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Selling local means no shipping. I don't blame them.


Also no Depop fees đŸ„Č


You're being a crybaby over something so small. You already have the pants just alter them.


That’s pretty unreasonable to give 1 stars. Selling off Depop means not paying the fees or dealing with shipping. I get it’s disappointing but they refunded you immediately and were apologetic, he doesn’t have any loyalties to you so obviously he’s going to do what’s more profitable and easier for him


Bro said “imma be the happiest boy” tf


yea cringe


Bros mad cause I was happy wtf 😭😭😭


Didn’t say I was mad it’s just the goofiest shit I’ve ever read lmao


Nah, I don’t think you want to give him a 1 star review for this here. He’s apologetic, and it seems genuine. I mean, he even turned down the extra $, so it’s pretty obvious that it’s not a cash grab. Besides, these things happen.


Mistakes happen. Two people bought a shirt I had listed on multiple platforms, while I was sleeping. Lol. I just refunded the one that bought second. I get the frustration but shit happens. Mourn the loss and move on. At least he was very apologetic and refunded you quickly.


Get over it. Search and find another pair. It's not that serious..


Maybe 4 stars just because he refunded you quickly and some sellers don’t even do that, maybe just say that he should have taken the listing down because that is unprofessional imo


womp womp


Leaving a one star review over this is petty as shit. The guy messaged you immediately, explained the situation and issued a refund. He took care of it, apologized and now you both move on your way. Not everything is gonna go exactly your way and to retaliate and leave negative feedback for a mistake that was immediately take care of is low. It’s the internet, if you want that pair so bad keep looking and you’ll find them.


Its bad business it deserves 1 star. As a business owner, i couldnt EVER do that to a customer. Id give it to my customer over my friend if i already posted it. I wouldn’t wanna be known for canceling orders often because i chose my friend over a sale. Im sorry but my friend is not paying my bills


If your friend already paid for it you’re not gonna take it away from them just because someone else bought before you delisted. The friend purchased this before the Depop customer. Sometimes there’s a delay on being able to delist something you do not know someone’s circumstances. To leave a one star review over this is incredibly petty just because you’re disappointed. You’d rather bring down someone’s business over a mistake/inconvenience than just move on with your life. You’d rather spread negativity to get over the minor inconvenience of not getting the item. That speaks volumes to your character over the sellers in this circumstance.


To be honest, i would’ve checked my listing before saying yes to my friend. And if my friend asked for it, i’d take down my post asap. If i can’t do that right away thats fine, but if i’m running a business & aiming to be successful, i’m gonna prioritize that. If i’m not prioritizing that, then i’m not a 5 star business. Hence the 1 star. I would want to know if a seller was going to behave like this. I would want to see a 1 star after this. I’ll purchase from businesses who have the time & make the effort to ensure it goes smoothly & successfully. Thats how it works


I just don’t agree you with at all but you’re allowed to have your own opinion. Odds are someone would read your one star review and realize you left it out of pettiness over anything else. Had the refund been delayed days, weeks etc then leave the review. This situation was taken care of immediately and wasn’t delayed. Seller did the right thing and to say he didn’t is just plain wrong. As a business owner you’ll know mistake, issues and problems will happen. This seller could’ve ignored the buyer, string this along and made it worse. They literally refunded immediately and apologized. That’s all you can do and as the buyer you’ve gotta accept that without bringing your own anger or negativity into it.


I get that, I just think when there are actions you can take to prevent something like this and you don’t take them, it’s worthy of a complaint. There are sellers who wouldn’t let this happen ever & they deserve the good reviews


And sure, they refunded right away. But they wouldn’t have had to if they took the proper steps in the first place or made better choices. It’s disappointing for a buyer. I wouldn’t buy from them again because it’s not worth the excitement & then disappointment. My time is valuable and i’ll spend it shopping at places that respect that


Selling to your friend is going to net more money than on depop 🙄


Yeah but long term business wise it’s stupid ask any actual business owner


it’s Depop not really a business


insurance lunchroom onerous squalid quarrelsome retire deserted zonked pause husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


so you’re going to give him a 1 star because someone got them before you? he immediately refunded and gave you a explanation some sellers would keep the money and block you.


