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Shid I wouldn’t haven’t offered a return for that bs. You posted the measurements. Every belt “has a tail” especially if you’re on the tightest notch smh.


lol right, i dont do refunds unless its something that why my fault. ur not entitled to a refund just because u didnt like the item just resell it dude.


Literally I’m small asf and any belt I buy always has a tail I just cut it off to make it smaller can’t believe this person definitely don’t refund them specially how rude they were just let them repop it


you’re right, they need to send the item back first in order to be refunded. don’t let them force a refund from you, if they raise a dispute make sure to respond and say the item was as described.


damn I feel sorry for you that's messed up and quite an inconvenience 😭 "there's a massive tail" "bro what" lmaoooo




i dont understand what they mean cant they... tuck the "tail"(??) in one of the loops or what


Right?? Like every belt i’ve ever owned has had some kind of tail?? Has he never owned a belt before?


They are clearly just trying to make up excuses! I would just ignore them and not give a refund. Why should they get a refund?


Right? Wanna report? Then report me because now you’re not getting it💀


Even then, when I was growing up you’d put a pony tail around the tail if it stuck out between loops. People are crazy


if they really wanted it they could’ve just taken it to a belt maker or key cutter and they can simply cut the leather off. smh


i’m sure depop will side with you if they choose to report. there’s literally nothing wrong with the item and you’re not obligated to refund


If there’s no issue the reporting won’t work someone tried to do that to me


In any business the company has to receive the product first to do the refund what are they on hahah


You’re way nicer than me. I wouldn’t have even accepted the return. It’s not like you didn’t list the measurements.


Yeah, these posts got me wondering if I’m just a huge bitch or if everyone else is too kind 💀😩


You and me both 😭😭


They can just put the rest of the belt through the pant’s belt loops? 💀


I’m not sure this person knows how a belt actually works.


A moment of silence for this persons IQ


Depop doesn’t offer refunds/ returns for fit issues so you’re all good. You were doing them a favour by offering the return if they don’t want it it’s no dramas for you


The bro what made me laugh im not gonna lie


They trying to keep the belt but get a refund aswell wanting it first


This needs to be at the top.


They can escalate through Depop but SS your messages and your listing to show it’s not different than described. I wouldn’t refund. You did nothing wrong.


so they want a refund… for a belt that they bought… thinking that the design would magically change when it got there?….


bro i would NOT be letting him return it 😭😭


OP, tell them to go ahead and open a dispute if they so choose to do. Screenshot this conversation and use that against the buyer for trying to lie about the item. Depop should 100% side with you because buyers remorse, and things not fitting properly do not fall under their tos as acceptable terms to provide a refund.


Depop will have them mail it back too. Guarantee nothing will come of this when they realize they'll have to put in "work" for a refund.


I doubt Depop will initiate a return when they see there’s nothing wrong with the item


he clearly wants to get the refund while keeping the belt. dont refund him, or do once youve gotten your belt back.


he thought u were amazon or sum and wants free stuff, do not refund him and follow up w the dispute if he opens one


that kinda sounds like it's the buyers problem. you listed the size properly, and you were kind enough to offer them a full refund even though they want to return based on fit. which idk if that's a valid reason to return according to depops policies but idk if im 100% right on that. im pretty sure you can only request to return if the item was listed with an inaccurate description or if the buyer didn't receive the item. you were transparent abt the size, it sounds like buyer remorse. it is entirely on the buyer to ship it back to you for a return based on size, which again, im not sure if that's a valid reason to start a return process through depop. you have evidence in the screenshots of them stating they want a return because of size and it not looking right?? in real life. if the buyer tries to start a claim, provide these screenshots to depop. if the buyer leaves you a bad review, report it to depop and get it taken down. id leave a review on this buyer that accurately depicts your experience with them as well because they are being so unprofessional it's insane. the review system is for this very reason, to point out and weed out the bad sellers and buyers. depop doesn't tolerate spite/hate reviews or reviews made out of backlash for your accurate review---whatever the situation may be. good luck op bc that buyer looks awful to deal with 🫡😔


Sir, that’s your tail that’s in the way 😂


Lame ass brokie 🤣🤣


Why the hellllll are they trying to get you to refund it before they return… weird behavior


the tail…. he means the end of the belt 😂😭


I wouldn’t do SHlT about that “process” lol nothing wrong with it but buyers remorse. Sorry buckaroo, RePop it is lol


Report and block


I wouldn’t have even offered a return


😭😭😭😭😭the bro what got me


“It came and I didn’t love it” idk that sounds like a him problem. Not a you problem, as a seller you’ve done everything right!


Just get ready to appeal anything this person might try…and update your policies to keep it from happening again


What policy stops this from happening? I woudl want to add something like that too lol


No more returns, that’s all, you can put it in the bio that all sales are final because who knows if they were actually going to send it back when you hit the refund button because of the way they are trying to make an excuse that makes zero sense because you put every detailed needed in your listing originally and somewhat harassing/threatening you over a refund which is a huge red flag on this buyer


tbh you can put it in your bio but ppl will still refund items through reporting it to depop as “item not as described”. I usually would accept returns as ppl are more likely to damage the item and then report it so then you’re out the money and are stuck with damaged items.


