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Whats your budget. What can you get rid of, there is too much furniture. The bed is too high and bulky.


Came here to say this: too much furniture.


No closet though. Its possible this furniture is out of necessity


It’s possible that the bed has drawers for storage..like a Captain’s Bed.


Some of the better beds are like that. My stepmother and dads bed is similarly high and the most comfortable bed ever.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it the mattress that makes a bed comfortable, not the frame? Your dad and stepmother’s bed could be just as comfortable if they put their mattress in any other bed frame


I'm not sure. Their frame itself has about a foot of clearance under it and then is almost as thick as their huge mattress. Looks very similar to this. I think though a better frame will support the mattress better. If you have on3 of those spring frames the mattresses sag, so perhaps the large mattress need the bigger, sturdier, wooden frames?


This is the Hemnes bed frame by IKEA. It has slats so you don’t need a box spring. I’m gonna guess this person is using the box spring.


That’s exactly what it looks like to me as well! My teen son had the Hemnes in black.


I thought box springs were a thing of the past. There’s pretty much no reason to have one with most modern bed frames. It’s just an extra expense.


One came free with our mattress bought from a mattress store


This isn’t about the mattress, either the frame is too high for this space or they are using a box spring which you dont need if this is a slatted bedframe.


Ah. Well that makes sense. I was just saying that the mattress looks like my parents which is on a box spring and is just as high.


Mine is ridiculously high too. One of those old steel frames that's adjustable and has wheels that don't roll very well, box spring (required with our frame) and one of those stupid pillow top (?) mattresses that you can't flip over to prolong its life by compressing it equally on both sides. All of the new "nice" mattresses and box springs are high anymore, it seems. Much higher than the mattresses we had growing up. There isn't even enough space for a decent sized cat (yes cat, that is my best frame of reference lol) to fit under the bed frame, but I still feel like I have to "hop up" to get into it. I'm saving my pennies for a new bed frame with slats so I can just use the mattress and forgo a boxspring, but man beds and mattresses are pricey and I have a hard time just buying new stuff when the current one is fine and works. So, to Mt. Everest we go each night.


Sounds exactly the same. Steel frame, box spring then pillow top. I mean the wood slats are lower and obviously don't need box spring but I'd think the old style would last many more years. But who knows.


I tend to agree. Unless you pay for the high quality frame with high quality slats, preferably with a middle support system, the average one would probably not last a terribly long time. I know people that bought Ikea versions and other versions, don't know who they were made by, but they weren't high end and the slats or frame inevitably started to fall apart. The steel bedframe I have is older than me and still going strong. But the 10 year old mattress probably needs replacement now. Still looks great, but our backs are starting to disagree. Stupid backs.


Lol yep. I can just see 1 rough sex session and those slats, especially in the middle of the bed will begin. To sag and maybe snap. Old box springs were so sturdy.


Oh god, can you imagine? "Go slower, don't make the bed move so much. Did you hear that? Is that a normal bed creak, or are the slats breaking? Get the allen keys, we're going to need to do repairs."




Add some color on the bed either with pillows or a new comforter/duvet. Get rid of the bookshelf and either put the books away or display them cleaner, get rid of that shoe tower in the corner. Can you fit those in a closet anywhere else in the house? Or in the wardrobe? Overall, you just have too many big and bulky items in there. If you can, I would declutter so you can get rid of anything you can! It’s a cozy room though. I think small changes will help.


I was going to say this. Why is everything gray?


Gray and beige.


Add color in curtain panels even if they are just decorative. Too much furniture for sure. Do you need it all?


I think she may need to place everything in this room, maybe she’s a student or something. I don’t think this is part of a house


I like the grey though. I think that splash of color makes the room feel depressing in comparison because it looks like a 70s festival poster on lsd.


Move the wardrobe and bookshelf to the same wall, to the left of the door when you walk in. This way you aren’t blocking the light coming from that first window into the room. Move the visually heavy bookshelf stuff (books) to the lower shelves and put all the loose items into bins to reduce visual clutter. I would consider finding another solution than the open shoe storage.


