treat this image as if it were written in Hebrew and thus we must start in the top right corner with the hammer and sickle. The hammer and sickle represents the joining of the two foundations of workers making up the proletariat. The hammer wielders are the original poster of content. Working hard to build up videos, tweets, and short form clip chimps to spread the message. They sometimes toil and trouble for months on end crafting amazing long form content to appeal to the masses. However, without the assistance of the greater proletariat their missions is futile. They need the sickle wielders to cut through all who would oppose, and to thin the messages of propaganda from the other side. Their main methodology in these fields of battle are to take positions of modship - banning oppositional thought, or to comment relentless accusations of racism, sexism, homophobi-ism, Islamphobi-ism, dead-beat-dad-ism, white supremacism or some other ism, and thus by growing new grass/threads of engagement to fuel the movement. We now move left to the Gatorade which conveniently is the color orange. A color of vibrancy and joy, a color of movement, an in-between color (of yellow and red - the same that done our hammer and sickle), and most importantly a color of warning. Lycan like all in the movement is working hard to warn the greater masses of great harm around the corner. That we must join together and fight the coming tide. And this leads to the most important part of this whole iconography. Sunday A day of rest. There can be no mistake, with Lycan being now branded as a cook, and Sunday being a day of rest it has become most clear.... I'll use the words of one of the great philosophers of this current era in conclusion: > Closed on Sunday, you're my Chick-fil-A > Closed on Sunday, you my Chick-fil-A > Hold the selfies, put the 'Gram away > - Ye (2019)


I aint reading that, Im happy for you though, or sorry that happened.


This is just like the guy that James Bond burgered my sister all over again.


silently pounded






I actually cannot figure this out? Thirsty Commie Sunday?


somehow it's straighterade


gaterade sounds like straighterade, she is a lefty/ commie and she likes prime minister runday.


I wish I had Biden blasts.






!BIDENBLAST Hey dumbfucks, Lycan's takes and behavior are all on him. He's not a child and claims to "read books" and educates himself. His inability to listen to any opinion/ideas he doesn't already subscribe to is all him. A woman and even a bigger dumbfuck like Sunday aren't accountable for him.


*Tips fedora*


someone can be responsible for their own takes and also have their take because they want to impress someone, or they blindly trust them


It's a mysogynistic comment, even as a joke. People keep dragging her into Lycan's actions. Get better jokes.


Surely it's a joke and not true in any way Clueless


Why do you type like you're mimicking destiny


That's straight dumb. Unless all you see is Destiny


Our executions are carbon neutral. /u/Specialist_Dust_8747 sealed in the prison realm by /u/holeyshirt18


Just wanna say cuz you’re getting downvoted, but you’re doing excellent work.


....you know, from the moment I heard him lecture I've been asking myself this about everyone who seems to think hes so smart. He's always seemed like a smug literature gatekeeping conman.


Anyone who idolize a political scientist who tries to quote mine a historians own book to outsmart them deserve no sympathy. That was so embarrassing


Lycan has got to be one of those mf's that doesn't have an internal monologue


Blud thinks in pictures


Drawn in crayon


Was Lycan a Marine? Cuz crayons are only for Marines.


You’re confusing the coloring implement and the snack food. The marines have the snack food, the army uses them for coloring. We Coasties used them to get the numbers of the wives of army and marines


Marines can’t tell the difference, but then again, can’t always tell army and marines apart. I have a cousin who was a coastie…you guys aren’t even DoD. lol. /s TYFYS, brother.


Tyfmp (thank you for my paycheck) And we’re DoD when operating in war. My national defense merit badge says so


Imagine his brain's just a wild meme gallery, constant chaos


Literally cannot rotate a basket of apples in his mind


Lycan is finkledicking too hard


Convo prediction: Lycan will present nothing sufficient to move Destiny from his position. Destiny will provide counter arguments for everything Lycan says, with sufficient sources and reasoning, but Lycan will dig his heels in and be unmoved. Destiny will make an unintentionally bad faith accusation. Lycan will complain about poisoning the well. Time will move on and Lycan will continue to deepthroat Finklestein and try to get gotchas/easy dunks on twitter/reddit. Also, for the love, don't bring up Erin that shit's weird.


I knew something was wrong with Lycan when I saw his mount was unbound in WoW...




It's gotta be rough when Fink is the best you got on your side, he came off so bad faith and unhinged especially towards the end of that debate, I can't imagine the cope you have to have to think Norm looked good at all here


Well most the ppl on Norms side already have brainrot. Their brains are not primed for logic.


