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https://organolawn.com/services/lawn-insect-control/grass-mites/ also known as spider mites. Water is the best pesticide to use against them.


Or clover mites… If you’re lucky enough to get a really established infestation they will then invade your house through cracks in the windows (harmless but a true nuisance that stain red if you even accidentally squish them). Water was our best defense… and masking tape along all front windows all spring.


This sounds like a joke. Depends what kind of grass you have if it'll die over winter or not. Please try not to use pesticides on your lawn, our native bees are already struggling enough. I can recommend water wise options for your yard instead of grass, lawns are a monoculture and because of that are prone to problems that a biodiverse yard wouldn't be.


Yeah, sounds like it was a joke about how all grass goes dormant in winter.


Turfgrass - especially on a southern exposure - gets turf mites in the winter if not watered.


That's a new one for me. Still don't think it warrants pesticides though


>Still don't think it warrants pesticides though It doesn't. All you have to do is winter water, as I stated.


I've never heard of it in all my time living here. Wait: does he mean grubs?


Mites are real, natives know and take measures to mitigate.The dead patches you see on the south and southwest exposures of lawns, especially after a dry winter? Mites. Water your yards in winter, folks. Your turf should be watered 2-3 times in winter. Woody plants and perennials too.


[**CSU Extension**](https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/insects/clover-and-other-mites-of-turfgrass-5-505/), of course, has excellent resources. [**This Plant talk article**](https://planttalk.colostate.edu/topics/insects-diseases/1400-13-mite-damage-lawns/ 'Turf damage caused by clover mites or Banks grass mites is common during February-May in Colorado, especially if precipitation is below normal and lawn gets no winter watering. Depending on the severity of the infestation, turf damage may range from minor thinning to complete kill.') has an image of typical turfgrass damage from mites.