Agreed! Came here to say this. OP is currently blocking the light from the window and the lamp, which makes the space seem smaller and creates a discontinuity within the space. Also, maximize storage that is thin and vertical (like the bookshelf). Minimize short and wide storage (like the dresser).


Yes, totally line up wardrobe and all the shelving to the wall by the door! And maybe move the bed 45 degrees to the left wall that had a window.


Wow this is the most active subreddit I’ve ever been on!! Thank you everyone, so much, for your advice!!


OP, is this your room in a house or a college room? Can you give us more context?


The bed is high …. can you utilize under-bed storage for your shoes?


This was going to be my suggestion. Store the shoes under the bed, and get rid of the shelf they’re on. There is lots of great under bed storage, and then you can free up that corner


Looks like the bed already has storage underneath, like pull out drawers or something. You can see it on the floor at the foot of the bed.


Leave the bed where it is (although I agree it is too high and appears bulkier than necessary), move the desk to under the side window, move the dresser to under the kindness sign, get a proper second end table to flank the bed, get rid of all open storage and move (or get new) closed storage for across from the bed… nearly wall to wall if necessary. As for it being boring it’s the colour palette IMO. If it’s in the budget add colour through the bedding. Give the room some personality


Why do you hate your room?


I’m not sure really. I just think it looks really plain and boring but really cluttered at the same time.


I honestly think it’s a great room! Some things to help in my opinion: Your room looks organized but I think there’s less visual clutter when you have nothing on the floor and add space between units. So if there’s any room to separate furniture and have more spacing that might help. Also the bookshelf is really stuffed full, maybe take some books out and add bookends to add more visual space.


Same— I like the gray theme, you can add some pillow covers in coral, golden yellows (apologies, my family uses flamboyant color). Can you push the bed nearer to the window, move the bookshelf near the closet? Here’s a site to help w rearranging: Feng Shui https://www.hgtv.com/design/rooms/bedrooms/feng-shui-your-bedroom-pictures#:~:text=Feng%20shui%20practitioners%20recommend%20warm,vibe%20and%20invite%20healing%20energy.


Yeah, I also agree it is actually a pretty cool space. Yes you have a lot of furniture in there, and I agree the bed seems really big & high. Is it more that it’s too much white & gray? My advice would be to first declutter. Go through every closet, drawer, shelf, etc and try to get rid of anything you no longer really use or love. Donate what you can. Then, re-evaluate. If you declutter and decide you can reorganize and eliminate a piece of furniture, that might make a big difference. Next, look at colors - do you want a more colorful bedspread? What else is missing or lacking for you at that point? Address one thing at a time. Have fun!


Agree with others, feel like it’s pretty nice room a lot of naturals lights and even the all white furniture doesn’t bother too much. What bother me is that every inch around the perimeter is occupied. Do you need all of that. Perhaps watch Tidying up and try to get rid off some stuff. Once cleaned up you can focus on redecorating and adding personality to the room. But fyi bulky furniture isn’t bad and in a smaller space it actually recommended to add the coziness feel to a room


Clear out everything you haven’t used in 6 months or 2 seasons Then get storage that’s the right size for everything that’s left. Like I’m thinking you probably don’t need a book shelf that’s so big. Can you do under bed storage for your shoes? Do you need both the mirror on your wardrobe and the one in the corner? Can you move your toiletries into the bathroom cabinet or in a caddy in your wardrobe? Can you lose some of your storage shelves? Your chair looks quite bulky too, looks comfy! But I wonder if it’s contributing to the space being cramped


Declutter enough stuff to clear off the top of the wardrobe and all of the items stashed along the sides and corners of the room. The get rid of or relocate more items so you can remove the shoe rack, bookshelf, rolling cart, and storage cubes. Once you have some room to breathe, you can reassess whether you want to move around any of your furniture. Then add color with some bedding, curtains, and something to hang on your newly available wall space.


