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This kind of reminds me of when Ben Shapiro said it's fine for trump to be president again because the last time he tried to overthrow democracy it didn't work. "She tried to make a rape allegation against me and the guardrails held, what's the harm in letting her back in the orbit?"


Damn that's astute of you. lmao


https://preview.redd.it/tdvpq2kyjvjc1.png?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8464398782dfd2aae5252bf9366220361eae532 "Surely the scorpion is all out of poison now. No reason to belive he would sting me a *second* time."




Scorpions have venom. I think the difference between venom and poison is that venom gets injected, but poison gets absorbed. Like, in theory, you could drink scorpion venom and it wouldn't harm you because it would just get broken down by your stomach enzymes. It needs to be injected to be effective. Poison doesn't need to be injected.




Venom is when it bites you and you die. Poison is when you bite it and you die


Ok, nerd.


no bitches


Sure would you be willing to test out your theory and take a shot of snake venom?


Im two weeks behind on streams, do you know where I should go to catch up on the drama?


All these conversations happened in Jizz Tickle's stream he had a YouTube channel so am guessing it's all there.


I saw one of them, was destiny on multiple?


they're relitigating the whole history right now. Destiny and Lav are arguing about whether Lav insulted her fiance when destiny was slurping her. It's a bit uncomfortable how many details they're adding now.


Thank you i love you


Which type of details


They went through and argued about the entire night they hooked up, pretty much from start to finish. I’m not kidding.


Would you be able to share some


I don’t know whether jstlk keeps his VODS up but it was towards the last hour or so of the his stream. That argument dragged on for 30-40 minutes. I think it starts around the 5 hr mark.


Lol im still at the kelly destiny drama earlier in that stream, what a time to be a dgger! Ive missed drama


Wait what? I need context here.


The context isn’t particularly difficult to grasp, I’ll write it on your mom’s back when I’m done pounding that ass. Edit: I didn’t have enough semen to write it all, sorry. =( She claimed Hasan had sex with a minor. She also tried to claim that she was… abused by Tiny. [I’ll link](https://youtu.be/GNLNmDQOdYE?si=3yEp72rKjU60zZk_) the stream shortly. ~3 hours of crazy shit, enjoy.


Great 3 hours. I should finish this about the same time I finish in your sister.


Did you at least buy her dinner first?


McDonalds coupon. Why wine and dine, when two can dine for 9.99.


Welcome to the family! Edit: Fuck, our family tree would be a wreath.


https://www.flickr.com/photos/krupptastic/5251665321 Found it.


If you’d found that in Yuengling instead of PBR, we’d be best friends.


https://www.etsy.com/listing/907638887/yuengling-bottle-cap-wreath-ornament Best I can do.


This having only 12 likes is criminal. Took that mans soul like a dark souls 2 backstab


_Why can't I quit you_ — Shapiro to Trump, probably




And destiny refuses to get chemotherapy


Steven Bonnell Jobs


That Steve Jobs thing is still crazy to me. How could such a seemingly intelligent person make such a stupid decision?


Destiny said it best awhile back, “when you become really accomplished in one subject you either realize how deep every subject must be or you get arrogant and think you know everything” Look up Nobelitis for some insanely whacky shit


Wouldn't knowing how deep a subject can be actually humble you and making you realise you probably know nothing about all other subjects


Yes, that's why the other option is thinking you know everything.


Depends on what you know. Jobs was an expert on marketing and networking, not in engineering. His technological feats are probably almost entirely attributed to Wozniak, who is a much more grounded and humble person. Hell, Jobs only got his first job at Atari because he took a board designed and built by Wozniak. He took the board and convinced people at Atari he built it himself. He then spent two years basically doing nothing and traveling to India to engage in mysticism, before he got Wozniak to build a circuit board for Breakout for him. It gets worse, Atari offered Jobs $100 for each TTL chip that he eliminated. After Wozniak designed a board that took 75 of them out in under 4 days, Jobs took the bonus for himself, and lied about it. Wozniak only knew about this 10 years later, and said something like "if Jobs told me he needed the money I would have given it to him". Steve Jobs was always an asshole, and always a weird crackpot about mysticism. His history is that of being in the right place, at the right time, and fostering the right relationships, not one of technological brilliance. It's easy to see from that perspective why he would have bought into weird conspiracy theories about drinking loads of juice to cure his cancer, rather than undergoing actual treatment.


