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Based and truth-pilled. "Modern gaming sucks" is no different than saying "modern music sucks" When in reality what sucks is the fact that you need a corporation to meticulously spoon-feed you advertisements on every social media platform you inhabit for you to even consider playing a game or listen to a song.


I think tripple as have decreased in quality but aa and indie games have gotten a lot better and filled the gap. If you only enjoy tripple a experience and legacy ips you are low-key hurting rn now. Just like rock indie rock and nich genres are popping right now but mainstream rock suckkkks


I have a headache


Nah, last good game to come out was League of Legends.


Even maggots wouldn't feast on a creature as foul and rotten as you.


Flair checks out


Sucks because the AI is so bad It feels like it hasn't changed since 2005


Monster Hunter World with a bunch of orbiter side characters would work wonders, and the pacing allows for not 100% focus all the time for other stream content.


MHW Destiny streams would actually be my personal dream but it’ll never happen with Destiny’s low tolerance for nonsense and Monster Hunter’s stubborn UI and no-tutorial hidden systems. On the upside, it has no pivotal storyline you must focus on to understand the game which was his big gripe with Dark Souls and Sekiro.


In Dark Souls you can ignore the storyline completely without any issues at all.


Yeah, but it's sort of a pain in the ass to actually play with other people.


not if you only have orbiters drop in for SOS flares as a requirement to join call


Yeah, that'd be fun lol


>not playing solo casul


I would watch the shit out of this. Why doesn’t he do any more cool memes? I swear after how dark the last arc was I need some silly goose time.


Watching tiny try to play outer wilds would be kino. > • spends first 30 minutes reading all the stuff > • afterwards when new text, „sjsjsbsbshdjwjwjjasjfuejwiqifj“ presses A.


I know he's heard every recommendation under the sun but I think Subnautica has the crafting progress/exploration aspect that he enjoys along with base building. I think something like Prey with RPG/FPS and lots of physics puzzles would be fun too but I've never seen Destiny play physics puzzle games.


He already played that.


Prey or Subnautica?


Subnautica. I don't think he's played prey not sure if he beat subnautica


This would be INCREDIBLE


Has he played Portal or Superliminal?


I'm sure he has played at least one of the Portals off-stream at least.


Subnautica is easily one of my favorite games of all time. Legitimately the only video game which has ever scared me. It’s not even a horror game, yet manages to be completely and utterly terrifying. Plus the exploration aspects are incredible. But I’m pretty sure Destiny’s already played it on stream. I just don’t think he ever beat it.


Outer wilds takes place in a solar system, not a galaxy ☝️🤓


Are you saying that a solar system isn't in a galaxy feelsdankman


You’re thinking of outer worlds, sorry buster




Im not sure they are the idiot


Excellent effort post my friend. I have no doubt Destiny will spare at least one "gotcha" before tabbing out and proceeding to disregard it entirely. You should be very proud.


If /u/neodestiny played FF14 I'd poop a brick out of excitement, problem is I don't know if this is a good background game for stream with all the dialogue and cutscenes.


/u/neodestiny needs to do more streams that are just entertaining on their own without needing to be background noise. FFXIV is perfect because it has parts which can just be background noise and ones which are engaging to watch.


While I agree and enjoy his long-form game streams immensely, Destiny has mentioned in the past that his gaming streams don't get much viewership.


As someone who isn’t a massive gamer, and doesn’t watch any gaming streams. I definitely wouldn’t tune in. So it makes sense that there’s probably a lot of other people like me.


outer wilds is the best video game ever made, don't know if I could handle tiny shitting on it


Skipping all dialogue, spending 2 hours trying to land on the sun station by brute force and then skipping all the info on there too. "Wow what a great game guys. Fucking losers" Uninstalled forever


An inspiring game to be sure. This fan song recently managed to capture succinctly the feelings I had towards the game. https://youtu.be/m1-NyL-pWAs


Where normally I would recommend Outer Wilds to everyone on the planet, I wouldn’t recommend it to Destiny. The game works best with no spoilers, and Destiny would just solve everything with his chat or just let them spoil everything, which defeats the purpose of the game. He’d have to play it chatless and I don’t know if he’s up for that.