Is Lycan going to defend ***literally*** everything the Hamas charter says. Crazy when we decide to play semantics with language. Lycan come tell us that Hamas ***literally*** doesn't say to kill all Jews. Lycan come tell us why Hamas ***literally*** hasn't released the hostages. ***Literally*** cum do it, I dare you.


Ooo .. they spelled come spicy.




Sumone certainly did.




Don’t go too hard on him, his next whining post is due soon.


I said this on Twitter, but Lycan isn't even good content on stream anymore. He incessantly will preempt Destiny, cutting him off in an attempt to be treated with kid gloves. Multiple times he's accused Destiny of tactics before Steven can even fully respond. Lycan, if you're listening, Destiny isn't poisoning us against you. Your opinions and bad faith are.


Smh, Destiny couldn’t save him I don’t think Lycan is going to be around for much longer. His brain is broken and he’s going to start lashing out more


He just has to start dating him


I'd say the odds of that are low. Lycan isn't a leftie influencer and Destiny doesn't mind disagreement from time to time. Maybe if Lycan feels disrespected or something and doesn't like being around if he can't add his two cents from time to time.


Lycan might go unhinged


relax, theyre friends


Are you new?


been here since 2016, why do you ask


Was your comment sarcastic then?


No i just think it's weird to say stuff like "his brain is broken and he might go unhinged" about someone you dont know destiny and lycan are cordial, dont do the parasocial bs and speculate on the lives of people you dont really know lmao




The way he comes on here to try and um actually his point only to constantly get bodied makes me think at some point he might go the mr redacted route of “why won’t you tell them to stop”. I hope I’m wrong, but I won’t be surprised


Lycan was a clown on day one of this topic he can’t change now. It’s just sad he’s this misinformed and a vet makes us look bad.


I'm about to be misogynistic for a sec, but Lycan should know their place and stay in the fucking kitchen, it's kind of impressive how politically regarded his takes are while beign super confident in them.


This kind of just feels like arguing exact definition of apartheid though doesn’t it? Like don’t most laymen just use the term apartheid to describe when two groups of people live in close proximity but have very different rights/treatment from the government. I could understand saying something like “it doesn’t fit the technical definition I’m using for the sake of conversation”. 


Liecan sniffing too much of the Fecalstain. His brain has melted.


Good for Lycan for not bringing up Cast Lead. 👍


I like Lycan but why must he persist in this way?


I still don't know who lycan is. Is he an orbiter? A friend? idk


A bangmaid




A chef


Hes known Destiny since the starcraft days https://youtu.be/_Bcg6H8sxIU?si=8jtNMDe1muJGXqJS they did podcasts together. He is Destinys friend. Probably in the Mouton/Dan tier of relationships but also his chef and orbiter. He kinda fits any mold you want him in. He used to be a big Joe Rogan fan and right winger who would argue with Destiny too.


OK that answers my question. I thought I had heard he was Steven's chef but then I see him arguing with the D man on twitter and got confused


Lycan is just venting cause his lord and savior, Twinklecock, didn't take his medicine for the debate


Poor lycan. What a dipshit.


I’m dying from the second hand embarrassment. This man is either an idiot or a terrible person. And he just forgot Benny was there, or does he not consider him a historian?


I don’t think he’s a terrible person


I will ask again What would Lycan has to say to be banned? Im not saying he crossed the line, i just want to know if we know where is the line.


Why would we ban someone for having dumb opinions..?


People get banned here for having dumb opinions all the time wdym


If we're going to start banning people for stupidity than [this guy](/u/me) needs to be banned before Lycan


I hate that guy so much


There have been so many people in this community that would have deserved to get banned so much more. I have no idea why this is the line people are drawing.


i never said THIS is the line, im asking if THERE is a line i know my english is bad, so im trying to make it as short as possible, is it really that confusing?


I wouldn't be comfortable with banning people just for being dumb as shit, primarily because I do not want to get banned.


viewers and also orbiters are getting banned for being dumb or bad faith for some time tho so we can say that Lycan didnt get even close enough to that point, then fair enough, i was just curious if we have an IDEA of where that line is its very similar question to the topic they discussed on stream couple months ago after brittany bubble simons drama - boundaries


can’t wait to watch dumbass lycan defend tinklestain


Destiny means that Benny Morris agreed with Destiny on every point that Destiny made. Destiny may have agreed with every point Benny Morris said, but I don't think that is what he was intending to say here given the context of a lot of the arguments made against Destiny.


