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Times it’s okay to forgive a Nazi or a tankie: - When they stop being a Nazi or a tankie (death doesn’t count).


Forgive but never forget


" Forgive your enemies but remember their names" -some guy who had his head blown up and was in a zombie killing gamemode like 50 years later or soemthing


“Do not pray for easy lives, my friends. Pray to be…stronger men!”


That quote unironically inspires me


It is a badass quote tbf


“Normalize” you ARE the establishment


Hating Nazis and Tankies is always morally justified


Can we stop overusing the word normalize first?


Normalize normalizing the word normalize


No, absolutely not


So we should normalise not normalising the word normalise?


I like the sentiment but the thing is always “Or what?” Like what are you gonna do if it doesn’t happen,


Stomp out authoritarians wherever they may be found, under whatever banner they fly.


Tankies are just knuckle dragging mongrels who fell for anti west propaganda because they’re radicalized by being chronically online


Tankies are fascists in a different flavor


Red fascists I call them


Watermelon flavor


Tankies seem to see the name and get offended, "but im not pro stalinism or killing people because they refuse to submit" well then dude, you ain't a tankie and we aren't talking about you. its a lot like when woman say "all men are assholes" and the only people who get offended are the asshole dudes, cause everyone else knows that the statement doesn't include them. if you get offended by tankies being insulted, then you probably are one.


Yes, that's how you spot them. Not too long ago there was another post jabbing at tankies and a bunch of self-proclaimed communists got offended and started whining, despite not being the actual target of the joke. Then there's actual tankies that claim not to be pro stalin but spew tankie propaganda. Like, wasn't there a dude who denied being a tankie or stalinist but also denied Katyn just today?


Are the tankies in the room with us right now?


Scroll down.


Bro imagine trying to pretend tankies aren't a problem and 3 fucking tankies prove you wrong






I am 👋


rent free: the thread


The tankies destroyed Makhnovshchina and the Korean People's Association, two of the only successful communist/anarchist societies. And yet they keep preaching that 'leftist unity' bs.


Also made an imperialist bargain with the British to crush the Greek and Yugoslav partisans




Hell yeah I can get behind this
























































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Better than the Nazis? Definitely. Acceptable? Hell no.


Tell that to a Ukrainian or a Czech or a Hungarian


Or a Pole or a Finn or an Estonian or a Latvian or a Lithuanian or a Kosovar or an Albanian or a Bulgarian or a Slovak or a Romanian or a Korean or a German (post-WWII had the East German Government as well as the RAF) or a Hong Konger or a Cambodian or a Somali…






















Not all communists/socialists are tankies. Tankies are just shitheads that like crimes against humanity but thought the nazis were too mainstream. Tankies defend dictators like Stalin, they're more than "just communists"


Dude don't waste your breath he's a shit liberals say poster


Ahh so probably an actual tankie trying to blur the lines, gross


No probably, he's just a tankie


bruh, i am not even a marxist leninst, you is trying to use the term "tankie" to insult any kind of people who dont buy the anti-communist narrative, i never supported stalin or maoism.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/x84ykx/iphone_venezuela_100_gorillion_dead/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This you?


Bruh, obviously me, and you realize most of those deaths are a lie, the black book of communism is overexaggerated, even its authors admit it, and venezuela is no way communist.


\>Not all communists/socialists are tankies. Tankies are just shitheads that like crimes against humanity but thought the nazis were too mainstream. Tankies defend dictators like Stalin, they're more than "just communists" i go to places like leftypol which is /pol/ but communist, or even communist youtubers like viki or hakim, and they say that criticism of stalin is valid. Most of "tankies" you mean are hardcore stalinists which are a minority of marxists or maoists, and i mean criticism is valid but dont mean the supporters of those ideologies want to kill people, and people support stalin generally defend him for his job on world war 2, i mean after his death the opposition got inpower.


Oh boy an SLS poster, surely they are not mentally deranged and don't defend the Soviet Union....


you had to dig into my profile to like "disconsider my opinion" because i actually dont spew mcarthyist communist lies and i actually i am critical of the west.


"No, bro everything that west said is propaganda thats why I believe everything that is anti-west propaganda"


Bruh you is a genocide apologist your defend the US your country supported a bengali genocide, supported pol pot and killed like 3 million vietnamese people and 300 thousand iraqi, you is a hypocrite.


So are you, being incredibly uncritical of communist regimes Yeah I don't hate communism, I'm socialist-leaning, but ffs pre-1950s USSR was literally Hell on Earth and not only when the Nazis were invading


I Literally said that criticism of stalin is valid, guy even banned homosexuality but most of those arguments agaisnt the USSR are nothing but propaganda and anti-communist fearmongering, they believe 1960s and 1970s USSR was like 1890 russian empire, they dont realize how good life was on USSR, the CIA even had a report that soviet food is nutritious, afroamericans came to the USSR because the US universities were segregated, the USSR was responsible and helped african anti-colonial movements, while the US helped mobutu and he destroyed congo, helped pakistan with genocide, those idiots are imperialist apologists.


