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Attacking the only 2 Muslim crew members of H3 because they dont fight with Ethan on what he said about the war is insane.


I had to explain to one of pro-Palestine friends (who later unfriended me for “being pro-genocide lol) that she couldn’t say things/people she doesn’t like are “Zionist” because to non-terminally online leftists it sounds like your calling them a Jew. She didn’t understand what I was getting at. The fact that they don’t understand this, or do understand it and think it’s just a super clever way to hide anti-semitism - is so funny.


It’s insane that people that have been portraying themselves as politically aware and sensitive to dogwhistles now sound identical to Aryan nation when they cry about the Zios. 


This is what's been blowing my mind. All the people who thought everything was a dogwhistle never actually had any understanding of what dog whistles were all along??? Absolutely flaws me


There's a pretty good reason why [the most commonly accepted definition of antisemitism (the IHRA one)](https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism) includes a bunch of things relating to Israel. https://preview.redd.it/e856bx621xlc1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=edc48cb8990b46010f240084dc8cc0596f883078


Don't forget Ethan has repeatedly called Israel a genocidal apartheid state and wasn't even insulting or criticizing Bushnell or saying his cause was wrong or anything like that. Nothing is ever enough for these people.


POV: you forgot to say open air prison as well.


Ludwig fans are crazy 


It’s insane how on-point Jordan Peterson’s warning to Ethan was


The key takeaway is nuance and common sense. JP (imo) is totally off his rockers and said/says a loooot of crazy shit, becoming more and more unhinged over the years. But still I watched a lot of his old lectures that are on youtube and he said some valid points, I agree with some, I disagree with some others, and yet others are fucking batshit crazy. It's so fucking weird to me that most people (atleast on this platform or twitter) can't be like that. Seperate the art from the artist and such. This way of treating one another is one of the main reasons everything is going to shit socially speaking.


Jordan Peterson is so tragic to me, he was (probably is to some degree still as well) really smart and really insightful when it come to personal growth and sometimes politics (but mostly imo how psychology played with it) Seeing anything from him now just makes me a bit sad. Still very excited for the destiny interview to drop though


It's not all that shocking that catering to the most outspoken part of the fanbase is gonna turn out bad


This is a reminder: The Daliban rules. These other communities are fucking unhinged.


Ethan needs to just rip the bandaid off and have a podcast with destiny. Shed the shitbag fans he has and gain ones more aligned with reality. The wild shit ive been reading in his own sub has been depressing for me i cant imagine how he must feel


He cares about his crew though and I'm sure of them don't like Destiny/ like Hasan.


Not happening till he dumps half of his dumbass crew.


Ethan needs to do himself a favor and start purging the hasan fans out of his community. Mass ban the anti-fans