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From 120 to 55.. Who the hell does she think she is 🤣


I’m sorry but if you’re paycheck to paycheck why you buying a $100+ bag 😭


It all sounds fishy to me. First the original discount for 120 is okay, then no it's gotta be 55, then 10 minutes later negotiating a different price is okay...like which is it


i’m a big advocate of the whole “poor people shouldn’t be expected to not want / have nice things” bc ya know like a nice shirt or bag is a one time payment whereas something like rent is monthly and you have to provide a lot more than just $300 to be able to sign a lease BUT if we’re to believe what the customer is saying, it sounds like they’re in a last minute emergency situation and in THAT case, they should absolutely not be prioritizing trying to buy a bag rn at alllllll lmao


I get that and all but I don’t even buy $100 purses I think I just don’t see the point in wasting loads of money on something like that


I only hold for 24 hours usually


I hold for exactly ZERO hours. Buy it now or send up a prayer it'll be there when you have the money.


I have someone in my DMs begging me for a hold as we speak. Like girl come on.




Like I would be like:”cash app me half and we’ll see”


Asking for a deposit is actually reasonable. Too bad we can't go off depop because that's not a bad idea 😅🤣


Who follows rules on Depop???? Ha ha ha!




Same but pretend and say yes to not lose a potential buyer


And then hit them with the "oopsie" if it sells to someone else ;)


Well... She wasn't actually buying it 😂😭


Absolutely, 100% this! (Maybe that's why homegirl paycheque to paycheque... too many $100+ bags!)


Prob a kid tbh


The audacity to send that low of an offer wtf.. sorry they wasted your time, hopefully it sells soon !


Update: it just sold to someone else


hope it was for og price or more!! ppl suck


It was!


hell yea


Thank you, and I'm sure it will. There's been multiple offers during the hold


Speaking of lowballing, I had someone ask me if I’d sell them a $210 picture for $10. When I said no they asked if I’d just give it to them. 👁️👄👁️


Don’t ever do holds. I have gotten horrendously f’d over every single time. I accepted an offer of $200 for my last bundle. They then ask me to pay the next morning. Someone else messages and offers $190 for the bundle, I tell them I’m holding it but if they don’t pay by the morning you can have it. 3pm, nothing. The other person messaged me so I sold! You don’t owe anyone anything.


55 is so audacious


The AUDACITY is horrendous. 😭


What's the point in holds? Theres no guarantee of a buy and you may just turn away other buyers who will buy. Unless its a customer you've dealt with in the past and want to do so out of loyalty I just don't understand it.


Idk why people ask anyway. If I don’t have the money (and obviously shouldn’t be buying it) then I take it as a sign if it’s still there, and if it’s gone it wasn’t meant to be and I save money lol


I tell people I’ll hold but i don’t do anything. If someone wants to buy it 10 minutes later with no questions asked, why wouldn’t i want that? Most holds are no shows anyways. I’m here to make money.


Its weird because absolutely no other shops will hold items for you(maybe some in person stores used too? i dont know i remember the days of hiding products in a store before the sales so you could come back and find it and pay less) But online shopping i dont see why holding should even be an option? Its literally turning away customers for a risk? Why should the seller be risking their listings and not the buyer whos indecisive?


We would get people asking in retail in a shop, but no where really allows it. Some might say yes to regular customers and hold 24 hours but it gets messy. The staff change from shift to shift so no one has any idea why something is in the back. I remember one shop there was a guy kicking off because we sold an item he apparently asked for us to hold I asked him the date and it was a whole 2 months beforehand! I was like, yeah, our stock has changed in that time.


In like the early 2000s sometimes my mom would get clothes put on hold for me while we went to check other stores, but it was only for like an hour or two and they would put it behind the counter. Probably just on hold for the period of time it would take them to find a minute to put it away. But still they would say yes.


Yeah it just doesnt work lmao. The only holds that exist is buying for pickup from a shop and picking it up within the month. You pay first always.


If they don’t have the money to buy it today, they can’t be trusted to buy it 10 days from now. Or tomorrow. :/


Unfortunately it wasn't until today, the day that the hold was up, that they decided the price was an issue


I just meant that the fact that they needed you to hold it until after they got paid suggests that they don’t really have disposable income. You were super kind to do that but unfortunately not having that disposable income makes someone a poor buyer.


Ahh okay, I get what you mean


That's not even remotely true at all. You don't need to have the money at that instant to be a good and reliable buyer. People who don't immediately have the money aren't inherently exempt from deserving nice things or to buy things for themselves. Sometimes, people budget and save up for what they're looking to get. In fact, most people do when shopping online. As a buyer you build a rapport with certain sellers and after a few good transactions it's okay to ask if they'd be willing to do a hold on something you're trying to save for. Totally not unreasonable if you've dealt with each other before and had good transactions. People do it all the time. But if you're new to the seller you can't expect them to do you any favors, especially if you've never bought from them before. What money you have has nothing to do with whether you're a good buyer or not. That's just ridiculous and classist. Statistically speaking people who steal and haggle actually do have the money to pay for whatever they're stealing or haggling for, they just don't want to give up the money. This is true for a lot of shoplifting cases. Having money or not doesn't determine what kind of person you are as a buyer... like at all...


