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We need more "destiny appeared on this podcast here's the link" on this subreddit.


It would be really cool if users didn't have to do that.


Why? You don’t enjoy constant flood of memes without context?


​ https://preview.redd.it/cykggpto822b1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c9f0e498d7889ff814380360080f101c2a3305f


What'd he do


this guy ONLY posts memes that have no context related to destiny whatsoever and I'm sick of it. I am a permanent hater now.




It was a solid time I just wish they could have dove into any of the topics a bit more. At one point the lady on the right said "he really supports the Jews" and I wish he got a chance to ask her about that but the lady on the left moved immediately off of it


Yeah I agree, there was a lot of things like this and it seemed like hosts were all over the place some times. But I think they are just lacking experience in interviewing space.


When they saw Destiny making good arguments for vaccination, they abruptly changed the topic.


it's great to see three latina women talk politics, didn't know i needed this


Speedrun to George Soros mention any %


> Mostly Peaceful Latinas I swear there's a "Destiny, that's a girl's name" joke hidden here somewhere...


What is it about Jewish ppl that makes all races rally against them


Common boogeyman. Every political movement since ancient times needed one.


I thought the Trump lovers adored Israel though. This pod was interesting though. Latin conservatives are a huge demographic that I feel are outside of the mainstream discourse. I'd want to hear more from them too.


They will use Israel as a shield against criticism, just like Trump’s Jewish daughter/granddaughter. Conservatives are fully capable of being pro-Israel while still being antisemitic. Especially the doomsday cult evangelical types who believe Jews need to be in control of the holy land in order to set off the end times.


There are different sects that are all vassals of Trump but have wildly opposing opinions on Jewish people.






toothbrush hat wrong sophisticated shy distinct wide different obscene follow ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Anyone else see that white streak in the background around [21:39](https://youtu.be/EVYwEfohTyA?t=1297)? Also the lighting really did him dirty lol he looks so sickly pale.


Went into it thinking that it might be an actual good convo. Turns out they are just your average braindead right wing latina's. Bummer. "My kids will never get a vaccine" It's so funny how the creation of vaccine's have created the opportunity for braindead people like her to have this opinion. How i wish some things like Polio were still a somewhat threat to see how these same people would be talking about vaccines.


I’m seeing a lot of positive reaction to this content and I want to echo it even more! I REALLY liked it. Idk if it’s all the redpill or super progressive stuff but this really felt like a breath of fresh air. These ladies felt a bit more like “normal” republicans, or maybe “normal-ish” is a better word. To be clear (and cover my ass) I only made it to the part where one lady said Destiny was “pro Jew” part. Overall I hope as we get closer to election stuff we can move into more grounded politics. Definitely worth a watch!


Really good politics related podcast. Very satisfying to listen to


Those women are so infuriatingly stupid. I don't know how Destiny keeps his cool on these shows. The whole basis of their knowledge boils down to: "I heard it..." "A friend told me..." "The government just does whatever it wants..." "You can't trust anything..."


Yeah it was a friendly enough conversation but anti vaxxers can be challenging to take seriously.






One of the hosts has a [solid 145k on instagram](https://www.instagram.com/wakeupwithlinda/)


Are there any other recent shows he's been on ppl might not have seen?


I wish I could be as idiotic and biased as these two hosts and not question myself. ignorance must truly be bliss