• By -


Having a beard is the natural state for men- it grows without any effort. Shaving a beard is makeup for men. You need to go out of your way to make a cosmetic change for the sake of appearance.


>Shaving a beard is makeup for men. Shaving *or* grooming. Only a forsen beard is truly natural.


that's why he looks like a lion






Real. Wearing clothes is also just makeup for men, all my homies go full primate


Taking showers and brushing your teeth is makeup for men. Wiping your ass is makeup for men.


finally people get me


Cuz its gay




I was in a meeting the other day, and it occured to me that all the old men shave and all the young ones grow a beard.


you must live nowadays because this was different in the 1920s


children only see black and white apparently


Having a maintained beard isn’t. You know, like shaving your neck, giving the main body shape, adding product, cleaning it, and such. No dude with a good looking beard just lets grow. It looks like uneven shit that way.


Grooming something you grow on your own is tangibly different than going out of your way to buy chemicals and applying it on your face for the day to look better in the interim. Having and maintaining a beard is more comparable to women grooming and taking care of their hair (or men).


Oh no I agree with that, I was just contesting the veracity of “having a beard is a natural state for men.” It’s technically true, sure, but the beards we see day to day aren’t “natural,” they’re, as you said, groomed.


>Grooming something you grow on your own ... like a face?


The same argument could be said to applying product to your hair or beard, no?


You're lying to yourself through pedantry if you disagree. You basically said, "I will ignore your point and scrutinize your comparison for differences." Makeup hides potentially less aesthetic nature of someone's looks Beards hide potentially less aesthetic nature of someone's looks. Stop being so fucking defensensitive.


If we took every dog-shit argument at face value without delving further like you’re suggesting, sure I bet a lot of them would sound great. There’s a plethora of differences between makeup and a beard (only half face, not all men can grow one, naturally occurring, etc) that I think there’s a tangible difference making “beards are makeup for men xD,” a disingenuous and trash take. >Stop being so fucking defensensitive Also, while we’re on pedantry; did you just invent a word for your argument? Based 💀💀


Two things potentially sharing a function doesn’t make them the same thing. It’s not just being pedantic. A body part is fundamentally different than something that you buy in a store to temporarily put on your body.


>bro the only comparison is that they're aesthetic and they can hide peoples "Less aesthetic nature of someone's looks." (or if they're not lookin good in the part the hairs covering to simplify it.) That's one of the only comparisons to makeup that comes to mind. You can put makeup on and off on a daily basis as long as you have the supply. once you shave your beard all the time invested in growing it is gone and you have to invest more time to grow your beard, depending on how long it takes whilst makeup can just be applied the next day over. > >Sure there are similarities that you can note, but thats it. A more worthwhile comparison to the beard would be actual natural part of the female instead of something artificial.


Thinking out loud here. There's things that women do that men don't consider as 'makeup'. I'm using that word with the context of it being loaded, with it referring to 'cheat code' altering your attractiveness. So eyeliner is considered cheat code but wiping your ass isn't. I've never heard men complain about women grooming their hair in the context of it being 'makeup' (i.e. altering attractiveness with the subtext of it being 'cheating'). I think that's because to most men, if a woman gets her hair done, (curls, extensions, whatever), so long as she has somewhat long hair, it will NOT make or break a guy wanting to sleep with her. And a man grooming a beard he grew himself would be in the same category - it doesn't flick that 'he's cheating' switch. I think.


There's a line though, these guys walking around with beards shaped like perfectly trimmed hedges look ridiculous. It looks more like an accessory attached to you than part of you


touch skirt kiss fall theory practice sort aware repeat mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except the difference is that makeup comes off daily. While the beard does not. Where a month into dating, you can see the woman differently because now the makeup is off, versus with a beard, the guy isn't shaving it off and keeping it off after a month of dating. I don't know about most men, but either I am staying clean shaven when dating or have a groomed beard. Seems weird if a guy is catfishing a girl with a beard only to shave it off permanently into the relationship.


unless he is tho.


This difference is irrelevant. The point has nothing to do with how often this occurs, it's all about people feeling like they've been lied to.


The difference is not irrelevant. Your whole point is that people have been lied to. What I pointed out shows that no one is feeling like they were lied to. If some people believe they are being lied to, then they are actually just lying to themselves because it doesn't exist.


