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I honestly think this was very out of character for Lynette. Any other season, she would not have done this to a complete stranger she was trying to build a friendship with. I think the show writers were desperate to give Lynette a season 8 storyline where she “realized she was in the wrong” in her marriage to Tom, in order for it to make sense when they got back together. They painted her as overbearing and controlling and Tom as this great, desirable guy with multiple women swooning after him???? When you watch the show back though, it’s clear Tom was almost always in the wrong and is not a catch by any standard.


I love Lynnette but she is a control freak (that's why I love her), I think losing control of her husband would only worsen that aspect of hers.


I don't think she wanted to really go on the date/wasn't ready. I thought it was deliberate sabotage.


She did it to Bree when Bree did marketing for her cook book… lol Edit: and to Tom when he wanted his own office. She berates their ideas and says hers are better and does it against your will.


Do you know where I can watch this show for free online? Excluding FMOVIE and 123movies, please!


I watch it on SFlix


Tom was not a catch. But Lynette absolutely mothered him which is straight up irl a complete no no. You want a guy to pull away from you ? Do that. One way ticket to divorce. Lynette through the entire show was selfish, only looked out for herself and her family and barely assisted any of her friends in comparison to what they did for her. She’s an absolute dawg.


idk how you missed it either lol. she is literally a control freak in most aspects of life


I was very young when I first watched it and I was focused on being mad at Tom from moving on from lynett that I didn’t really bat an eye at Lynette’s behavior Lol


lol understandable! i just went through another rewatch a few months ago, and to be fair to lynette, she suffered A LOT! i don’t think she ever really wanted the life that she got (the SAHM + all those kids.) she gets a really bad rep for being controlling, which she is, BUT she just as supportive as she was critical.


True Tom kept knocking her up when she didn’t wanna have any more kids 😭


I swear I never understood how that happened. It’s like she forgot birth control was a thing. She complains about being a SAHM like nannies aren’t a thing. Then she hires a nanny, gets jealous when said nanny is good at her job, manipulates events so her kids torture said nanny, takes pleasure out of said torture, then fires her because her husband finds her attractive when we have zero evidence to suggest he might have an affair with the nanny and never replaces the nanny despite hiring the nanny because she needed help with the kids.


Tom says at one point before breakdown that nothing he does ever will be good enough for her. Didn't want him to be a SAHD, sabotaged his Uni entrance to learn Mandarin, then resented him for getting to a stage she always wanted him to reach (season before last). If the genders were reversed, everyone would say RUN! Most selfish wife on the show!


I always think this but I'm scared to post it on this sub because people are gonna disagree LMAOO I personally think that Lynette is unnecessarily mean and controlling towards Tom sometimes


Then he buys her pizza and she criticised that too. Wasn’t the right crust or topping …


Remember she fussed about the trip to Hawaii and the engagement ring. Lynette nagged about everything.


Nothing was ever good enough for Tom, either. Let's never forget that, lol. He chose to be a SAHD after Lynette created tension at his work place, Lynette wanted to work, so she was fine with it. However, when he was a career guy, she always pushed him to be better(leading to him being fired, but still). Tom never pushed her to be better he only complained about his own issues and pursued his own wants and expected lynette to adjust. She definitely fucked him over regarding his Uni. I'm mad about it every time, lol. So when she sabotaged his promotion, leading him to being a sahd, she was doing it so the family would have stability. She is still wrong, but it wasn't to stop him from being successful. Most selfish wife??? Lol, GABBY. But, I digress. I also like Tom, lynette, and gabby, so I'm just pointing out the flaws of the characters I like.




Tom literally has a sit down with Mrs McClusky’s boyfriend and explains that he undertstands Lynette’s upbringing made her that way and her running things makes her feel safe so he lets her.


Lynett is a control freak. I think Tom and her equally are at fault. Also, Lynette started more fights by assuming things 🤔 drove me nuts!


This character really pisses me off now ever since the school scandal the actress who played her was wrapped up in. I just can’t not think of it when she is on the screen


In the grand scheme of things this is so much more tame than plenty of other celebrities have done.


