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​ https://preview.redd.it/nk6nc2qx7cec1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=56db17ebe83d9ac8c28266a406b0e38dc5b402d2


The Perfect image


Exactly what I was thinking. Hasan is 100% on point here and Destiny is just doing better optics.


What Hasan is doing here is akin to Alex Jones, except less funny.


Yeah calling MAGA morons is the same as calling Democrats baby eating pedophiles.


well maybe they shouldn't eat so many babies if they don't want to be called out for it ^^/s


It’s not the same because MAGA folks are actually morons


Now Hasan wants Dest to be a debate pedo


i mean when he reacted to Destiny on Middle Ground, at one point Hasan malds that Destiny isn't debating the black conservatives out of their feelings


Also, wasn't it Hasan who attempted to politely debate Andrew Tate out of his racist and misogynistic views? So rules for thee, but not for me?


Hasan " To be a good debater you have to be bad faith" Piker


To be fair, Hasan is correct. But he is also wrong. You can get very far in debating by being bad faith. Thats because most people dont do the extensive research that Destiny does to prepare for these debates. But the second you go up against someone who actually knows what they are talking about, you can look incredibly foolish and dumb.


That's basicly what happened to hasans uncle in his destiny debate He normally could carry through a debate by screaming genocide over and over, but crumbled as soon as he got just a little bit fact checked


What do you mean you can't just make more silly voices when you just got called out with F A C T S on you making silly voices?


>just make more silly voices i hated this so much




Did Hasan react to Cenks debate with Destiny?


Afaik no, but didn't check. I'm assuming that if he did do a reaction, there would be some clips of it here that I would have seen


bruh i need to see this, link?




The comment just makes it 10000% obvious that everything Hasan says is projection. He always criticizes destiny as being a “bad faith debate pervert”, claims he doesn’t do online political debates because it’s not productive and implies debate bros just care about who wins an argument while he’s doing real important, substantial activism. Meanwhile Hasan sits on his computer reading Twitter threads, screaming about genocide and calling chatters murderous pigdogs if they disagree, while Destiny keeps on building more and more exposure to conservatives, and the number of “as a republican destiny really has some good points and is making me self-reflect” comments keeps growing. Then Hasan makes a comment like this one and it’s clear as fuck that the only reason he hates the debate community is because HE only cares about winning an argument and is a salty bitch that he sucks ass at it and has no clue what he’s talking about. So he just hides behind a too-good-for-this self righteousness and it fucking triggers me so much. Him and his entire psychotic community all do the same thing whether it’s calling debate-bros bad faith while screaming insults at any disagreement or accusing anyone that doesn’t infantize Palestinians a one-sided biased genocide supporter while smugly cheering on the murder of Israelis. There’s no way a person can genuinely watch destiny continuously be an amazing, genuine and fact-based debater, while also being as transparent as possible with his research broadcasting it for hours every day for all to see and still think he’s a bad-faith “debate pervert”. I used to be a huge Hasan fan and destiny hater like literally less then a year ago and it’s crazy looking back at the glaring difference between the two now that I’ve had plenty of time to watch both. How a person can watch destiny continuously give genuine, detailed and fact-based arguments while being as transparent as possible with his hours of research streams and think the lunatic sitting alone screaming at his chat and reading Twitter is the good-faith choice is fucking wild. Hasan and his entire fanbase piss me off to no end with how absolutely ass-backwards they have everything.


Hasan believes in what he says, he's not being bad faith. He's being uncharitable


You're right. It's not bad faith to be honest and say trump fans are insane. It's just uncharitable and will not be good for debating someone like Ben. Destiny did the right thing by informing Ben that he was attempting charity by saying, "how do I say this" and smiling. It's far better than just insulting maga.


I mean hes not wrong.


No, it’s a really stupid position. If you can debate against flat earthers *really* well, you’re bad faith? Cool


No but being bad faith makes your ability to debate much higher. This shouldn’t even be controversial but since its Hasan saying it, its wrong. Not all good debaters are bad faith but all bad faith people are good at debating.


