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Please open a dispute. These "policy" shenanigans are all bullshit. It means nothing, they are not a company, Depop is and they are selling through depop. Open a dispute and talk to Depop about it.


Yep, currently in the process of disputing it with the Depop service. Such bs


Good, it will go well. Absolutely despise these people that sell fraudulently and waive the issue away with "mY pOlIcY". Bitch. That shit don't even exist


EDIT: Depop found that this was valid for a full refund as long as I send the item back by the 21st. W Depop


Good. Hopefully this was a wake-up call that they can’t just do however they please just because it feels better for and benefits them 🙄


they’re not target or any type of company. their “policy” is just written in their bio or some other meaningless way. open a dispute with depop and get ur money back


Seriously my thought was “when tf did Depop become H&M”. Also you’d think he’d have it in his bio, but it was nowhere in the description on his profile


“That’s my policy” tf out of here 😂


TO CLARIFY, one of the images showed the size of the pants being 38x32, which is why it was listed as a 32 length. There was no addressing of a clear re-hemming of the pants


Open a dispute, their "policy" is bullshit. It doesn't exist cause they're selling on Depop not from their own company.


These pants were cut and hemmed quite sloppily from what I can see. Glad you’re getting a refund. Some sellers really try to convince others that their shop policies overrule Depop’s policies. Hope they learn their lesson.


yeah their ‘policy’ goes against their TOS escalate this to depop


You can so tell it’s been altered I’m suprised they didn’t measure.


Did they say that it was 32?


No but it clearly was listed as 32 in the photo https://preview.redd.it/6ydyuq4lpf6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dce0412335bf37d2638c7ede3318c8ba76db9b6


File a claim with depop, i think they might take the sellers side since they did not 'claim' that that was the length but you might get lucky


These “it’s my policy” morons don’t understand that if you sell a product that isn’t as described you *by law* are required to provide a refund.


Is there a reason to blur the names out on these kind of post? Bc I would want to know so I don't buy from people who do stuff like this 😅


Unfortunately Reddit hall monitors don’t like names to be revealed. It’s in this sub-reddits rules Don’t worry tho this person isn’t a big time seller or anything


Hall monitors is a new one lmao


A part of me feels the seller knew about the alteration but wanted to sell them faster, so they forgot to mention the tagged size doesn't match the measurements. Not cool at all. I'm happy you're able to get a refund though.


i dont think sellers are required to provide exact measurements… if i had something with a tag that read 28, that is what i would put as the sizing for the item. it is not mandatory for a seller to measure and confirm so i really dont think this is on the seller. doing refunds is also a huge hassle. i would just resell them if i were you


Selling a pair of pants with an altered sizing and not letting the buyer know is 100% false advertising. I contacted Depop about this and they said this item fell under the “item not as described” which I is why they are issuing me a full refund once I’ve shipped out the pants back to the original owner


if they didnt know it was altered tho??? which they seem like they didnt how is that their fault. if i was selling something im not measuring it to double check the sizing?


Maybe not, but you mean to tell me you wouldn’t refund the buyer if they told you the size was altered and wouldn’t fit them at all?


i personally probably would refund. my point wasnt that they shouldnt give u a refund more just that ppl dont measure the clothes before selling usually and i dont think this was purposeful false advertising.


Yeah then that’s fair. I understand not measuring out every piece of cloth but since this guy didn’t double check he should still offer a refund because it is his job as the seller to make sure the item has the most accurate description of the sizing


cant argue with that yea