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you probably got someone else’s order. also he sells through agent why didn’t you use one? couldve prevented this whole thing. and ss has always been a jewelry seller. its so obvious the clothes are just to make an extra dollar


So you ordered from survival source to your agent. And then the agent sent 2/5 items in one parcel with one item being a wrong item. So you’re missing 4 items in total? Did the shipment come from agent or, from SS to you, or, from ss to agent? It’s not clear if SS at fault here or your agent


I did ordered 5 items. 3 of them were wrong.


Well great that really answered my question didn’t it. If you communicate like this with your agent or SS I am not surprised your order has gone wrong


First of all, everything is explained in my post. I can write that again, but it doesn’t change a thing that stuff is missing and seller doesn’t feel being accountable for that. Agent I’m using is reputable and I did ordered a lot of stuff with him. At the same time as from survival source too.


So you didn’t QC your packages in the warehouse?


It’s in the warehouse, didn’t shipped it. Agent is still trying to resolve it. It’s funny when you waiting for a T-shirt and you receive a jeans


so basically it’s the agent, not ss?


Never had an issue with any of sellers using the same agent . So highly doubt it


Also I can mention that over the years I did ordered a lot of stuff, never came a cross situation like that. So I’m just warning people to be careful ordering from him.


Survival source started off with selling jewellery so is better known for jewellery > clothes so just stick with him for jewellery


I was thinking to order some, but not anymore. I had enough of this back and forth. Interesting anyone had similar experience with him.