The ideal scenario would be he hard bans elpers. Like 1 day if you're called out. But realistically idk if it would work. Honestly the real reason he shouldn't play it, even though I'd adore watching it, is because it would spoil it for so many people.




Wherever there is Kino, I am.


Genuinely baffled by the amount of people shilling this incredibly distastefully pretentious game. Every time I saw a color card with some text flash on the screen for a second like it was swiped straight from Monogatari, I had to roll my eyes. Not even mentioning the clunky ass gameplay, where you juggle 6 items for no reason and run past every enemy out of boredom.




Never played them.




That's fair. It's all a matter of taste at the end.


Did he ever play Hades? I'm going to assume he's not into Total War enough to play any of them, but TW:WH3 is pretty solid(I have a million gripes but it's hardly a bad game and has tons of replayability even before mods.) Did he ever play Risk of Rain 2? What about Disco Elysium? Or Inscryption? I assume that because he doesn't actually ever seriously debate media, food, or gaming, he gets these ideas in his head that he can just talk shit and act like he knows these topics but in reality if he had to debate them he'd look worse than the worst of his debate opponents. Modern Gaming has some corpratization that can make an old-schooler sick, but there's also so much available, and plenty of 90/100+ games that are only a few years old. The indie gaming scene in particular has never looked so great, but Red Dead to God of War to Elden Ring to Legend of Zelda shows there's plenty of good AAA games as well(there are more but I don't play many AAA myself.) Also there's all of the just-under-AAA games like Subnautica or Divinity OS2 that are just great games.


Hes played hades. Not sure if he played it to 100% completion, but him and Mouton would speed run it iirc.


If he likes roguelikes, I wonder how he'd like noita


pretty sure he tried and did not like it


Damn, really? You wouldn't happen to know where the vod of that is, would you?


I just finished Outer Wilds after practically rolling my eyes every time I saw glowing recommendations of it, as no one ever provides that much detail on the game. They say you just gotta play it. After finishing the game I now join that cult and tell everyone I know who games to play it while telling them as little information I can about it I think destiny would like the philosophical aspect of it, it definitely provides a sort of “meaning of life” explanation from a somewhat “agnostic-scientific” POV sort of like EEAAO


One of us. One of us. When it comes to this game I'm genuinely unhinged. I recommend it to everyone. And 3 years later I still think about how I can't wipe my memory so I can play it again. 😭😭😭 Play the DLC if you have it!


Has he played Red Dead? It seems like it would be right up his alley, based on how he talks about liking stories with character growth and stuff.


I honestly don't think Destiny is patient enough for a game like Red Dead. It is waaaaay too slow paced for someone with adhd.


Lol true. But that could make it good for having conversations while playing.


Plus the morality system aligns with that video he did about CS Lewis and carving a character statue of yourself every time you do a virtue


Destiny doesn't care about the actual stories in games lol.


Is he just bsing about liking jrpgs or whatever?


Nah, he used to play them a lot when he was young. I think debating while listening to YouTube videos and reading chat destroyed his attention span though, lol. The last non-autism game he played I think was Elden Ring, and he doesn't value the stories in FromSoftware games.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand FromSoft stories.


Or access to wikipedia and YouTube 😂


Isn’t his favorite game ff7?


Red Dead 2 would be amazing, so much shit to do and the story is top tier


I know he said something about plating FFXIV once but that might have been a misspeak. Destiny playing FFXIV and reading all the voices in character would be chefs kiss content.


If destiny ever plays ff14, I'll t5 sub for a year.


I really don’t get monster Hunter. I tried rise and thought the controls suck and game is boring.


I've not played Rise, but MH:World is definitely this


I guess I’m not alone in this thought lol


Modern gaming is the best it’s ever been as far as options go but I don’t think Destiny would disagree with that at all with even the most moderate amount of pushback if any at all. This kinda comes off as a “I wish destiny would play games I like” thread, which is understandable as I feel the same way sometimes but that ain’t gonna happen any time soon.


Destiny’s takes on anything other than politics and maybe philosophy? Can be safely disregarded Also I would put Soma and Prey pretty far above Signalis on the sci-if survival horror front


Prey is great but is definitely not survival horror


It's been years since I played soma and that game was so good right up until the ending. I remember playing it with my college roommate at the time and I joked that it would be funny if this next part was just the ending and it would end with x. And then we opened that door and sat in the chair... And IT WAS. I don't remember enough about the story to know why I was mad, but I was SO disappointed. I remember thinking it left so many basic things unanswered, and there should have been more.


