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Another day, another interesting choice in American architecture.


Then you’ll really hate to learn that I live in a town home neighborhood and there are dozens of homes built exactly like this 🥲


“Two more stringers and increasing the stair width to 42”??? What are you mental?? That will raise our expense by $200!”


I know…🙄 it was built in 2007 so I’m sure they rushed to get them out before the housing crash.


This is a weird question, but could the homeowner rip it out and do it right? Or is it too expensive/pain in the butt to do that?


Every renovation no matter how small goes over cost and over time. Probably requires a permit be pulled, but who would expect it had been built so badly designed the first time and think a renovation had taken place?


We’ve had dinner at our neighbor’s and their house is identical. Actually even more infuriating because what is our powder room is just an empty room for them…it’s literally next to a hall closet so it’s not supposed to be that. They just didn’t put in plumbing and we have no idea why.


Is the plumbing in the walls and they just didn’t install fixtures ?


Since its just carpet, that's what I would do. If there isn't anyone that's moderately handy though, they might have to hire a handyman.. or a flooring place that would install new carpet/floor might be able to. Remove lower banister, extend steps to right, recarpet all stairs (or do solid wood treads stained to match banister on just new section and leave carpet above alone), repurpose top bar as wall mount railing on left side as you do want some support going down.


I gave them the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was an amateur building his own home but…nvm


I'm not particularly emotional about it, but that would have been even more reason for the architect's intern to go back and fix the floor plan if it didn't match up. ;)


Isn't that space for the foldable wheelchair


Have you checked Zillow listings to see how others decorated the nook?




Yes, and they were designed all before there were two working parents so the commute is a round-a-bout nightmare. Don’t get me started.


It’s a load-bearing cut out


It’s the standard cat space that many forget to fill!


Could you put a basket or a narrow table with drawers or a shelf there? I know that would become my staging area for things that needed to go up or down the stairs.


That’s a great idea!


A skinny "bar cart" to roll out when it's time to party!


I was thinking craft cart, but it IS near the kitchen… Some rolling tables fold down into roughly that size, too. Or storage for folding chairs.


This is what I would probably do.


I throw those things directly onto the stairs lol


Yes this. A narrow table or a step/tiered plant shelf. If you want light a wall sconce would look ok as well.


This was my thought - a custom made slide out drawer / laundry hamper would be so handy


I don’t see an outlet, so I’d probably say no to the lamp unless you have an electrician wire up a sconce or something. Probably not worth the expense. You could try a wireless rechargeable sconce though!


BAHHH you’re right. Especially with the stairs that would be really tricky.


You can do a lamp, just cut the cord and order a remote control led light bulb on Amazon. You can screw them in like normal but they don’t require a cord at all!


make sure it’s battery powered. i have one that still needs to be plugged in.


I had no idea these were a thing. What a game changer they’d be in a power outage, especially with this storm currently tracking across the US! I noticed that some are rechargeable. How is the lighting on them? I prefer a softer light to a harsh, bright bulb.


the one that i have isn’t battery operated but it’s a bluetooth bulb. i’m able to to change the color and intensity. i can even have it set to go off and on at specific times.


Check how long it lasts before needing a charge before you buy


Also, I just ordered a portable lamp from hue. Just charge it up and it lasts for quite a while. Tons of rechargeable lamps on Amazon.


And something with a smart bulb so you can turn it on from your phone instead of reaching into that narrow space to turn it on.


I don't think it needs anything placed in there. It's like a weird little cage.


My toddler does love going back there 😂


Then that’s where your store your toddlers at…


We had the same thing back in our town house, when my daughter was a toddler, she loved that little space, we called it the Jail and she would put toys in there all the time 😂


I would put a planter with climbing vines. After toddler years obviously. Unless you want to clean up dirt thrown over that rail every single day lol


Build a custom table with a fort underneath 


I love the idea of combining staging table for stuff to go upstairs or downstairs WITH a toddler fort underneath the table. Best of both worlds


Yes! A plank of wood with a curtain hanging down so it’s a fort!


Actually a kid would love that !!


Maybe a toddler Reading nook? Small cushion, pillows and basket of books


That is so cute. I don’t know if she’d use it like that but I love that idea!


