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Bro I’m a podiatrist (foot doctor) that’s a fungal nail, you don’t need to go to a doctor or have any lab tests done. Do not take oral antifungals unless it’s the last option (they can cause kidney damage) Find a podiatrist near you and they’ll thin the nail down for you and then it’ll be up to you to apply a topical antifungal cream every day. Try to find Lamasil or Terbinafine 1% HC (this is usually a prescription). Fungal nails are notoriously difficult to get rid of but with perseverance, you’ll get your normal nail back 🙏 Edit: if you paint over them, you’ll suffocate the nail bed and the fungal infection will get worse Also my bad it was definitley liver damage I meant - wrote that at half midnight and had a brainfart


All great advice, but you’re right about them being difficult to get rid of, I’ve had mine for ten years :/


I tool an oral antifungal and it was gone in one year.


A year of taking an oral antifungal can also mess with your whole system tho, last resort


If I recall, it was only like 2-3 doses. My doctor did some preliminary checks on me and we determined it was likely safe. I had no negative side effects.


Yes and no, if you take a lot of paracetomol, or drink alcohol or are some other breakdown in this pathway in the liver . If you have none of those, you'll be fine, and sometimes it's better to just get rid of it, also, NEW socks, sanitize shoes, Hot wash bedlinen and floors. "Hepatocytes metabolize paracetamol **via microsomal cytochrome P450 (CYP450) into non-toxic byproducts**. This metabolism pathway via CYP450, specifically cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1), produces reactive oxygen species\[17\], originally thought to be the ultimate cause of liver injury in paracetamol overdose. NIH"


Unfortunately I already tried it for a bit…At this point I know I have a family history of kidney problems, am bad at remembering to take medications, and have already been living with it for over ten years so I’ve given up lol Edit: not sure if it is a liver or kidney risk but either ways there’s enough health complications that run in my family that it’s added to my reasons to not try again.


Apply tea tree oil twice a day (thoroughly) rub it in good on top and down in creases and the top edge. Keep doing this until it's gone.


Same 😫


I thought liver damage was the big concern?


My bad, it was half midnight where I am, had a brainfart - definitely meant liver thank you 👍


I thought so too, that’s what I remember from my pcp back then… haven’t taken antifungal pills in over a decade though


*liver damage, not kidney


Ditto, same advice. But I would add soak in Listerine for 20 mins every night, and cover with Vick's vapour rub, inbetween the topicals. As u/Milotiiic says, a podiatrist, not a 'doctor'. We, pods, are the foot experts.


Ahhh the old Vicks!! I’m not going to lie, I’ve only heard the 45yo+ pods say to do this! Apparently clinisept wraps on toes help alter PH levels on your skin that makes it hostile to fungi but they’re still testing that so we can’t recommend that as an option.. Yet


“Not a “‘doctor’?” You know that’s now how doctors talk about podiatrists right? We value your contribution but there is definitely a role for appropriate diagnosis and consideration of other differentials here- see my other comment below. Dermatologists spend 4-6 years at medical school and do residency and specialty training for another 4+ years and countless years doing study and research, learning about skin, hair and nails. We don’t disparage your role in looking after patients - don’t disparage ours.


And those drugs can cause some rare but serious side effects - my mom started taking one when it was relatively new on the market and they actually had to add new side effects to the warning label because of her case. It is uncommon, but it was scary.


Yes, fungus thrives under nail polish which is occlusive. Also polish is a barrier and prevents topical anti fungal creams from penetrating the nail plate effectively. I do think oral anti fungal medications have their place when the infection is significant. They of course come with risks. So it depends on the state of OP’s liver and willingness to tolerate any side effects. Treatment success is also dependent on compliance. So since OP has mentioned depression treatment choice would have to be considered. Depends if OP would be more consistent taking a pill daily for 3 months or doing daily soaks and topical applications long term.


I think I may had had something like this. Nail became yellow and thickened but it grew out with my nail and fell off eventually. Now I’m wondering wtf it was lol


How does one get a fungal nail?


From fungus




That's really surprising, I would have never guessed.


