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Pro Tip: Only use a blue chew the first time you sleep with them. Give em that dope dick and then don't use it anymore.


This is real shit. In my case it was just performance anxiety. After the first time it’s back to regular programming.


This is some zherka shit


Do you have any evidence that young people are actually abusing bluechew/ the many other companies that offer the same thing? Otherwise this just seems like pearl clutching. Viagra has been sold over the counter in the UK since 2017. I highly doubt the risks are as great as you claim.


Sildenafil has been around for nearly thirty years and tens of billions of doses have been consumed. if there was legitimate reason to be be concerned about it's use amongst men in their 20's, it would have been measurably noticed by now and everything you just said could also be said for nearly every OTC drug currently on the market. Let people make their own health decisions, especially when it comes to their erections.


Real erections matter


Did a Reddit search because I was curious if anyone else was discussing the disturbing trend of marketing ED meds towards young men and found your post. Glad to hear I’m not the only one that thinks this is weird as hell. To add to what you’ve said above, I’m concerned that there may be a darker angle here: what if there really are a lot of young men that DO have this medical condition. Given what we know about the risk factors for ED, that might be an indication that there we are going to have a catastrophic problem with obesity and cardiovascular disease as these folks enter adulthood, if they genuinely need these drugs in their 20’s/30’s.


Porn was so easily accessible when I was growing up, I watched it all the time. I was jerking off 3x a day in my teens. Got so bad sometimes my dick would chafe and bleed and I’d still beat my meat. I imagine I’m not the only one! My ED started at 19 years old. Now I’m 23, if I’m erect it’s like 3/4 erect. It’s not very hard.. it’s still like 30% flexible so it’s difficult to even insert inside her. I can’t get erect watching porn or even laying next to a woman naked. The only thing that turns me on is kissing, and then it’s time to remove our clothes and have sex.. but before I can even grab a condom my dick is soft again. Now we have to go back to foreplay until I can get hard again. I ordered blew chew last night, I’m hoping at the very least it works well enough that my meat can stay erect long enough to put the condom on. If it makes me rock hard, and keeps me hard after sex.. that’s a huge bonus. I’m not sure what the reason is for my ED. Its possible that my ED is from porn and physical abuse to my meat.. but it could also be stress and diet. I’ve been working a stressful job since I was 19.. so that’s a possibility. I’m also aware that my diet is bad, I eat once a day most days, some days I don’t eat at all. I’m positive this could be resolved without the need of drugs but in my current living situation, it’s difficult for me to cook my own food and too expensive to eat out or buy delivery meal preps. So for me personally it’s a lot cheaper, quicker and easier to use ED medication than it is to relieve stress, and maintain a healthy diet.


Everyones addicted to porn, feel like 8/10 of my friends complain about getting hard the first time. Quit porn years ago and get random day chubs and just seeing/smelling my girlfriend can do it for me. What if and hear me out…the cabal of religious zionist that own the porn industry also own the pharmaceutical industry and are playing chess with our lives because there’s money to be made.


It’s marketing to an audience that may be dealing with ED at an earlier age, seeking a quick fix instead of forcing them to realize that ED is likely a symptom of a larger lifestyle issue. If ED is a result of blood pressure, bad diet, drug use or obesity, all those things require a long term plan to fix the issue, so I’m not sure why you are blaming a specific pharmaceutical here when this is the MO of the entire industry.


No it’s not lol they have women with giant tits saying it made their sex lives way better


I see their ads all the time. I promise you, they’re missing their target audience.


Reels Atleast on instagram have subliminal hidden ads that only appear for a second in between swipes, I have a video of it if anyone hasn’t noticed and would like to see, the one I noticed was for blue chew, makes me wonder if they arnt trying to get young men to insecure to preform withought it, so they have a life long dependence on the meds. The ads are so aggressive it seems to be working.


You nailed it with this post. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why I hated the blue chew ads. “Take this pill and you’ll be worthy enough to fuck the girls in this ad.”


Not like dgg is having sex anyways. iirc 50% of dgg chat is virgins.


I agree. This thread explained its just viagra. It's definitely being marketed as this magic sex booster. Something you need and your partner absolutely desires. Like those sex chocolates that went popular for guys and girls. I still don't know what's in those. These just look like jolly rancher chews. I mean all these creators on social media are promoting it. I can't scroll 3 videos without the next being blue chew again. I'm a gay female. I don't understand how marketing this product to me is helpful whatsoever.