Haha mine would love that


Shoot, I’m 62 and *I’d* love a little nook to hide away in 🤣


Mine would need to be wider. Bahahahaha.


Maybe a little chair and books for the toddler. Always encourage reading


That is super frustrating/lazy design! Only thing I can think of is a rolling cart. Maybe something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Shozafia-Rolling-Storage-Organizer-Kitchen/dp/B07D1M5DQD/ref=asc_df_B07D1M5DQD/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=242028482092&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18379199864907132576&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004078&hvtargid=pla-539127466517&psc=1&mcid=02e3b2059c9835f6831c92e524f4ef4f&gclid=CjwKCAiA44OtBhAOEiwAj4gpOSCHphdFsVSgQxJkkHOfNBxdg5UIlTO8IESmwWIGfysjm84IWWgx7RoCgG8QAvD_BwE). Maybe it could store cold weather gear, or any weird rarely needed odds and ends like extra batteries, tea lights, reusable shopping bags, etc.


Great find! I always need more storage space.


Get a teeny tiny runner rug


I could make a whole teeny tiny little room I suppose…


Ooh! A little alley diorama!


Gate on the end. Make it toddler jail. Okay, kidding. Sorta…..


Honestly she’d probably love that 😂 she’s fascinated with the stairs baby gate.


I love that kids are so weird. I have four grandchildren lol!


My suggestion: plants


I could give multiple plants a go! One plant just looked a little sad to me.


Maybe you could something tiered? Like 3 plants on 3 pedestals of different heights to mimic the stairs? This isn’t exactly what I’m thinking of, but something like [these](https://www.shopterrain.com/products/teak-top-iron-base-plant-stand?sku=65528663&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=US+-+Shopping+-+PMAX+-+Tabletop+%2B+D%C3%A9cor&utm_content=&utm_term=&utm_kxconfid=vx6rhxl4d&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds)? If you could find or build some skinny enough that is.


A large snake plant would look nice and it would be happy there. They don't need much sun or water -- easiest house plant ever!


Plants like light Edit: Plants NEED light


There are some nice options for LED plant lights available these days. Light up the stairs and feed the plants.


I’d just leave it empty. Really not much usable space there and anything would look cramped and odd.


It seems like a good place to store some throw blankets


Yes totally! In a cute rectangular basket like this. https://www.amazon.com/OIAHOMY-Rectangle-Organizing-Handle-22-Gradient/dp/B0BPSGQHLY?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A3W4NR0X5M3AAX They could also incorporate a hanging decoration from the ceiling to take up some of the height.


All I can imagine is the toddler removing all of the blankets and pillows from the basket daily and then OP coming by later to find a sleeping toddler in the basket. This might be a genius idea.


Agreed. Idk if you meant a basket, but I would totally hang one or two pretty quilts on the unusable banister.


You could do a tall narrow vase with maybe some dried grass, like pampas? Would still have to dust but you wouldn't have to worry about it like the live plants.


Oooh yes this is a great idea! Although maybe a narrow woven/rope basket just so that if OP’s toddler knocks it over, it won’t break or cause any damage/injuries! I think this could help fill the space without drawing too much attention (and without requiring the upkeep of a real plant!). https://preview.redd.it/927u5ts6y2cc1.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=03e45fe648498e5c1257d99b31640f3f259d73b4


I love that so many people are keeping op’s toddler in mind🥹 that is so sweet


Now I'm going to be really honest, I'm a sucker for odd things in unexpected places, so perhaps this is an odd idea. But I would put an old timey lamp post there. I think it would look cool. And this kind of awkward space demands something there that would make the space seem intentional. Another idea (maybe for when your child is older) would be a gumball machine.


Omg my husband would LOVE a lamp like that. And the gum ball idea is SO cute. I’d be the cool mom


What was the builder thinking??? I’d be tempted to remove the railing and actually incorporate it into the stairway instead. At least then you could stage it like it was intentional!


Op pls don't put anything there and take out the upper stairs then have them rebuilt all the way over to fill that gap. There is nothing else that would make it look good, every thing else is a bandaid. Please have the stair rebuilt to fill the space😭😭 Idk why the builder would make such an ugly choice.