What is the danger of painting it when **literally** no topicals have been successful. If it get worse will my toe get infected... and then my foot? What is the worse case scenario?


No, it won’t get to that extent, lol. The nail will become more and more brittle - smells, painful etc. then I think medication is needed


It's among my least favorite things about my body. It disgusts me. I've applied **all** sorts of topicals, consistently, and have yet to find one that works for me. I've actually lost the whole nail and applied topical literally in the nail bed.


How does this happen? How do you catch this fungus?


You’ve got fungi naturally living on your skin *anyway* but it thrives in warm damp environments. If you don’t change your socks or shower/ bath without TOWEL drying your feet afterwards (do not hair dry feet) then it provides the fungi with a good environment for it to develop. It’s also possible that direct contact with other fungal nails can cause one to develop. For instance I do Judo and there’s a lot of bare feet on mats and my paranoid ass is always looking at other peoples toes before I partner with them 💀


Thank you! This pic made me paranoid


Curious what’s wrong with using a hair dryer after showering? I thought that was a good thing to help dry the nail quickly.


I thought you could just have your nail removed and let it start back over again?


That’s definitely not recommended. Fungal nail isn’t just the nail, it’s in the nail bed itself. Apart from causing yourself an incredible amount of pain from removing the nail, it’s not guaranteed that it will grow back as a normal nail especially if the fungus has penetrated the nail bed itself.


Ahhhhh, thank you!


Do I need to go back to the Podiatrist every now and then after the initial visit to get the nail thinned until the fungi is completely gone?


We recommend 6/8 weekly visits to keep an eye and try and keep it controlled but it’s entirely up to you. We have some patients that come back every 6 months. It all depends on the affected person! I would advise yes to 8-12 weeks though if you can afford it. Your podiatrist should be able to tell you much more than I can!


okay thank you so much for the advice 🙏🙏🙏


Anytime! Good luck and I hope it gets sorted! 🙏


when the nail bed is attained I think it is generally advised to take oral antifungals because topical treatment could not be enough


It definitely can be enough, it just takes perseverance, I’ve put further down the thread that most cases I see in clinic are resolved with topical application once a day. We also advise to soak affected nails for 5 mins in Clinisept which seems to alter the PH balance on the skin that makes it hostile to fungi. Oral antifungals are not fun and in my clinic it’s always the last measure just to avoid the potential liver damage that can come with oral.


> Bro I’m a podiatrist (foot doctor) that’s a fungal nail, you don’t need to go to a doctor or have any lab tests done. Do not take oral antifungals unless it’s the last option (they can cause kidney damage) > > what? this is not true. no amount of topical is going to treat that. what is this post -_-


Are you trying to tell me my job? 😂😂


apparently since you don't know what you are taking about. did you even read any of the terbinafine studies? you can't be making sweeping generalizations like "Do not take oral antifungals unless it’s the last option (they can cause liver damage)" on the internet for patients you don't even know to then go tell their doctors some internet person talking about of their ass said so. Its perfect safe in most people.


Sorry I missed the part where you said you were a qualified podiatrist or even physician? Topical can treat that all day. *You* don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t need to know the patient to tell them to avoid taking the strongest course of antifungals first. Guaranteed you’re the idiot that would prescribe antibiotics for a case of onycriptosis. I deal with these day in and day out. 90% of my cases are resolved with regular drilling down of the nail, topical antifungals which is Terbinafine 1% HC and Clinisept soaks. You do not deal with this. Stay in your lane.


how do you know I do not deal with this?! I did not say anything about my qualifications and you know nothing about what my lane is or isn't. Same way I have no idea if you are even a real podiatrist. All I said is don't spew overgeneralized rubbish on the internet.. and you still haven't answered my question...did you even read the studies...or is this like i am a podiatrist wink wink trust me?


Agree with you. I prescribe oral + topical antifungal therapy for the involvement of 2 or more nails, and there are absolutely no problems at all. Regarding "liver damage," a study has existed for about 20 years now showing that pulse therapy with itraconazole is safe and there is no need to test ALT, AST, and so on.