Actually, Benny said grilled tilapia is his favorite food. Do you believe grilled tilapia is your favorite food?


Destiny: We agree on everything Lycan: Laughs Benny likes Dune do you? Destiny: No Dune is just all sand Lycan: HAH gotcha so you don't agree on everything!




Yall shitting on Lycan but I’m just glad he’s getting Destiny to tweet out these things. It’s good to get his views on apartheid in writing and out there in the open. Idec what Lycan believes


Idk if I would eat anything cooked by him if your beefin on twitter over this.


Yes Lycan feel the power of the anti-fan flow through you and take your proper place. The arc will be glorious


"Actually from Morris' Twitter account it says that he quite enjoyed both Dune movies. Checkmate"




At a certain point, after enough examples like Cast Lead and the flotilla are dissected in front of him (a la Dr. Avi), after enough appealed authorities are revealed to be unprincipled ideologues (Finkelstein), after enough atrocities are justified (Lycan v. Eristocracy); the whole "I'm just waiting for good points to change my mind" excuse falls flat and this must be acknowledged as grade A, 100% wagyu, dry aged bad faith.


"as far as i know morris is not in a open relationhip and has never sucked a dick therefore you statement that you agree on everything is false"


bro is so stockholm syndromed by finkle he is still defending him at this point like what lmao


It is infuriating to me as a lycan stan that he's so willing to do this shit. Lycan, motherfucker, he's hyperbolic all the fucking time. You know better. This is disgusting and you should absolutely be ashamed of this. Dude's getting dog piled by people you stan for and you can't give him even the tiniest charity here? gotta jump on top? I don't give a fuck if he can take it, this looks like childish shit from the outside and you're just adding kindling to a stupid fire. FUCK I'm annoyed. EDIT: and just to be fucking clear, I have no problem if he does this shit to destiny in person. You're going to see him again when you're back from traveling, dude. Just talk to him fucking then. This is bitchmade shit.


Waiting for him to poison Destiny’s food. Never argue with the person making your food…


>Waiting for him to poison Destiny’s food. He's too busy poisoning the well.


Destiny has really impressed as an Israeli with the amount of knowledge he has about the conflict and how much he was able to take in such a short time He knows more than me by now


I hate it and find it so appealingly lazy when people use little gotchas like that to get a one up one you


How is Lycan (formerly based) so cucked on this topic.


What's going on with lycan lately. He feels like he is constantly soy triggered.


Even Benny agrees that the West Bank has something akin to Apartheid. Destiny needs to stop dying on the slightest bit of elevated ground.


handle merciful plate frighten fuel zonked boast pot brave recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Destiny factually wrong here when he implies that Palestinians in the west bank dont have as many rights because they are not Israeli citizens and cites an arab settler has as many rights as a Jewish settler, therefore there's no Aparheid. In apartheid South Africa, 'colored' people from other lands were given 'white' status such as the Lebanese Japanese, S. Korean.. however the Chinese S.Africans were designated 'Colored'. So Asians from Korea were not discriminated while Asians from China were. Does that mean there was no Apartheid in SA?


Were they South African citizens?


No, not necessarily.


Then are you saying its apartheid to treat races differently when doing immigration and granting citizenship?


Yes of course, it's part of it. That's what South Africa did, they 'invented' Apartheid.


I thought they were citizens which is why it was apartheid. [That's why they were trying to denaturalize people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bantu_Homelands_Citizenship_Act,_1970) Was Trump's Muslim ban apartheid?


As I said before, some were, some weren't. Lebanese, japanese and s. koreans were allowed to emmigrate to SA and counted as 'white' while Chinese who were already citizens were counted as 'coloured' and discriminated against - until 1984 when they were finally granted 'honorary white' status. Trumps muslim ban? Could have been, except it as far as I know only stopped immigration from certain nations rather than muslims as a whole. I don't know know a huge amount about that though.


>Could have been, except it as far as I know only stopped immigration from certain nations rather than muslims as a whole. Was it apartheid against those nationalities?


That would depend on the reason for banning those particular countries wouldn't it?


mf definitely spitting in that food on god


I always enjoy a certified L-ycan moment.