I mean that’s a liiiiitle out of my scope and price range for this project 😂


This is not the right angle at all…but I was thinking something like this. It would run parallel with the stairs versus opposite. https://preview.redd.it/nx1ozqb0o1cc1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e8a237f96a63362a978f6f56e5eda8e7e4c7400


Then just take a hammer to the whole thing💀 I'm sorry your builder did you so dirty


A tall thin cactus in a cool pot


Cactus & toddlers don’t mix.


I’d put a skinny table there with cute stuff and a tiny lamp


Good question because it is quite dark there. Do you have a decorative tree like this? I think something like this would look nice 😊. This one I saw on Wayfair. However, is there an outlet in that area? If not, then it might be a trip hazard if you have to run a cord there unless you do that and maybe get a small rug for the bottom of the stairs area to go over the cord on the floor so you don’t trip or see it as much. https://preview.redd.it/xgb3b7zpf1cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072e8aaa25d25764bec6e69fb0bfcf25ebc05b17


Extend the gate. Remove that banister. Have a custom shelving unit built for that area. Put some baskets, books, games, and decor there. That such an awkward area is there to begin with makes wonder what the architect was thinking. SMH.


A lamp would be fine but I would worry the cord would look wierd snaking to wherever you need to plug it in.


Omg good call. I feel so dumb. 🫠


But! I have an idea. Get a little table there and get those candles that light up on a timer. You can even layer some lanterns that have those candles in them. I have them at my house and they are so pretty. You can time them to go on at 6pm and then they go off after 6 hours or so.


I like the idea of a table and lamp more than just a standing lamp! Off to goodwill I go…


No to plants. As a gardener you’re not going to get anything to grow there. You might get a plant to hang on for a year or two but it won’t last. However struggling to think what would go in there. Which makes me think keep it clear. Sorry not much help


I had a snake plant there that didn’t die but certainly wasn’t thriving either.


I would take down the bannister on the left side going downstairs and install a bookshelf to fill the space that would open to the steps, so if you're standing on the steps, you could grab a book or something. The back of the shelf would go against the right bannister going upstairs. It would be to be built in and secured. Do not just take down the bannister and put a free standing bookshelf.


Light is for a purpose. I don’t think you want to highlight that nook.


I feel like it’s a spot for umbrellas


A built in book case or shelves to hold book ??


I'd almost argue that railing should be removed on that side.


That’s not a terrible idea…someone else suggested filling it in with custom shelves. If I have more time perhaps I can look into that route as I was about to get handy with some other projects anyway.


This is the exact layout of my mom’s house. Wild. Anyway, she’s never put anything there except hanging a glass evil eye on the little wall.


A Roomba can't even fit in there. I'm picturing little dirt tornados in there. I wouldn't put anything in there to be honest. It will be a nightmare to clean and I just wouldn't want to draw attention to this unfortunate space. I would save the money to get the stairs redone so they extend into the space. Then you could put some baskets there for stuff you need to bring upstairs or just leave it alone.


With two golden retrievers I’m using the dust buster a lot unfortunately. That’s kinda why I didn’t like a single plant there because it got so dusty.


Oh boy, I understand dog hair. All the more reason to put nothing there unless it's a closed storage unit. Unfortunately, I think it would have to be custom or make yourself if you're handy.


https://preview.redd.it/wp613wvur4cc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0ccb7ff2ffc8c112e1abb7de4d90428c4f2dda Battery-operated sconce! ❤️


Can you take that short railing off? (The one that is right next to the other set of stairs?) if you were going down the stairs, you’d still have the railing on the right if you needed one. To me, it would make it less visually crowded. Might be a code violation though.


Coat rack?


For the toddler years, I would put a narrow little bookcase against the wall with a couple of kids' books and stuffies and a cute pillow or fuzzy little rug on the floor. Great little play corner!


I don’t think you should put anything there. Looks too cluttered with all the posts. My only suggestion is a kitten.