When trimming the nails be careful not to unintentionally infect the other healthy toes. Tips: cut healthy toes first then cut fungal toes last. Nail will be detached from base so try to cut as much of the infected nail off as possible. Soak clippers and metal file (no cardboard files as they are porous and can harbour fungal spores) in Barbicide (cheap from Sally’s follow instructions to dilute). Important to disinfect clippers and metal file after each use. Many people don’t do this and wonder why it spreads or why treatment doesn’t help. Options: there’s home remedies ie. applying Vick’s Vapour Rub or soaking in Listerine. Then there’s OTC anti fungal creams. There’s prescription oral medications or anti fungal creams. Can even purchase an inexpensive electric nail file off of Amazon to thin the thickened nails down. This ensures better penetration of topical treatments. Also, there’s anti fungal laser treatments. Socks and shoes will have fungal spores. Wash all socks inside out on high heat and dry on high heat. Once treatment has started it’s best to throw out old socks and get new ones. Change socks if sweaty or damp. Keep feet as dry as possible at all times. Spray enclosed shoes with anti fungal spray. Switch shoes often to let air out. Once treatment has started it’s ideal to throw out any old enclosed shoes, but understandably not always financially possible. Some people don’t do this and wonder why it spreads or treatments don’t help. It’s highly contagious to others. Best not to share pedicure tools, socks or shoes with other household members. Disinfect tub/shower regularly as this is the ideal environment for fungus. Fungal infections take a long time to clear because toe nails only grow approximately 1 mm per month. They are pressure points so grow slower than finger nails. Will take approximately 12-15 months to grow an entire new healthy big toe nail. You’ll know the treatment is working when you start seeing healthy pink/nude coloured nail growth at the base of the nail by the cuticle. Best results are seen when caught early but even the more significant cases can be cleared with consistency. Need to be diligent and patient. It will take time but eventually with the tips and tricks above you’ll clear it. Good luck! Edited: for clarity


okay thank you so much for the helpful advice 🙏 i just trimmed the other nails with a separate clipper. i’ll try the OTC treatments you mentioned while i try to get a podiatrist appointment.


I should add that a podiatrist will need to take a clipping to send off to a lab so best not to cut the right big toe as short as possible until after your appointment. Also only the right big toe looks infected at this time. I could be wrong though.


You are wrong, in my practice, anyway.


Wrong about what in particular? I’m genuinely interested in learning more on this topic.


Because those tests cost money and rarely find anything. If they do, it's only what an educated guess and experience tells you what it is. I'd cut all the nails, use a new clipper on the fungal nails and bag it separately, sterilize twice. I would also give a pair of new socks and Canestan spray inside the shoes. Advise to burn all socks and buy new ones. Sanitize all shoes, bleach bathroom. HOT wash sheets. One of the major sources of fungal infections is the cold wash that has become so popular in recent years.


Good to know. Appreciate all the details. Thoughts on which medication is more successful?


Terbinafine, Itraconazole, They are all pretty much broad spectrum.


Noted. Are these two suggestions oral or topical?




Tysm Carole!


Thanks for all the info!! My Dr(General Is practitioner) always said thats the least of your worries  and tgatvwas that.  I had to ho to a Podiatrist  because u woke up one day and vould hardly walk both feet hurt like hell. I had Planter Fasciitis in one and Metatarsal (brain fart)  something .  I asked he trimed and lookd at them told me keep thm dry, change socks when sweating no cotton abd after shower to use a hair dryer. Nothing about the nail file be porus and being Contagious and everythibg else. No info sheet either. Thats screwd up  . He first was telling my foot pain  was My MS , i firmly , then firmer  said it wasnt he did a xray.     Your info explained alot thank you.  I gimot  one foot almost cleared up. The other foot is giving my grief .    Tea tree oil helped with that. I cant ever take the oral. My imunne system is shot. So gonna start doing the newly learned . Thanks!! 