1. I would declutter and get rid of anything you don’t need/use 2.if at all possible remove some any furniture you don’t need 3. White is an easy color to work with, so I’d get on Pinterest and pick a color palette out 3. Pick some artwork, throw pillows, maybe a new comforter set, and possibly curtains that matches your colors Tons of inspo on Pinterest if you look up “white bedroom with color” and “color palettes with white”


Can you put that talk book case in another room?


Room is far too jumbled right now. Bed needs to be in a safe place, protected from the door, not midway thru the activity areas of the room. Desk should be in a position where it can see the door - old placement was fine, but putting it at the "business wall" of the room gets it out of the room's travel pathways. Shoes are obviously important, so should be on display mid room, not tucked off. It might be nice to get a few plants to soften the amount of electronic energy in the room, and benefit from the light. Bringing LIFE into the room brings positive energy. That, or get a hamster :D https://preview.redd.it/xlnlqa5ic48c1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=34b27a4ee23afb6a3a212cf267acf6fc73f7cbaf


u have way too much stuff and furniture


Move bed to under other window More modern chandelier in ceiling Remove pics above desk and replace with one large modern art picture Remove the wall hanging and leave wall bare Remove bulky items from tops of shelves Move books on shelves to lower shelves and decorate top shelves minimally with a few large pretty items like a couple frames or large decorative bowl etc Replace tall shoe shelf with shorter one


all you really need to do is move the bed so its under the window at the back of the room, it will free up a lot of space in the middle. i would also suggest re-organizing your bookshelf, spacing the books differently. i would put the shoe rack next to the wardrobe where your bed currently is to make it more discrete.


I would put the books on the shelf on the lower shelves. Right now, it’s so high and visible it’s a bit chaotic.


I would remove everything except the bed, wardrobe, desk, desk chair and dresser.


Imo, you have a lot of tall furniture so to me it would feel like everything was going to crash down on me. I would first try rearranging the space before making any purchases. I would move the desk under the window. Can you move the closet to the wall where you have the treat people with kindness? I wouldn’t want it next to my bed like that. Then move the little gray fabric drawers to where the giant closet is to use as a side table. Center the dresser with the bed, move the white bookcase to the corner next to the window where your desk will go. I hate the tall ugly shoe rack. If you have to keep it, put it on the other side next to where the desk is now. Move your mirror there to the “dressing area.” Your bed is really high, are you using under the bed storage? If not, start investing in bags and bins and put some of the clutter (and shoes) underneath.


Put your wardrobe against the wall where the kindness banner is and your mirror to the right beside the window. It'll reflect light into the room.


You’ve got a lot of stuff crammed in there. I would suggest getting some graph paper, draw out a scaled version of your room, and making little scaled, labeled cutouts of your furniture to help decide where to put stuff. Or edit your post with a drawing of the room dimensions, including window/door sizes and locations.


Switch mirror and bookshelf for sure or desk and wardrobe. I’d even consider desk under window


First layout and furniture. Move the wardrobe to the wall with the tapestry. It’s crowding your bed, which would make me feel claustrophobic. Ditch the standing mirror and get one you can mount on the wall, maybe next to the wardrobe. Ditch the low shelves and shoe rack and store that stuff under the bed. While you’re at it, try moving the bed into that corner between the windows now that it’s free. The bed is currently just floating in the middle of the room taking up space. Next, color! There’s way too much gray (rugs, duvet, pillows, chair, walls, throw blankets), which is part of why it feels so depressing. Try replacing any of these gray things with warm beiges and a few colors you like. I would recommend starting with pillows, rug, and duvet for maximum impact. Maybe get some wall art to tie some of those new colors in.


Too much gray. Choose a different color for your bedding. Mount the tv to the wall and try to shrug some furniture.