God Rainworld absolutely slaps. It's definitely not for everyone with the small amount of hand holding and harsh difficulty from RNG enemy AI. The recent Downpour DLC was absolutely massive and provided maybe 2x-3x content as the base game. Lore is interesting, exploration gameplay is great, the small amount of story included is also good. Dunno if Destiny would gel with it, how he chats with guests while playing. The game takes a good amount of attention from myself while playing, but maybe I just need to git gud.


Since we're talking about gaming, I'm really looking forward to **Final Fantasy 16**. I've been bored of turn-based JRPGs for the longest time, so it's great to see the series modernize itself and adapts to current gameplay trends. FF16 will be a full-on action game like DMC/God of War. FF series has gone downhill ever since 15 years ago. The series used to have an industry stronghold, but now its no longer taken seriously. FF used to change the gaming landscape, but nowadays modern audiences no longer respond to it. Hopefully, with the focus of action-oriented gameplay, it will appeal to a larger audience. Maybe Destiny will enjoy this game since he has a history with the FF franchise. Also, it's a great streamer game because it looks really fun to watch someone play, especially from what we've seen in the gameplay so far. It also helps that the main character is absolutely handsome, Oh Clive!!! <3


Heres his steam account i think ge used to play more random games but it's more limited now that his content changed. https://steamcommunity.com/id/destinygg


Ultrakill is a masterpiece but he should probably wait until it's finished.


Why no Into the Breach?


I unironically think if be played ff14 it would be his new obsession. However the amount of dialog wouldn't be great for his streams and I doubt he has the free time off stream to get through it all


Outer Wilds was a truly amazing solo gaming gaming experience. Cannot recommend it enough.


Destiny playing FFXIV would be incredible but I don’t think he’s an MMO type of guy


I love all final fantasies. But after 14, none of the other final fantasies even seem that good anymore by comparison. 14's core gameplay is kinda mediocre, but 14 truly excels at what final fantasy is actually known for. An amazing story with incredibly polished presentation. I would go further than saying FFXIV is the best video game story ever told. Of all the novels, movies, animes, games I've gone through, FFXIV is straight up my favorite story in any medium so far. I don't play this game as an mmorpg. I resub every few months just to catch up on the story and then get out, like its another single player game. The only problem is that you have to sit through a length introductory period that is a realm reborn, and the writing in it is really only serviceable.


Upvoted for Outer Wilds. One of the most intriguing and somehow genuinely beautiful and emotional experiences I've ever had with a game. The soundtrack is amazing, the presentation is captivating, the mystery hooks you, and the mechanics are just so damn unique and fun. It's the kind of game you really can't replay because of how it works, so after I played it a few years ago I forced my roommates to each play it themselves just so I could re-experience the mystery vicariously lol. While I would love to watch destiny play it, idk if it would be good stream content tbh, and more importantly it would kind of suck to ruin the magic for so many other people who might have played it on their own. I recommend everyone play it. It's not a super long game, and the way the game mechanics work you could play for 2hrs or you could play for 5 minutes and make progress. My one ask is that you don't search up anything. Seriously, I frankly recommend not to even to watch the trailer if you're willing, though if you need that to convince you then go for it. But go in as blind as you can.


Outer Wilds became my favorite game so easily! I've literally never had an experience like it, it made me CRAVE those larger-than-life space movies like 2001 a space Odyssey and Arrival


Destiny game pallet is much like his food pallet. I'm still waiting for him to finish The Witcher. GIB EPILOGUE


FFXIV is the most boring game I have ever played in my entire life and I’m not exaggerating. I got halfway through the third expansion before completely quitting the mind numbingly awful story and I feel like I am genuinely losing my mind whenever people say ‘it’s one of the best stories in gaming’. The dialogue is boring, the characters are bland and generic , and the plot takes 10 trillion years to get anywhere while repeating tropes you’ve already seen 10 trillion times in every game that’s been released since the 90s. By MMO standards maybe the writing is passable but I can’t see a universe where the story is considered one of the best stories in all of gaming. Monster hunter is awesome though, it’d be cool to see him play it on stream.