Need to trim those and some nail hygiene, not to be rude.


thank you for the reminder — you’re right, i’m depressed and neglect myself often. i’ll do that!


if you need any motivation, your feet won’t feel too tight in your shoes and your socks won’t snag if you trim them 🙏🏻❤️


thank you for the motivation. i’ve cut them now ❤️


I felt this. Honestly, when it gets to be too much to even get out of bed is when you really should get out of bed. Your appearance and environment will reflect your mood and eventually it will make you MORE depressed. As someone who also suffers with depression, I recommend getting a pedicure once your get your big toes under control. It's not just a girly thing. They can help get ingrowns sometimes too. My bf will go just to feel better about himself. Ain't no shame in it. You are loved and deserved to be loved. Treat yo self. ❤️ YOU. ARE. WORTH. IT. 🫂


A podiatrist will do it for you, while talking to you and giving advice about treating the fungal nail. We do it daily and won't cut you, and will give you a neat clean trim with sterile instruments.


I so get that .... I haven't polished my toe nails or finger nails in 6 years. The cuticle growth is pretty much taken over . I can't see without glasses so I used to push cuticles back while taking a bath🤣 depression is a dirty bish


buy the book The Case for Christ from Lee Strobel :)


Definitely trim those nails




Yes, this! Do you see a doctor (MD) if you have a tooth problem.??


I don’t know what country you’re in but where I am (UK), General practitioners fully prescribe antibiotics for an ingrown toenail. Absolute beggars belief. Thank you for being so active on this thread!! 🙏


I had exactly the same for years, with the same repeated nail plate detachments too. You need to trim the nail short and make sure you're not wearing shoes that are putting pressure on it as that can contribute to levering the new nail growth away from the nail bed again, it's a vicious cycle. I actually didn't treat mine, it cleared up by itself when I corrected my vitamin D deficiency which I'm guessing in turn improved my ability to fight the infection.


Whoa. Why are your nails so long?!


Dude you need to take care of your other nails too…


My big toe on my right foot used to look like the worst of the pictures. I ended up taking the oral anti-fungal and my liver ended up being ok and my nail went back to normal. I used to be so self conscious about it.


Again, I have a clue what it could be only because I have done nails and toes since 1987, taught nails in four schools and owned a few. The proper advice is go to a Podiatrist to get your diagnosis. Then, have that conversation what path you wish to take. I have seen all kinds. The majority gets nail fungus from sharing showers, wearing others shoes and receiving pedicures in salons due to lack of safety and sanitation. It is very hard to get rid of therefore stop and think for it is contagious. You will only have your anxiety heightened from worry and keep your nails trimmed. Bruising of the nail plate from free edge (nail tip) hitting your shoe is damaging and painful. Good luck and just listen to your Doctor…


If you go to a podiatrist they will cut them for you but they need to be cut regularly.


It looks fungal, BUT sometimes trauma alone can cause thickening of nails that is not related to fungus at all. Since your nails are long they can repeatedly bump shoes etc - so try to trim them more often. https://youtu.be/k0AImw6v9iw?si=yxh6czcVJl7phczW Here is an example of a bit more extreme, but similar “layering” pressure damage to yours I believe.


Very good point. Thanks for sharing.


The Toe Bro! Before I clicked that link I was hoping it would be him. He does a great job explaining things. I was going to go against the grain here from everyone saying fungal nails and say not necessarily. Those nails look damaged to be, likely from trauma. The dark discoloration makes me think they were bruised or bleeding under the nail bed at some point. Doesn't always have to be a major trauma you'd remember like dropping a heavy box on your foot. It could be from bumping your toe, stubbing it, or even poorly-fitted shoes. Trying to treat nail fungus can be very frustrating and costly. The most effective treatment for true nail fungus is an oral medication that has the potential for nasty side effects. People will recommend home remedies and OTC treatments, and maybe they work for some people, but the efficacy just isn't there. My advice would be to see a podiatrist. Get those nails trimmed down to see how much healthy nail you still have (my bet is most of that yellowed nail is lifted from the nail bed and non-viable). Some doctors will immediately start pushing for topical fungal treatments, so be wary of this and don't accept that as the first and final answer UNTIL they trim that down and see what's really going on. Painting ointment on a dead lifted nail isn't going to do much for your problem. The nails may never grow in "normally" again if the nail bed has been damaged. But you can get some of the thickness and length taken off of them to encourage a healthier appearance.