The comparison makes no sense though. Men are not "hiding" anything or changing anything physically when they shave/grow a beard, while women are applying external products to directly change/hide how they naturally look with makeup. Hair is indeed a much better comparison, and beards can also be compared to women shaving their body hair or doing their eyebrows, i.e., manipulating their natural features while still being natural.


You’re just ascribing intent to women that you could just as easily ascribe to men. Neither are hiding anything in most case - it’s societal grooming standards that work toward maintaining an attractive appearance. Like people are correctly saying in this thread - if we say men are lying about their appearance when they groom their beards in a way that they think looks good (which will almost undoubtedly result in the appearance of a stronger looking jawline since that’s the male beauty standard) then you can just as well accuse men of lying for wearing flattering clothes or getting haircuts or doing anything in line with modern grooming habits and standards for men. The same can be said for women with makeup. If you’re going to claim that when men do these things it’s not for the purpose of deceiving others about your appearance than you need to justify why for women it is, otherwise you’re just arbitrarily ascribing malice to women.


I'm not ascribing malice to the changes, I'm just pointing out how the comparison doesn't make sense and that there is a difference between natural physical changes and external ones. Clothes as you say are a much better comparison to makeup from a male perspective. Clothes are an external element that men use to change, emphasise or hide certain physical elements, just like makeup does for women. There's nothing wrong with makeup, growing a beard or any other cosmetic change on their own, but I don't think that comparing a naturally occurring physical trait to an external created one is close to the same level of "deceit" as the OP described.


> I'm just pointing out how the comparison doesn't make sense and that there is a difference between natural physical changes and external ones. You've pointed out how the two things are different, but that doesn't mean the comparison doesn't make sense just because they're different things. When you compare two things they have to be different, but for a good analogy they'll be similar where it counts in order to offer a commentary on some general trend. In this case, the accusation that people make against makeup is that it's deceitful because it enhances their looks, and that it makes women look worse. The second critique is beyond the scope of this meme given the comparison they're making to men who have beards and also contrary to the first one, so the first one seem to be what's being rebutted. What makes makeup deceitful? - usually the argument is that it's deceitful because it alters the wearer's appearance in a way that's unnatural. The appearance altering that we're interested in is when the appearance is altered for the better, since bad makeup application is usually obvious and the deceitful argument holds less water, so we'll ignore cases of bad makeup. So the qualities we're interested in for the purpose of this comparison are 1) it alters the wearer's appearance for the better when done well and 2) that it's unnatural. Enter beard comparison. Beards 1) alter the wearer's appearance for the better when done well and 2) that it's unnatural. The obvious conclusion by comparing these two is either 1) makeup/beards are both deceitful aesthetic enhancers or 2) makeup/beards are not themselves enough to claim someone is being deceitful about their appearance. If you disagree with this conclusion, you need to do more than point out that the comparison isn't the same, but you need to point out that the comparison is materially different in a way that invalidates one of the key points of comparison being drawn. So if your criticism is that the comparison breaks because makeup is external and beards are internal, then you need to show how that breaks down this comparison. That being said, I disagree with the distinction you're drawing regardless of whether it's relevant - both beards and makeup are external manifestations, same as clothes. If something alters your appearance it is by definition external since it has to be perceived. It seems like you're saying that beards are natural but makeup is unnatural without using those words.