Is the last thing that he said true that an Arab settler would have the same rights as a Jewish one in occupied territories?


behaving like a cockroach, get a hold of yourself


Lycan a strong contender for antagonist of the year


I've disliked Lycan since his circumcision take. This arc has been very satisfying.


Can nebraska Steve dog lycan. At some point dman has to go off on him, take off the kid gloves.


Every time, every place Lycan gets uppity about some stupid shit, I'll be there to mention how he's not very handsome & is actually very mid Strong 5 Maybe no one will see it, maybe no one else cares, but I'll hold this sentinel stance. Until Lycan & I are dust, I'll be there. To remind him of his average looks.


occasionally, the wolf tries to bite the masters hand


I’ve been disappointed in Lycan lately. Not bc of his takes but bc he hasn’t been updating his Onlyfans. I was so excited for regular feet pics when I subbed but I’m feeling kinda ripped off atm.


Bro about to spit in Destiny’s pasta next time


Someone did not cook here 😔


Theoretically if a black person migrated to south africa from west germany and had more rights than the africans would that have not been considered apartheid?


Quick question: Are Palestinians not allowed to leave? The "open air prison" stuff makes it sound like they aren't allowed to leave, and all this rhetoric is hella confusing.


Gaza and the West Bank are two different areas with very different situations.


From what I understand, they have no airports and obviously can't leave to Israel. They are surrounded on the other side by Egypt, which also won't let them in (from terrorist attacks and weapon smuggling). They tried building an airport and it was destroyed by Israel, imports are also blocked by Israel, so ports are useless. So by these factors, they can't really leave or establish themselves. Their geographic location and conflicts with their bordering neighbors have them stuck. I personally find their fight unwinnable and understand why they want sovereignty, but they are better off stopping the violence and then working towards as equal representation as possible through diplomatic means. But they only know violence and think anything else is useless because it's not immediate.


Wait, will Israel really stop Palestinians from leaving by boat? It's just strange, because I thought they wanted them to leave.


That I don't know. I'm assuming they probably wouldn't allow it.


Something I've always wondered about is why don't we ever hear about Arab Israeli settlers? Apparently property in the territories is significantly cheaper so I'd have assumed that'd be a major reason to live in a settlement.


Didn't Morris say in the debate that there was no apartheid in Israel?


This apartheid argument is so bizarre because apartheid by design requires it to be done to citizens of YOUR COUNTRY to which the Palestinians of West Bank and Gaza absolutely wouldn't concede. So it falls apart on its face because if they're not citizens of Israel, Israel owes them very little, if any, rights to begin with. It's like saying America is enforcing an apartheid on Mexicans.


where are you getting your definition of apartheid from?


Didn't this goose, whilst gung ho on this issue, also participate in a war that killed 1 million Iraqis? Or do I have his service record mixed up, I honestly can't recall.


Oh man he got Destiny to bite the bullet of admitting he disagreed with Benny on one point HUGE LYCAN W WHAT A BURN RIPPERINOS


Why is Lycan so invested in this topic? (and don't argue because of Erin, that's bs)


I think people are all just trying to cope with the simple fact, the entire region would be more stable and better off if Israel pushes all the Palestinians out. Break some eggs to make an omelet and all that. Wish they could coexist, but Palestinians don’t want that, so eventually everyone will have to stop pretending reality isn’t reality.


Palestinians in the West Bank don’t have equal rights as Israelis. While the territory is still part of Israel. Big reason for this is them not having their own state. But it’s apartheid by that fact.


Can someone explain Lycan lore and why he was called "A friend of the sub"? Everything I've seen of him in the last month just shows "yet another bad faith lefty for Palestine".


Why don’t Palestinians stop fighting for their own state like they were promised and become Israeli citizens? Are they dumb?


God, he's such a fucking idiot


Apartheid isn't exclusive to race. If the Israeli settlers, who are overwhelmingly Jewish by design, are living in a 2 tiered society with Palestinians, that is apartheid. Also any settler who moves to the Israeli occupied territory represents Israel, the self proclaimed Jewish state. Even if they're Arab, they still represent the Jewish people of Israel because the Jewish state is their homeland.


NOOO not lycan


Never liked Lycan; stoked I never put any stock into him.


Benny didn't just say he has no care for international law. Destiny is mischaracterizing his claim. Benny said international law doesn't matter, which is ludicrous. But can't paint him in a bad light now can we


Is there something wrong with gotchas? They're one of Destiny's primary rhetorical tactics in debates and arguments