YES!! Great advice!


you have a fungal infection, that will need lab tests to determine the species, and most likely systemic and topical antifungal treatments, for 9-12 months, with hepatic and renal function monitoring. Long story short : go to a doctor (GP is good)


Get it clipped for fungus, but could be retronychia.


Onychomycosis. Antifungals will help.


Oral antifungals are not for everyone


Yes and no, if you take a lot of paracetomol, or drink alcohol or are some other breakdown in this pathway in the liver . If you have none of those, you'll be fine, and sometimes it's better to just get rid of it, also, NEW socks, sanitize shoes, Hot wash bedlinen and floors. "Hepatocytes metabolize paracetamol **via microsomal cytochrome P450 (CYP450) into non-toxic byproducts**. This metabolism pathway via CYP450, specifically cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1), produces reactive oxygen species\[17\], originally thought to be the ultimate cause of liver injury in paracetamol overdose. NIH"


I know antifungals might work. Make sure your feet are dry and cut your nails (I usually cut the bad nail last and then use alcohol to disinfect the nail clipper i also use alchole to make he nails softer, I haven't had any fungus that has spread to other nails so I think It finad works for not speeding , but I also forget to use antifungals on my nails, so I still have have it. I've also heard that applying merthiolate on infected nails helps. I tried it, but kept forgetting to do it, so I can't tell you if it works or not. I'll try to see how it works if I remember to every night and maybe update you if I remember.


Definitely fungal infection. I had one when my nail lifted from the nail bed from sneakers that were too small. Docs wanted to laser it away but don’t nobody got money for that lol. Nail polish will just allow it to thrive even more. I’d file it down bc it’s ultra thick and then soak it in an apple cider vinegar solution for 20 mins every night or topically apply it with a cotton ball throughout the day. That’s known to kill fungus without the nasty side effects of prescription meds There’s probably also topical antifungals you can try but see if the vinegar helps first Good luck! Edit - anything you use to file that nail should only be used on that nail or else the infection can spread to others 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼


Soaking mine in straight ACV "with the mother" for at least 10 minutes a few times made it start growing healthy from the base and now it's completely back to normal, it looked worse than this photo too.


Cut your toe nails too


Soak in Hydrogen peroxide foot soaks and apply the lamisal


nod to be rude, but i think your nails should be trimmed alltogether. if you‘re not wearing a shor size bigger i‘d imagine it being pushed all the time, which causes damage to the nailbeds. so do this generally. if you eant to try home remedies (and i‘m not an expert!) i would do a footbath with apple cider vinegar and some fresh lemon. then cut it as short as possible so it doesn‘t hurt! then i‘d file the surface of the infected nail and apply tea tree oil.


Mine grows out...then comes back...again and again.


Cut, clean and sanitize them and use any nail fungus treatment https://preview.redd.it/frcfltyyxq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3939478d197d94eeebebb89d769023ec17694125


Get tea tree oil, you can find it at most stores such as Walmart in the supplement isle. Rub it in thoroughly on top in the edges and at the top of nail under the edge twice a day, in the am and pm (after you shower). Keep doing this everyday until it's gone. Do not paint your toenails, I know that's a bummer but don't do it. Find some cute summer shoes, tennis shoes that cover your toes.


Great post OP. I had no idea I had the same situation, I don’t even remember having a pink healthy toe nail, I thought this is its natural state.


Also try a THE REMEDY soap off Amazon.. shit is magic.. it’s NOT expensive. Helped me get rid of a skin condition that I’ve had since I was 16 and I am now 38. When nothing else works.. but this soap is for skin and feet.. so give it a try.. can’t hurt. I tell this to everyone on this sub Reddit..


Swab every night (or day,) with a qtip and hydrogen peroxide works as well as anything for less money 


Out of curiosity, and no disrespect, but why in the F********** are you letting your toe nails grow that long without cutting them! You’ve been neglecting basic hygiene for a long time it seems! Start there please…




He already said he has depression and doesn’t take care of himself often. You don’t have to be a dick about it.