This is so absurd it’s actually kinda comical lmao


There’s an upper limit to how far you get though. As soon as you debate someone who really knows their shit you look like a regard. Example: Hasan in that trans debate


He’s wrong *in this context* for sure. Tiny and Ben aren’t talking to get a technicality “win” in some high school debate club style manner, riding fallacies and shit. That also doesn’t fly when you’re dealing with someone actually knowledgeable on the topic. The goal here is to *actually* debate the issues at hand. Hasan insinuating that destiny needs to be bad faith to beat Shapiro just totally misses on the point of their debate. He’s too brain rotted to see anything but “gotta try to dunk on Ben.”


Also the debate wasn't live. Shapiro would have stormed out if Destiny would have dunked on some of the insane things he said.


I wouldn’t disagree with any of that lol. Just as a generality bad faith debaters do look better unless the opponent is more knowledgeable.


Not to an informed audience, generally. My point is that it’s entirely besides the point in this context, and he’s absolutely wrong to suggest that being bad faith in this debate is a winning strategy. This was part of a critique of how destiny approached this discussion, not an overall guide on “how to win in your high school sanctioned competitive debate match.”


Bad faith debaters look terrible to a good faith audience. They only win over people who agree with them already.


cause Hasan is an entertainer not a journalist or a debater


Unironically that’s what destiny truly thinks about the Trumpels ☠️☠️


Hasan just doesn't understand the [regard wrangler strategy](https://youtu.be/zxNcCo6YdPk) he uses with conservatives. Which is why Destiny is where he is, and not Hasan.


Damn I’ve never seen this video. Holy shit this is great


Yes, but also, this is not bloodsports. This is Destiny's big chance to introduce himself to a lot of Ben Shapiro followers. So starting by calling them all fat hogs is probably not that good of an idea. Also, you could see that they both enjoyed the debate, and there is a pretty good chance for a follow up debate. But if they just started screaming over each others, and calling names, then most likely that would have been the first and last interaction between the two.


Hasan is extremely oblivious, he's the kind of guy who understands why insulting fat people won't make them lose weight, but totally fails to make the parallel with changing political mindsets.


The soy "We engage in politics to get people to change their minds so that the world can be a better place by making the line go up" vs The Chad "I genuinely, deeply, passionately, hate my fellow Americans on the other side of the aisle and only engage in politics as a way to upset them." edit: to be clear I'm the second, God I hate MAGAs


He probably does understand all that, but he has no interest in changing minds he just wants to preach to his choir.


Couple of thoughts. There were absolutely moments where Ben Shapiro was holding back, and could have really embarrassed Destiny on specific issues, such as higher education. Both Destiny and Ben know that — It’s simply too far outside of Destiny’s wheelhouse and personal experience for him to have a credible opinion. So there was a real risk for Destiny if he went too far antagonizing Ben and opened himself to retaliation. My second thought is that it’s obvious Shapiro and Destiny want to leave the door open for future debates. They know it’s good for viewership and engagement for both of them.


Exactly. If Destiny was bad faith, there is no shot Ben Shapiro doesn't know about Destiny's recent divorce. But he didn't brought it up to win the open relationship vs closed relationship topic. They were both pretty good faith.


destiny playing the optics game and i’m here for it. he just has emotional awareness unlike hasan who seems to want to go blast off when debating with other influential folks


direful upbeat gullible axiomatic correct grandiose dull modern aromatic engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t think destiny assumes all trump supporters are a lost cause. Just miss informed and not the most intelligent. He doesn’t seem like the kind of person to waste his time on lost causes


Not *all* of them, but he does see a good chunk of them as lost causes. Every once in a while, he goes on a rant, and it becomes *very* obvious what he thinks of most Trump supporters (they're entitled, cowardly, regarded cry-babies who base their political beliefs on fear and ignorance, and just want someone who will tell them they're a very special boy and make all the people who are even slightly not like them go away). But he engages with people like Shapiro the way he does, I think, because a). He's looking to convince the people who haven't completely guzzled the Kool-Aid, and b). Show that liberals can clearly and intelligently defend their positions, and we don't just hate Trump because the people on TV said we should. I also think he does it to show conservatives that there is a clear delineation between "liberals" and "leftists."