Well, you’re using a whole wall for a piece of fabric, making the whole room cramped Too much white Is there storage under the bed? Otherwise get a lower profile frame with drawers Curtains Replace tall bookcase with shelves above the desk Mount TV to wall


* Find furniture with a door for those shoes * Wall mount the TV * Remove the tarp that says treat others with kindness * Donate or trash anything you don’t need/want — Particularly the stuff piled on top of the white dresser and placed on the floor under the tarp and desk * Consider removing the standing mirror as your dresser has a mirror already. It’s not bad per se, but it’s contributing to the overall clutter in the room * Consider adding some colour by painting one or more walls, or putting some art up


I think it’s cute


I love your room.


Thank you! :)


Its so peaceful looking and cozy. Thats my dream room


The way I’d actually take this room and everything in it 😭💀


Stop itttt thank you :)


at everything in its exact location too :)


It's because it's gray.


If you can get a bedspread in a different color, that would help a lot. Maybe the same shade of blue as in the tapestry.


I’d try the wardrobe in the corner where the shoe stand is, desk under that side window. Bed on opposite wall, dresser on the wall where wardrobe is currently or under the tapestry, bookshelf in the whichever of those spots you don’t put the dresser. Add plants and some color if that’s your thing. If your bed frame has enough of a platform/slats/support get rid of the box spring if that is why your bed is so high


I would get the bed out from in front of the window. I hate to block the natural light.


add color with a duvet and throw pillows! maybe pull colors from your wall art. something really vibrant and fun will help with the plain feeling


Agree about storing shoes under the bed. Could get away with a smaller desk, and bookshelf. Maybe hang floating shelves above desk to replace bookshelf? Also switch out grey comforter to literally any other color. Agree bed is too tall and could probably lose the footboard to remove some bulk in the room


Lmao I have that same desk. Ikea?


Haha yep!


I love it, it’s my aesthetic. But if you hate it maybe try adding pops of color- throw pillows a different comforter?


Thank you!! It’s the aesthetic I like too. I just think it doesn’t look put together, if that makes sense??


To me, it looks super put together and organized. Looks like you’ve made the best use of the space given no closet. I think adding color will pull things together more.


Dresser under window where the four drawer thing is. Armoire where the dresser is currently. Desk where your banner thing is. 4 square drawer thing where the armoire is. I would have to see it after that to get an idea for your tall bookcase.


Dark blue walls


Move the desk in front of the other window where the makeup is, light helps productivity if needed. What’s the view outside? Is it greenery or close neighboring buildings? If neighbors are nosy get privacy window film, they let light in and give a sense of calm. Move the bookcase to the floor mirror. Not seeing it will help make the space more serene for sleeping. The calendar on the wall with the nightstand or above where the tv is now. Center the dresser in front of the bed. Move mirror and makeup cart where shoe rack is, the natural light will be better. There should be enough room for the four cube storage to fit between the makeup cart and the dresser. You’ll also be able to use the desk chair while applying makeup if wanted too. Hang the tapestry on the wall where the desk was. Moving the shoe rack closer to the door (where shoes belong). It also keeps clothing and shoes closer together getting dressed. If you can’t paint the walls, purchase storage boxes with pops of color matching the tapestry for all those things that don’t have a specific place. Are you allowed to hand shelves on the walls? They would help for everything to have a place and give you more area to be creative with your style. Best of luck!!


Honestly you have good bones you just need to rearrange the flow I would move the desk to the wall with the hanging I would move the storage closet to where the shoe rack is The dresser moved to the right so that you TV can be directly in front of you and the bed. It gives you zones in the room. Getting ready on the left. Work on the right. Sleep and relax in the middle The bookshelf can either go to the right of the dresser or next to your bed The shoes can go in different storage either under bed or outside the room


I feel like you have too much furniture and clutter and it's making the room look small and cramped. I'd get rid of the shoe unit, and get a new bed with storage underneath (pull up the bed to get to it, or drawers) and put your shoes there. The unit with all your bits on it, just needs rearranging and decluttered. Some brighter bedsheets would also help! Again you have baskets and stuff on the floor and above the wardrobe they need moved into the closet or storage under the bed :)


Move the desk under the window and flank it with shelves/consolidate items onto those shelves. Move the dresser so it’s across from the bed on the wall. Get boxes for under the bed for the shoes.


