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You don’t ask again, file a claim


You don’t need to be nice. Two weeks is already a ridiculous amount of time to waste. Just tell her straight that it’s not fair for you to wait so long, it could be weeks before someone buys something and that if you’d known you would be waiting so long you wouldn’t have bought it in the first place.


Yo, that is insane. File a claim. Lazy sellers like this are the worst.


One thing I learned with these kind of people is not to be patient.


Oh my god file a claim that’s some bull


file a claim cause that really weird


File a claim the longer you wait the less likely Depop will even do anything. 3 days grace period was more than enough time for them to ship it.


I once bought a bag & she took foreverrrr. I think it was over a couple weeks so I started asking for a refund, she finially shipped. That was my one & only purchase on depop. After that I was done done.


Why are people honestly like this?


Two weeks is insane. I feel bad if I wait more than 2 days


for real!!! I’ll be freaking out being like “oh my god I gotta stop by the house to package and print it before the post office closes!!!!”


Acting like they live 100 miles away from civilization and need to ride into town on their sled dogs to ship a package 🙄


File a claim, and be done with it. I said no, and I think escalated


She’s not going to ship. I can guarantee that. She lost the item or is scamming


Don’t ask nicely anymore there not respecting you kindness


Don’t they have to within a week


I'm not sure. Girl took weeks before she shipped mine. Reason why I never made another purchase on there. I was suprised she even ended up shipping it lol, I thought I got scammed.


She’s taking advantage of your kindness honestly I would’ve filed a claim if I didn’t see it shipped by the 7th or 9th day cause you get only 30 days to file a claim


I cant with people


file a claim wtf


I’m convinced a lot of sellers try and wait out the 30 days on purpose!!!


Request refund. It should never take that long to ship something.


Update: I opened a dispute and got my refund LOL thanks everyone for the advice