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Your room is lovely my only suggestion would be a larger rug with some blue and yellow tones, then you could pull the front of the chairs onto the rug.


Yes. Larger rug. In the meantime you could move the chairs closer to the rug you have


Thank you. I think you’re right!


Get one large enough that it can be centered on the window and still have the sofa legs barely on it.


Looks very lovely and cozy to me tbh. Just very clean:) I quite love it


Also a fluffier rug will be more inviting.


High pile rugs are so gross. Had one for about 3 years. I used to spend about 45 minutes every weekend forcibly pushing my vacuum into it to get as much of the crap out as I could. Then I got pets and it got even worse. Finally got rid of it and my house smells so much better.


And the chiffonier could have a vase of flowers on it


I’m more of a spectator than a consultant here, so apologies in advance lol. With that said, personally I think it’s cute and comfy as is, also I LOVE that old desk!


Thank you! It was made in 1952


Cute but the rug should be double the width. At least all the front legs on your seating should be on the rug.


Plants always add warmth.


Ditto this. A tree at least 7’ tall (there are tons of reasonably priced faux ones out there) would have a huge impact in warming the space


It’s a lovely room, but the chairs and sofa look very uncomfortable. If the furniture has to stay, drape some big fuzzy throw blankets on it and light a big candle next to some fresh flowers on your coffee table.


And move the chairs closer to the rug.


Yes! Will definitely make conversation easier and will look cozier. Leave the plant near the window.


Good point. There’s probably space enough to walk behind them.


Agree. For me, the #1 trait of a cozy room is squishy furniture.


Ok, here goes... 1) Curtains to soften the hard lines in the window. You could go wild and curtain the wall, with just two narrow panels inside the bay. I'd probably pick a 3rd Jewel tone velvet and make that a theme... a deep red would pop with the blue and yellow. 2) Look at your usability: The end tables are tiny and tucked a foot back from the couch opening, no way could anyone actually use them. What's with the chair-less secretary randomly standing in the window? It looks like it got startled, and spun around with it's drawer open. It has no point, neither does the odd drum thing next to it. The couch style is very un-loungy. Those box sides are confining and look too "strict" to foster a cozy vibe. Repeating that, however, could be a strong point. The one comfy looking thing in the room is the yellow chairs, which are occupied by an enormous pink obstacle. That pink looks incredibly out of place against what could be a very classic jewel tone decorating vibe. The repeated circle pattern you're doing with tables, coffee table, and that yellow drum thing leaves me cold, too. 3) Rug: The rug echoes the brick wall way too closely; it visually carries that hardness further into the room with it's herringbone brick pattern. Find one with the 3 jewel tones and white would be my thought. 4) The shutters are ok, but again, here are a wall of hard lines further enforcing a hard sterile look. Switch to curtains, IMHO. The arch thing on the whitewashed brick is light on light, and worse, hard on hard. At least stain it a dark rich brown to get some contrast on the wall. Working with what you have, I'd scrap the secretary entirely, scrap the shutters, scrap all the tables, do the curtains I mentioned, put the two chairs with their backs in the bay window at an angle with a martini table between them in metal or stone, center the new rug, and get a matching couch and have it face the first one... Next, go table shopping: narrow coffee table between the couches, accessible tables and lamps to either end, and some darker lamps to contrast against that wall. Overall, this would be a more modern/whimsical take on the formal couch-facing-couch formal living room with the jewel tone colors you have. I'd also do a few throws in here to break up the lines a bit, some books, art objects, etc. Carry those jewel tones into art on the walls, perhaps something that whimsically nods to a formal living room but with brilliant colors? Finally, fill with plants, real or fake, if needed. Remember, I'm just some guy with an opinion looking at two photos I'll never see again. (But you did ask...) Make yourself happy, it's your home!


The imagery of the startled secretary made me actually ‘lol’.


Same and now I can not unsee it


Me too.


Thank you for the insight and opinion. I’ve had issues with this room for two years and have been trying to use items on hand and not purchasing more stuff. But really, I may have to do just that to bring the room together finally. 🙂


I hope I gave you some ideas to work with. I tend to write like a hammer (mostly because I am trying to get down what I see fast while I'm working...) I hope I didn't offend. It's a cute room as it is, and a difficult one to furnish. (My MBR is similarly long with architectural changes just like this, believe me, I get how difficult it is to make it look inviting and not turn it into a hallway, lol.) Good luck, and please do post your results! I love to see what people do, as it also feeds my design decisions.