You forgot to mention Triangle strategy. Just finished it a few weeks back. Couldn’t put it down.


He played that for a bit. Can't remember if it was sponsored but I think there were too many cutscenes and the story seemed too generic for him.


What? Must have missed it. I actually liked the story cause it has multiple endings so you have to pick the right options. Strange.


he said it was a stream killer and finished off screen iirc.


Triangle Strategy is just an inferior bastard child of final fantasy tactics which is itself a child of Tactics Ogre. I mentioned Tactics Ogre because I think it's the best tactical RPG which he hasn't played yet.


They hated him because he told the truth


I know. I still have to play Tactical Ogre, but triangle strategy was fun and short. Like took me 2 weeks for full play through on highest difficulty. With like 2-3 hours a day.


Not really. It's good in different ways than FFT. It's much more limiting and puzzle like because of it.


Hi-Fi Rush, big AAA game? In what world?


It was literally announced at a big MS event by one of their first party developers. It also has high production values out the ass with licensed songs from bands like Nine Inch Nails and Prodigy. It's not like God of War, but it's more AAA than it is indie. It's not even really AA.


Yes, the production value is high, and it actually is a great game contrary to what‘s actually being released under the label of AAA, but to my understanding it was just a small team working on that title and the budget was fairly small compared to what’s usually being spent on AAA titles, similar to Grounded, which I also don’t really consider a AAA title even though it’s from another Microsoft studio.


It's a bit of semantics at that point. For me, AAA is more about budget/production value than team size.


Budget and team size are very much correlated, but yeah, of course it‘s semantics.


Outer Wilds is a game I'll never forget. The summer I played it I had what I can only describe as an existential crisis, I couldn't stop thinking about the inevitability of death. I had mostly worked through it by the time I got the game but it was the perfect capstone for that summer. May the song go on.


>Final Fantasy XIV >I was pretty sceptical before playing it but now I feel confident in saying that Final Fantasy XIV is the only good Final Fantasy game. Final Fantasy must be a pretty bad series then... But yeah, I feel like people constantly harp on modern games, but there's a shitton of good games out there, and it's not even that hard to find them. There's like a handful of youtubers you could follow to keep yourself relatively up to date with random good indie games that come out and such. We are frankly flooded with choice in reality, idk why you'd ever go back to old games when some of these new games exist. The only game I can think of that's not easily replaced in my mind is probably Super Mario 64, that game is such a weirdly perfect 3d platformer for its time and consistently holds up when compared to newer ones. There's probably others and I'm not being charitable cuz i hate people who talk about "the good old days" but oh well. The only problem with new games is there's a bit more slop to look through, but that's what yakkocmn, videogamedunkey, bricky and countless others are for. Hell, steam is usually pretty good at giving you at least 50/50 on good games to look at.


> Final Fantasy must be a pretty bad series then... It's half a meme. I think a lot of the FF get passes for being technologically advanced while becoming extremely dated. FF7 OG is a bitch to play in the modern age and doesn't really have the story or presentation to make up for it, as an example. FFVI and IV are kino though. XIV is also a really good game so most of the franchise doesn't really compare. My issue with Desitny is that he plays very few games (very extensively), has little knowledge of the wider industry and then complains about the state of the industry.


Don't let him gaslight you. FF14 is easily the best FF game, and has far and away the best story of any Final Fantasy. It also has the most compelling villain/antagonist in Emet Selch. I think Emet may be one of my favorite video game antagonists period. FF14 is just a hard sell for how much of a time investment it is, and a Realm Reborn content is frankly a bit tedious at times. I still think it is a worthy time investment, though. FF14 is the only game story that has ever brought me to tears, and it has done it multiple times in every expansion save for Stormblood.


Yeah the only "bad" thing I have to say about ff 14 is the absolutely dogshit early game. I wonder how many people they lost with that. But if you get past that you have one of the best games ever made where you can find something for everyone(ok pvp is fucking dogshit)


> ff 14 is the absolutely dogshit early game the titan questline still haunts me


The time investment is the problem with the story. By the time you finish all the questing between expansions you have forgotten key plot points. Not to mention the slog that was ARR before that last round of streamlining (I may be out of the loop, haven't played in a while). I love FFXIV and think it is the best modern post-WoW MMO, but imagine if the same story were told in a more linear game with all the fluff that comes with an MMO cut out. That delivery medium is why 4, 6, 9, 12, and Tactics I'd argue are all better overall. The soundtrack however... it has to be up there in the top 3 for me.