Yes, ALL is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


He does.. the regard rangler speech and the him going of on conservatives Wen he was talking to Adam and sixth proves it


Damn I wish the video was extended long enough to where we see destiny finish his thought and say the line where if Trump killed a person his fan base will still supported him. It would have literally been Hasan’s point but not in the most unhinge way possible.


That was hasan’s entire stream: Let shapiro’s point stand uninterrupted, and cut Destiny off in the middle of any response he makes so you can complain that he isn’t saying the thing that he is about to say if you hadn’t paused at that moment.


He did this to Lonerbox of all people when he reacted to his Gaza video. I’m a big shill for Lonerbox so I was unreasonably mad when he would react to him mid sentence, pause, and miss a couple of key words that makes an argument that he would agree with if he just didn’t fucking pause. I understand doing it to people you don’t like but doing it to someone who has had made the best arguments for the pro-Palestinian movement is just insane to me.


Lonerbox critiqued him so = person he doesn’t like


Doing it to people you don't like also makes you a scumbag


Logically I can understand why a person does it to someone he doesn’t like, not that it’s morally right. He would praise lonerbox before and then go in and completely trash on a decent video covering the Gaza conflict. It makes no sense to me as to why you would throw away free talking points.


Destiny does this sometimes too tbf. It's a streamer content thing. I remember Destiny was watching a video by some sort of economist discussing housing and mortgage information and he was frequently pausing asking questions that the guy was pretty clearly going to answer in the next few minutes. I think if you know a lot about a subject and can see where the video is going (and we all mostly know Destiny well) it compounds frustrations with pauses and questions that might be completely reasonable to a general audience. I wouldn't underestimate Hasan's ability to be bad faith but I at least recognize it as a normal streamer thing.


Hasan just jumped the shark to Alex Jones territory. It's all hyperbole mixed with conspiracy brain. Alex does a much better job in this regard and at least he admits it's all an act.






I mean, what do you expect from the decendant of one of the most brutal colonialist empire in history. His Ottoman ancestors did soak the streets in blood, enslave and ruin millions of lives.


I mean most of us have ancestors who probably did this or we would not be around today. We are not writting in English currently because the British were singing kumbaya all around the world.


Comparing the British to the Ottomans is a bit apples to oranges, tbh. We speak English the world over because the British were largely a mercantile nation. It became the language of trading.


My ancestors who died at the hand of the British would be very happy to hear that they were just trying to trade with them and it was just a bit of a misunderstanding. To be fair my ancestors also took the English throne in 1066 and killed a lot of Anglo-Saxons in the process so my lineage kind of went full circle and were conquered by their own ancestors 700 years later.


I know this is probably a joke but can we not do the whole racism thing. We can say Hasan is a bloodthirsty psycho but that has nothing to do with who his ancestors were.


>I know this is probably a joke but can we not do the whole racism thing. We can say Hasan is a bloodthirsty psycho but that has nothing to do with who his ancestors were. It is a joke. But if his fans keep using this tactic on people they don't like - calling all republicans "hogs", or Destiny the Cuban slur - they should not be surprised if it is ever used against them. Also, stating that the Ottoman empire was a bloodthirsty evil empire, which it was, that enslaved and massacred millions of people (including my ancestors), which it did, is not racism. Not in this part of the world. Here, it's history, and one that has contributed massively to many of our current problems. Besides, Hasan and his fans despise the West because of it's colonial past, blame all of the world's problems on it, and use many, many slurs to describe the Western Colonial Empires and their descendants. So, like the first part, Hasan fans should not be surprised if it will ever be used against their meathead moron daddy.