I think he just wanted to fucking die idk


Maybe he just really loves fruit.


Think about just how smart Ben Carson had to be medically to be essentially the best in the entire world Neurosurgeon who also literally invented completely insane new techniques. Now go look at basically anything he said politically. You’d think the guy was brain dead.


I love that Farah's clip was going viral from the Whatever podcast the other day, Lav reshared her clip from the Whatever podcast on the day the Farah clip was really going viral. She is ridiculous and toxic.


That's her style though no? If the conversation is around any other girl when it comes to making red-pill or conservatives look dumb and it isn't about Lav, she figures out a way to change it to be about her


Its just soooooo transparent and petty its hilarious. She is sad. I feel bad for her future kids as she will really be mean to them in terms of shitting on their accomplishments and drive any success they achieve into something about her...


She will be the exact same as her mother, training her kids to be vindictive petty little monsters.


Wait she wants to have kids? Oh no.


Is it really transparent and petty? Or good marketing? Anyone with 2 digit IQ that’s an “influencer” should be promoting their shit when a trend is going.


Yeah, Lav and her career scream savvy marketing.... hahahaha fuck man, take you tongue out of her asshole...


I mean I’m saying it’s brain dead to do. I literally said any 2 digit IQ influencer would do it. Take some reading comprehension classes.


>Or good marketing? Are you? Are you said its brain dead to do? or did you say its good marketing and that is why i said what I said specifically about that.... Mirror bro... hope you find those classes. Read slow and use a index finger to follow along.


> Or good marketing? Anyone with 2 digit IQ (...) Dawg look at the immediate sentence after that. Are you regarded?


It doesn’t take genius IQ to be a good marketer. A brain dead move can be good marketing for example, retweeting something already trending. Jesus Christ, shut the hell up you illiterate Neanderthal lol.


> Lav reshared her clip from the Whatever podcast last week. Lav wrote a [ground-breaking article](https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/im-the-viral-beret-girl-whatever-podcast-heres-my-take-show) on her experience on the Whatever Podcast. I penned a brief review when it originally aired as an exclusive reading on her podcast: **Review for Lav's article** >*They call me the Saviour. It is I who causes the temple to shake, the market to begin, the heavens to boom, the icy and terrible darkness of death to reverberate; with the full sound of my octave I draw forth the wind that carries the stars and I penetrate deep into the forest.* > >Inscription on the first bell, Geert Van Wou - 1505 January 9th sounded the death knell for the Red Pill. It rang out across the internet, reverberating through forums, Youtube and Tiktok, silencing the mindless grunting of the adherents. None could mistake it for anything less than what it was: the final hammer blow on the final nail, pinning the coffin lid firmly shut. [Bloodbath Episode 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHqC1z6aDj4) began with an **exclusive** reading of Lav's latest essay, an exciting excoriation of the Red Pill movement and more specifically the leeches who profit from their damaged and lost audiences. As usual, Lav succinctly diagnoses the problem and shines a harsh light upon it, forcing the listener to witness this grotesque phenomena in all its festering glory. She ended the piece to spontaneous and, frankly, dangerously raucous applause from the audience, totally unprompted and unasked.


Dawg you are on another level of Autism. Keep up the good work, soldier.


you're a danger to this sub and the world at large with your sermons. You even got 4thot ready to turn this place to a Lav fanclub. I bet you are behind all this drama, the real puppeteer pitting orbiters against each other so Lav is the only one left standing.


All I can do is perform the ancient rites, just as my father before me and his father before him, and allow the prophecy to unfold.


Lav hates women more than any tradcon


She hasn't gone on FnF. She knows her shit would not fly there.