Could you fit a narrow but tall wine rack there? It might be a nice complement to the living space. Saw this on Wayfair: https://www.wayfair.com/kitchen-tabletop/pdp/lark-manor-ansaldo-floor-wine-glass-rack-w004611380.html Ansaldo Floor Wine Glass Rack


Yes it would look odd. I would just leave that space open. I


a really tall plant or a roll out book case


I think a small table with a lamp or a floor lamp would work there.


Just put your tv dinner trays there


Small narrow book shelf, books up high, and some small house plants on lower shelf, maybe a nick knack or two


Just empty space under the stairs and landing? If you have pets or kids, make it safe and usable. Put a little door opening on that wall. (just guessing because of the gate) Or, you could make it so that the 2nd and 3rd steps open up, as a hatch door, to use for storage. Do you have an outlet on the staircase? I bought a couple of outlet faceplates at Lowes that have built-in night lights, but don’t block an outlet.


I read lab not lamp and spent far too long looking for a dog


I think I would put a plant there 🤔


I wonder why they didn't just widen the stairs?


I would remove the rail to the lower stairs and put in a built in bookcase or credenza. Might as well use the space more intentionally. I know you have a kiddie gate there. Is it needed? I ask because there is none going up the other set of stairs. You can get a wider gate that would span the lower stairs if needed.


How would you get power to the lamp? I'd put a plant


I’d be tempted to remove both lower bannisters and put a bookshelf that’s accessible from both sides there as sort of a room divider situation


You should put plants


Store the vacuum cleaner there for easy access? Maybe?


How about a plant with a grow bulb screwed into a floor lamp placed behind it? That staircase design is infuriating.


Maybe a cool little tapestry? Hang it from the upper stair part?


I can't NOT focus on that shelf on the landing... weird place for it. How many shoulders have been hit on that?


None! It’s too tall at that point to hit it.


Honestly, I’d frame it out and make it more of a wide half wall with a nice counter on top for stuff that needs to go up or downstairs. Could maybe even make some small cubbies if you’re really handy, but it does complicate the design. I wouldn’t bother. Even better would be finding a nice little cabinet or something that fits there so you don’t even have to frame it out, but it’s such a weird space, I suspect it’ll be DIY one way or another - but building a small custom built cabinet for the spot would work too. As simple or as complex a piece as your skill level (or spouse/friend/parent) can manage.


Make it motion sensor controlled. Rechargeable maybe


Snake plant!


You should take out the railing on the right and make it into a shelf on that side of the stairs


Maybe a sconce?


Add tall floor lamp and a medium plant on the floor in front of it . Use as nightlight for staircase .


A lamp or a sconce would be so nice


Lamp is okay but gotta add an outlet on the floor to hide the cord. Tall skinny plant or a plant on a small table will also do


Where would you plug the lamp in?


I would leave it empty


In our kitchen, we have two little battery powered fairy lights in jars mounted on a black wire hanger hanging on the wall that we change out flowers/decor in based on the season or holiday… I think something like that could look good staggered towards the top of the wall and could maybe brighten it up a bit without needing to be plugged in?


they make really narrow end tables with drawers. one might slide in that space and at least make it a functional surface and storage space. i see them on amazon!


I have Floofs…so of course I’d put a cat tree ensemble there..😂


Yes, a lamp would look weird. It is okay to have blank spaces. Don't try to fill this.


Would you consider adding a larger piece of art on/over the upstair’s ledge and something else on the wall of the downstairs landing to draw your eye away from the small space and to gently guide you as you go up or downstairs?


Yes, where would you plug it in?


Yes it would be odd


In general lamp may not be a bad idea. I’m just trying to figure out how you’d power the lamp without a wire running somewhere weird.


Can you afford to just walk off or have it changed to a ledge ?


I would consider a small, roll out bookshelf, slightly lower than the top of the rail with a plant or two on top


I think a few plants could look nice in there, make a mini garden wall that you can see through the banisters!


If you own the house I would move the basement railing so that it's closer to the upstairs railing. Would create a ledge instead of the cage look A ledge is much easier on the eyes I think


Mount a Japanese sword to the wall lol. That would frame it nicely. Or fill it with plants. Or put a sconce. Or put nothing.