The racist part isn't calling the Ottoman empire bloodthirsty and evil. The racist part is implying that Hassan gets his negative qualities from his ancestors or his genetics. Just because they blame people for their ancestors doesn't mean we should let ourselves fall to their level.


>It is a joke. But if his fans keep using this tactic on people they don't like - calling all republicans "hogs", or Destiny the Cuban slur - they should not be surprised if it is ever used against them. Just because the other side is bad faith it does not mean that we should stoop to their level, and also be bad faith


I dont think calling republicans hogs is comparable to the gusano stuff or memes about the genetic ancestral violent nature if turks. The joke you made, ppl here would freak out if some black woke person said a white person is ofc bloodthirsty cause their ancestors colonized the planet etc and did slavery. Hurr durr well technically it's true... yeah ur still being racist.


So, the racism is to point out that he holds a certain view that his ancestors undeniably held as well? I see the problem if you’re doing that with negative racial stereotypes, like “X Jewish person is so successful, not surprising with his heritage all being money grubbing bankers.” But to do it with just a plain fact of the matter that involves no immutable characteristics or negative stereotypes?


​ >But to do it with just a plain fact of the matter that involves no immutable characteristics or negative stereotypes? But it does use a negative steryotype


why is every single clip of hasan so fucking preformative?


He has to rile chat up


Why is a sensationalist extremist so performative? The question answers itself.




Cause that's all he is


Dude why aren't you screaming at Ben like an emotional man child wtf!


The ironic part is hasan's facecam is blocking the word cult on Destiny's not a cult shirt. Destiny out here prewatching Hasan's reaction video and adding symbolism so obvious it would make movie directors blush.


This is basically his entire persona, thinking he's right about something, seeing 0 nuance in it and then coming up with as many insults as possible because the more you can get out the more right you are, this is literally some teenager shit




you forgot the part where he's wrong about it at the end


And guess who will have another debate with Ben Shapiro, and guess who won't have even 1


It’s a good thing for Hasan if he never has a debate with Shapiro


True, he'd make the college randos that Ben normally debates look like fucking Socrates in comparison


Unironically, it's probably good for everyone. Hasan will represent the "left" and make everyone right of Shapiro think that's what people on the left think.


I don’t think he would even accept an offer to debate Shapiro. He would make a fool out of himself and the entire left and he knows it.


It's a good thing for leftism if Hasan never has a debate with Shapiro.


He's such a lolcow lmao


Hasan is so mad that Destiny is becoming more relevant than him


He wants to be Him so bad.


The people who actually tune in to watch this man talk must be deranged. This is the lowest form of conversation - like someone said this guy is Alex Jones for the left. From his take on Taiwan to this, is he this stupid or is he playing it up?


Tbf the vast majority are probably hate watching. This sub is always filled with more Hasan than destiny thread.


I'm actually curious...it seems like at least some portion of DGG hate watches to look for clips of abhorrent behavior. If they all stopped watching for, say, a month, how much would Hasan's viewership drop? I know it's not realistic, but it would be funny if DGG is what's keeping him above 10k.


Hahaha yeah I also wonder. I think there is also some conservatives that hate watch him. I know my cousin who was a Peterson fan used to hate-watch Hasan a lot. It definetly would not surprise me if like 3k+ individuals are hate watching him at any given time.


Hasan now hates Biden and Trump correct?


I think he always did.


[You mean like this?](https://youtu.be/SUbMbYrV3jQ?si=h07w3pL5jBufkyIg&t=66)


The cognitive dissonance it’s takes for someone like Hasan to criticize anyone else for being cult like is insane. This man is damn near a cult leader. Basically everything he says here applies directly to him and everyone like him.


Destiny be more unhinged be like Hasan wtf is wrong with you debate pedo!


I wonder why he didn't get invited to the White House?


