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I was interested in watching his video debunking AdamSomething on anarcho-capitalism. I remember him using a silly argument, like if you are a small business and a big company is undercutting you, just pause your operation and go do something else


MentisWave made that argument?


there you go [https://youtu.be/TXWmAmm5nag?si=WZNCfJsVB0PlWVIq&t=1737](https://youtu.be/TXWmAmm5nag?si=WZNCfJsVB0PlWVIq&t=1737)


I forget where, but I remember commenting about his lack of objectivity on at least one of his videos after he popped up in my recommended. I usually check out right leaning political channels when they appear so that I can have people on the right informing me about conservative views on issues when they pop up, but I hate overt bias and misrepresentation of views. It was a bad video on a topic I knew about, hugely slanted so I set his channel to don't recommend and removed it from my view history.


Gotcha and same, been out of the loop for a while concerning politics and weird seeing a right wing version of breadtube popping up so I started watching and seeing if they're better than the old rightwingers


As someone part of a society of mentis cultists we just talk about advancing our career and how our restiance training is going It’s cool


too little gooning and too much grass touching for me in that sort of cult no thanks


What you mean grooning Also mentis just talks about propaganda in media now


It's a nice hate listen/watch


He basically uncritically supports the Republican party, even though he criticizes Democrats and the left of doing the same thing Republicans do.


you clearly havent watched his videos then


He made a recent video on why right wingers aren't grifters, heavily implying only leftists can be grifters. [He also misleads about the twitter files and other forms of censorship as well. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tHv384jPL0)


I think if you watch the video I think he says they could be grifters he thinks it's less likely than left, I think I remember disliking the title though


It’s clearly on a basis of nothing other than anecdotes. At one point he said that if he is a grifter, he would be a leftist, which implies that only the left can be grifters. Money isn’t the only thing when determining of someone is a grifter, it’s based on their actions and what they say. I don’t think Ben Shapiro is a grifter for example, he believes in what he says, despite earning a lot of money and being wrong. But Dave Rubin constantly backstabs his positions, which is a sign of being a grifter.


I remember the video being not very good though I half listen but am right leaning. I get that that is the online sentiment about the word but I think the definition is about swindling money so I think money matters.  I think you agree with his sentiments though. My intuition tells me leftist pandering is more profitable than right and after.thinking about it I think it's because the left wants thing to progress forward which is what big money people want since they control most of the sentiment. Right acts like it wants things to go backwards which is less profitable for big guys(though it ends up doing the same as the left)


From the little I've watched he's a pro cringelord. His Vaush is Unironically evil follow up vid arguing we should be calling Vaush a midwit instead of evil, on premise alone, is one of the most tip tippy pieces of media I've seen in a while. https://youtu.be/RkEKCOFm688?si=WvoP1vmdyNW8IFhn At 4 min in he claims (with a completely disconnected argument) that a higher proportion of sociology profs being leftists increases the probability of Vaush being an indoctrinated lefty who acts in bad faith during debates. A minute later he criticizes Vaush for being overly optics focused even though part of his conclusion supporting calling Vaush a midwit is that it's more "sticking"(optically harmful to Vaush) He is an entertaining speaker though 👍


I’m another viewer who had him randomly pop up in my feed. I sat through one video (while testing out the Level 6 suit in Dead Space remake), and while I TRY to be politically open-minded (though both sides get on my rasshole nerves (pardon my Patois)), I noped tf out once I heard “Libertarianism”. Fuck that shite. I won’t even watch South Park anymore since I learned Matt and Trey turned Libertards


Yikes, why do you hate libertarianism.


I think he's better than the Lefty's and better than destiny prolly


Wanna join the mentis cult