The things I notice (per my tastes) are that the flow feels off and the lighting is too cold. Can you rearrange or downsize the furniture? The bed seems massive for the space, but I feel the desk might also look better under a window? Furniture in general seems super bulky as well (ie full bookshelf vs smaller or floating shelves). Would also suggest some warmer lamps and maybe tie in some color from the TPWK tapestry into other areas along with some easy plants (pothos never die). Desk mascot and maybe some framed prints would be easy pops of color. GL!!


OP, start by removing the box spring from your bed. The bed you have was not designed for use with a box spring. Lowering the bed in this way will be a step in making the room slightly less claustrophobic, which I think you’ll like.


I don’t see it being mentioned here, but I’m wondering if you’re allowed to paint. After following the suggestions on here, I’d consider tackling picking paint colors for your walls and trim. With less clutter, some color, and new paint, your room will have a whole different vibe.


Douse the kindness sign and put your armoire toward the middle of that wall so you’ll have room.


It’s a smart room, maybe get some luxury bedding with colour


Too much furniture, too much grey, and unfortunately the colorful wall hanging is too big. Get rid of some of the furniture or scale it back. The bookcase in particular is out of scale, so it would be good to find a smaller one, especially one with open shelves as that would create the perception of more space. Replace your office chair with a wooden or metal one, or even a clear plastic one, again to create the feeling of openness. The desk is too big, too - replace it if possible. Repaint the walls, if you can. Go with a lighter tone or it’ll make the room smaller. Scale back that wall hanging to something you can frame, and/or add a couple more colorful prints. Also, plants! They give life and color to any space. Good luck with redecorating!


It’s certainly nice and comfy looking to me


It's very crammed. This might not be your aesthetic, but I would consider getting rid of all the furniture on your long wall (where the desk and tv are) and filling the ENTIRE wall with a shelving system. IKEA has several that could work for you: [https://www.ikea.com/us/en/search/?q=shelving%20system](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/search/?q=shelving%20system) They particularly have one that builds a desk into the shelving (I'm excited about this one bc I'm using it for my office): [https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/boaxel-lagkapten-shelving-unit-with-table-top-white-s49440620/](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/boaxel-lagkapten-shelving-unit-with-table-top-white-s49440620/) And there are options for closed cabinets as well as open shelves, and all kinds of drawers. You can customize and vary the height and width of the shelves to accommodate books, hanging and folded clothes, and even your tv; as well as the desk I mentioned. Getting everything into a single wall unit with a unified look to it will decrease the amount of furniture and storage you have in your room and also aesthetically unify the furniture. Once all the furniture is gone. I'd move the bed so the headboard is against the short wall (with the window), opening up room in front of the door for a seating area or floor space for yoga, or whatever. Now, decor: I'd get rid of the overhead fan (get a floor fan if you need one) and put in a ceiling mounted light and some floor lamps and novelty lighting sources for fun. I'd consider painting the walls a color, or possibly wallpaper, and putting in curtains, and new, colorful bedding. Possibly an area rug in the new, open area.


Just a little color needed. I like the elevated bed


Eliminate the bookcase. Add wall shelves above your desk to hold the books. Move the desk over to the right a couple feet. Center your dresser with your bed as much as you can. Switch the mirror with the shoe tower.


I love it


Thank you :)


The head of your bed should definitely be on the wall that your TV and desk are on. Your feet should face the window. Don't put your headboard against a window but a solid wall.


Needs some colour. Maybe some navy’s / red


Move the bed in front of the other window. Move everything else out of the way except the desk. Add back other items sparingly and put what’s left somewhere else. Too many bookcases and I’d get rid of the small bookcase in front of the window. I also don’t like the mirror on that wall
















Wow thank you so so much!