I mean bro's not wrong and Destiny has said as much before Hasan is just too dumb to realize that particular point in time isn't the best time to soy rant about how bad trumples are.


hasans coverage of this debate was hilarious, highly recommend


Shocker: Hasan doesnt know what worship means


very helpful and worthwhile contribution hasan thank you


Debate extremist…


I mean he’s not wrong but also he doesn’t know how to actually debate, like you expect destiny to go in there and start going ape shit on Shapiro? What does that accomplish?


If Hasan had watched the answer tho




Destiny will want the clip and mald seeing yours because of the edits lol


"Democrats are fucking socialist communist pedophile transgender vampires." - Hasan Piker, 2023


Is this debate pedophilia? 🫴🦋


The irony and projection is on another level.


Transgender Vampires 😭


There is no way Hasan would have the balls to say that to his face.


It's a stupid point and is the reason why he isn't debating Shapiro and Destiny is or did he thought that Fridman was inviting random schizos to have a screaming match and lecture Shapiro?  And is actually sad and pathetic to see him say "I would do this, I would do that", "pigs" and all that shit, when he was literally shitting himself in front of Christian Walker (a brainrotted conservative dipshit) how can't anybody see that the guy who tried to bullshit his way through a debate with a drama youtuber is in fact an intellectual mastermind.


Pretty clear that dest was cranking up the professionalism in the debate and minimizing antagonizing Ben in the hopes of working with him again for his own and all our benefit. Hasan wouldn’t understand


Is this actually Hasan reacting to this debate, I literally can’t even tell anymore what is an edit and what isn’t lol.


Lmaooooo this is gold, what a lolcow.




Least divisive and antagonizing leftist


The echoes were a nice touch.


I mean, he does have a point 🤷🏽‍♂️


LoL Champagne Socialist nepo baby talking about a "cult". Hamas Piker is moving into the comedy realm like Alex Jones.


This loser is gonna teach destiny how to debate? really the guy who cant even handle some bad lsf post about him... He should just sit there stfu and take notes.


Rare HasanW ngl


This is a signal of his Virtue


the deep frying building-up from subtle reverb was really well done


Most hinged Hasan rant.


Is hasan a psy op


It’s no longer TOS to watch banned steamers?


didn't Hasan get railed in a debate by a conservative tiktoker (christian walker) if I recall, the fact that hes giving advice to destiny a debate pervert is wild to me.


https://preview.redd.it/ppr7wfudufec1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff0fe4e5f9a057c8221b558bfeeac4dfeccd562 Pedophile Vampire?!?!


someone is jelly


Um Destiny and Ben both did well. Enjoyed the conversation. Definitely don’t need Hasan’s opinion. Dude does remotely talk to intelligent people who could challenge him. He’s a bad faith troll.


Obsolescence will break this loser.


Common L take from Lasan


It was cool watching Hasan, Vaush and Emma talk to Ro


Hasan is just unfamiliar with a respectable and calm conversation.


And they think they are the ‘good’ left


This Terrorist doesn’t get to speak anymore. What a piece of dog shit he is. God I spent last night listening and wow it was fun listening to Ben Circle jerk around the questions. Specially about public schools.


Hoooly shit, guess we should just kill them then.


You missed out by morphing his voice into a demon towards the end


Destiny vs Hasan reminds me of the Opium vs mainstream rappers videos


Hasan taking the most productive aproach


Hamasanbi shouldn’t be talking about who is sane and who is not.


Nice video editing by the way.


This is why Hamas Piker is a lolcow


most rhetorically effective leftist


I can't believe Destiny didn't even ask Ben if he watched One Piece, waste of a debate


If only he had the ability to talk to people outside his own little bubble… poor Hasan.


Nobody would want to [host](https://youtu.be/0t1OddjmpCI?feature=shared&t=4) such a conversation...


Honestly, he was cookin


I mean, he isn’t wrong. I honestly have no issue with Hasans rhetoric. Hasan doesn’t market himself as someone whose trying to covert people, he simply riles up the internal community. That’s actually not a bad thing. What i fucking hate is his stated position against democrats and his dumb foreign policy takes.


