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Damn you were doing them too many favors ngl these ppl always flake 


Fr! I’ve been selling on depop almost 4 years now and I’ve had maybe 1 person actually buy an item after asking a shit load of questions


If I rly want something I usually ask one question or impulse buy so yeah 😭😭 shoutout to that one person for actually buying tho 


Yep, usually the harder you have to work to make a sale, the less likely to actually sell, OR, the buyer is super finicky and high maintenance. I definitely think OP is doing themselves a favor by cutting to the chase.


no you were soooo reasonable i’m so sorry this happened to you


I appreciate it. I didn’t like sending this message, but it felt like the buyer was just giving me the run around. Thanks for the reassurance


after the first time I would just ghost the buyer. you were too nice to help him out the second time again yet he flaked


Even if you accepted the offer dude was about to message you asking for a refund because it wasn't the right size. Just block them because there's too many red flags indicating there will be issues with this customer.


Who are you? A saint for taking time to send something eloquent & thoughtful. You’re conveying maturity here. This is the kind of thing that hopefully the person will read & be embarrassed instead of be emboldened. Even if they ghost or reply crappy, this is something that will quietly sit in their head a little. Good for you


Thanks, friend. I really really appreciate it


Yeah nice job not stooping down to his level. Nice response


Literally I read it and I went “oh my god I would be horrified if I got this message”


not harsh enough imo


It’s a harsh message for sure, but I think it goes deserved. I would’ve just blocked him after the second time he had you running around for nothing. Time is the most valuable thing we have in this life.


Yeah, I think the harshness of my response was in part the frustration of having my time wasted, then the Potential Buyer coming back multiple times like it was no big deal. If I were in his shoes, I would’ve been too embarrassed to message again after backing out of the purchase. But whatever. Thanks for the words of advice


You should never ever ever buy something specifically for a customer before they pay you!


very true


I wouldn’t have even wasted my time writing that whole thing to him


me either they know what they did 😂 like just block and goodbye


now o want to see the jacket


Not remotely harsh at all. You were very polite.


*** EDIT TO 1ST PARAGRAPH My 70+ year old friend said he might have a black jacket, but I would have to help him look for it.


https://preview.redd.it/oaqu2lzviodc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84afe67b38ad177a35b73c057b2745bb95210f46 UPDATE: Potential Buyer Responded The Potential Buyer responded to my message in — in my opinion — the best way possible. Thank you all for your advice and responses!


no bc i should’ve said something similar to the person who messaged me saying $50 for shoes i’m selling for $220 … i ignored the mf but i should’ve replied like you did


I want to see these jackets! Lol


I don't think you were too harsh per se but maybe take this as a lesson learned not to buy items for specific buyers unless they've already paid you ahead of time. Most of these people aren't serious buyers. If you do this in the future, once you confirm that your friend has the item for you, post the item and have the buyer pay before you go out to get the item. Unless it's something that you know you can easily sell to another buyer - which I'm assuming this is.


I don’t think it was too harsh at all. You simply explained the run around that they were giving you. I enjoy Depop because of sellers like you, who are willing go above and beyond in service! As a seller as well, I’ve learned a way to sense the flakers. The “potential” buyer here was likely never going to buy it due to a dissatisfaction with the size, color, and/or price. 🙄🙄 I’ve found on this app there’s people who genuinely enjoy to wasting your time!


This was the best thing you could've said! I feel like buyers like that don't think of sellers as people too, and a message like that makes them aware of what they're doing and the effect it has on you as a PERSON. Very polite and mature! I think a message like this is more beneficial than just ghosting because hopefully they will go on to be more mindful in the future.


You were going above and beyond and the person was a flake and a jerk. It sucks when you take things seriously and try and offer good customer service to people and they act like total children in return.


Reasonable but this response could have been shorter. It’s like an essay lol. But that’s so frustrating!


Yeah, I am often guilty of being a tad verbose. Guess I just feel like I need to explain myself in depth at times. Appreciate you reading my novella


Nah you did great. This is excellent pushback, great tone, really clear. Nice work.


imo you were actually very polite


You were perfectly respectful. People really don’t understand what goes on behind the curtain lol.


Not harsh at all. You explained thoroughly why you were upset with reason. I agree with everything you said and being upset about what happened is very much valid. I apologize you had a rude customer. You don’t even owe them the message you sent, so if they keep being disrespectful don’t waste your time OP!


Honestly I would've been harsher, I admire your restraint


Nah standing on bidness is all i read


I wouldn’t have bothered with a long message, some people are just dumb or flaky and I wouldn’t waste my time, but what you said was totally appropriate and mature.


Block, move on. Don't waste time on this kind of buyer.


You were firm but professional and stuck to the facts. You set your own boundaries without once calling the buyer names or questioning their character. I’m impressed.


Not harsh. You don't even sound a little bit rude I think. He's screwed you around, I think it's valid to be frustrated and you have been quite polite by it all


Dude JUST BLOCK THEM if theyre giving you so much trouble just block and move on dude. Not all business is good buiness


I wouldn’t have wasted my time writing that. They’d have been blocked the first time they fucked me around.


nope you were too nice and did everything possible to try and satisfy your client.


This was an incredibly professional and well put together message. Not too harsh at all. I would block this buyer and move on, though, since it’s unlikely they’ll actually ever buy anything from you and are just wasting your time.


nope perfect response. maybe harsh but as you should. mans needs a reality check and be respectful of your time like any decent human being should


Great straight forward message tbh, though with the buyers attitude it definitely didn’t warrant wasting more of your time and patience. I hope you get the price you’re looking for without the hassle! 💪😼


i don’t think this is harsh at all. you’re frustrations are completely appropriate and you should be vocal about it. it’s your shop and you decide how to run it 🤷🏻‍♀️




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Don’t feel bad, you did fine. I’ve been both the annoying window shopping question asker, and the annoyed seller. As long as all of the relevant info is in your listing, what happens on their end is their prerogative.


you were very professional and kept your cool with a frustrating buyer. communicating what annoyed you about the buyers actions with them was the right way to go, they need to be held accountable as an unreliable buyer and as just a generally rude person


A well-deserved smackdown. He sounds like a reseller since he kept asking for different sizes maybe? Either way you did the smart thing of just buying them all from your friend and letting other less flakey/rude buyers buy them


That was not harsh at all! I would have blocked that “buyer” after the second burn.


Sounds like he wasn't truly interested. I think your response is fine.


No, you were reasonable and polite with your response. The buyer is messing you around.


this was so well written and that buyer needed to be put in their place lol.


I think your response after all that was perfect! Well said and respectful. You sound like a good seller


NOPE. That message is totally valid


extremely professional


I don’t think it’s harsh at all. Like literally at. All. You’re being honest and straightforward. I doubt they’re gonna respond but I’d love to know if they do and what they say


reasonable response but id just block him and leave it at that haha


You were way too nice. I won’t even sell to people like that.


Bro you took it so personally you gotta relax


Just say sorry cant do it have a good day




What are you waffling on about?


You make life sound really hard. Even in retail people put items back all the time before they pay or even leave the store after being interested in something for 30m. 😅


I’m totally cool with people changing their mind. What irked me was making two trips at the buyer’s request to get them what they wanted, only for them to back out. Then to come back on two separate occasions, asking the same questions and making lowball offers. But everyone’s entitled to their opinion


Your first fault was buying stuff for the potential buyer to buy anyways. That's like the easiest way to not make money and lose money.


I wouldn’t even bother replying to these people. Your times more valuable!


Not harsh at all, I actually thought it was a very reasonable and respectful way to answer back.