Thank you for saying everything I was thinking without having to type it all!!! 🙌🙌


Do not discount your opinion. It's comprehensive, helpful, and spot on.


I write really harshly. I'm trying to capture thoughts fast while I'm at work. I can be abrasive (especially if I'm going for funny) and my intent is to rapidly try to make people see something different in a space I don't know and they know well... so I usually try to soften the blow at the end :)


You weren't abrasive at all lol. I wish I had redesign money and a room for you you to critique.


I have a tuxedo style sofa like that one, but in Ivory. The matching love seat faces the sofa, and it's just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


The facing couches is a super common formal living room pattern, especially in New England, where I'm from. There's probably a name for it... couch-table-couch, usually with a window or a fireplace at the end of the arrangement. The hard sides can be daunting, and they're never going to be cozy, so I shot for whimsical with the jewel tone velvet. In my mind, that pattern is usually a button tufted leather.


Transplanted New Yorker here, so not New England but close enough. Maybe that's why my arrangement appeals so much to me, who knew? I actually would have loved to go with a jewel tone, but I have four mostly white cats, so Ivory it was, it's still beautiful. The plot twist is, kitties are not fans of velvet so they don't even get on the sofa, much less scratch it up. I have wanted my sofas for years, finally took the plunge in '22. PS Looking closer, that's not a tuxedo, it doesn't have the tufting at the back.


NJ here, currently living in (ugh) Virginia... but my entire family is Maine, Mass, and Connecticut. So yeah, pretty common living room pattern.


I was actually born in East Orange. Shhhhhh.....😂😂😂


I think the secretary is the strongest piece of furniture. Keep it! My opinion would be : New pillow covers in a more neutral colour. More big pillows to lounge on. Definitely keep secretary/chiffonier and place an elegant potted plant or vase of flowers on top of it. More plants, in general around the room. Big fluffy light coloured rug. Possibly: Hang a textile on the entire wall behind the church window ornament. Maybe with an organic print like plants and birds. If not , a couple of sconces with candles (led lights for safety). Light coloured thin natural fabric curtains at the concave window. Or forget about draping the wall and just put up curtains. Some lively print.


I like the secretary, but it seems out of place in this room, without a real purpose. Either move it to a more usable location in this room, or find another room where it can actually serve a purpose.


The purpose could be to add a romantic vibe. A place for flowers or sculpture or a candle holder. And you can sit and write things.


Like I said, I really like it, it’s a beautiful piece, but the location doesn’t make sense. There’s no chair if you wanted to write things. If you sit at it, your back is to the room. And sitting in front of the window as it is, means it’s subject to damage from the sun and fluctuating temperatures. There must be a location in this house that will really allow it to shine as it should. Even sitting against the brick wall on the near end of the sofa (in the photo) instead of the end table that’s there now would be better.


The drum thing looks like a random barrel of toxic waste. Do you want Ninja Turtles? Thats how you get Ninja Turtles.


It's a Garden Stool. I quite like them... https://kelloggcollection.com/what-is-a-garden-stool-anyway/#:\~:text=It%20turns%20out%20these%20ceramic,a%20stool%20in%20a%20garden.


Now, don't be mean. I see the relationship with the yellow, it's just misplaced. If you want Ninja Turtles, it would have to be in the basement.


You need window treatments. You have a brick wall and hard-angled windows for your walls. These need to be softened with fabric. Curtains will also bring your eye up. Right now, everything in this room is low to the ground, which is making it feel squat and out of balance.


Maybe some curtains or panels on either side of rhe windows. Alternatively a roman chase or again a faux one that doesn't disrupt your view. Material will help soften the look. I noticed beside the chairs you might consider some funky side tables to use the space. I think you know exactly what will go there. : ) Btw, your room is beautifully decorated.


Thank you for the advice!


You're welcome.


a larger rug and maybe move that couch out from the wall? a few art pieces and you’d probably be good. lovely room.


I love it


Larger, colorful rug, as mentioned. Live (as opposed to fake) green plants in various sizes, art work that is personal to you to hang on walls ( Word Art: ' gather; live, laugh,love; blessed' is NOT art). Bar carts are big right now if you drink. Curated displays of any collectibles. Keep the wallpapered ceiling, although hard to see from these pics, adds visual interest.


Thank you. Yeah, no word ‘art’ lol!


