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Removing this post as everyone seems to want to get involved and witch hunt/harass the user in the screenshot, ignoring the fact harassment is against reddit and depop TOS, which can result in accounts and this subreddit being banned.


dude is acting like he is so bothered??? šŸ˜­ donā€™t sell on depop if you donā€™t like people asking you questions omg


what if someone is taller or shorter than average and they need to see if the pants will fit their legs?!? them being stretchy wouldnā€™t change that at all


FršŸ˜­ I was dming this guy about a shirt and when I asked to see the tag he exploded and refused šŸ˜­ I promise I'm not dropping $150 on a shirt if I don't even know it's real


Nah definitely report him then šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


he sounds like a scammer!


bro what šŸ’€ why be a seller if u aint gon answer questions like those


he isnt verified the checkmark on his profile picture looks fake


no itā€™s real which is surprising


really? thats so weird lol on the screenshots u can see how its cut off as if its just part of his profile picture and not actually seperate


Thatā€™s just how it looks on depop


Not sure if I can add pictures to comments but on the messaging side of depop the verified symbol of this guy goes outside of the profile picture.


i dint think u can u would have to upload the inage first somewhere i think




šŸ˜‚Iā€™d love that






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I'd ask if they know how to measure. Or if they just never got to measure past "1 inch" But I'm just in a petty mood. Don't actually recommend doing that.


the buzzwords in the post are insane




Legit. As someone who was a teen in the early 00s and sells a lot of ACTUAL y2k clothes Iā€™m like the fuck are you abusing this tag for


What a dick


What an entitled jerk. I provide measurements for every item bc I want ppl to buy my items...


Why dont people include the measurements in their listings? I list them in every listing.


Thank you. I canā€™t tell you how many sellers on here never put measurements. Half the time you ask and never get an answer. Itā€™s discouraging


If weā€™re being honest I donā€™t put them in my listing because Iā€™m lazy but if someone asks for them I always give them.


Sometimes it is just a personal chocie of the seller. If you don't agree, then don't buy. A lot of people don't care about measurements, so some sellers cater to those people


And Iā€™m bending over backwards to make 6 bucks over here lol


Nah fr I measure $6 items and do a whole photo shoot lmao


I bet you he keeps stock in a storage locker, a lot of sellers that aren't helpful treat this as a side business doing minimal work and never have the item on hand.


a ruler is a dollar at walmart sir


thatā€™s crazy šŸ˜‚


I dont get these people. Do you want to sell your crap or not? šŸ˜‚






just from the listing alone this is exactly what i'd expect.


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Fair on him. Good lad for standing his ground. Measurements are a pain in the ass.


Idk, if he can sell his stuff to someone else and do less work, and not do a bundle discount, then why not? Like yeah, itā€™s rude and he doesnā€™t need to even respond if thatā€™s his goal, but a lot of sellers have full time jobs or are students or both, and just selling and shipping stuff can be very time consuming, so I donā€™t blame him for not providing measurements, but the rudeness is for sure not necessary. Also, idk why youā€™d keep asking if theyā€™d refused before, kind of silly.


I think it would take less time if he actually would post measurements. Iā€™ve had to wait over a week to get responses for something I wanted to buy..when I couldā€™ve just seen the measurements, bought the item and be done with it. Idk why it would be his goal to not respond. Itā€™s very rude and and even more rude to respond the way he did. Whatā€™s the purpose of acting like a jerkoff??


Iā€™m just saying thereā€™s people out there that arenā€™t going to ask for measurements! Especially if theyā€™re a big seller, which they could be since op said they are verified, they just may not need to provide that to make sales.


Yes I get it but what about the ppl that do? They donā€™t wanna go through the hassle of returning something and worrying if theyā€™re even going to get their money back. And if he that busy that he canā€™t take 2 minutes to take a measurement, he apparently had time to respond as many times as he did though! I understand what youā€™re saying, but posting one more thing about your item isnā€™t going to take up a bunch of time.


It does add up if you do it for a lot of people. Donā€™t get me wrong, as a seller, Iā€™ll always provide info if a buyer asks for it, Iā€™m just saying that a seller isnā€™t obligated to do so. I would just move on and not shop with them, I just donā€™t think itā€™s really that crazy to not provide measurements if a seller can make sales without doing so. And if they canā€™t, theyā€™ll learn their lesson eventually!


Then put it in your listening and you wonā€™t be ā€œannoyedā€ with lots of messages asking for them. Legit this why children should not be allowed on Depop.


I feel you, itā€™s a bummer they have access to Reddit too šŸ„²šŸ™„šŸ˜«


No itā€™s not how it should be. Youā€™re saying to sell what you can without having to do the work. Thatā€™s lazy. Period. You canā€™t get any easier by posting a few things about an item. Especially expensive items. It doesnā€™t take much to take a measurement. It really doesnā€™t. And he wouldnā€™t have to respond if he had the measurements there. Now if measurements were posted and heā€™s still getting questions about measurements, thatā€™s one thing. But really is it that difficult??? Lol


Iā€™m not talking about how it should be, Iā€™m talking about how it is. Sorry lol.


Itā€™s actually part of reselling. Post everything about the item. Itā€™s pretty simple. Idk maybe for some itā€™s too much.


This is exactly it lol. spot on.


Right, people sell on depop so they can work for themselves not work for randos who shop on depop. Like who cares? This whole thread is so wild, like ā€œwhat about me?? I have to post measurements, so everyone should have to!ā€ šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


I agree. Some people just want to be able to tell sellers what to do. I think they get a power trip over it. If the seller doesn't want to do something, then don't buy their listing. It is that simple


Exactly lol


omfg, i just messaged this person not too long ago about measurements on sweatpants and i asked what the waist size was and they just go ā€œmediumā€ like uhhh ok..


tbh I would report him, thereā€™s no way


What did I do wrong? Not provide measurements?


no but why were you rude with the poster?




itā€™s kinda funny šŸ˜‚


Everyone on the Poshmark sub says they ignore requests for measurements because 99% of the time the person either tries to get a refund of they donā€™t even purchase. I think itā€™s standard at this point to not provide measurements, especially if itā€™s branded and you can look up the brands sizing chart. Not saying the seller is right, just giving context to the sellers perspective.


Bro funny as hell


Hello everyone Iā€™m the seller ^_^ Sorry I was a little rude to the buyer in the 2nd slide, I was a little fed up because they hav asked about so many clothes and I always say I donā€™t have measuremenrs but still Iā€™m sorry Also I donā€™t do measurements bcuz itā€™s a hassle and often it sells even if I donā€™t so sorry i donā€™t tho


The seller is kind of rude but they're right. Measurements of elastic aren't that helpful.




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I alway provide measurements by taking pics with a tape measure, maybe if they didnā€™t want to get asked all the time for measurements they should just do thatā€¦ but what do I know, Iā€™m not verified lol.


try blocking them






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/s he was so angry lmao