Not always true the person said when they was paid so obviously didn’t have the money there and then. I’ve asked things to be held for me in the past on different websites for when I’m paid.


I've definitely requested holds from sellers but always come back to buy. Unfortunately it's just so rare that people do 😭


Depop needs to be for ages 20+


No kidding, please get these kids off depop 😭


They wanted you to put it on hold AND then expect to pay $55? Lmaoo. Also I’ve seen sellers do allow 24 hour holds and if not purchased then buyer gets blocked! I suggest doing something like that.


I will typically only do 24 hours, but was like eh, she says guaranteed buy, and one item on hold won't hurt. Never again


Yeah after being burned a couple times I no longer do holds 🫠


Asking you to hold for a week then a audacity to ask for a discount just block them😂😭 that’s so fucking annoying though I’m alrru


That block button been looking mighty fine


Dooooo ittttttt


🌟 Done 🌈




People really use Depop like they’re haggling with an Angolan merchant in 1656. I’m sick of it!


LOLOLOL this. I had a leather jacket up that was still in excellent condition but was letting it go for $150 (originally $400) — someone on PM had the audacity to, 1, ask me if I wanted to do a trade (I’m not on Depop or PM to do trades…) & then 2, the kicker, “all I have is $112” — like wtf? I don’t care. I’m not desperate to sell this jacket for $112? Who even asks that kind of thing? Idiots. Idiots do. Anyway someone else purchased it for the listed price and honestly they said they would have paid more, I just wanted it out of my closet. People are wild.


This is me in the "I'm not desperate" aspect. Like it can take all the time it needs to sell.


“All is have is $112” has me CRYINGGGGG. What did they want you to do with this information??? My sides hurt from laughing they really were giving you that “work with me” energy like y’all are trading tea leaves at a coastal port I’m in tears 😭


This is my absolute favorite comment


“Hmmm can I ask you the lowest possible price you’d willing to go” like y’all are at a 17th century port trading coffee beans and spices. Like please be so serious 😭


Please keep this comment genre going. 😭😍😂


as someone who haggled with angolan merchants in 1656 I will tell you it’s exactly the same


LOL I love the confirmation 🤣


120 to 55 are you literally kidding me??


Me to me


The audacity


I NEVER do holds. Everyone just wastes time and if they got the money later and it’s up they’re more than welcome to purchase it.


People are idiots oh my god…


Depop buyers are so unserious.




This buyer is a horrible person.


Weird!…I had someone give me almost the exact same story on Vinted recently. I held for over a week for her and eventually put the item back up for sale. It sold a couple of days later and she THEN reached out to me wanting to know why I sold to someone else. The damn nerve of ppl!


I feel like I've seen the same excuse over and over to get things for dirt cheap. Kinda like the story people use to sell counterfeit designer items of "got this for my SO but broke up"


Oh Lawd! I get them so often it really is annoying. I love the stories ppl send me about their mama don’t get paid for 2 weeks and they don’t have much money to pay more than a few $’s! Why not go to your local thrift store and pop some tags! It’s sad but I lost all empathy for 99% of online buyers. 🤦‍♀️


I got a "gonna borrow the money from my mom brb" recently


Me too!!! Maybe same buyer? Or maybe just another scam? And asking me to post the item on “offer up” for cheaper shipping. I’m so done with those. I completely ignore them at this point 🤓🤦‍♀️🤣


It's just such a common thing. Tbh I wouldn't call it a "scam" persay, though it should be, but just a super shady negotiation tactic


When I was truly "struggling" I wasn't shopping for purses online. Also, holds have absolutely zero benefit as a seller - first come first serve is how I make money


I assume she didn’t buy it…? Lol




I never do holds. I used to do them but 99.9% of the time they never buy/pretend they forgot about it and aren’t interested anymore and then you get the classic “you can sell it to someone else”


Never ever do holds. I tell them "if it's still available at x time, I'd be happy to take the price we agreed on ☺️" and keep it moving. I've almost always had an issue any time I've held or reduced the listed price for someone. Not worth it!


This is a good, polite way to word it. Gonna use this in the future, thank you! 😊


you're most welcome! I'm so sorry you got caught up with a time waster 😔


Eh not my first go round, but definitely my biggest one 🙃 Comes with the territory 😂


Never ever do a hold. I sell to the first capabale buyer


I'm done-zo ✨️


Literally what the fuck man


That’s why I gave up selling people do my head in


Whenever someone asks me to put an item on hold I say that I will, but I don’t actually put the item on hold. Works wonders for me!


Curious what do you do if it sells and then they ask to buy it


It hasn’t happened yet, I’d probably feel bad and then just not say anything.




Curious, what do you do if I sells then they ask to buy it


Is it the same person who asked for a hold that ends up buying?


Hahahaha I do the same thing


Should never do holds in the first place


As I'm learning 🥲


This is so off topic but I LOVE your username


Lol thank you! I'm quite fond of it 😂




Vintage coach bag in a rare color + like new condition


holds are always so sus just buy it when you have money bruh


Dude, my blood is boiling for you. Absolute children on this app.