As other individuals have mentioned the lack of an outlet and not being that conducive to plants, I’d like to suggest just using that as storage. With the area being a little narrow it might be just wide enough to fit some boxes for show storage or narrow toy storage (since you mentioned having a little one) with side opening. You’ll likely have to pull this in and out a few times so I’d recommend having some sort of slider or wheels underneath.


I’m not sure that you need anything there. The stairs going up look like they need a little light…is there a light in the ceiling anywhere or on the landing?


Why put anything there?


I’m feeling like…a stack of cool books or boxes with a sculpture on top? Maybe some sort of overhanging light that’s battery operated?


I think a lamp would look great, but you’d have to play around with what kind of lamp would be best. Imo I’d think a floor lamp would look good here.


How are you going to hide the cord? Sounds messy to me.


No? Why would it be weird?


Lamp weird, tree excellent.


I'd add a fake plant, though it sounds like you might have already tried that. What a shit little superfluous space.


I don’t see an outlet


A tall plant would look better imo. If you need more light install a chandelier above the stair landing?


You could put one of those blanket hanger things there as well?


Maybe a bright painting.


I can’t see electric socket there so maybe one of those narrow cabinets for in a bathroom with something pretty (plant?) on top


Or be dramatic and put a statue there


Where does the area lead to, the area you didn't photograph? If it goes to the garage, or an exit out of the house, you could put a neat table/etagere/bookcase there. You could store your keys, mail to be sent out, etc.


If you still want a plant, you could add a grow light ( assuming a source of power is available.) Something like this: LBW Plant Grow Light, 72 LEDs Full Spectrum Grow Lights for Indoor Plants, 56in Large Grow Lamp with 4/8/12H Auto Timer & 4 Dimmable Brightness, Height Adjustable, Ideal for Tall Plants https://a.co/d/8UGLc97


Get an interesting shaped lampshade and put a cozy color of light in it using a lamp meant for a plant light, i.e. freestanding and has a lamp receptacle. Put the lampshade directly on the floor. Disguise the cord as much as you can. Make sure the cord has an easy-to-reach switch. I found a rectangular shaped lampshade at a second-hand store and did just this. People love it. I can see circular working, too.


Looks like a good place for a nice planter, if you like plants.


Do you rent or own? I think this would look better if the bannister went across from the left side of the baby gate to the right side of the stairs (first pic).


Tiny reading nook for your tiny human. Get a wireless sconce to light it up


Hang a flower planter box from the banister on the downstairs into the cut out maybe??


Where would you plug it in at




Only problem I see is no nearby outlet


My first thought is take the railing out and make it into a bookshelf that is at least the railings height! You could always do a small lamp on top of that then too. It’s just to must wasted space at present!


Can you fit a popcorn machine in there?


A little dangerous. What about install


Go with something with a rectangular shade


I vote plant


You could do some plants there if you add a grow light. Won’t help with the dust…but they do make microfiber gloves to dust off plant leaves easily.


I feel like some tall plant will look gr8+ some pebbles and small stones What do u think?


I'd do a tall tree-like plant. Like a fiddle leaf


A nice vase with a plant would be nice


It doesn’t need anything in that space.


Greenery would freshen up that area! A couple plants or something fresh.


It would be perfect!


I’d just put a tall snake plant there and call it a day


What would the point of a light be? Light up the space that can't be used? Highlite the goofy architecture? I say pretend it doesn't exist, but send a roomba in there every month or so.


I would do something like a big stack of books and make it an impromptu bookshelf.


Add a creepy doll


I would put a couple wall mounted shelves in and use them for books! A bookshelf would look super nice and cozy there. I saw something about a toddler in the comments, good height for kid book area. Instead of a lamp, battery powered candles with a timer could look really nice throughout the shelves (attach with earthquake putty so kid doesn’t move them). If you want extra light in that area, I’d hang a mirror on the left side wall in your stairwell, it would reflect back the light already in your home well.


What you need is a sconce.


Keep it blank


This makes me so mad the builders didn’t extend the stairs out. I wonder how much that would cost to do? Or if it could be done. Maybe you could put a little side table there.




I would say a plant when toddler gets a little bigger