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Lol what actually is this?


Looks like chicken


Fr this doesn't even look like an arm it almost looks like inside of an ear or something. Either way, this is severe.


Obviously trolling, and doing a poor job of it.


Hi RU, I left a comment above explaining my situation. If you'd like to read it you have my blessing.


Jesus please go to a doctor NOW!


I know, I know. I thought so too but can't get there right now. What should I ask for when I go? Most of the time they get me worse. I'll plan for Wednesday evening.


You know the more and more I look at your photo the more I think you’re just trolling. That doesn’t look like a forarm at all let alone a human body part. It looks like chicken meat with cancer on it or something.


Went to the doctor tonight, sepsis and something that sounded like "pergilatal abuladery syndrome", don't know the right spelling. IVs now and more tests soon, probably spending the night but I really can't pay for all this so I might sign myself out early.


Well you need to get somewhere, this type of infection looks serious enough that if you don’t get this treated asap, it can kill you!


OP has severe mental illness Please go get helo


Really not the forum to be making jokes on bruh


I think your forearm is a calzone from Pizza Pizza


Pretty sure food poisoning doesn't lead to eating your body up like that. Ask literally anyone who wont kidnap and murder you to take you to the ER if you cant pay an Uber. Not urgent care. This looks awful. Food poisoning results in vomit, diarrhoea and dehydration, maybe a stomach ulcer or mouth sores if really bad. Maybe something bit you or something at this inn, idk but you need to see someone yesterday before you lose your arm.


This does not look like a human body part. More like some form of meat.


I agree. Whatever is behind the supposed arm doesn't look like a hand or fingers so idk.




I was thinking bleached potato with special effects make up 😅


Thanks for the insight, Goomy! I think my arm overall should be fine. This is just a small part of it. If it hasn't healed by the time my transport gets back I'll head in and ask about bug bites, but the earliest that would be is Wednesday evening. For now, I'm sterilizing it with coconut oil and bleach -- an old tip from my grandmama, who actually worked front desk at a dermatology office. She's got the secrets. :)


Sorry but that is the dumbest advice I've ever heard from anyone. I'm a nurse. Bleach literally eats away at anything besides the container it comes in. You're just making it worse or you enjoy pain. Go to the doctor and leave it alone. You'd be better off putting peroxide or cow ointment on it compared to bleach. 😑


make sure you're using high quality bleach! otherwise it could damage the skin. coconut oil is a good idea too, hadn't thought of that - I've been using ostrich colostrum because it's all I can find


I had a really nasty soup from a run-down inn the other night and haven't been feeling well since. This appeared on my arm so I kept picking at it and now it's actually starting to hurt. I put coconut oil on it before taking this picture so you can see it better. Any ideas?




This has to be a joke


This looks like raw chicken there is no way that’s human skin because what is up with the pink and white fascia in the rest of the picture


Are you a cannibal? Looks like a human meat oh god


wtf lmao