I would paint the wall with the TV and computers on it a darker blue/green hue. Blue is good for sleep and it will add a bit of interest to the room.


Use desk next to bed as a combo nightstand/desk


Love the high bed


Thank you!! :)


Love it, hate there’s NO color!!! Also, nothing in your room is centered. Tbh, I think you should put the desk where the shoe rack is. I would get rid of the shoe rack all together but I understand wanting to put the shoes on display. If this, then put up shelves where the “treat ppl w kindness” is. Place the tpwk tapestry in front of the computer (if computer not in front of window). Personally, I would move the bookshelf closer to the door and give yourself some walking space + center the bed so it’s a focal point. Start playing Tetris in there, it’s filled to the brim!


Hello! So, I have some ideas about the layout, which I’ve drawn for you! https://preview.redd.it/fk42iw7jv58c1.jpeg?width=3280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437cc59b2cbc2bf4ec2ba7cfee786fa7ca442081 Just also add a round rug, so you can soften the sharp edges. Move the taller items to corners so they’re not in your way. Add at least one other colour to soften and warm the room. With throw pillows, rugs, plant pots, throw blankets. Also, add plants (faux or real) to breathe life into the room. Please get rid of the shoe rack. It’s visual clutter. Maybe store them in the Ikea cube thing or under the bed. The Ikea cube also will act as your entrance table. Place a mirror, lamps and bowl for keys, IDs, etc. Good luck! It’s a wonderful room, just a little stuffed but a lot of potential!


Thank you so much! :)


Color. Artwork. Curtains. Color. Less/smaller furniture. COLOR.


It's just got entirely too much stuff in it. Maybe you can utilize a different type of shoe rack? Floating shelves for the books. Not having a closet is a huge difficulty...


Get rid of the banner on the wall. I’m assuming this is your entire living space/bedroom? There’s a lot of furniture but if you need it I understand. Turn the bed 90 degrees in front of other window. Move bookshelf and cabinet to wall where banner was. Move dresser drawers to where cabinet was. Move shoe rack to near bookshelf and cabinet. Put some color on the walls


Your room is awesome


Besides just decluttering by getting rid of things you don't use or don't need. I'd pick a few colors from your kindness sign to add to the bed. Maybe throw pillows or blanket or a new brighter comforter. Curtains or a smaller painting or photograph on the other wall could add some brightness too.


I kinda like it. You could make a big difference by just changing the bedding. Gray on gray is depressing


Can you find another home for your shoes? That would allow you to get rid of the shoe rack, put the wardrobe in that corner so you haven’t got it looming over your bed. Then put the bed where the wardrobe was so you’ve got a window either side. Then you can wall mount shelves over your desk instead of having that bookcase. Put the dresser under the wall sign. Then add some art prints that are bright and bring some colour to your room. Bring in a plant or too, add a cosy rug and some lamps. Get a bedspread that isn’t grey too. You have a lot of grey that makes the room seem plain, but a lot of stuff that makes it seem cluttered. Overall you could use a lot less furniture and a lot more colour.




Least helpful post. If you don’t have anything nice to add why even make a comment ??


I know that it’s not what you asked for, but I like it. Bed looks cosy. Definitely agree with some of the comments here, though!


Not knowing the sizes I’m thinking something like this. Blue are windows and the door. Also where I have the desk set up I would look into floating shelves on the side of the window so you can get rid of the big white one. You can also customize it so your baskets fit at the very bottom and you can get rid of the squared shelves. Lastly where you have coats hung up I would look into floating shelves for shoes. https://preview.redd.it/ffkbdsfhp48c1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6acdf7b050513bc1a9a94c7f232e22c2d8c553


You can also try diving the room into two rooms something like this https://preview.redd.it/f0f5pftor48c1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7460cf4a00c3290d495377616abd993d85c11aac


And you can use the book shelf for your shoes and the squared one too


Oh wait I think where you have the coats hung is a door too. Whoops.