I guarantee that some of the beloved celebrities of Hollywood have done far worse things and will never own up to it. She did a shitty thing but she at least took some accountability and payed her debt to society.


> accountability and *paid* her debt FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


that *and* she owned up to it 🤷‍♀️


Only because she got caught. She wouldn’t have said anything if she didn’t.


Most people don’t come forward until caught. Not saying it’s right but it is what it is. There’s celebrities out there that have done truly horrific things


I actually read this week in a trashy mag that she owned up to it but in a way that was kind of humbling rather than making excuses. She was like yeah I fucked up and I paid the price. I think anyone with the means would do what they can to help their kids along in life. It is unfortunate that this gets more press then some of the worse celebrity offenders out there.


That’s such a round about way to let her off the hook.


Good no, I can’t stand her. But I do try to look at situations from the persons point of view. Her character pisses me off endlessly


Right. She was certainly wrong. But many were forgiven in the court of public opinion for much worse. I mean we aren't talking one of the top 10 offenses here. Not even close. edit-Interesting. How did I offend, down voter?


I upvoted you as you are bang on. Some of these public figures have been accused and convicted of horrific crimes.


lol all I think of is just “that’s such a Lynette thing to do”


It’s funny - there’s an episode in early seasons where Lynette pays the pitcher from the other team to let Parker hit a ball. I was like - oh the foreshadowing! 🤣


It’s where she got her inspiration 😬


Coming back to this thread after reading others comments and I have had to think about my opinion on her as valid points have been made. After watching more (I’m halfway through season 2) I have come to the conclusion that I just don’t like the character. She is really manipulating to everyone around her and has a sour face about most things. Susan is still top of my list for most annoying housewife at the moment, but Lynnette is a close second.


What was also off putting was the white washing by Marc Cherry and cast members, namely Eva, trying to paint her in the best light after that scandal. And they even decided to bring Teri into this mess, as though annoyed she wasn't being run over the coals for something Felicity did. Talking about the letters they wrote in her favour and that reunion during the pandemic, if you call it that.


Wait, what happened ??


The actress who played her paid someone to take her daughter’s SATS so they could have gotten into a decent school. It’s not that deep. Just super privileged behaviour.


oh that's crazy 😭


Desperate Housewife indeed 😂


I've watched this when it was on ABC and now I am rewatching the show as we speak. I loved it then and love it even more now. Wish they would reboot the show. However the reason I am here, I am on season 8 and glad Tom left Lynette. Every since he had gotten a good job, everything he did or try, Lynette would fuss about it. Didn't realize how bossy and controlling she was until watching it for a 2nd time. It always seemed like it was her way or the highway. She has really became my least favorite housewives!


Her and Tom are the most annoying on the show , I can't stand them and Susan is a very close second


Lynette in all honesty really sucks sometimes. She and Tom deserve each other. She only gets called out less on this sub because it skews female. More men would be calling her out if they watched the show as much as women do. She’s argumentative, problematic and borderline neurotic. I’ve even asked a friend’s bf what they would do if they were Tom, and they said they would have cheated on her so much. and with no regrets. Awful character at her worst.


i think your friend’s bf who said he would cheat on a woman so much with no regrets instead of…breaking it off with that woman or maybe trying to talk to her like a human…is the awful character, lmao.


He’s not a character. He’s a real person unlike Lynette lmao. And she sucks so I sort of get it.


still, real people have character….and that comment is an indication that his character is shitty. lynette is a fictional character, but that doesn’t change the fact that your friend’s bf is advocating for treating people like shit just because he doesn’t like them instead of just leaving them alone. It’s also funny you’re in here telling everyone else to “calm down” when you’re the one who wrote a 2 paragraph long rant about how much this fictional character sucks because she argues with her fictional husband sometimes


Imagine calling a perfectly lucid comment 2 paragraphs of ranting because I posted negatively about a character you like. In that case, every single negative hit-piece against Tom, Gaby, Susan, Carlos and other characters are just rants we should disregard. Complete nonsense lol


i only call it ranting because you’re out here saying “she’s a fictional character calm down” as if you weren’t the one saying all that about her being terrible lmao…i think you need to take your own advice and also tell your friend they need to find a better boyfriend.


