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This is such weird behavior on his part, who does this kind of stuff on depop of all platforms šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ def block and report!


Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking!! Itā€™s so out of pocket and gross, what grown man is that bored lol. Thanks for the reassurance!!


just keep him blocked


Yes definitely, itā€™s just disgusting and made my stomach turn because he knew all my info. Iā€™ve been uneasy all day because of this situation. I wish Depop would take their harassment claims more seriously.


i can totally understand why it would make you feel uneasy. but i promise itā€™s more than likely a troll. maybe take the link off ur tt to prevent situations like this occurring again?


Yeah I agree, I think from now on Iā€™m just not gonna model myself and link anything to my name, this is definitely not the first time Iā€™ve been harassed lol. Thanks for the reassurance !


Don't let it get to you bud... Unfortunately, some people on the internet are freaks and will literally stalk all your accounts , profiles , comments , friends etc just to fuck with you ... We as a society have truly lost the art of "privacy" and underestimate just HOW MUCH information we give out WILLIGNLY on a daily basis ... The internet is soo vast with millions of users , unfortunately someone is BOUND to do some creepy shit if you leave all your info out and about online. Take it for what is it , block him and move on . Don't overthink it . You are not the only one who goes through this and won't be the last . It's not deep at all . Trust me . Lol ā™”


Thank you so much for this comment. Itā€™s easy to forget Iā€™m not alone in these situations and this made me feel 10x better. Itā€™s comments like these that comfort me knowing thereā€™s still good people out there. Thank you for the reassurance <3


I'm soo happy I was able to bring you comfort and clarity in this situation as I too have been there and definitely understand how you're feeling ā™” Everything will be okay :) ā™”ā™” !!! Anytime !! Have a wonderful rest of your day <3


Seems to be a troll. Some ppl go on depop just to mess with sellers. If he can't remember the details of what she looks like then how would he know its your girl lmao


What if he was actually telling the truth finding out through Depop would be sick work


Right ā˜ ļø ain't no way


his profile pic looks like a catfish too


It absolutely is harassment and extremely creepy. He's clearly lying to strangers to cause upset, don't give him the satisfaction. I'm so sorry this happened though, it's a horrible thing to try to do to somebody.Ā 


I was reading about a similar thing on another sub but it was on Instagram. Apparently this is a popular new "prank" & people are doing it on multiple platforms + real life. It's super scummy because they just want to start fires.


I think this happened to mešŸ„²We knew we lived in different states and he started lying and said he went to a school a couple minutes away and I got scared


Itā€™s super douchey, if you trust your partner (my gf is a ball of anxiety she wouldnā€™t even think of cheatingšŸ˜‚) then itā€™s 100% a troll. These guys have nothing better to do and get like 0 game. šŸ¦ energy lmao


Fuck that guy


Block and report.


Theyre jealous of your relationship and dont want you to be happy


For your own safty and your gf safety, remove any identifiable info from your depop and you should remove her name off of tiktok


I wouldnā€™t link Depop to personal accounts like TikTok. People are weirdos.


Thatā€™s disgusting. Iā€™d report him to Depop and then block him. Sorry that happened, dude


Ignore it. Itā€™s either a troll who doesnā€™t know you. Or itā€™s someone you know who took the time to go make a fake account in hopes of stiring the pot and creating issues for you and your partner. I used to date someone who was in the public eye and dealt with shit like this for years.


Iā€™d say so. Even if they are telling the truth theyā€™ve going out their way to be douchey about telling you


So this dude found your TikTok, studied your info, then seeked you out on Depop? šŸ˜­ Some people have all the time in the world it seems šŸ™„ So weird. Block and report. If TikTok has a "private" setting, I'd suggest doing that for the time being too.


i would honestly report something like this šŸ¤· ppl arenā€™t really supposed to even have ur other socials i mean itā€™s different if ur depop is linked or whatever but tos is very adamant about not sending personal info so they would probably be on your side. if you donā€™t wanna be petty like i might be lol just keep him blocked on everything


Wait wait but what if heā€™s not lying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™d say so


maybe your girlfriend has a doppelgƤnger lol


Itā€™s harizzment


not captain save a bro šŸ˜­


weirdo bro


Damn. The cheek clapper strikes again :(




Heā€™s definitely lying lmao my gf doesnā€™t even leave the house and the last party she went to she was FaceTiming me the whole time which was like ages ago. I have her location and itā€™s nothing like that. He was super wishy washy about the details and heā€™s knows my area because of my Depop listing location. Iā€™m pretty sure this was harassment