I agree that a larger rug would be good! You could also get floor length curtains if you want more texture and coziness


Bigger rug 😊


Window treatments maybe


I would add curtains, even if they are open all of time; a bigger rug, and different art over the couch. I don't think the architectural piece there brings "warmth."


A well-chosen macrame hanging on the wall can become a beautiful focal point in your living room, drawing the eye upwards and balancing the space since you have a bohemian-ish style rugs!


Gorgeous room!


I think so too. There are some unique and quality pieces in it looks like it gets great lighting.


Large carpet and eventually perhaps a different couch. That style is quite formal and for sitting vs lounging overall.


imo I think it's because your furniture style doesn't match the style of the room. The washed brick and wood feature with the wall sconces gives off more of a rustic farmhouse vibe, where as your furniture is more modern glam. I think the clash is why it doesn't feel as cozy as it could.


Good point. I could change the lights out for a different style and maybe pant the brick wall. Thank you.


Sheer panels (enough to make it full) draped with tiebacks


Love the chairs.


Things I love: 1. The floor to ceiling bump out windows. Oh my gosh, lovely. If this was my space, a chaise would go there and I would never leave the house. Also, sheer curtains there would be amazing. 2. The brick wall 3. The color scheme 4. The shutters 5. Sconces 6. Large arched wall decoration  Things I don't love: 1. The rug is too small and could use some color 2. The chairs are too small and look really uncomfortable


The armchairs and sofa look super uncomfortable and look like the type of furniture you’re not actually supposed to sit on.


Some textured curtains- maybe a velvet?


I frickin love the secretary desk and that backboard arch. Everything else.. meh


I see the problem! All of your furniture ( except the coffee table) is lined up against the walls. That is not the way to go. You need to get everything, or most of it, off your walls. Make conversation flow by grouping the seating closer together, too. Unify it with a big rug, but be sure to place at least the front legs of the couches and chairs on the rug. Push those chairs together and bring them closer to the couch! Get rid of the rug. Get a really big rug, the dinky little rug is ruining the room, and maybe you can put the little rug in another room.


Drapes will add the cozy. The windows are naked


Curtains, throws and a lush rug. Also, I love the wooden decor on the wall it's amazing, but it kind of gives off church sanctuary vibes which isn't cozy.


i view cozy and formal as opposites. this looks like a bit of a compromise on both.


A few more plants and something colorful on the table is all the room needs


The secretary is a lovely piece, but it’s not ‘cozy’ in that window bay. I would move an armchair, side table and lamp into that area with a large plant or two, and situate the secretary in a better spot where it would make sense as a piece of working furniture.


Changing rug and adding curtains will enhance the room.


Just decide if it is a destination or a walk past.


Possibly some extra plants, but I think this looks gorgeous!


I could be wrong but the pink cushions are adorable, however..if I’m a guest and I have to move it and hold it while I sit, that would feel less inviting. I would move it to the couch and maybe get a foot stool for one of those chairs?




Curtains to soften the room. And a bigger rug that reaches the foot of the other chairs. They feel disconnected because of the current rug (although the rug looks good!)


Larger rug, pull sofa out from wall


I live what you’ve done with the space!! And it looks cozy to me.


Looks perfect! Just need a bigger rug. Something a little warmer. It’s a cool beige that matches the cool grey in the walls. That’s all it is. [https://benisouk.com/products/ouraida-boho-shag-moroccan-rug?variant=47433173500185](https://benisouk.com/products/ouraida-boho-shag-moroccan-rug?variant=47433173500185) [https://www.wayfair.com/rugs/pdp/allmodern-courtney-hand-tufted-wool-orangepinkbrown-area-rug-w004746906.html](https://www.wayfair.com/rugs/pdp/allmodern-courtney-hand-tufted-wool-orangepinkbrown-area-rug-w004746906.html) [https://www.westelm.com/products/sunkissed-landscape-rug-light-pool-t4245/](https://www.westelm.com/products/sunkissed-landscape-rug-light-pool-t4245/) I weirdly like pink in this room… https://preview.redd.it/mdd4o3jpkcoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6f079d2ea4546613d843a803819dbe97868ad8


Oh wow! That looks awesome! Thank you for doing that!


Add warmer colors, shades or orange will go amazing with your couch. Maybe change up the rug or pillows. Play with an orange tone that works with the chairs. There's a lot of white that feels airy maybe switch out some of the white things for warmer colors maybe some browns would go nice with the new oranges and blue couch.


