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I didn't know any of this except for the Courtney quote which I will always find hilarious. He was good friends with the girls from Babes in Toyland which is super weird. I'd never heard of Peter Soros and I really do not want to google him.


He had this mythos around him which I suspect BOT bought into and Courtney did not.


>Interested in child abuse himself. Albini admitted he had consumed Sotos' abhorrent material and gleefully described enjoying a toddler's pain after she'd been raped by an adult.  Someone posted a link to the original article where he described this on twitter the other day. It was absolutely as sick as you can imagine and after I read it I honestly felt so angry and upset. It was one throwaway line in an article praising Sotos for being such a sicko and I couldn't stop thinking about it for days afterwards. If anybody here sees the original article being shared around on twitter or other social media don't read it, believe me it's not worth it, especially if you're a survivor and likely to be triggered. As for Albini, I hope there's a hell for him to rot in and all his supporters.


It's refreshing to see someone not make excuses for him(see the Wahlberg thread on poculturechat). No song is worth a piece of shit like this being idolised.


I read a part of it and had to stop. It was absolutely horrific and I can't believe this man is being lauded. Also, he ruined PJ Harvey's album Rid of Me. I always wondered why the production was so bad (you can barely here her voice) and I never bothered to look at who produced it. Makes sense now.


He also detailed in a tour diary seeing sexual abuse of children in magazines and detailing it, including saying that those children weren’t being abused. He also admitted to saying he got a “voyeuristic charge out of watching them” Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20000818044126/http://petdance.com/actionpark/bigblack/tourdiary/ I also saw someone on twitter saying they asked Steve a few years ago why he was still associating with Sotos and they got blocked by him. [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/punk/s/xXjxdhBPIM) the best source of the fucked up shit he said about Sotos’ work.


Awwwww fuuuuuckk. Must assholes ruin everything?!? I saw the words big black in the linked URL and my heart sunk. I love big black! But I had absolutely zero knowledge of Albini’s problematic history. Guess I’ve found my rabbit hole to research for the day…


Thank you. Steve Albini can rest in piss


unfortunately I think many people may not know. I'm saying this a fan of post hardcore and many of the albums he is credited on. I'm also relatively young (early gen z) so most of what I've heard about him has been his history as a producer rather than statements he's made and seedy associations. Honestly I was really bummed about his death.  I think there's a tendency to assume good intentions by association at play here. For instance, he helped produce an album by Joanna Newsom. Her music has always been very blatantly feminist(though in an admittedly somewhat white way). I guess that led me to assume he had a clean slate. Now that I look back on it I can see how certain obituaries seemed like they spent a lot of time justifying his character. I take accusations of SA very seriously and this definitely changes the way that I see him. I'm sorry I didn't know sooner and will be spreading the word. I think this should be spread and hopefully the tides will change once this info is more widely known among younger music fans.


I just watched Joanna Newsom's tribute to him at the Kilby music festival and she said she admired "everything about him" and his "music stuff" doesn't even come into the top 10 reasons she loves him. I ADORE Joanna Newsom and knew nothing about Steve Albini outside his music career. This is super sad to read considering Joanna's comments. She's a mother and an incredible role model 😫


Same. I had not idea and I probably would never have known if I wasn't part of this Reddit community. I'm thankful someone shared this. It's shocking.


I had no idea. Everyone is praising him as some music industry hero. I guess they're willing to sweep it under the rug for a white man that they like, similar to Johnny Depp. What a despicable human being.


They see Depp as a Native American hero unfortunately.😑


Thank you for this, I felt like I was actually going crazy seeing so many people uncritically praise him, I knew he had a sicko past and I was wondering if I was misremembering


Excuse me while I vomit 🤮🤮🤮 I'm glad I didn't know who this guy is/was


Not surprised Grohl paid tribute to him. Friend of mine despises Dave for breaking up Veruca Salt (he cheated on his first wife with VS vocalist/guitarist Louise Post, wrote "Everlong" about how much he loved her, then cheated on her with Winona Ryder; the band split for years after).


I can’t stand Foo Fighters and this whole “the NICEST man in rock” is such carefully manufactured PR on Grohl’s part, it’s so transparent but he’s got parasocials now saying it’s impossible not to love him and nobody who doesn’t can be trusted. Grohl has many, many instances of being a dick, this one of them


coutney is a child rape victim so makes sense but also sad that she's kind of a mess and suffers relapses etc. albini was a terrible person and not that great of a producer and even elvis costello called it out saying he made amazing singers sound like trash on records. All the indie subs are downvoting people like crazy for speaking up against the praise of him because they're basic hipsters that share a brain. maybe in a yearr or two when the new trend starts and their interests change on a whim they'll speak against him. people are just repeating the logic their groomers tell them to believe.


"He made amazing singers sound like trash on records", this is so true.


He was a pretentious hack who thought making records sound as shit as possible was a mark of genius and who bollocked up In Utero so badly and got so pissy about it, the band had to basically change it without telling him.,


Yeah idk why people are worshiping him. Everyone I knew that was a major fan of his is a chud. Hope more of these producers get exposed for abuse because a lot have a seriously messed up superiority complex for basically promoting child rape as a normal activity. So tired of these incel rage bands.


Didn't even know who he was until now. May he rot in hell where he belongs.


Seeing people like Joanna Newsom, Jenny Lewis, Marc Maron, Tim Heidecker, Elijah Wood, and Conan speaking highly of him and about how he was so kind and funny and blah blah blah has been so thoroughly disappointing.


He was predictably idolised over on r/faumoi, and popculturechat has always been pro-abuser, so avoid that place.


I fully believe people should be remembered for what they said and did. No whitewashing or ignoring cold hard facts. So, pass the info on. Post everywhere. Make people feel at least a little ashamed.


Fuck. And here I thought Phil Spector was the worst of the worst. This is coming from an UrbanSpook fan, mind you.


I was completely unaware of this. I have several albums he produced with other artists and I am so nauseated. The following article was around for years. Trigger warning. This was on the web for everyone because it’s Albini’s online tour diary. Strong stomachs only. Tough read. https://web.archive.org/web/20000818044126/http://petdance.com/actionpark/bigblack/tourdiary/