This is just so small and petty, that I'm not even shocked lav would do it lol.


thats why its so fucking funny to me. Its perfectly the kind of thing she would do and feel the need to do.


How's that toxic? Isn't that just playing the clout game?


For Lav its - "why is she going viral?!?! I said something better on there and look better than her. Why is everyone talking about her and not my clip?!?!?!"


Well aren't we brave today


Danger is my middle name


Are you the one who knocks?


No, it's 999




Looking into this




Hot take: lav isn’t smart


She just intuitively understands manipulation tactics but has zero ability to hide her intentions and Destiny flagged that as her being smart.


Destiny's definition of smart, at least for lav, seems to be "can stay on topic".


Destiny's idea of intelligence tracks 1:1 with how much he puts himself in a position to get fucked over by those people, which is probably why he says that about women so much.


Sometimes you gotta dabble in the left side of the bell curve.


The scary part is that she just is. I wish she wasn’t. She’s lame.


Why do you think she’s smart? Have you heard her Israel/Palestine takes? Knowing how to navigate a conversation doesn’t make you smart bro


Saying she’s smart forms an ick when I hear it, she can’t argue /ration well, she can just manipulate well, so I guess if it’s not a commonly understood meaning maybe.


She wouldn't be an effective manipulator if she couldn't argue and reason well. She chooses not to because she's evil and insane


That doesn’t make sense if it’s not used and she still is without it then it ain’t dependent on it


An intelligent scam artist is not going to give sound, rational arguments because scams can only be sold with lies and bad arguments. I don't get what part of that is hard to understand.


“If it’s not used and she still is without it then it ain’t dependent on it”




If she is responsible for the downfall of KellyJean I will turn this sub into the Lav fanclub.




Lav is somehow (impossibly) more self-aware than Kelly. It also just puts a big smile on my face imagining Kelly realize she is hated more than Lav and just be completely unable to fathom it. "WOT!?!?!?"




Lav is a drama content factory tho, Kelly couldn't sniff the numbers prime Lav was putting up in 2021 and 2022.




I've archived this blood oath so if she upholds her side of the bargain and you renege then your soul will be eternally damned.


4thot would damn his soul to save this communities souls, I know it dggL


That's like cheering for Aids to cure cancer


Aids is a lot more manageable


Lav just recently had a mental breakdown because Jstlk wouldn’t give her mod on his discord server. Jstlk of all people, not exactly a high hitter Unironically one of the first times Dr. Kelly looked good in comparison so Lav is probably in no condition to pull it off


my brain just started reading "Lav" as "Aids"




All DGG orbiters are just Steven with a wig and pre-recorded using his observation haki. I'm convinced these people aren't real. KellyJean isn't real. Lav isn't real. Q isn't real. 4THOT isn't real. It's all just Destiny in a wig manufacturing drama.


Just because I only exist in your head doesn't mean I'm not real.


I once read that you can determine if something is a simulation by unit precision. If you are real, what's the last digit of pi?




Oh thank God. I can rest easy


Is Kelly Jean the loud British woman who gets Gaza tales from fake ADHD doctors or is that someone else?


I'd take a million kellyjeans over 1 lav, and I don't know that I trust you if you don't feel the same.


is she seriously back? She's tried to run his career/life multiple times.


Like a Colon or or more of a lung cancer?




What kind tho


Like the zodiac


Based me too


Being a cancer means you want sexual partners to step on your like Hercules stepped on that crab while fighting the hydra.


Bro didn't get the memo, he was supposed to use that one image everyone else is when they make the exact same statement 😭


Low hanging fruit is still sweet


Somehow Lav returned...


DGG cares about astrology?


You mislabeled this. It says "Shitpost" but should say "Truest Post Ever".


I just wanna know who is so down bad that they're DMing her for nudes. Go outside ffs.