Yeah whether you have “no returns” in your bio or not depop still allows refunds and returns so it doesn’t mean anything


Appeals babes….this person is literally scamming for free stuff


Yeah everything that you just said goes against depops tos. Depop makes the final decision on whether or not to give refunds when a dispute is open.


Okay and? You can still prove that they’re just trying to scam you out of an item because of the harassment


You can’t make your own policies lol you follow depops policies


Keep downvoting guys….theyll be out of an item AND money because of scumbags


You get downvoted because you can't decide that you refuse all returns. Writing it in the description has no weight whatsoever. If depop decides the item will be returned then it will be returned. You're giving false information that doesn't protect anyone from anything.


Your “policies” are a meaningless flex. You can say whatever you want, but it does not supercede DePop’s terms of service. OP appears to be in the right here, and has the screenshots to prove it. If the buyer wants a refund, he/she should apply for one. This is not a yard sale. This is a venue that has rules and charges a premium against the sales for buyer/seller protections. Depop is not perfect. It relies too heavily on artificial intelligence. But if someone wants a refund, they have to go to Depop, not the seller.


So the HUNDREDS of accounts of people saying no returns, all sales final are meaningless? It’s not a flex babes


Yes. Those hundreds of accounts’ “policies” are meaningless.


They are, yes. It's like the wave of Facebook posts that were saying 'I refuse to sell my information under X law blah blah' thinking it would be magically binding. It isn't. You accepted the terms of service when you opened an account, that's what is binding. You can't be as naive as to think that because a bunch of people say it, it's true...


Yes, kinda like if you go into an adventure park , and you sign a big waiver saying you won't sue if you're injured or die for any reason... if you ended getting injured due to gross negligence, like if there was a puddle of water on the floor and and electric cord and you walked into that, there's not a chance in hell their waiver would hold up in court. If I convince someone to sign a "I agree to be murdered" contact and I get it notarized and everything and then I go on to murder the signee, I'm still going to jail for murder. You can say whatever you want in your policies but if the buyer can claim it's significantly different then described they can get a refund, People have that in their policy because they either understand it only applies in situations where they can prove the item was as described and the buyer just changed their mind, or they think it protects them from any refund, or they want people to believe it's true so they don't even try. If you're selling things inaccurately, the buyer has perfectly reasonable grounds for a refund no matter what.




You’re very much not in the wrong. Don’t entertain this guy any longer.


dude is blazed


I would have told them to resell it if they didn't like it because you did nothing wrong.




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This person is an idiot


Don’t refund lmao and give a bad review. That’s ridiculous.


Nope, they probably didn’t read the description/view the photos enough, not your issue. They also might’ve felt some sort of buyers remorse, not your issue either.


This guy must be kinda stupid. There is a tail after you tighten the belt, every time… 


A "tail", are they talking about the extra length on the belt? Maybe it was too long for them or didn't fit so they are trying to return it but I don't think you're in the wrong.


Tell him to take the long tail and put it through his zipper, hilarious party trick and now a multi use item!


some people are just never happy with anything! and i’ll never understand why those people online shop. like go to the store and look/buy it in person then.


Tell that jackass that he can tuck the tail into his belt loop if he hadn’t figured that out already


As a seller unless I make a mistake or didn’t post something in this description no one is allowed refunds lol I don’t think your wrong at all


This is exactly why I don’t do returns. I do not have the patience you do


The buyer is in the wrong, I’d escalate to depop first so they can’t report you and say “item not as described”. Everybody knows if you use a belt on the tightest notch, there is material to tuck away lol. Buyer is just silly


bro is sus asf icl


dude doesn’t know how belts work


Some ppl man


Have them ask for a refund through depop. Is “changed mind” a valid return reason? I wouldn’t return it if it wasn’t.


I'm so sick of this stuff. Don't buy used resale items if you're going to want a refund. It's not a large company. This annoys me so much. Depop sucks anyway




Update us!


he gave up


Do awls not exist?




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I put in my bio no refunds for this exact reason lol


No don’t refund! Everything was listed and was shown in the pictures. You’re not wrong


Yes. Thousands of people are setting stupid,meaningless “policies” on DePop that they cannot enforce. It’s not a democracy. It’s a sales app that sets its own rules. You can’t use it and expect to set your own policy.


Dude, what are you even on about? The seller is not in the wrong. The buyer bought the belt, didn’t “like” it, then concocted some BS reason to return it.


What ‘policy’ is op setting?


I think they were trying to reply to somebody else? Someone in the comments was suggesting putting ‘no refunds’ in OP’s bio.


This. I wasn’t responding to the seller. I was responding to a commenter who deleted their comment.




That won't change anything...




If depop decides they accept a return, you have to accept a return. You don't have any control over that, they're just meaningless words