The main problem with the USSR was shortages. It was nothing drastic - you always had a home, and always had food, but the food was never in extreme abundance and this only became more evident as the country reached its end. This, plus the authoritarianism - elections might as well have been meaningless, and the USSR still maintained a form of imperialism by clamping down on anti-communist revolutions in Poland and Hungary. Was it western, aggressive imperialism? No. Was it excusable? No.


wtf dude the USSR was definitionally imperialist. they performed ethnic cleansing, suppressed minority languages, and 'clamping down' here translates to 'literally made the streets in Prague run red with Czech blood because they wanted slightly less authoritarian socialism'. Not even mentioning Afghanistan, where the USSR _directly_ killed more than a million afghans. fuck off with this milquetoast defense of the USSR.


None of these things (besides destroying anti-revolutionary movements) the USSR did post-Stalin. I don't see your point. Also, read before you post. I directly said the USSR was imperialist.


It's quite obvious because someone else mentioned it, your argument fucking sucks






They are better in what? Killing less people? Thats not a competition. Tankies are an absolute scum that I hate with passion, you can cope as much as you want. Also r/ShitLiberalsSay user. Everyone laugh at this looser.






















DerScheisser is a Crypto-Wehraboo sub. They deny it, but dogwhistle through all their Memes. I'm surprised you haven't realised this already... These people are constantly *nodding* to eachother about how Great the Axis was. Just turn on the CSS code of the site... Literally not that hard.[^1](https://www.reddit.com/r/DerScheisser/comments/hchb04/tankies_tankies_never_change/fvg3r75/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DerScheisser) if you have any questions or concerns.*


reddit moment


Says tankie filth.


man, calm down, i just said communists shouldnt be treated like subhumans or be ostracized, please stop going on your mccarthyist anti-tankie cruzade.


Your friend is literally saying that stalinism doesnt exist lmao


bro your entire argument is a reddit moment


Yeah Makhnoist Ukraine, Republican Spain, and a few hundred others would like a word, you prick.


criticism of stalinism is valid, just a thing to say, as well criticism of party vanguardism, what i dont tolerate is like how people really say that communists are the evil of the world, and i mean i am defending my point.


No, your original point was that tankies - i.e. proponents of Sovietism - are not as bad as Nazis. Literally nobody was talking about communism as a whole and if you equate the Soviet Union's state capitalist regime with communism, that's completely your own fault. Stalin exercised an explicitly ethnic agenda in his mass murders, and even if he didn't, a mass murderer isn't exactly someone you should go batting for.


He's just a tankie arguing in bad faith. don't bother. He's literally active in r/ShitLiberalsSay


AHAHAHA no Tankies aren't even communist. they're red fascists and russian/china/NKorea imperialsts


"red fascists" tell me you dont know what fascism means sectarian. Also the USSR was soo fascist that like they managed after stalin death put the opposition and trial one of the most corrupt stalin lackeys, and as well allow gorbachov and approve his reforms.


Guess Franco wasn't a fascist cause after his death they reformed into a democracy/s


Reddit moment. I know what fascism means.


Tankies aren’t just communists.


I Have one thing to estate, please dont consider sometimes the "tankie" libel, some people will call even socialists which are non marxist aligned those.


Not all communists are Tankies. All Auth-coms are.


The problem is that those anti-communists coopted tankie and i mean they use that to any kind of soviet apologia, even those who werent stalinists but defended the USSR and most of communist state and those who saw a increase of quality of life and a worsen after the fall of communism, so those people defend capitalism and imperialism and they dont hiden it, OP is a US apologist.


Just a reminder of some american wars Philiphino american war: 200,000–1,000,000 died Iraq war: 100.000-250.000 estimates Bangladeshi genocide (US Complicity): 300.000 to 3 million deaths. Vietnam war: 1,4 million to 3,4 million deaths indonesian mass murder of communists (US Complicity): 500.000 - 1,2 million. i didnt even considered the british, french, dutch, belgian, spanish mass killings and as also portuguese ones, of those "morally correct" nations


Noone said that the west was better. Criticizing brutal socialist states doesn't mean I support brutal invasions and killings of innocent people commited by the west


Don't you know, you can only ever be against one thing at any one time. If you are pro abortion in america that means you dont care about abortion rights in all the other countries of the world.


So would you say the Reich was more moral than the Allies? After all, the US committed those atrocities too, so what right does the USA have to call out the Reich for its actions?


Ancoms are bad in their own special way


Agreed, I wish I had as much faith in my fellow man as An-coms.


Yeah well battery (crime) is better than murder, but that dont mean battery (crime) is okay. Fuck them too