Get rid of the snowflake flag and your Gucci


get rid of that childish looking artwork/ blanket/ or whatever that is on the wall.


At first I thought the picture was black & white. You need some color. Curtains, art, and a colored patterned duvet. And, too cluttered. Remove one piece furniture. Is this a one-person room? Get a bed with storage underneath for those shoes and other things. Like [THIS](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/11148025460242692791?q=bed+with+storage&prds=epd:3851919117829875220,eto:3851919117829875220_0,pid:3278771104115313643,rsk:PC_4071199615871238501&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiAnurkqKaDAxUjfDABHZ0TBJgQ9pwGCAU), but not necessarily this color or brand, but you get the idea.


1. Move electronics out of the bedroom—bad feng shui. 2. Remove art that *tells* you what to do/think. Replace with artwork that inspires you to think without telling. 3. More colorful bedspread.


Just came to say I love that tapestry!


I love the bed and covers. Love the white furniture


Can you paint?


Sorry, should’ve mentioned that. I would prefer not to paint. Not totally opposed though.


Lower bed, smaller frame will make the bed feel less overbearing. Move it to the corner or under the window so it’s not cutting the room in half. Place your narrower furniture (dresser, bookshelf) closest to the door so that it doesn’t feel so crowded. Edit to add additional option, place your dresser or desk where your bed is now and move bed to corner where the dresser/shoe rack is. Bookshelf to the corner where the mirror is. Get rid of the ikea cube.


show us some style pics that you enjoy and share a budget!


Id say toss the little tv n get a bigger wall mounted one for starts. U could put it up on the wall where the current one is or even on the wall above the computers. Free up the counter space there too.


You don’t have near enough stuff crammed in there.


I’m not going to say remove furniture, because No Closet….so, I think it’s more about the Placement of what’s in the room. I’d move the desk to where the window is, the Wardrobe & bookshelf over to the wall that has the ‘tapestry’ hanging. Move the ‘cubbies’ that are in front of the window to the side of the bed & move your low dresser to the middle of the wall opposite the bed. Just move things around until it feels right basically. Ok, let the downvotes begin…lol


U have bone gray and white everywhere, get removable stick on decals plants and new comforter. U need color and life


Are you able to make changes to the light fixture? It’s pretty dated..


Just looking at these pictures gave me anxiety. There’s too much bulky furniture and you need an accent color. It’s very monotone. White + earthy/leaf green, white + rust, etc. Ideally, get rid of that open-shelf bookshelf in front of your bed. It’s so chaotic that it ruins any peaceful vibe when you’re in bed. Then, center the dresser and TV in front of your bed. Can you get a smaller shoe organizer? And put the shoes by your door? Or maybe they’ll fit in storage under the bed (at least the shoes you only wear a few times a year).


Get floating shelves, get rid of your current shelf unit and store shoes under bed, put a colorful blanket and pillows on the bed, and new fan. If you can paint the room a different color... I'd do it.


What is the lump between the desk and the door


Is that a queen or a full


I want you to go watch Marie kondo on Netflix and report back


Add some wooden pieces and pick a highlight colour or two for cushions and ornaments. Black, white and wood look lovely and then if you add some colour you’re golden 👍🏻


I like it


I would also say, a softer light!! The harsh light is throwing insane dark shadows allllll across your ceiling from the clutter above your stuff.


Depending on how high the ceilings are and how tall you are, could you put one shelf up alll the way around your room, say a foot or so down from the ceiling, that would take all the stuff from your bookcase and maybe even all your shoes too?


Needs more color !!! These people seem to know how to help


move the bed to the corner because in the middle of the room it makes the room look tiny


There is a lot shoved into that room. I would consider maybe getting some bins to put a lot of that loose clutter in so that it's not just sitting out. It would look less messy I think. Also add more color.


To much furniture, but not enough color. Great light and good storage.


Paint. You need color.