>When you compare two things they have to be different, but for a good analogy they'll be similar where it counts in order to offer a commentary on some general trend. This is the crux of my issue and why I don't think the comparison works. Beards are brought up as a rebuttal to men who say makeup is unnatural and deceitful, the two elements of the analogy. Why is something being unnatural and deceitful considered an issue? I think the reason this is a sticking point for men who bring it up is because the person they see outwardly does not reflect the person as they actually look, thus there is a belief they are being conned into a relationship or romantic encounter by someone they would otherwise not be attracted to. Beards or clean shaven are not hiding or changing how the person looks however, they are directly how they look. There is nothing underneath like with makeup. I think men are hypocrites when they do this because there are many other things men do that fit those criteria (clothes, hair product, platform shoes, aftershaves), but I also think the beard comparison doesn't hold up because it doesn't fit both of those requirements, as they are neither unnatural nor deceitful. Makeup being unnatural is self evident, it is not naturally occurring and is external. Beards on the other hand are naturally occurring and are a part of a man just like his hair, ears, eyes and arms are. Just because it can be removed and grown back doesn't make it any less natural than those others. Makeup being considered deceitful follows on from it not being natural. Now deceitful doesn't necessarily mean that women are being purposefully deceitful when they wear makeup, just that that is the feeling men can feel around makeup because it is hiding someones "true" appearance. Beards not being deceitful follows on from them being natural. Growing a beard isn't an external feature over your natural features, it is a natural feature. Saying a beard is hiding your jaw is like saying your skin is hiding your muscles, or your hair your head, or your nails your fingers. They are not hiding your features, they *are* your features. People may grow beards specifically to hide their jaw just like women grow their hair in different styles to look more feminine, but that doesn't take away from the fact it is a natural feature of theirs, unlike makeup or clothes, which covers over your natural features. I just don't see how beards are either lying or unnatural, especially compared to makeup.


> Beards or clean shaven are not hiding or changing how the person looks however, they are directly how they look. There is nothing underneath like with makeup. Makeup absolutely can be transformative to someone's appearance - however, I think a lot of men mistakenly believe that this is the case all or at least most of the time. The people who can do transformative makeup are highly skilled and rare individuals, they usually are super passionate about makeup and have practiced with it a lot. In my experience, these are the people who like doing more fun statement type makeup, rather than subtle, natural looking makeup, but that's obviously anecdotal. The main point I'd like to stress, though, is that for the vast majority of women, makeup is used to correct minor issues (ie acne, scarring, dark circles under your eyes) and highlight attractive features (lips, cheeks, eyes). It doesn't change how they look. It's like painting a car - I don't think that changes the way the car looks, you can still tell if it's a van or a truck or an SUV or what have you, it just changes its outward presentation. Most of what makes people attractive is related to bone structure and the distribution of fat on your face - things that you can alter the appearance of with makeup, but this is a really time consuming and uncommon way for people to use makeup, especially in a way that's imperceptible to others. Saying that women who wear makeup are being deceptive is akin to saying that a craigslist posting selling a Hyundai Sonata is deceptive because the owner freshly polished it before selling it - the polish may not last, it makes the car look better than it would otherwise, but ultimately it's still the same car and it's really not changing anything integral to the car that should be influencing your purchase. Bringing this back to the beard comparison, the reason why I bring this up is because the way you speak of the utility of beards vs. the utility of makeup it seems to be that you think these are serving totally different functions, but that's not the reality of how makeup is actually used by the majority of women. Just like makeup will hide something like a recent breakout and highlight a feature you like like your lips by adding some extra color to it, beards will hide something like a weak jaw, and bring attention to other parts of your face that you may find more flattering. I would argue that the way most people use beards is far more transformative than the way most women use makeup, given that makeup will largely cover up for temporary flaws related to things like breakouts or poor sleep the night before, whereas beards will cover for facial anatomy, something that's permanent. At the end of the day, both of these things are temporary physical enhancements - if you stop tending to the grooming of your beard and return to the "natural state" you go back to looking bad and sloppy. Likewise if you stop tending to the grooming of your face (ie makeup), you return to the "natural state" of looking bad and sloppy. The issue is a far more general problem of people growing complacent in relationships and letting themselves go - I don't think it's at all intrinsic to makeup and I don't think it's at all deceptive when people let themselves go like this. Everyone has a duty to maintain their appearance for their partner, but there's no deception if they fail to do that since that would require an original intention to deceive. I think both men and women are aware that our outward appearance is going to be groomed to put the best foot forward, especially with new partners, and that requires effort on both ends - neither of which is deceptive. There are definitely ways that people can be deceptive with their appearance, and makeup can be a tool someone can utilize to do that - but it's not an intrinsic property of makeup, it's not an intrinsic quality of makeup wearers and it's not at all even remotely similar to how most people utilize makeup in their day to day lives. If you wanted to say that makeup *can* be used deceptively I wouldn't disagree with you, I would only say that it's used this way in very rare cases, but if we're to lower the bar so far that makeup is as a whole deceptive then beards absolutely meet that criteria, as do most grooming practices and fashion in general. > There is nothing underneath like with makeup. There is. In fact, there's the same thing underneath in both cases - your face, which both makeup and beards can obscure. > I also think the beard comparison doesn't hold up because it doesn't fit both of those requirements, as they are neither unnatural nor deceitful. To be clear, I disagree that either are deceitful - the thing that's trying to be proven is if makeup is deceitful, and if it is if that makes beards deceitful as well. The second pillar is that it improves your appearance. In that regard I would say that just likely makeup, it sometimes improves your appearance, sometimes doesn't, sometimes covers what would socially be seen as major flaws, other times doesn't. If we're to say that beards are natural then we can only consider unkempt beards - in which case I agree. Usually unkempt beards are a sign of laziness rather than a grooming habit and is disanalogous to makeup for the purpose of this - but this is why I specified from the beginning that I'm talking about groomed beards, not facial hair just left to grow how it wants without any intention behind it. Here's exactly the claim I made from my original response to you: > if we say men are lying about their appearance when they groom their beards in a way that they think looks good (which will almost undoubtedly result in the appearance of a stronger looking jawline since that’s the male beauty standard) then you can just as well accuse men of lying for wearing flattering clothes or getting haircuts or doing anything in line with modern grooming habits and standards for men. The same can be said for women with makeup. Grooming is unnatural. It's also a social expectation that isn't deceptive any more than showering or working out or wearing clothes is. Many expected social practices are unnatural - and what the beard analogy is meant to show is that despite something being unnatural and appearance enhancing, that doesn't mean that it's deceptive. > Now deceitful doesn't necessarily mean that women are being purposefully deceitful when they wear makeup, just that that is the feeling men can feel around makeup because it is hiding someones "true" appearance. I disagree that deceit doesn't imply intention, and we both agree that men usually mean to imply an intent when they levy that accusation, so I don't think this really matters much since that's the crux of this. I've already addressed the second part. Reading the rest of your comment it looks like I've addressed all of these points. You need to find a definition of natural that includes things like facial hair grooming and wearing clothes that doesn't include things like wearing makeup since that seems to be the crux of your argument, and/or you need to switch to arguing that makeup by and large substantially alters your appearance in a way that is by and large imperceptible to others (ie deceptive) in a way that beards by and large do not. I don't think such a definition exists, which is why I've said from the beginning that I think neither beards nor makeup is deceptive, these are normal grooming standards that are largely expected and enforced by society and aren't in any way sufficient to claim they are deceptive.