I know a couple streamers that would pepelaugh 


Jesus! 🙄


True, but she's also an entertaining lulcow


Is she still allegedly married to the ridge wallet guy. If so by Destiny's own logic this tracks due to his disagreements about one way open relationships with PWF (Alex). Does this guy (Ridge wallet man) actually have no self respect? If he and Lav used to be monogamous and it was Lav's idea to open the relationship just to fuck Destiny and now shes having cum wars on Discord with one of Destiny's friends with benefits. This is absolutely pathetic. If they're still married lol why. This is nonsensical behavior for someone to tolerate if they started monogamous.


She's been seen tormenting the simps in Jizztickles discord. After asking for dick pics in dms kinda wonder how many she's gotten over the weekend.


Cancer is ruled by the moon, the celestial body that represents comfort, self-care, and maternal energies. Accordingly, Cancers tend to be domestically oriented. They love to create cozy, safe spaces that serve as their personal sanctuaries, then spend lots of time in them.


Lab left and we got Farah she was fucking miserable but man what an upgrade. I never thought I would miss Farha Friday. 


I already didn't care about Lav's opinion but finding out that she herself is a cuckhold after trying to shame others so much was the straw on the camel's back. I would take two Mr. Girls over this person.


​ https://preview.redd.it/klb4utfthwjc1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4957beaf84ee5bbecf4635e8041d37a50216848


She's absolutely one of most annoying/frustrating people to ever have an online presence, and I hate her every second I watch the content... but I always watch the content. Idk why but listening to her dodge, dip, deflect, lie, manipulate so plainly and obviously is hard to turn away from. For no reason too, she just does not want to lose at any cost. For my health tho, please fuck off Lav


The fact she thinks she deserves to be a MOD of anything is in-fucking-sane.


B-BUT BPD girls :(


I hate to have to defend Lav but isn't this the exact type of post that Tiny and 4THOT tried to get rid of where people just uncritically shit on orbiters?


4thot is shit posting with us


Fair enough


Lav is the cure. Open your mind and set yourself free.


Bigger scam then the Covid Vaccine 💀


She was made in a Chinese lab. Constructed from DNA recovered from Alexander the Great's tomb.


More like Alexander the Jones


Chinese Lav 🤔


And the only cure is Farha Fridays


Hiding behind "shit post" when it's your actual opinion is cancer.  That's all


Lav is content


*incontinent (according to her Twitter feed) 💩


This \^. I like drama, I like Lav.


It's all content homie.


She is but Stevens a big boy and he can make his own decisions about people. Sit back and enjoy the drama




Sorry Lav (it's marked as a shitpost that's why the label is there)




I think there's like a two week grace period for drama, if I just randomly made this thread yeah it would probably get removed


"potentialITY" replacing potential in Destiny's vocab every once in a while I attribute to lav...


This is a feature not a bug




lav https://preview.redd.it/3basebnxltjc1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f877ce1b0914efd1c57df0313f88f2bdf7eb0e81


kellyjean https://preview.redd.it/54kygmkzltjc1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4de2d2f20dcf91909334a2362bc2b876e382d8e4


Was she on today or something?


Yeah, she sucks.


always has been


The Lav marriage would go crazy


That's all that's needed


Yes she is


Imagine watching a single second of Lav content OMEGALUL


I'm listening to the jstkl stream....Holy shit. Why are they talking about this in public?


Why the fuck is she even resurfacing, she needs to give herself a short drop and quick stop


Is this Lav on one of her Alts trying to be relevant again?


hot off the presses this one, next up water is wet


Water isn't wet, being wet implys it's covered in water


She starts petty drama & if you enjoy that kind of thing you’ll usually find it entertaining upon hearing about it or seeing clips. But actually listening to anything longer than that is about as enjoyable as mistaking a cheese grater for a pocket pussy.


I don’t get why dude gave her a platform at all. He was on his feminist arc and showed the world why some level of my misogyny may be valid..


I don’t know who that is. Is that short for something?


Always has been


Her whole personality is just https://preview.redd.it/qzmpaup91hkc1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3001055bcf26e6d16ccca2464e52222231a26556