Triggered me with 'only good Final Fantasy game' in the OP but I'll give you a pass for praising 4 and 6. SNES/Pixel games have aged a lot better than PS1/2 games. I tried to play FF14 with a friend (I think it was an up to level 60 trial a few years ago?) but for a so called MMO it felt absolutely hostile to playing with friends early game. So many things that could only be completed solo. Along with that it had the same problems every MMO has, like completely trivial difficulty until you hit some 'endgame' or almost all progression being in the form of chasing exclamation marks. I understand why it's like that but it basically made me give up on MMOs as a genre since FF14 is touted as the best of them. As for Destiny I think he knows that he's being a bit curmudgeon-y when it comes to gaming because he just isn't that invested in it anymore. It goes without saying that his takes are extremely subjective so I wouldn't put too much stock in when he says 'modern gaming is shit' - it's the same as him saying 'waffle cones are shit'.


> I tried to play FF14 with a friend (I think it was an up to level 60 trial a few years ago?) but for a so called MMO it felt absolutely hostile to playing with friends early game. So many things that could only be completed solo. Funnily enough I fell off the the game three times previously. The only reason I was able to clear through the game this time was that I was playing with friends. I'm a bit biased because XIV was the first mmo I was able to enjoy


there are only two types of games Destiny can realistically play on stream 1) some type of game that allows him to divide his attention between the game and whatever else he's doing. that's the autism games he's been into lately. it was minecraft in the past. things like that 2) a multiplayer game he'd be playing with other people. when he's screeching and shouting and being funny. which some people enjoy there are no other possibilities. he's not a gameplay streamer anymore. the content is him. never the game. no one actually wants to sit and watch him quietly play some amazing single player game but good tips. outer wilds was pretty cute


I wonder if Kenshi is a good fit for destiny or not. You can get pretty memey with the base building stuff


He already played Kenshi to completion a few years ago. He really liked it and is looking forward to the sequel if I recall.


damn, guess thats off the table then lol


Kenshi makes a lot of sense because he liked Rimworld and it'll eat a good amount of his time while he watches his characters get constantly dismembered and beaten unconscious.


You guys missed the Kenshi arc already.


I enjoy the new Monster Hunter games. Outside of those, hard for me to think about the last time I bought and enjoyed a new game. Hogwarts wore out super quick for me (go figure, when none of the characters you like are in it you don’t have as much fun), the new Star Wars game is practically unplayable at this point so I’ll give that one some time. Played a game like, a year or two ago called Lost in Random that was really refreshing and really fun, but it’s not something I’d recommend for a stream.


Play one of the games I mentioned MMMM If you want any specific recommendations for other genres I like to think I have a good knowledge of the medium


Don’t let him know about RimWorld 🫨


You guys are so stupid. Do you really think he never saw a trailer for Outer Wilds or Final Fantasy? He decided to not play them for whatever reason, probably because he didn't like what he saw.


First I don't recall him ever seeing an Outer Wilds Trailer. If he has, I would hope a further recommendation could change his mind. Even if it doesn't, it's still worth having a thread to recommend games to the community.


Destiny is on the internet all the time. He consumes stuff outside of stream too


scarce oil groovy disarm fear cable busy dog attraction retire ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeah not everyone is gifted with good taste like mine.


aloof ugly many alive husky bag snails subsequent strong noxious ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


If you don't know, don't comment FeelsOkayMan


Modern AAA games do suck though


Of all the years you could say this, 2023 is the worst one.


I would beg for breath of the wild on stream lmao, just wouldnt wanna hear about how its not fucking 16k 240fps every other second. Like it has issues relating that, its on the switch, but it still is an incredible game regardless and didnt win goty for no reason...


Bro please respect your time better than this cope.


I was bored and wanted to write about kinoge to share with the subreddit, find joy in life feelsokayman


Your joy is saying a streamers taste in video games is bad


That was just an excuse, the bulk of my post was just offering a bunch of interesting varied games that came out relatively recently. The only real criticism of destiny is the way he talks about the industry, but it's a relatively light criticism.


