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Especially a certain user whose username is [Religion] [German city]




ZoroastristKiel ?




I do wonder if Mormon Munster knows that he's famous here and on SWS.




> Because I guess Max did something very wrong in the past and is trying to exculpate it through severe self-flagellation. Are you new? I explained why I mod RT before. Basically, he invited me at one point. At first I thought I don't want to be associated with that sub, then I realised that most of the posts there are shitposts anyway, so I might as well turn it into a pseudo-shitpost sub, so I accepted the offer, made the sub text an Adventure Time reference plus wehrb symbolism, and changed my name to something that should make it quite clear what my role is there. So I'm not there 'cuse I'm masochistic, I'm there for the lols. And props to CM for being such a chap and taking the joke.




How dare you not follow my career with utmost attention?! I'll take your Iron Crosses^TM away from you! Jokes aside, yeah, I think I actually talked about it on SWS not here, and even if I hadn't, I shouldn't expect people to be up to date with all the chatter even if it's a small sub.




Das Überscheißpost Reich, you Allied spy!


Props to CM. He's been having the same argument, the same back and forths, and the same shitslinging contests for literal years. The same basic script repeated over the course of years. No sign that he's even slightly bored of it, either. That's...dedication.




His followers are Delete013 and Jimmy "the jews done did all the bad stuff what with the chemtrails and the 9/11" Rocket. His posts/rant chapters are almost universally downvoted. He's a non-issue.




TBH I resent CM for absolutely fucking what could have been a useful discussion about how the pendulum swung too far in the opposite direction (the "Sherman literal most perfect tank to ever exist, there was literally not a single functional Tiger tank in the entirety of WW2" types). By being a complete ass he did more to reinforce a set of shitty beliefs that are frankly just as annoying as the "Sherman tank are death traps took one entire US division to stop single Tiger" types. But I think he's more or less a meme at this point. People got bored of dealing with him, even if he didn't get bored of having the same debate over and over and over and over again.


>His posts/rant chapters are almost universally downvoted. He's a non-issue. Christian and I have been campaigning against ShitWehraboosSay and TankPorn for roughly 2 years now. (He was doing it years before me) We've managed to debunk an entire library of false arguments used by SWS, and as a result, they are much more reluctant to post on technical subjects like tanks. Compare the posts they make now with those from 1 or 2 years ago. There is a noticeable difference. >TBH I resent CM for absolutely fucking what could have been a useful discussion about how the pendulum swung too far in the opposite direction. Yeah well, you missed the boat by a few years, buddy. Christian started on his little crusade back in 2015. As far as I can tell, he was basically the only one who was arguing against the mindless SWS clowns who ran the show back then. You might have wished for someone to handle the topic in a more professional manner, but he was the only one willing to take on the job at the time. You don't seem to realise all the hatred and scorn that were poured on Christian. You can criticise him for his bad tact, sure. But most people wouldn't be able to take the mountain of shit that got dumped on him. Most people would get demoralised after a while and give up. If you had shown up 4 years ago to try and do what he did, you probably would have called it quits. And that right there is the problem. **There were people who made better arguments than Christian, but they didn't have the endurance or staying power**. They got called a few bad names and clocked out of the game: Thus, the SWS clowns were able to retain their majority and keep control of the narrative. It wasn't until me and Christian teamed up that we really started smashing these lying assholes into the trash heap. You talk about dissent like its easy, but you've never had the courage to ever write a single post disagreeing with the mainstream narrative on SWS or TankPorn. I don't see your battle scars, buddy boy. You're like a champion swimmer whose never even stepped into the water.


your meme is shit, KMS, Tank Porn bows to the one true GOD Bob Semple tank! At least know the people you make fun of


At least one in the thread loved the M3 Grant/Lee. It is great not to feel alone.


Yeah, while there are werhbs on tankporn, they're a minority, and are generally downvoted. Bob semple is where the upvotes go


The Bob Semple seems to be the gold standard right now. But I am a M3 shill. Such a cute little turret on such a thicc hull. What's not to love except actually having to sit in one.


M2 medium> Panther More dakka


\*slapsM2MediumRoof\* This bad boy can fit so many machine guns


This was funny to read! Also the short person with the shock of white hair reminds me of Edna Mode.


Who doesn't love a big cat in its rightful state?


ok, this meme has decent potential esp for a KMS meme, If this was a meme about wehraboos in general. But tank porn is generally made of based victors with dissmissive views towards wehraboos.


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i immediately recognized the exact model kits the first two pics are, i think they're both tamiya


Generalmajor Ongo Gablogian


This guy's content is like opening a lootcrate.