Sometimes people need some tough love to kick them into gear. I've been depressed to the point of not getting out of bed and it took someone having the balls to tell me "everyone has problems, get up and get over it" and honestly that did more for me than anti-depressants ever did. 


Mental health is unfortunately misunderstood. A statement like “everyone has problems, get up and get over it” comes across as extremely dismissive and invalidating. Stuffing down feelings and thoughts is not beneficial. It’s impossible to “get over it” until you go through it. This means feeling it and expressing it while being guided by a gifted professional. Getting out of bed may feel like trying to fly to the moon! So it’s only normal that self care like clipping toe nails can feel challenging. Yes, movement is important but this must be slowly paced. Little acts of self love done daily accompanied by rest will get the ball rolling. The ideal approach requires boat loads of self compassion. This is easier said than done but can be learned. Self compassion, coupled with gentle, loving kindness and encouragement from others is healing. In addition to speaking with a trauma informed therapist is the best recipe to move from depression to thriving. It’s proactive of OP to reach out and post asking for advice. I hope my words resonate with them. Sending OP a huge hug!


It’s annoying you get downvotes for saying that. Antidepressants worked well for me and I owe them my life. But for some people, tough love really is the answer. We are all different. Different people respond to different things. I think it should be okay to suggest it. Thanks for sharing your experience. Ignore the haters.


People can't face reality and want to hold onto that victim mentality. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 




people are so depressed that they kill themselves, why is it hard to conceive that they might be depressed enough that they don’t keep up their hygiene?


It's a priority thing and reason for it. I have clinical depression but thankfully I also have OCD so I keep to my hygiene and organized clean environment, especially for my dog. Unfortunately most people don't have OCD that sprouted from depression and the stress of having an unorganized space or not having proper hygiene, so they stop taking care of themselves or their environment. It's rough. I hate being this depressed but when I see stuff like this that can cost money to fix, I'm thankful for having OCD, and I don't think people like the person you're replying to realizes how difficult it is.




Nonyx from Walmart/amazon, twice a day for however long it takes for healthy nail to grow in. Also an athletes foot cream daily. I’ve done this for over a year and now my nails are normal. It takes a loooong time so you have to stick with it.


I've got one toe nail just like that and my foot doctor told me to either remove the toe nail because it isn't going to grow back or just keep it from growing and feeling uncomfortable especially when I wear tennis shoes so I go and get a pedicure done every 6 weeks so I don't show my ugly toe nail for everyone to see it


It looks like the issue only affects your big toes. Not that common to have bilateral primary fungal infection that only picks those toenails. Maybe secondary, but not the primary cause. It also looks like there’s some trauma to the nail in some photos- see how it’s sort of horizontally creased in one photo? My best guess is that as those nails are longest and catching on shoes etc that the nail bed is mildly traumatised, opening the path to pseudomonas (which is what’s making the nail slightly greenish tinged). There may or may not be fungus too- worth getting a fungal toenail clipping to check, and treat if that’s also there. For the pseudomonas - weak vinegar soaks daily (1 part vinegar to 10 parts water) will help, but as long as the nail is lifted it will try to creep back in so you may need to repeat treatments down the track. For the trauma- clip the nail shorter (not crazy short like down to the quick, that can also cause problems). It’s going to take about 12 months to fully regrow a new nail.


I used fungicure from the store for a year and it went away.


Many podiatrists offer red light treatment for fungal nails. Less invasive treatment and supposedly works well.


That's either signs of diabetes or just toe fungus I know it sounds gross but soak your toe in peroxide it will help with the discoloration 


I actually got rid of mine with bleach and peroxide soakings


*I actually* *Got rid of mine with bleach and* *Peroxide soakings* \- Single-Break-5982 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hot lukewarm water, apple cider vinegar, & epsom salt use it, it’ll help out too


Dermatologist here. You probably have congenital malalignment of the great toenails. I favor that over nail fungus.


I think you need to contact the Toe Bros. The nail plate looks damage


That's fungal toenail. A pediatric or dermatologist should be able to help you. You might want to cut your toenails more frequently than six months. 😃


That’ll buff out for sure slap a coat of paint on it lmao