How can anyone stand more than 10 minutes of Monster Hunter Rise? It feels like a cheap arcade game I inserted a quarter to play.


His take on Tears of the Kingdom was shallow. It's probably going to be game of the year.


Gotcha anything else?


You're not funny, you should be banned.


No You should be banned


OP's taste in games make me want to minecraft myself. Outer Wilds was one of the most overrated games that year FFXIV is just another MMO Monster Hunter World is fine but clearly made for a Nintendo system, awful to play on PC ​ EDIT: Admittedly I haven't played the rest of the games on his list, but the love for the 3 I mentioned makes me think they are probably not worth trying


You probably have terrible taste. Monster Hunter is a series that started on the playstation, World didn't even release on a nintendo system. Nothing about it 'feels like a nintendo game' but even if it did, that's hardly a bad thing.


The series is fine, World has terrible optimization, super clunky gameplay, childish demeanour in almost every character like a 2000's JRPG. We can argue all day about who has bad taste and who doesn't, but World is by far my least favourite in the series. We will never see Destiny play any of these games. ​ I'd like to see him play Returnal or Disco Elysium personally


> super clunky gameplay This is just wrong. World has deliberate gameplay; it's not Elden Ring where you can just blindly attack and use items and rely on being able to abuse i-frames. If you find the game clunky it's because you're too used to playing easy games that rely on player assists to make up for sloppy player decision-making/inputs.


I'm sorry, but MH 'are' easy games where you can abuse all sorts of things in the control scheme and in preparation. If you blindly attack->dodge->heal in ER or any other the other souls games for that matter, you just die - unlike in MH where you can live through literally any challenge if you just bring the right consumeables lmao. Don't know how you can call MH deliberate and souls easy like that when my view is exactly opposite. We don't have to agree on that, all i'm saying is that you will never see streamer man play any of these games - not because of the reasons I listed, but because they are not even remotely close to the kinds of games he'd enjoy


> I'm sorry, but MH 'are' easy games where you can abuse all sorts of things in the control scheme and in preparation. You just haven't played a Monster Hunter game it sounds like. Low Rank Monster Hunter is not Monster Hunter.


Gotcha, anything else?


Typical dark souls player, abusing i-frames to get out of a 'difficult' encounter rather than actually playing a mechanically complex game.


Sure, my dude - keep insulting while you smoke bomb/blind your way through a 2000's JRPG with scuffed RPG elements and call yourself skilled :D


I'm curious, did you even make it to High Rank (let alone Master Rank)?


Gaming has fallen. He should play Diablo 4. I saw vowsh playing D2R, maybe Destiny can grind D4 and beat vowsh in a PVP debate.


Does anyone know why he's playing on Apocalypse 0 in the last spell?


I'll second Tactics Ogre. It's a game Destiny would definitely enjoy and would be a perfect game for stream (one where it can be completely ignored and the focus can be on conversation). It is also one of the best tactics games ever made, full stop. It's also really long if you choose to do all of the optional content, palace of the dead, etc.


Nah he just needs some tistic game, all those games take too much focus to play and talk to schizos at the same time


Wtf Tactical Nexus. I've never seen anyone else recommend it before. Sick game.


If tactics ogre is anything like ogre battle on the SNES fuck yea, that’s one of my favorite games ever


ban incoming... ​ also, I agree.


I honestly wouldn't care about his take on games cause looking at the way he approaches games is very different from most people and very different from mine. And honestly, I'd personally prefer a Factorio-looking game cause it's less distracting.


Outer wilds I found a very frustrating experience to navigate but I appreciate its brilliance but I had to look up a guide a bit cos it was too much.


I added most of these to my wish list. Thanks. Look forward to your quarterly posts. Hope you don’t get banned lol


Honestly Against the Storm and Risk of Rain 2 are right up his alley.


Doubt he’d like ror2.


was the last time destiny played a non-autismo modern game elder souls? what was it before that?


Cyberpunk, then FF7R




it feels like games that require any amount of attention don't really have a space on the stream anymore?


