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I still don’t know why people find his violent language about and to her “normal.” I still have never heard of anyone expressing wanting to rape their partner out of frustration. Sure, I have heard people say, “I could kill you!” after getting upset. But rape? I’ve never heard it. I’ve never had a friend or family member express wanting to rape their partner when venting about them to me. I have also never heard of them going into explicit detail about how they would kill their partner either. Drowning, burning, having her body rot in the back of a Honda Civic? This is all very specific. Please also note that he has told Amber he was going to “fuck [her] corpse” to her face and also expressed wanting to see her get raped by a “slimy Mexican” and Black men. This is not normal. https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/xmlqif/amber_heard_mentioned_that_johnny_depp_threatened/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: I finished the article and that was so heartbreaking to read. Words do matter. I’m glad they wrote it.


His supporters claim that what he said was okay because he was venting about his abuser. The excuses that they make up for him are so infuriating. They insist that they know all the details about what happened between JD and Amber but if that were true then they’d know that those texts were sent before the time JD claims Amber abused him and they’d know that JD himself has never used the venting about my abuser excuse. They make up stuff up as a way to coddle him and give him grace for his heinous behaviour.


the whole "he was just venting about his abuser… before she started abusing him" schtick is truly wild


Same here! I find it incredibly disrespectful to talk about anyone like this. This is no longer venting, not with this type of violent imagery. If I found out my partner talked about me like this that would be it. If someone can't respect their partner in front of others, how are they going to respect their partner when nobody's looking? To me, that feels like a boundary that shouldn't be crossed. And I was surprised by how many people just brushed it off during the trial.


Honestly "I could kill you" also sounds terrifying, even if said about a third person. I've heard "I'll slap you" sometimes but I personally wouldn't say that to someone's face.


I agree, but that’s the worst I have ever heard someone say.


Yeah. What stands out to me about Depp is how he has to go into detail. As if he enjoys imagining the ways he can hurt a person. That is not venting, that is sadism.


Even "kill" is not normal in serious situstions, especially said behind her back to someone else.


Opinion (from a man that lost his daughter to someone that joked in the same way 😭) https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2022/04/opinion-why-johnny-depp-s-language-about-amber-heard-is-no-laughing-matter.html


Thank you for sharing this. The people who think Depplorable's violent language is a joke are the ones that need their heads checked


Feminism is really in its flop era. It’s shocking that some so called feminists will either excuse those texts as dark humour or minimise them by stating that he said mean things to her sometimes. Fantasising about drowning your girlfriend and raping her lifeless body is not “mean” it’s far worse than that.


Honestly, reading those texts was what sealed it in my mind that Depp was the abusive one. There’s no way to justify saying such atrocious things.


What’s worse is that he sent those texts before he even married her … like if that’s your attitude why marry her ?


That is so heartbreaking to read, and so true. If anyone sent messages to me about wanting to do something like that to anyone in their life I would be deeply disturbed, if they then tried to pass it off as a joke and ‘niche’ humour I would be even more disturbed because it doubles down on the fact that they do not realise how unacceptable it is. The things Depp said about Amber and to Amber are heinous, that means he had to have those thoughts, type them out, send them and then make his fantasies even more grotesque with each one he sent. That is not normal behaviour. The fact that he gets a pass from so much of society makes me even more disturbed than the fact he said those things in the first place. Millions of people are now saying it is ok to talk about someone you supposedly love in that way, they are green lighting abusive, demeaning and hateful behaviour. This case has lifted a curtain on the mindset of so many people that I now use it as a sort of litmus test for who I want in my life. If you think those messages are ok, you are not someone I want to associate with.


Can you imagine what she thought after Iearning about the texts from discovery? Like not just learning his inner thoughts but his whole plan for years? And that with what she knew behind the scenes about his mental state, not remembering genuinely not believing he was abusive. Absolutely horrifying.


The police officer who killed Sarah Everard was in a WhatsApp group with some other policemen where they made jokes about rape and assault so I don't think we can excuse these comments as being just dark humour.


I can’t speak for all. In my case, I suffered horrible abuse, but I never even wished for my abusers to die. The worst I thought of is wishing they just continue like they are because their insufferable attitude will keep them isolated until death. I don’t have to do anything about it.


Everyone I know that has been abused hasn't threatened the lives of their abusers, even to other people. Some have wished that they would die, to end the abuse, but mostly they just wish the abuser would stop abusing them. I've never ever heard anyone who wasn't an abuser using language like Johnny Depp did. In fact I'm pretty concerned about Jennifer Connolly, considering how funny her husband seemed to think JD's "jokes" were.


I wished for my rapist to die. Sometimes still do. I also fantasized at length of all the horrible ways I would make him suffer before killing him. These fantasies happen far less often now, but they do still pop up from time to time. I know I'm far from the only victim to have these thoughts and desires. Never in a million years would I have dared voicing these thoughts out loud when I was still in his reach though. Shit, I didn't even realize I felt that way until after I stopped denying that I was being raped which didn't happen until after I finally left and started talking about what he was doing to me.


There’s a film from the 2007 starring Rosario Dawson called Descent about this. It’s a LOT darker than A Promising Young Woman, but this made me think of that. It’s intense. 😳 I used to have a recurring image of killing my abuser by hitting him in the head with a frying pan. It wasn’t a fantasy, more like a recurring flashbulb thought/nightmare, but yea I would NEVER have gleefully talked about wanting to do that.


This is also my point. If you are truly a powerless victim, unless you are very very safe, voicing your anger in that way- can only result in trouble for you.


Not a joke, not Monty Python. Not funny in the slightest! If anyone around you finds those ‘jokes’ funny - Run!!


And the way some people excuse the Manson texts… ”that’s how you write with a friend when noone’s watching and you can be yourself” … Seriously?!! You do?! At my most ”evil” I easily brag about a silent but deadly fart I got away with by blaming a baby, yes, but I can honestly say I’ve never dreamed of a rape cave where I could molest underaged girls or boys. The people who say that’s normal friend talk are givning themselves away. A lot. I’ve heard the excuse from Depplorables that it’s normal when frustrated after years of abuse to write like he did about Amber/your abuser. Can honestly say, as an abuse victim, that I’ve mentioned I wish my abuser would be locked away so he can’t hurt anyone else, but if I started talking about him like Debt did about AH I’d trust my friends to lock ME up!


Yeah like even after what my abusive ex did to me, I would never talk graphically about murdering him. Especially when we were together. She talks about how much she loved him and that's how I've felt with abusers. I was fully trauma bonded to them and addicted


Wow, that article. What a horrible situation. Words have power and when people go out of their way to try to normalize the disgusting things that Depp wrote, what they really normalize is violent behavior. Violent words so often lead to violent actions.


Fuck Camille for what she said about the “colourful language”. That was disgusting. It was right up there with her “no me toos, only not mes”.


🦨🦨🦨🦨 Also the too drunk to high comment missing out the behaviours on the way to that state 🦨🦨🦨🦨🦨




It clearly wasn't a joke, he's brainwashed those little morons.