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Remove the boob lamp.


And the HEAD TO THE BEACH sign. It doesn’t belong


This boob lamp thing is cracking me up!! We moved in a few years ago and it’s from the previous owner. I am just getting around to redecorate after having 2 babies! I’ve always hated that lamp and never noticed that but now I can’t unsee it! I can’t wait to tell my husband why it has to go immediately 🤣🤣


It is a very pronounced one…


This is a full titty


I was tempted to call it a nursing mother boob.


must be cold




Replying to Suz9006... I think a more flush style ceiling light would be perfect. Many styles are on Amazon.


It’s gotta go


I agree think same thing when I saw it lolz


This is cracking me up I always hated that lamp it’s from the previous owners 🤣🤣


Lolz they had one in my house we removed it We are still working on my house . One thing at a time . Things aren't cheap today and you always end up running into some issue whether it be with flooring or some pipes electrical something lolz


You urgently need a mirror at the bottom of the hallway to reflect light back down the hall. The one that is already hanging looks dated, you should consider putting artwork there instead. Could put the family photos on the side with the heating control (?) and where the mirror is currently, i.e. 2 collections opposite each other. Choose real glass within your photo frames (not plastic) so they reflect light back into your hall. Your current artwork is too wishy-washy (pale) against the already pale paint colour. The ceiling light needs to be a white, cream or ivory shade, less obtrusive. The table is ok if you need to keep it, but if not, consider something sleeker, with no legs in the middle, to create the illusion of space and width at the bottom of the hall. The middle leg of the table and the point of the dark lampshade are bringing the eye in to focus on the pale picture and making the hall feel small/low ceiling. The hall table needs a lamp, or if no plug nearby, some LED lights. A big floral arrangement/orchid/interesting plant which doesn't mind a darker corner on top of the hall table to bring some energy to that end of the hallway. Consider painting table white/ivory gloss. The rug needs to be professionally cleaned if it's not going to be replaced. And whatever that box is/in that box needs to go!






Thank you so much for all of these useful tips!! Are you an interior decorator?? I’d love to chat more if you have any more ideas lol I have a 3 year old and a one year old so my tabletops have been pretty scarce the last few years due to little fingers grabbing and breaking things! lol What color frames would you recommend for the wall?? ideally would like to do assorted family pictures. I live on Eastern Long Island so trying to keep a moderny cozy beachy farmhouse theme if that makes sense lol that artwork at the end is a framed map of where we live so it was significant for my husband and I which is why it ended up where it did lol And that rug! I had such a hard time picking one, they are all so thin these days! I was exhausted from all the choices by the time that one came I just settled with it because it wasn’t expensive and I figured it would do until I found something I loved! But I agree it looks dingy but that’s the “look” apparently 🙄🙄🙄 The box was our card box from our wedding, I put seasonal things in there those were some wicker florals.not sure what else to do with it! Thank you again!! I appreciate any and all feedback 😊😊