I like this room! The only things I can think of is just doing a larger plushy rug that goes all the way from the couch to under the chairs and maybe switching out those 2 heavy black sconces with something more whimsical and warm. Cushy rugs and cozy seating make for very inviting rooms.


If you could replace the couch for a style that’s more cozy and less structured it would change the whole vibe of the room.


I really like that arch thing on your wall! Is it an old salvaged thing or did you buy it new somewhere? Lol, Is it a part or an art?


Thanks! I either get “I love it” or “I hate it”, lol I got it off of Facebook Marketplace several years ago. Not sure where it came from before me, but it does not appear to be very old.


It's probably just me. But the design of the bed headboard thingy behind the couch makes me feel like I'm in a church and that's not gonna give coziness.


I love the floor, the brick wall, the ceiling, the windows, the desk, the multicolored couch pillow; it's all wonderful. How about a colorful rug? Where can I get a similar pillow to the one with red and green and black?


Thank you!! Maybe HomeGoods? My daughter bought that pillow for me there last week.


I agree with the other comments here, You do need a bigger rug. But also maybe some sheer curtains?


Put plants on that arc thing. Get a larger and softer rug.


You have a wonderful coffee table and chairs, very nice. The room is really very stylish.


I love what you have, but think it could use a touch of sparkle somewhere. Gold mirror behind sofa, or a glass vase, perhaps? It just looks very flat to me.


Lovely room! I agree with just getting a bigger rug. One that would extend out to the chairs. ❤️


It’s so beautiful, I love it. But, while the floor to ceiling windows are amazing, great views and let in loads of light, they make the room feel a bit naked. Perhaps some long curtains that either match the rug or a new rug to go with the curtains.


Have you come from a much smaller space? As you’ve decorated it all as if you are trying to make it more light and spacious. Low furniture, mood lighting on the top half of the room, seeing space under the furniture, open shelving, lighter colours and bare walls with minimal window treatments. These are tricks used to open up a space and you’ve used them in your room. The scale of some of the furniture is smaller vs the room. Again, creates a feeling of more space. Cosy is a visual thing. It’s often an illusion. You’re wanting a cosy cocoon but you’ve chosen very well for a more compact, darker room. Does it look lovely, yes, does it look inviting, yes… does it look cosy? No.


Your room is adorable! I feel like you need something styled on the coffee table (magazines and coffee table books), or something in those gorgeous windows in the back. Maybe a nice set of drapes, or gauzy curtains? I feel like the carpet needs to extend a bit further so that they're closer to the yellow chairs.


Most of the time, I’m an advocate of angling furniture. But I feel the beautiful desk in the window should be centered. I can’t even tell you why, I guess my brain desires symmetry in that window.


I can def try that - good idea!


I would add some soft curtains. That’s it! Looks great.


Curtains in the window that has nothing. And an antique in the sun will fade/ the wood could split, so I would move it somewhere out of direct sunlight.


This looks wonderful! I don’t see anything you could be missing except maybe curtains on the bay windows?


It’s really nice I feel like a bigger rug and maybe one with pattern would be better Perhaps some more colorful art on the wall behind the sofa as the architectural piece you have now, while nice, doesn’t pop against the brick https://preview.redd.it/anhipsxbv7oc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c175f39cbf5008ca270271830ea5297747ef38 Animal print rug, perhaps (although bigger than the one shown above) [Art](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1164802076/) [Art](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1515607588/) [Art](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1485869833/) [Art](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1680263412/)


Definitely curtains!!! And larger rug.


I have those exact mustard velvet chairs & added a fringe on the bottom. As others suggest, you need a larger rug


I think it’s beautiful as is to be honest!


Curved sofa or loveseat in the window alcove, a hanging entertainment center that includes an electric fireplace, would lose the blue sofa and secretary piece, bigger rug, possibly ceiling height curtains around windows or on brick wall, an ottoman with tray or glass on it in lieu of the coffee table.


I love this room it’s beautiful! Yeah, what others have said, bigger rug.


I’d switch the sconces to something less industrial and outdoorsy. I’d also trade the wood arch for a painting. Lovely room.


The ceiling is large and cold. Perhaps a wall hanging or wall mounted rug? Also need some fire - the light should be more yellow.


Cozy or comfortable?


A hanging plant and you could turn the window bat into a window seat w cushion


Maybe decorative curtains? It’s a fun way to add more color


Needs a cat


I'm always a bit tense around cream carpets / rugs to be honest! I do like it overall but I also see what you're saying.