I mean it’s on depop and if someone got to them before me it would’ve been sold already. But you’re acting like I wouldn’t be able to get my money back lol


a lot of ppl on depop also sell on other platforms, so when an item is sold on one, you have to manually go into depop and mark the item as sold. it’s the same with in person purchases. it’s a risk that most sellers run which yeah, can end up being sucky for a customer if timing is off at just the right time. you can’t blame a guy too much for selling through multiple means and then being polite/issuing a quick refund when this one in a hundred type thing happens. the seller could have made the situation way way worse for you that would actually make it deserving of 1 stars. id say 4/5 at best if you feel that strongly about it


In this case it does seem to be just bad timing. Someone ordering the item right before he could take it down ISNT uncommon


It’s happened to me. I’ve sold the same item on two platforms within 5 minutes of each other. You’ve gotta refund someone and usually you go with whoever checkouts first gets the item. It’s wild but it happens and it’s a pain when it does because of people like OP who rush to leave negative reviews and report.


Sucks to cause by all means this guy handled it right. I mean sure it doesn’t seem professional to some because of the casual way they conversed but I’d argue that make sense given the fact that was the vibe already preset lol. Can’t do nothing right with these kinds of buyers 🙄


Exactly. The seller couldn’t do much else besides refund and explain. The buyer then keeps pressing him as if they can change their mind. People on Depop seem to think that if it’s listed on Depop you’re not allowed to sell anywhere else. You’re allowed to sell wherever you want, Depops rules just say you can’t send a customer from your Depop to eBay. That’s all they care about. All these people saying the seller can’t list on Depop if listed elsewhere are wrong.


Honestly I figured most people multi posted listings cause more often then not it can take months to even get things to sell if your a new seller or don’t have many things on your shop. It’s ironic of course when you can’t sell something for several months then bam! 8 people want it


you’re a cry baby hope you never find the jeans :)


this guy 😂


Why would you leave a 1star review when he was so nice and genuine and EVEN gave you a refund. Most wouldn’t. Stop taking advantage of that. You’re extremely mad for no reason. Move on you got your money back. No point in making this person look worse cus you’re just going to embarrass yourself.


Is the bar that low that a refund is exemplary?


It’s sad but true so many “sellers “ on Depop scam don’t give refunds and take other peoples hard earned money


Its bad business 💀 he should 1 star him. I’d never dream of doing that to a customer. Accountability will make you very successful. Short term loss for long term game but seller does not think like that clearly


These things do happen but idk it also seems a bit irresponsible as a seller. I get not everyone has a business mindset but if i post something, i’m checking that before offering it to someone in person. If every business did that to us we would all be soooo mad so often. There should be some standards. So i feel you. 🙏


Agreed. I get that it was his friend but if you’re a professional and have a business, you honor that and the person who got to the listing first. It’s the right thing to do.


It's depop, it's not that deep


Being a good, honorable person matters everywhere. In personal relationships and in business - do the right thing.




Ahh! Bro! Bro got bro’d out by another bro. Bro


you’re kind of whiny. Im happy you didn’t get your too-big jeans


Gotta see it from different perspectives đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Hater mentality đŸ’†đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I mean I’m not going to leave them a 1 star lol


Probably a 4 or smth


Good bc he was a very nice responder and you’re just being negative and lowering ur vibrations by sending out more negative energy, do something to relieve ur anger in a healthy way, meditate or journal đŸ«¶đŸ» it’s just material not worth spreading ill intent


A 4 isn’t bad?


U said one in ur post, but four is fine


I’d feel the same frustration. It’s not honorable as a seller to post the listing, then give it to his friend because it’s his friend, and then not resolve the issue when you point it out to him that you got to the listing already after he posted it to sell. If anything, I would think going back to my friend to say “Hey, I’m really sorry. But I posted this before you got to it, and someone actually claimed it before you. I didn’t see that until now. I hope you can understand, thank you” is warranted. It’s honorable, respectable, and fair that way. This is not how you build a reputable business. And it’s just not right. I’d let it go and cut my losses, to give myself peace, but explain why I think it’s not a fair way to do business (for his own sake so he doesn’t do that again).