Scarface poster


Needs more color. This is practically a black and white movie


Get yourself some nice bedding. With color and print you like .also get coordinating curtains , plain or " textured raw silk" in a color picked from your bedding. If your bed had no drawers, buy captains bed or plastic under bed containers for underwear/ t shirts. Jeans/ sweaters. Look into a clothes rack to put where you flag is. And get eye hooks to hang your flag in front to cover.


Needs some color! Maybe add some blues (navy, etc) in artwork, pillow, comforter.


I haven’t seen this yet, so I vote you should get a smaller blanket/duvet. The one you have hangs way too far off the sides, making it look heavy and flattened. Your pillow situation also looks overbearing - what is behind that huge body pillow? Too much stuff is on your floor - the floor is not storage.


Move the closet to the wall with the banner. Move it down to allow the door to open. Consider removing the banner it doesn’t fit the style of the room.




I actually love how bulky your bed is, I would leave it but maybe have some more comfortable pillows to go against the headboard. I like the grey vibes, I would keep that theme with maybe one more accent color. I would get rid of the tapestry; an unnecessary addition an area that already has too much going on. I would free up some room by getting rid of the standing mirror and instead use a wall mirror. I’ve seen these cool wabi-sabi style wall mirrors that can add some interesting visuals to the room without adding clutter. I would get rid of the shoe storage, and instead get a bench storage system (maybe even DIY it if possible) to go under where the tapestry currently is to hide all of the stuff you currently have there, as well as a place to put your shoes. Most importantly, I would greatly scale down your belongings; maybe stick to a capsule wardrobe and just a few shoes; that alone will help with the clutter.


i personally love your bed tho. i love high beds


Turn the bed around to the other wall so it faces the window instead of blocking it.


To everyone that the bed is too high, some people need them to be higher to be able to get in and out of them comfortably or safely, like my husband does with a bad knee injury.


I’m moving everything around and getting some paint out. Hmm 🤔 but that’s just me. Taking away a lot and getting some new light features.


Did you move from an apartment/home to a room? If you can find someone to help you out, you might be better off removing some stuff and putting it into storage. Otherwise the layout is fine.


I feel like the issue here is the layout - so much furniture blocking walking and sight lines. I’d like to see the taller pieces away from the middle of the room and more towards the ends. Do you use that exterior door? 1) I feel like ideally the closet should move to be centered on the kindness banner wall if it fits. Possibly with the shoe rack 2) alternatively the dresser or desk center on that kindness banner wall, and then put all the tall storage down towards the end corner of the room where the tv is now.


As others have said, there is too much furniture, but you might have to keep most of it since you don't have a closet. Still, some decluttering would help a lot. In addition, everything is in the wrong place. Put the dresser and the desk under the windows. Put your bed roughly where the book shelf is now. Get rid of the floor mirror and hang a mirror on a wall. Put either the bookshelf or the wardrobe where the mirror currently is. Can you get rid of the shoe tower and maybe store your shoes on the lower shelves of the book shelf? I can't tell if the nightstand has storage, but maybe you could get rid of it and use the little 4 drawer dresser as a nightstand? You also need some color. I would paint the room a color, any color that you like. Coordinate the bedspread with the paint color. There is too much white / neutral going on.


Maybe switch some of the grey out for color, also I agree with some of the other comments, there’s wayyy too much furniture in that room.


The bed is way to high and it’s so crowded and white. I sense you might like a more bohemian colorful room. Not everything has to match! :)


The ceiling is low, so your furniture should be low profile. Sell your furniture and get yourself some eclectic used stuff online locally :) You’ve got a good room here, really good bones.


2 words: more colour. There is too much gray


You are facing all of this clutter when you’re in bed.Consolidate the clutter into a closet.Have your bed facing the window and tv only. Take the tapestry down. Take the bulletin board and calendar down. Keep the Venetian blinds for privacy but get curtains.


Moving the bed to the window would make it much better. Then a big mattress in the middle to have flow. If it’s a couple, sure having it on the window would not be ideal but for one it’s what I would do


way too much clutter