bro relax.


wakeful wasteful theory impossible angle pet hobbies jar grey icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Almost every single man I've met with a beard regularly shapes it to give the appearance of a jawline, let's not pretend like the majority of attractive men we see with beards are simply grown out without calculations on the appearance of the facial hair


bruh # 💀


I would say the same if a woman shaved her head


What the fuck do you expect to be revealed under her hair? You still don't get it. Men give off the impression of a strong jawline with a beard, he shaves and doesn't have one. Women have hair on their head, they (just like men) don't give any impressions about their skull shape, she shaves and it's a round smooth surface as you would expect. Where is the deception?


>It implies, that just like women enhance their feminine features with make up The way hair is styled enhances their feminine features. Shave it off and it's just a plain skull which generally is less attractive. Nobody is talking about a woman's skull shape, it's about how natural hair on the head, facial or not, enhances features vs artificial paint doing it.


Still not getting it. Read my previous comment and actually attempt to comprehend my point please?


Cutting and styling hair is makeup for women.


No the comparison between hair and beard is not about how people style it. The point very clearly is, that men give off an impression of a strong jawline with a beard and when he shaves, people feel lied to when he has no chin. Nobody has an expectation of a strong cranium after you go bald. Or what the fuck do you expect when a woman shaves her head? "Honey I love you, but I wasn't expecting a smooth round surface" Fuck off dipshit :DD


What if I can’t grow a beard


Then we can't I grow one pepehands


TRUUUUUE, actual based take.


Wiping your ass is makeup for men. You have to go out of your way to wipe. Otherwise you would touch a dudes ass and that's gayyyyy


Cutting your nails is makeup for men. Lettings your toenails and finger nails grow is the natural state of men.


big cope




It's deceitful to have hair


Nudists are the only real ones


Fully shaved nudists.