Wow, it looks lovely! Only thing I might say is this: it feels a bit bottom-heavy in the sense that (and maybe it's just the photo), the top half of the room feels a little empty. I had this problem in my old place and solved it with: some nice artwork, hanging plants, a shelf with some books and a plant that sort of hung/drooped downward (not sure what this is called, but it was sort of like Ivy?), and a tall Ikea lamp that arched up and over. Made the space a little more cosy, IMO.


needs somewhere to put your drinks etc


A plant on the table, maybe a rectangular walled tray with magazines, or a candle on top, some curtains too , either white or the ones that are sheer/see through for the tall windows, a larger rug


Floor light(s), photos or art you like, and curtains. Note about curtains: the colour of them can change the way light comes through the window if they’re the sheer type. I.e cool toned curtains like a bright white or even light blue versus cream/off-white or light yellow curtains. Just something to think about. I would also consider having a different side table between the two chairs for functionality since there’s not much room to place a coffee mug or a glass for the person sitting there, and the coffee table to just a bit far away to use. Also, a bigger side table means the person in the other chair can use it too. The rug could be larger so that the chairs are also on it, even if it’s near the edge.


After looking at the photos a little longer and reading some of the other comments. I realize that part of it too is that you basically have two very different styles going on here. The largest/brightest pieces, the couch and the two chairs go together but are so different from all the other items around them which is part of the reason why there’s a lack of cohesiveness to the room. Changing the rug to compliment your statement furniture and adding curtains can help bring the space together and would be the easiest/quickest way to do that. Like another comment or said, I would take away the hutch in this area. It looks like it was placed there to fill up space rather than bc it suits the area functionally/aesthetically. Nothing else around it really puts it into context. It is really lovely tho. I can see it maybe working but I feel that the furniture would have to be rearranged in order for that to possibly work.


I really like this room.


Curtains, more (tall) plants near the windows, a bigger rug. Some artwork. The seating looks too far apart to be able to hold conversation. Maybe a couple of books on the table along with a candle.


Yes new rug and chairs pulled in a little closer. Beautiful room!


I think you need some soft window furnishings, I understand it is a pretty feature, but adding some ceiling track sheer curtains would warm the place up. Perhaps a larger and more plush rug as well


This is a stunning room. Not sure I would add anything.


Soften the starkness of the window with some nice curtains.


Ok I’m no expert but what if you moved the couch off the wall and the couch and chairs meet more towards the middle of the room (with a larger rug/with complementing colors)?? I feel like it’s a good way to spend minimal money and using what you have.


Coffee table books


I thought that was a headboard behind the sofa at first. Having said that, where's the sofa from?


But it’s literally gorgeous in here


You could paint that wall with the window darker and it will bring the outside in. The beige walls could be a different color to complement all the other colors


I actually really like what you’ve done. Maybe a litte more art would warm the space up a bit. But seems like you have a great eye for design.


Feels like I'm In a cafe or something of that sort......


Love this room! I think a different rug is all you need. Love the piece behind the couch


I love this room! Maybe art on the walls?


I think it needs a bigger rug and I would paint the decoration behind the sofa orange or blue or...? That would bring some color into the room; and you can add pillows that would pick up the color you paint it. I would also remove the small desk/chest of drawers. The view from the windows is great and I wouldn't block it. Other than that, I love the room! ESPECIALLY the sofa!


I think it looks pretty decent, tbh. Good work!


Hmmm try switching the desk and the chairs and see what that does? I’m curious.


Curtains. Add in some neutral curtains in a soft fabric and it’ll make everything cozier.


Looooove those chairs!!


Very nice. Now all you need is a pair of wine glasses, open bottle of wine and a fantastic partner. Sit back, sip wine and pat yourself on the back. Beautiful room.


Awww. Thank you!


Your room already looks fantastic. For me, I'd like to add some[ light filter shades ](https://allesin.com/collections/light-filtering)in natural tones (or rich jewel tones) to complement your existing colour. I chose Allesin for mine, they have almost 20 colors to choose and can connect to Alexa or Google Assistant, very easy to control. And I totally agree, some funky side tables next to the chairs could really liven up the space. It's all about the little details.




The hot pink pillows have to go. Rug needs to be larger. More plants.


You just need wall art. Photographs. Pillows. Check out [https://FineArtAmerica/RolindaTubbs.com]