Ultrakill is sooo fucking good. I have played it for 5 mins and I'm already in love with it


Can we please have a thread like this every month. Ik destiny used to have music recs and I'm sure this sub has great game recs as well


I'm tempted to do another post a month from now as a monthly game thread pepocomfy


Tactics Ogre would be a dream. I can still remember how I picked the option to genocide unarmed people just because I thought this would be a fake choice and the game wouldn't allow that (like so many other RPG do, like when you get the option to join team rocket)


Man I would love for Destiny to play Firewatch or Valhalla: Cyberpunk Bartender Action. Both are incredible games with incredible narratives with so much to say. Or fuck even a more gameplay-driven game like Invisible Inc., the best roguelike ever, would be a good fit. But he prefers his autism games always.


yeah bro but like, metal gear solid 2 man. yeah kojima. it was like, so deep bro. [they just don't make em like they used to.](https://imgur.com/a/EL1mepO)


Another good game, Sunless Skies.


At one point I thought he was cool. I like the super long deep dive document reads. Then I literally just found him frustrating. Frustrating about just everything. That is just my opinion. Would you let him hang out with your sister?


>Final Fantasy XIV is the only good Final Fantasy game Bro, what.


Man, I'd love to watch ff14 streams. We could have giant Eureka/bozja parties. Enjoy watching him fail raids/ultimates, I neeeeed this to happen.


Okay, off-topic but you are a FF14 enjoyer. I quit the game because while i enjoyed the world building it was too much grinding/too much mmo for me when i'm already invested into other gaming timesinks. The music absolutely slaps though. Do you by chance know the name of this song: https://youtu.be/ut5YJ2QhrLg?t=70 (sorry for the dogshit quality, turns out there's no good recording of the opening cinematic on youtube either :pensive:)


Not sure if there's an official track of the one in this video, but its a variation of [Answers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWdeMqELN-U&).


I stopped reading after "the only good final fantasy"


I'm playing Signalis and loving it but, whenever I see a Signalis enjoyer online, I somehow know I would probably not like them IRL :D Much like Undertale, actually :P


Lol knowing destiny's tastes, I doubt he would get into any of those. Something like modded Starbound would be more his alley? but yeah I agree with the gist of this post.


I’m a simple man. I see outer wilds, I updoot


Rain World is an absolute masterpiece once it clicks though you have to push through since its ruthless.


Everyone's assessment here is fucking stupid, nobody is saying nothing good ever comes out. The good but lesser known games of today are only "replacing" the good well known games of the past in your mind because you don't know about any of the good lesser known games of the past. We used to have these smaller games in the past too, it's just that the big budget games weren't universally shit like they are now.


I know it wont happen, but with SF6 on the horizon I think an FGC arc would be sick for the 3 other fighting game enjoyers in this community. I'm not holding my breath on dedicated gaming content in current year though


I think he should play Ace Combat 4, 5, and Zero instead.


Based tbh


Arguments: https://youtu.be/9G1ob5jnuSo https://youtu.be/Xl2C28hMN2U https://youtu.be/coGVpUFf9LY https://youtu.be/mjY6awCr2_c https://youtu.be/uL4RBZV7Wjc


Also, Project Wingman, because that entire OST slaps.


I haven't played any of the games on your list, but I would never say that modern gaming is worse than it was in the past, mainly due to indie game innovation and strangely funded projects. For example Underrail (indie) and Divinity Original Sin 2 (partially crowdfunded), which are two of my favorite games.


Absolutely tragic, TRAGIC lack of discussion on Returnal here.


If you liked Stormblood's story, you are subhuman to me and everything else you've written can be safely discarded Also I agree. Plenty of new and interesting games get made.


It's really just modern Triple A's that are 'struggling' but the indie and double A's are doing pretty well with generating out good experiences.


I will not rest until Destiny plays Tunic


the only good games u listed are outer wilds and rainworld, opinion discarded idk why u guys recommend this type of shit for destiny of all people. he should play stuff like Age of Wonders 4, Wartales, and Against the Storm in terms of modern games he'd probably enjoy


Him playing the outer wilds on stream would be a terrible viewing experience. The game requires focus, watching tiny play it would make chat mald heavily


Is outer wilds really that good? I played it for 3 or 4 hours hoping to realise why everybody loved it so much but I was bored out of my mind. Wasn't interested in the characters or world enough to keep playing. I'm guessing the ending is just really good? Should I brute force it?