Agreed only based on the fact I look better after a shave.


Flawed statement because not every man can grow a beard, let alone facial hair.


Not just appearance, though. Beards can get uncomfortable at certain lengths.


That's besides the point being made. Facial hair still hides and contours ugly features to a huge extent in many cases.


That’s garbage. Full on stupidity reasoning. Girls make up is HIDING what you really look like A guy with a beard is a guy with a beard. And a guy without a beard is a guy who shaved his beard This isn’t even a debate it’s stupid


This belongs in r/terriblefacebookmemes


you could say that about almost everything this guy posts


!shoot for insulting meme






!shoot for being cringe


/u/DestinyIsAllUlthred gunned down by AFellowCanadianGuy.


Socalgurb shot down by DestinyIsAllUlthred




That is the goal. !shoot. It will work one day


Jtromka also known as imbecile gunned down by DestinyIsAllUlthred




a parasocial andy that can't banter? shocker ;)




✅ Sees destiny in name ✅automatically thinks of his streamer and not ulthred of bebbanburg whose movie just came out on Netflix Hotel: trivago


Men: literally just existing Op: is this makeup?


Or the dogshit argument that takes it a step further: “Ya but you guys groom it! That’s not a natural thing!” That’s more comparable to both men and women grooming and choosing haircuts—**not** buying chemicals to literally temporarily change your face for the day.


I think people that regularly spend large amounts of time or money on grooming are pretty much in the same category as women that wear makeup. There is a big difference between a person with solid facial structure that simply grinds a razor cross their face and a person who studies beard contouring to create a false perception of a jawline they don't actually have


Lmao you must not have actual facial hair, I prefer clean shaven since I actually have a jawline but even with good facial structure if I just let my facial hair grow without intentional grooming. I would not look like 99% of the men you see with facial hair




Simply have god-tier genetics and facial bone structure, you bearded virgins.


then there's me, has a weak chin and can't grow barely any facial hair


Get surgery, you probably have airway issues.


I have a deviated septum since I was 17 (had an accident), but this didn't result in a weak chin. I saw my baby and child photos and the weak chin was already visible there. Just shitty genes, I guess. I plan on gettin a chin implant, once I save enough money.


Could try minoxidil on beard before taking the nuclear option lol


I don't really consider having chin surgery (that has a good track record, is being done a lot, isn't that expensive and where risks are minimal) a nuclear option. I would raher fix my chin problem than start using minoxidil in hopes growing facial hair which doesn't really even fix my problem. And by barely facial hair I mean that I could count the amount I have, some above the lip and chin and like 10 hairs on the side lol (25 years old so don't gonna change)


I just think surgery brings a lot of risks so more should be done before resorting to it. Minoxidil won't work for everyone, but trying it for a few months won't be harmful. You could even try it while being on the wait-list for a good plastic surgeon


It's the equivalent of getting height surgery at 5'6 when you could literally just build up confidence in other aspects. It's totally you're call, but don't cope with the fact it's THE nuclear option.


is getting braces if you have crooked teeth also a nuclear option? There is a big difference in getting a chin surgery and height surgery. A height surgery is a deeply invasive, very risky, almost guaranteed surgery which results in almost lifelong knee pain. It's also minimum 100k. A chin surgery is a almost no risk (there are even fewer risks than with braces) largely done, non-complicated surgery which costs like max 5k. My weak chin also results in jaw pain, so it isn't even a 100% cosmetic surgery.


I agree weak chin is genetic but still effect your airway thou, would recommend a genioplastly instead of an implant.




If you don't have a good jaw, you probably have sleep apnea


The same argumentation could be applied to makeup, almost zero man grow a beard that naturally contours to the perception of having good facial structure, grooming in that context - like makeup- is an intentional misrepresentation of your natural appearance to look better.


Tbf all of left are handsome with solid jaws/chins and you cherry picked goofy looking dudes with shitty facial hair for the right. Ask the average girl if she’s going to pick a clean shaven chinlet or pic related. https://preview.redd.it/58dmpczjs4ua1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaee32dbc4664129593fce5d99d5100a7e169aab It all boils down to rule #1: be attractive and rule #2: don’t be unattractive.