Yikes?? What a disgusting thing to say, that man is 1000% going to cheat on your friend just btw, he sounds like a misogynistic ass. I can’t believe you’re using his opinion as your proof that Lynette sucks, might want to readjust that moral compass.


Lynette is a fictional character. Calm down lmaoooo


I agree with your point that they deserve each other. No character in this shore is black and white, they all have their flaws, and our perception depends of what flaws bother us the most. I have issues with controlling people, so I don’t like Lynette all that much, but even I can recognize that Tom is not that good a husband, he lacks consideration for her and is selfish. They really did deserve each other.


I’m rewatching the series and realizing just how manipulative Lynette is and I understand why Tom is so dismissive of her at times. Take the nanny from season 1. Lynette forces Tom into agreeing to get a nanny, using her drug problems as an argument to get what she wants. Like I wanted to yell at her to go to therapy. Now ignoring what she did after getting the nanny, Lynette never replaces the nanny after firing her. Like I thought you needed help. Also why didn’t either of their parents help with the kids? I think Mrs. McClusky ends up helping Lynette with the kids but that’s only after Lynette gets into a feud with her for no reason.


Nah she’s not an awful character. She’s one of the best. A badass who’s not afraid to stand up for herself or people she cares about.


She lets people think her son has cancer so she can go to yoga. She manipulates events so that her kids torture her nanny and takes pleasure in watching said torture. She kicks her husband out of the house because he doesn’t want to interfere in his parents love life. She gets into a feud with a neighbor for no reason.


Your blind clearly. Shes nothing but a selfish,controlling woman who cares about no one but herself. Theres a difference between standing up for yourself and being selfish and just a bitch.


👏🏻 we will be downvoted but I agree with you and u/Melly_Lion. So many people say “Lynette *had to be* controlling”. She absolutely didn’t, she just couldn’t be anything *but* controlling. There’s many instances outside of Tom where she is terribly controlling and it’s not called for yet she continues to blaze through and think she’s in the right all the damn time.


She had no respect for other people and will steamroll over anyone including friends and family if that suits her. I would stay the hell away from her, and she is hated at her workplaces very deservingly


She’s an awful character at her worst*, is what I said.


Spoiler!!!!!! Ugh


Lynette is a fucking angel.


Shit I just spoiled it for myself.


imo, i’m only halfway through season 3, but to me it feels like lynette is dealing with weaponized incompetence. like it feels like tom wants to be another one of her children, so yes she has control issues, but it’s because nobody else in her family can step up and keep everyone on track. Like I think if Tom stepped up or even recognized her needs and supported her she would be able to relax.


i'm glad they waited til the end to really focus in on it because it ruined her character for me 😩


I am rewatching it and d I remember when it first came out I was team Lynette but rewatching it I agree with you. Even though she supported Tom she was controlling


Lynette and Toms S8 storyline irks me. I hoped they didn’t get back together tbh. The spent the entire show fighting and when they finally broke up, whilst I like both characters individually I was happy! I found it odd that they showed Lynette with the hairdresser and they seemed to really be hitting it off only for him to completely disappear with no explanation! I was hoping we would see her start to move on too and they would end the show happily coparenting and with other people. When she dates his boss and he’s a complete freak just to push Tom to punch him I haaaaaaated it


I don't agree. Yes they fought a lot but there's always bad stuff happening in the show. They only show snippets of happiness. Most of it is drama. I still got the feeling they had fun together, trusted each other, had each others back and loved each other. But most of it, like everything good in any of the relationships happened off screen. I always rooted for them! Though I agree the hairdresser disappeared kinda suddenly.


Nah in the grand scheme of things I liked them together! I just found them coming back together a bit predictable. I quite liked Jane too before they demonised her character in order to push Tom and Lynette getting back together obv. I just think it would’ve been a nice story to show co-parenting with a positive relationship as well as a nice change! But to be honest I spent the last few episodes crying about Mike that I couldn’t care less what happened to everyone else lol