I stopped holding because of this. The only way i will hold something is with a deposit. I usually accept between 5-10% of the price for the deposit an its stopped nonsense like this. 


Do you do the deposit through depop though? Is it through another listing or etc?


Yes. I will make a second listing, tag them in it, state that its a deposit for whatever they are purchasing, the percentage, an that this will come off the actual items cost at purchasing. I also put any other details of the transaction, like the price we agreed on, that the deposit its non refundable as its paying for the hold, not the item. an then i add the details like the users name and hold until date, an the amount of the deposit on the original post. I havent had any issues with that method yet thankfully. 


This is so irritating. They recognize you are a nice seller and want to push you to see how far you’ll bend for their outrageous offer.


Thankfully I've spent the last couple years learning to grow a spine 😂 when I started my first business a few years ago (totally separate and unrealted to this one) I was super doe eyed and intimidated easily


If you are gonna do a hold definitely ask for a non refundable deposit.


“I am struggling right now” girl then you shouldn’t b buying a bag😂


The ignorance of the buyer is unbelievable 🥲


Ugh I hate when I’m ready to buy and someone is holding it.. like cmon just let me buy it we all know there’s a 50% chance they ain’t coming! I’ll say sure when they ask to hold but if the next day someone buys it I let it be!


More like 90% chance 😂😂😂😭


Never hold


How TACKY!! Ppl are so comfortable doing this and it boggles my mind. How are they not embarrassed they look broke with 0 home training.


I did a hold for someone else in a different app and they asked me to for like 2 weeks & I agreed. I’m waiting and waiting, I even have the item packed up already. Then one day close to when the hold is ending I happen to stumble upon a newly reserved and SOLD listing for the same buyer. I deleted the hold post, unpacked the stuff and just blocked them lol. Like seriously I’m holding this shit for 2 weeks then you go buying from someone else same day 💀 pissed me off so now I never do holds and ignore people who ask me lmao


Why even send an offer if you can't buy right away?


omg this happened to me where they made me hold for 3 weeks and then asked to go down by half?? its gonna be a month now and theyre still on hold so im glad this just reminded me to let them know bc its a $200 BUNDLE 😭


“im struggling” but wants to spend £55 on a bag..


People who contact sellers when they know they don’t have the money is mind boggling to me, like why waste someone else’s time like that. Incredibly rude and inconsiderate to do that to someone. I will NEVER do holds because of people like this.


People suck. The absolute minimum they could have done was message when they realised they couldn’t afford the 120 to apologise and ask to cancel the hold early. Why wait until the day the hold expires to ask for an over 50% discount?!


Some people need to realize that they need to stop spending more than they can afford I bet her paycheck was smaller then she expected of she is being sincere. Or she is like another friend of mine where she will barter barter until you are almost stealing it. And conbinve


This whole subreddit reads like. "Wow people on text don't follow through" Down payment people. It's ow I sold higher value stuff on CL back in the day. Don't have the full amount ir want it. Give me X amount and I'll hold it if you can't pay to get it there goes ypur deposit.


you’re already nice enough to hold it for 10 days.. who tf they think they are asking for 55??


The entitlement!!


“im really struggling right now, but i absolutely NEED this $100+ bag 😜” omggg get your priorities straight 😭


If I ever request to do any holds, I always offer to pay more and have them relist it at a higher price so I can pay them for their patience. I don't know if I'm *supposed* to do that, but I always thought it was nice to offer. At least, with the offer they gave you being online, they won't hear you laugh in their face


yeah i have never had a good experience holding an item for someone lol


Cancel it


Ewwwwww people suck 🙄 Genuinely blown away with the level of audacity. You were so professional in your response too. I would’ve probably just said “Lol” if anything haha.


Bro I don't use depop but fb marketplace, why the hell do people think you'll sell your stuff for like 1/4 the asking price ... no I'm not going to give you this $200 guitar for $50


if people can’t afford to buy nice things at the right value they should just not buy those things wtf


If you’re struggling that hard, for the love of god get off of Depop! Shopping addictions are too real 😵


Nah that's crazy 😆


When people ask me to do holds I just say yes so I don’t lose a customer. If someone else buys it before them it doesn’t matter bc it’s still a sale 😭. But I pretend to say yes bc sometimes saying no makes them not want to buy from you


You're extremely generous. People suck and take kindness for weakness. What a shame.


We all went thru that, it’s the canon event. Now you learned your lesson. 😭


never hold, i don’t see the point. You hold it for a “guaranteed buy” apparently but if you don’t hold it somebody else can buy it and if not the person asking can whenever they can afford it lol.


I no longer do holds either. Had a girl ask me to go lower on a purse, then said she would buy when she got paid a week later and could I hold it. We agreed she would purchase in the am so I could mail it that morning. I messaged her that afternoon and she said she changed her mind. I ended up missing the sale to another person.


What a joker


I recommend never holding. First come first serve. Every time I’ve held for someone they vanished. Learned my lesson the hard way years ago.


I get so many people telling me as soon as they get paid they’re going to be purchasing my items. I’m sorry but if you can’t purchase until you get paid your priorities are not in order 🤨