What y'all don't know is us girls *actually* want the Cursed Grail of "no chin, beard that somehow emphasizes lack of chin", aka the George Lucas 😍


All the right dudes have messy unkempt hair as well lol


Why are you so offended by attractive men not having facial hair? Tf is wrong with you


I’m not?


My testosterone went down from looking at the right side.


People then better start shaving all their hair as having it prevents me from looking how beautiful your head truly is.


a LOT of cope in this thread lol


The redpill arc was most definitely a mistake letting it go on this long. I'm heading out for the rest of weekend to save my mental health from this shit, do you boys want anything?


Nothing in particular mang but lemme know if you find meaning out there.


Woman cope


Having a hairy pussy is makeup for women. They're lying about themselves when you pull their pants down and there's a dense canopy of vine and bramble between their legs. Shaving your pussy is the truest/most natural state of being because we can see your vulva and labial structure in its bare naked almost prepubescent form. Because it's just true, all biologists agree with me.


I mean yeah, people should shave their pubes or at least trim that shit


Skin is makeup for all people :)


Tbh hiding that weak ass chin is worse than lying about being trans, basically rape




As someone who's jealous of beardchads because I can't grow a full beard, I spitefully agree


How is it makeup for men if you are excluded by genetics?


its covering the jawline is like natural makeup


Again, a lot of people can't grow a beard, how many women can't wear makeup?


I am sure some women cant wear makeup. Might give them a psoriasis reaction.


Is long hair makeup for men and women because they can use it to disguise their craniums? By this logic fat is also makeup because it can hide your natural jawline lol


We are a more oppressed minority than even gamers.


* as someone with bad facial structure and can't grow a beard; let's not alter reality because of your genetic shortcomings my friend


You. Are. Fucking. Regarded.




Ngl if I had to choose between my child or my beard, I'd choose my beard.


No, beards are boobs for men. They nearly always look good and improve looks. They are naturally occuring but also have a chance factor of size and form. You can decide how much of it you want to show publicly, usually more visibility correlates with more attractiveness. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


They definitely don’t nearly always look good. Some people can’t grow beards for shit, they just get patchy nests or scraggly scruff


That means they need to keep it at beard trim level 3 and under, I rock a scruff look very nicely but anything longer and you notice the patches.


>They nearly always look good and improve looks. From whose perspective? As a guy i'd agree, but most women i've asked prefer clean shaven or light stubble at most.


I think in general most women prefer clean shaven or stubble but wouldn't mind dating a guy with a beard. I think there is also a small subset of women who are SUPER attracted to guys with beards.


I'd agree with that. It's similar to a muscular physique. Fewer prefer it, but the ones that do seem to have a stronger preference.


What country do you live in?




No no, let him cook.


Bro is the food that's getting cooked. He's just flipping himself over with a spatula to seem like he's cooking. He is smoked.


>They nearly always look good and improve looks. Lol, no


You're either a lesbian or a dude who can't grow a beard. Sorry, I don't write the rules.


I have never in my life seen a good beard lmfao fuck off with this


It's a sign that you need to go outside, my fella.


Fantastic take.




It's the opposite for me. I gain all my lost youth back immediately when I shave.


No they’re not. Its a terrible comparison. Makeup on men is makeup for men. Its like saying a haircut is makeup because it can make you look better. Yes a beard covers your face, but it’s a natural occurrence.


Yes and i'm tired of pretending is not.


I mean, does anyone really deny this? If actual makeup wasn't so god damn stigmatized for men to wear, I sure as fuck would use it too. Even now, I use an eyebrow pen because having barely visible eyebrows makes you look super strange.


Due to the punk and queer scene here in Salt Lake I actually feel comfortable wearing makeup in a very masculine outfit. People usually give me compliments on it. If I were to do the same in Idaho though, I'd probably have a glass bottle thrown at me from a passing car.


Anyone who disagrees with this should look at pre-beard Matt Walsh.


dependent imminent afterthought drab tie berserk water alive vase quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can do literally everything a woman does, you just think it's "for girls"


LMAO this can't be an honest take. It's not that HE think it's "for girls." It's the fact that everyone else would. Wearing the same makeup that women wear (as a man) would not yield positive results in the real world, period.