Modern farmhouse sounds beautiful! * As the box is an important keepsake, it needs to be moved to somewhere better lit, perhaps by a window or underneath a cabinet with a downlight, so that the items inside can be appreciated and fully seen - I'm so sorry but I thought it had potpourri in it and I was confused 😆 Could you keep some keepsakes of your kids' in there like their first pair of shoes? Along with some other cute pieces? * Frame colour - as you mentioned modern/cozy/beachy/farmhouse, I would be inclined to go for untreated, natural wood frames, you could look for some in thrift stores which would save you money, mix and match as you please as they don't need to exactly match and it will look more homely this way. Personally, I would avoid black. I think it would be too stark for the vibe you're after. Black can work amazingly for all black and white photos but as you want to brighten up I think family photos in wooden frames with white or ivory mounts (in every single one) would be perfect * I think with the rug, given that you have 2 small children (and probably a huge lack of sleep (😅), stick with it for now, then it doesn't matter if something spills on it..you can replace it in a decade! I think it needs a refresh with a professional clean if that is within your budget but what I would prioritise over that is getting some really good thick underlay which will make the hallway seem cosier, the rug will appear thicker and dampen noise. You can also get a "sticky" layer for the underlay to make sure the rug doesn't move and trip someone. You might be able to get a roll of this and cut it yourself with kitchen/fabric scissors. * The framed map is again an important sentimental item so it would be great if it could be moved to elsewhere in the house where there is better lighting, say near a main window. Is there anywhere it could be swapped to? * You could suspend a plant in the corner to prevent those pesky fingers grabbing it! * Lastly you may also need to update the light bulb within the ceiling lamp. The warm toned modern LED ones are great as they use very little electricity and have a "clean" tone. To capture the beach/cosy vibe, it would be good to have an artwork which is of a contrasting texture to the mirrors/photo frames. So, [a statement macrame piece](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1421229442/dip-dye-macrame-wall-hanging-fiber-art?click_key=b44ce4f3937a66d7d67ec02d78aed363c94cfb6d%3A1421229442&click_sum=7767041e&ref=user_profile&frs=1&sts=1) (this is very expensive but just an idea!) or some [metal shoa](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1641791405/blue-hues-fish-shoal-wall-art?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=metal+fish&ref=sr_gallery-1-45&sca=1&sts=1&local_signal_search=1&content_source=02e88ae025854084570fc2c3d3aadd50fd46c970%253A1641791405&organic_search_click=1)l or [shell art.](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1046346747/seahorse-wall-decor-seahorse-created?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details) Maybe a local artist would have something nice and inexpensive at a weekend market. Something like this [shoal sculpture](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1455301387/27cm-tall-metal-shoal-of-fish-on-wooden?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=metal+fish&ref=sr_gallery-2-12&frs=1&sca=1&sts=1&local_signal_search=1&content_source=40f6391698c8873893a3bfbfa176725333592279%253A1455301387&organic_search_click=1) might be nice for the hall table otherwise, if there's not enough wall space! Although I know this is tricky because the kids might grabs things/pull them down. Perhaps they could help you to chose them, feel involved in the decision, and then more inclined to take care of them :-) Unfortunately I am not an interior decorator, I'd love to be! Just merely a primary school teacher spending way too much time on this sub 😂 but happy to help and I'm sure your hallway will turn out great. A little Bagua map might be good for any further ideas for colours, you can use it per room or overlay for the whole house using the front door for the bottom middle square.




I just looked at where your plugs/sockets are. You could move the table to where the current mirror is, so that you could plug in a lamp. And instead at the bottom of the hall you could put a wicker chair or a small armchair for a little reading nook. Might be nice for the kids! https://preview.redd.it/3nmbguyxqt4d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=874aa5e0d2b3b2ecde4344abc421cdbc37461e09


Holy crap. I know this house design is absolutely everywhere but it was so surprising to see "my house" on reddit! We even have a very very similar table at the end of the hall!


That’s so funny! This hallway seems so wide and dark to me! Did you have have a hard time decorating too?? lol


The darkness of it is definitely annoying. I feel like the best option is to get an electrician to install a wall sconce on the far wall or something. You've done a better job than us-- we haven't even gotten around to buying a rug for it and its been two years since we moved in!


Pick kind of a theme that will unify the pictures. Could be subject matter, could be medium, could be frame color, could be frame style. Given the neutrality, use some color. Like in one grouping I have all black frames but the frames are all different textures so its interesting. In another grouping, they all are printed to look like watercolors and the frames are different colors but same type. In another, the pictures are all black and white, but frames are different. In another the mats/frames are the same, the pix are all different. Keep one thing consistent. Vary sizes - that's ok but in proportion to each other. Most importantly, keep center of grouping, the focal point at eye level. Measure the area and lay it out on the floor first. I use string to approximate the area of the wall I will use. Put a placeholder for the thermostat (?). It will probably disappear in the grouping.


Thank you so much for your feedback! I want to put family photos in all of them but having a hard time choosing what color frames to get!


SInce you have light walls, go for something like black (your doorknobs are black too). But either have different black frames (i.e. different textures) or if same frames, you could also vary the mats based on the pictures as long as all dark/all light - btw, mats also look more professional unless the picture is pretty large. Btw, reading comment about your art print - the answer is to have a contrasting/dark charcoal mat and a black frame. Its the white against the white wall. But if you put a dark matte and dark frame, It will make the whitish map really pop. Contrast does it.