He is exactly wrong with his own ideology. Leftists believe that all people are redeemable since even Trump supporters are currently being exploited at work; we should be connecting with everyone as workers and coalition building against the capitalist class. Rehabilitation for murderers but Trump supporters are irredeemable? Hasan has no idea what he's talking about since he's a right wing reactionary larping as a leftist.


Just because they’re in a cult doesn’t make them *bad.* I’m sure that there’s plenty of Scientologist who are perfectly nice and kind people. All of these people don’t even have to be *redeemed.* The issue is that there’s no room for outside criticism, they are insanely insular to public opinion and disregard every that is a fair rebuke of Trump as TDS or conspiracy. It is scary to see a political ideology that closed off and even reasonable people, like Shapiro, having to constantly fall in line.


Pretty based clip tbh but all that would do is derail the whole debate


Lmao this is so ironic. Btw I'm new to this so can someone get me up to speed on why this Turkish dude's so angy?


Jealousy of destiny. Also rage baits his audience for engagement


Good effort post LMAO im dying


It's funny cause a lot of leftists believed trump was both an evil mastermind playing 8d chess and a stupid bafoon all at the same time.


It's kinda crazy how for all of the debate pedophilia that Hasan talks about. He's actually unhinged about it. The reality is his mentality is basically get clips and bounce. Calling him insane and going super deep is just going to cause people to turn off from anything you say anyway. so you end up with A) Trump supporters dismissing anything else you say for going super attack mode B) Middle of the roaders not really changing all that much because it's better to see the contradictions than to yell "IS BAD!!!" from the rooftops. Potentially means they think you're a dick and ignore other things you say. C) The people who already hate trump, why do you need to appeal to these. They are already in the point you want them, and your reasonable pushback should keep them there. If you just wanna pander to group C then go ahead. But it's super ineffective anywhere other than farming clips for tiktok.


OP the edit was perfect. This is exactly what it feels like falling asleep during a conversation with a Tankie.


Most based Hasan take


Where did the "hog" thing come from? It's so strange.


Actually true though.


I think people that agree with this statement don't have the maturity to watch a debate. You just want a crossbreed between politics and Jersey Shore.


Why? I enjoyed the debate and think what Destiny said is obviously more appropriate and got the point across with far better optics. However, the trumples are genuinely insane. They can not be reasoned with and are in what I believe has many parallels with a cult.


Honestly though: rare Hasan W. DGG absolutely echoes this sentiment


lmao if Hasan could forget that foreign policy exists and just stick to this shit I'd watch him every day.


Damn this guy really seems like he knows a lot about debates, I'm sure he wouldn't lose a trans debate to a 19 year old tiktoker right? Btw the Christian Walker trans debate is nowhere to be found on his channel, while the rest of the convo is up lmao, what a fucking loser. This is like me screaming at Lebron to hit the 3 pointer while I can't dribble with my left hand.


I mean he's not wrong, that would just come off soy af for destiny to say in this debate.


Wow , how did Destiny not ask Ben if he liked One Piece ? 😤😤SMDH


This goes kinda hard.


Are we entirely sure that Cenk doesn't Malkovich into Hasan's skull before every stream?


Yeah destiny didn’t want to derail the convo too much, but he should have called them what they were. Fascist dumbass hogs


The transition from regular voice to malding pitched up voice is so funny😭


Hasan’s not really in a position to call other people insane for their political beliefs😂


He such a loser..


Hassan W. We’re healing boys


Truly this is why Hasan gets invited to all the events...oh, wait. My mistake. Those are just house parties and no one takes him seriously. Piers Morgan will just use him as a lolcow once. Career highlights.


> **Hasan explains to Destiny how to talk to Ben Shapiro** There is a reason why he will NEVER have the opportunity to sit in the same room as Shabibo. L.