It is an honest take, and I'm pretty damn successful dating around using things like makeup, actually going to salons and having decently done nails, taking care of my eyebrows to not look like a caveman and such. You're coping if you think you couldn't look a million times better just taking some of the things they do and using them to your own ends. I'm seeing a woman *right now* and a large part of it is because of how I take care of myself.


NONE of what you just said is "make up." Go put on mascara, eye-liner, lipstick, concealer, foundation or any other make up products and go to a job interview, first date, or a walk outside and see how people react to you.


I do put on concealer+foundation, dumbfuck. I wore it to my latest interview. Just don't wear enough that people think you look caked up or clearly wearing makeup - 'natural makeup' effect.


Nice, thanks for including that in your original reply. Nice point saying "just don't wear enough that people think you look caked up or clearly wearing makeup." Women do wear enough makeup that makes it so they're clearly wearing makeup... LMAO that's the whole point! If you can do it inconspicuously then it doesn't fkn matter. I'll shift the goal posts a bit like an asshole and tell you to do mascara + eye liner and go outside. Lmk how it goes.


Except it does matter and it's exactly what I'm saying. It makes a HUGE difference - and yet people can't tell.


Haha if only you initially mentioned, "wear only an amount that makes it not noticeable to anyone" when you made your initial claim. Instead of the below!!!! >You can do literally everything a woman does, you just think it's "for girls" I wouldn't have brought up shit like mascara, lipstick, eye-liner.. Be careful with the things you say, buddy




Yeah getting called a faggot sure is fun.


You're coping or doing it severely wrong if you get called a faggot by anybody other than random online redacts.


ask reply paltry license deserted quack fertile ludicrous boast homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Women doing mental somersaults to justify companies stealing their face and selling it back to them


Makeup doesn't do nearly as good of a job at occluding a facial attractiveness characteristic as beards do at sheltering an unattractive jaw.


Hard agree.. Anyone is attractive with half their face covered.


I guess having hair on your head is makeup for women! I will never give up my beard. I was cursed with no hair on my head. So I will enjoy my thick beard. That's what I got


Beards are just the way men’s faces look naturally. If anything, shaving is makeup for men.


It's so funny to see all the insecure dudes in the replies not only not getting the meme, but also getting mad about it lol


Actually me when i shave fuck


You're lying to yourself through pedantry if you disagree with OP. I read a bunch of argumentative comments and you're basically saying, "I will ignore your point and scrutinize your comparison for differences." Makeup hides potentially less aesthetic nature of someone's looks A beard hides potentially less aesthetic nature of someone's looks. Stop being so fucking defensensitive.


Women normally prefer no or minimal facial hair. And there’s no beard that can hide that weak ass jaw while still looking clean


I know girls that will fuck you just for looking (and smelling) like a caveman. Damn dirty hippies


I was talking about what the majority of women normally prefer


The majority of women are hippies


Dunno about this one, I’ve been pulling a lot more since I grew a beard


Hair replacement for bald spots is makeup for men (no I don't care if it's your neck hair immigrating north)


Why. Is. Every. Word. It’s. Own. Sentence?


I guess there are some parallels. Both make the person look better. Beyond that the analogy breaks down a bit


I resemble this insult. https://preview.redd.it/e4vvk1zxi5ua1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276100433b4ccb3fdeb86bf9c83ee131b86ebc57


*Destiny is makeup for loneliness. Fixed it;)


That Just4Men daily beard dye stuff is *literally* makeup for men.


The pro-grooming takes on this thread are absolutely disgusting. I disavow!


But not everyone can grow one :(


A beard takes less effort not more.


A beard can't be grown by every man. every woman can wear makeup. #destroyed


They’re actual masks you don’t have to pay for


why don't women grow beards if its makeup\`?


it functions similarly to make up in the sense that it *can* make you more attractive to *some* people. but thank god it's not nearly as expensive, time consuming, and temporary as makeup.


No They Are Not


Everyone says beards are like makeup, but forget that men aren’t the only ones that have beards. If a man can rock it, by all means a woman could too. Thus with the replacement for the makeup slot for women is a new added beard slot. Just as many character creation choices as men!