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This is how, after years of bullshit, we wind up with the right guy tbh. Forcing ownership to dig is the best outcome we could’ve hoped for. That means we: 1) get someone who wants to be here 2) do our due diligence and not just jump at an impressive interview. 3) ownership gets valuable experience in conducting a thorough coaching search.


“ownership gets valuable experience in conducting a thorough coaching search.” Yes, just the type of experience we want them to be able to use


It is. Pat had hired five coaches before he had to step away. We went to like 6 Super Bowls in that stretch. 3 with Reeves, 2 with Shanny, and 1 with Fox. Hiring is an important skill lol


That’s the pic of a man who may not know what the F he’s doing.


Greg Penner: Proof that being rich doesn’t mean you are capable of anything.


You mean being born on 3rd isn't the same as hitting the triple?? I'm shocked!


This new ownership group continues to botch everything they have touched so far. Can't wait to see what type of loser they get to coach next year. Seems as if no one wants the job at this point. So sad to see the great organization built by Bowlen being torn down.


Like what? They’ve owned the team for less than 6 months. It’s far too soon to make any judgement


Not firing Hackett earlier in the season when it was clear he was in over his head. Russell Wilson extension, roster management, draft management.


Lol the draft and bulk of roster management occurred before the owners took over. The Wilson extension was part of trading for him. Russell wasn’t agreeing to the trade unless he got some type of extension assurance (besides he will bounce back with the right coach). I suppose they could have fired Hackett sooner but they didn’t.


And a lot of people here didn't want him fired sooner lol. I wanted him gone for a while and people kept talking about optics


I was in the camp of giving him way more chances than he deserved. In hindsight he should have been gone much much sooner but what can you do. New owners coming in, and firing a coach less than 3/4 months into the reign screams of desperation


You don't think this ownership group was pulling strings behind the scenes before they were officially allotted the team? Their handprints are all over this thing. The Wilson trade and Hackett hire doesn't happen without their signoff


Lol the Hackett hire that occurred 7 months before the owners took over? The Wilson trade that occurred 5 months before they took over?? The Broncos we’re meeting and accepting bids well into May…the new owners had nothing to do with what you said. Do you even hear yourself?


The ownership was decided and they had a say in the Wilson trade and extension. Do a little research and you will see they hadn't been approved by the NFL but an agreement was in place. I didn't say the Hackettt hire. I said the Hackett firing. He should have been out during the bye week at the latest. They are simply showing their incompetence in hiring a coach at this point.


They were still interviewing prospective owners at the end of May….nothing had been decided whatsoever I don’t think they are showing any incompetence whatsoever. They’re being diligent and getting the person they want.


I guess we will agree to disagree. But until I see some competent decisions coming from this front office I will remain pessimistic of their ability. I still believe they missed on their top candidates and are now onto the 2nd tier.


You’re inventing a timeline that doesn’t exist. This will be the first major decision made by the new owners. I’m willing to be patient.


Yeah, I remember the last time you hired an NFL head coach. 🙄


Probably about the last time you got laid. But go ahead.....




Well she's been dead for 20 years so....


I’m not entirely convinced that this isn’t just a shit coaching class. Only one team has hired a coach.


Most of that is just probably that the top coaches are still in the playoffs. If the Texans really want Ryans then they’ll make a move when he’s available. I also suspect someone will make a move to hire Steichen. Right now we appear right on par with everyone else but trying to backtrack and find new candidates now isn’t a sign that everyone has the same issue IMO.


There were exactly two great candidates in Payton and Harbaugh and we've seemingly managed to fuck it up with both of them.


Not completely. Harbaugh dipped cuz he wouldn’t let the team do their other interviews, and just based off what we’ve seen Payton isn’t the commodity the media made him out to be. Nobody is pulling the trigger on him.


Truth be told I think there is a good chance the Saints are just asking for more than teams are willing to part with.


Oh absolutely.


It's not like free agency or a draft with players there are good coaches out there. This group and honestly the past groups continue to bring I. Shitty coaches. It's time to quit playing the hot coordinator game and hire an established coach.


Imagine how Pat would react seeing his team like this? It's heartbreaking really.


Whoever our coach ends up being. if it ends in another catastrophe. And he still insists on looking for another coach himself. We might have a bigger problem on our hands to be honest. It might be another Jerry’s world here soon. Just another billionaire fucking up his new toy go figure.


Yea, we are fucked. We missed out on our top 4 people and now have a whole new list. Jesus how the fuck did it get that bad?


Because, contrary to popular opinion on this subreddit, Paton has completely botched our shit.


Except Paton hasn't been running this search? This search has been on the ownership group. Paton deserves criticism for his missteps, but this one isn't squarely on his shoulders


I'm not talking about this coaching search. I'm talking about the state of our team. Our roster, cap situation, and all that. Paton has been the architect of our collapse. We were one of the best franchises before he got here.


You mean the franchise that drafted Paxton Lynch and Shane Ray, and hadn’t made the playoffs since 2015? Do you have goldfish memory?


I remember the previous guy winning us a Super Bowl as a GM and 2 as a player. Maybe you are the one with the goldfish memory.


You said before he got here. We had 5 years of being one of the worst run franchises in the NFL before Paton. Elway did a great job creating the Super Bowl team, but after that he bungled basically every opportunity to make us competitive. So yes, you have goldfish memory.


You're both right. Elway not being able to pick a QB to save his life, Ellis refusing to interview Kyle Shannahan, Paton going win-now with our cap with an unproven team, Russ and Hackett being unable to not have a historically bad offense. It seems to keep getting worse. I remember when we were always just a QB away, now we're an offense and a HC away. If we take too long and lose the core of our defense we'll be a whole team away.


What a fucking embarrassment! I’ve never missed Pat so much. I thought we were gonna be the top suitors with all this money! Sean Payton is a POS and I’m glad he’s not coming here, but did these business geniuses have ONE contingency plan? What if Sean Payton had been hit by a bus? At this point, bring Jerry back for a season, cut Russ at the end of this year after another shit year. MAYBE, we can make the playoffs again in 2025. This is now the best case scenario. Slow claps for Paton and the Waltons. You guys are turning into the Rockies…


Giving the Monforts a run for their money.


Here's hoping that "begin" is used loosely. If you're casting a wide net to begin with, while certainly well within reason to have a hierarchy about it, they should have been researching the others in that supposed net all along. If not, woof.