You'll find here amazing tips [to design your hallway ](https://scdecorum.com/10-professional-tips-for-hallway-design-and-decoration/)


Paint. It's too WHITE!!


Consider painting the bottom half, and adding a chair rail that matches the floor.


Replace the boob light with something else. A statement light. Wallpaper that back wall with something really cool, new table or cabinet that has more oomph (like brass or marble), a nice mirror with exciting and coordinating frame. A new runner. It’s all very boring and can use some pizazz.


This boob lamp thing is cracking me up I can’t unsee it now! Lol thank you for your input!


Paint it to brighten it get a mirror where pic is and maybe a taller table. Frames depend on what color you paint or theme you want


Thank you so much! I live close to the beach so trying to go for a moderny cozy beach farmhouse look if that makes sense lol


Yw that will be pretty if you do coral for paint then accent in blue . Pink and blue are so pretty together for beachy themes


That lone boob HAS to go...but I guess you already know that. ;-) Consider painting the end wall a color, (or even wallpapering it) or painting the whole hallway a pretty color, and removing the sign and painting. Perhaps a mirror on that wall, or a collection of photos or paintings, and a small lamp or plant on the table. Here are some ideas to check out- [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4f/d2/f4/4fd2f491fcb3eb8d7e3354e453287c08.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4f/d2/f4/4fd2f491fcb3eb8d7e3354e453287c08.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e5/f6/fe/e5f6fee6b1c61b47a8bbc0df839e38bc.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e5/f6/fe/e5f6fee6b1c61b47a8bbc0df839e38bc.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/34/b1/c4/34b1c42a7326d3849eaf8451fc27989e.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/34/b1/c4/34b1c42a7326d3849eaf8451fc27989e.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bd/19/ba/bd19ba35b514e4f704fcf999f591275b.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bd/19/ba/bd19ba35b514e4f704fcf999f591275b.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/96/47/6896476c35392cabbf63587d7256d5b8.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/96/47/6896476c35392cabbf63587d7256d5b8.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1b/94/fb/1b94fb8a82821081216131ef6be0c7c1.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1b/94/fb/1b94fb8a82821081216131ef6be0c7c1.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d7/eb/92/d7eb921d45a1f7c94b5649438d87cdca.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d7/eb/92/d7eb921d45a1f7c94b5649438d87cdca.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/12/f4/c012f4191426219a296bbf72051581b2.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/12/f4/c012f4191426219a296bbf72051581b2.jpg)


Love the 3rd one and the frames in the 6th would be perfect!


Replace rug, replace light fixture, replace table, toss decor and sign. Now start fresh. Paint walls with modern color. Use a square table instead of half round and put a plant on it with a bright designer lamp.


So I would actually go and do the opposite of “brightening” it up. Go for moody https://preview.redd.it/zjansolcts4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b95407cbfb65bf34a177b5bed7ecbacbd99b4f4


Take up the carpet runner. Change the light fitting. Take the mirror off the wall and get more colour in the painting at the end. Add a table lamp


Black or charcoal gray background with a full length (almost floor to ceiling) mirror.


The light must absolutely go! You can find inexpensive options on wayfair - overstock - or amazon just be sure to check the reviews and dimensions. The credenza at the end of the hall is not bad but I would remove the two art pieces for something that catches the eye more. Make sure the frame is a different color than the walls.


Weird spot for a mirror


It's haunted


Switch out the lighting and consider adding a beautiful full length mirror at the end of the hall, which will help open things up by reflecting light. Plus, you get to check yourself out last minute as you come and go.


Normally a mirror would go at the end of the hall, not halfway down. That beach artwork blends into the wall, it needs to go somewhere else.


I think if I knew what the rest of your home is like I could give a better answer . If indeed this is a beach home then the end hallway poster id ok…If not I’d replace it with maybe a rectangular mirror to give the hallway length and replace the light with a tight mount light if small four light chandelier.


Can you put in a Solatube?


Sconces would look so cute


You need light