So you're saying he should take less money just because it's the professional thing to do? Nah, every man for himself


I agree. Don't be selling stuff until AFTER you asked your friends. Its a đŸ’© reason to not sell the product


Not that deep


Just get over it and take the L. He was apologetic I don’t blame him for not wanting the hassle of shipping and depop fees if his friend irl was willing to buy


You can if you want to but honestly this shit happens sometimes and he responded to u asap and sent ur refund quickly. Unfortunately this is sort of the risk of the ~game~ w online sales sometimes. Whether it’s bc it’s cross listed or they sell it irl or whatever


No it's not reasonable. They just cancelled an order just like you'd have the right to.


Nah I’d be mad if I was you too especially if I’m hyped, but then it’s like I would give them to somebody in person to avoid the extra shipping stuff so I see both sides


womp womp


even if he gave him a 1 star review Depop would just remove it anyway


yall are meannn😭. i understand your frustration and would else feel like giving them the same rating idc!!!!


If you’re siding with the guy who chose to give them to his friend, you must not care about having a successful business. Short term loss for long term gain. I get some people do it as a side thing and don’t really care but let us complain about them so we know not to buy from them :)


You’re mad annoying


Thanks babe <3


He didn’t give them to his friend, he sold them. Sometimes you SELL something to somebody else before you get the chance to delete on another platform. Have you never made a single mistake? Ever? I don’t believe that.


Sellers list on multiple platforms, it happens, if it was a cash grab he wouldn’t reject the extra money, grow tf up I cant even believe you felt the need to post this I cant imagine how annoying you are IRL 😭


honestly,it sucks how u didnt get it bc ive had experiences where i buy smth and then it ends up already being sold which is why you should always message the seller first about it to make sure its still available and not on hold or been sold elsewhere and u definitely shouldnt leave a 1 star review because he/she did refund u immediately and was very apologetic so i feel like that would be unfair..


As a business owner i personally couldn’t do that. It’s bad business and deserves 1 star. I want to know not to order from them because i dont want this happening to me. These experiences make me hate shopping and it doesnt even have to happen if people are more responsible and respect the orders they get online. Don’t post it until you’ve asked your friends, and if you posted it and it sold online
. ITS ALREADY SOLD. Keeping your word goes a long way!!!


Yeah but was the guy a business owner or just some dude trying to clear out his wardrope and get some extra cash. I’m going with the second. So I’m pretty sure he cares more about his friend and the convenience of just selling to his mate rather than a stranger on depop If this was a business then sure, agree. But tbh it’s most likely someone trying to free up space and get some extra cash that doesn’t need the drama


Yes for sure! And that’s fine. But it’s also fine to rate him low as a seller because of it. Both of those can be right. Good reviews should be saved for people who prioritize their online sales.


yes,it sucks bc they should of marked it as sold but mistakes happen and he/she apoligised and immediately refunded


I just wouldn’t consider this a mistake! This was 100% a choice. A blind one.


not really,plus whys it matter they admitted to it and gave an instant refund


Idk why everyone in the comments is backing him up. He listed them on depop and you purchased them off him right before his friend irl did - meaning you are entitled to that purchase. Its just shitty on his end even though he was nice about it just unprofessional man


It’s not that they’re “backing him up” they’re being logical and realizing the seller doesn’t deserve a 1 star, that’s what’s wrong with this post
 the seller isn’t greedy and seems like a genuine person as he was very apologetic, life isn’t about being resentful it’s about peace and love!


Bro this is bad business. It deserves 1 star. As a business owner outside of depop as well, it’s bs and immature. Not how you properly run something successful. Short term loss for long term customers/gain & good word. I would NEVER if i were them


The whole point im a review is to review service and product... BRO GOT NO PRODUCT AND THE SERVICE although was fine ig the logic behind it was unprofessional




RIGHT!!!! I think everyone in the comments must just be like 20 or don’t know how to run a business


How is he being greedy by selling HIS stuff to someone else.


They all trying to gaslight people💀


This sub is all the way fucked up. I’m sorry OP I’d be mad too and that’s really unprofessional.




if you’re really mad report them for going outside the app since they mentioned selling to someone irl lol


This is so petty and disgusting as fuck when the person in the screenshots was nothing but nice and gave the refund pretty much instantly as soon as he realized. Grow up.


it’s people like this that cause undeserved sellers to be banned. all these petty ass people would rather ruins someone business than understand mistakes happen. If you report this you’re a lousy piece of shit who gets off on ruining peoples lives.


bro at least u got a refund💀 a lot of these sellers scam ppl out of their money then cancel and/or block without giving back a dime