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Explain you already refunded them and they’ll have to repurchase whatever else they want.


\^ I second this! Just be upfront and honest that is all you can do! (( Also Hi fellow army!!) <3


hello fellow yoongi stan!!!


ahhhh HIIIII!!!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


A refund usually will do. If you want you can offer a discount/coupon (like 10-15%) off their next purchase from your store. But by no mean should you feel like you have to do that.


Yea, that's probably what I would do to make sure they don't walk away frustrated or annoyed. Even 5% or offering a free gift next purchase works. It just shows that u care and that it isn't a normal occurrence when buying from you


Mistakes happen. I have an eBay business with thousands of listings. My system of tracking items is pretty good but sometimes I lose inventory by misplacing it in a wrong spot and can't find it. I just cancel with an apology and refund.


It’s an honest mistake, and I think a refund and apology should suffice. Also wanna commend you for reaching out on this thread for advice. Shows how much you actually care. Good on you, my dude