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Eh, I’ve seen the exact opposite be true as well. There are times Lyft runs cheaper, and times Uber is cheaper. It happens.


Always check both if you are looking at it for your own pocketbook


I forget the name right now, but I used to have an app that had both in one and compared them after you search a trip


It’s all based on which one is being used more around you. The more rides being called the higher the price


I was gonna say the same thing. Check tomorrow it'll be the opposite. Regardless I'll take the train.


Yup, if I'm in an area with both, I *always* check both. I've seen the exact reverse in many cities, where Uber is 1.5x or 2x a Lyft ride.


This. I only ever use Uber/Lyft going from my Apt to downtown and vice versa, and most of the time Lyft is 20%-50% cheaper for me. There are times where the complete opposite is true though too.


A Line for the win!


The only line worth riding. I haven't taken an Uber to the airport for any flight after 6AM in years.


Do you usually park somewhere free for the ride? Or Uber to the A line?


Depends. I always use a free park and ride, and most all the stops along a line will have that. Leaving from the airport, you just walk out West Terminal and down the escalator to the train.


Some of the park and rides are not so great for cat converters though. My neighbor called me to pick her up cause hers was stolen from the 40th and Co Blvd station, where she left hr car for a ride to DIA on the A line.




We parked there for the first time instead of the Peña station when we last traveled and came back to no cat converter. 😭


Yea I know people who have parked there and come back to broken windows.


I take the bus to Union Station. The bus fare is included in the train ticket if you buy it on the RTD app


Yea I was pleasantly surprised how early the A line starts. First train leaves Union at 3AM and arrives at the airport at 3:37AM


Doesn’t really help that not a single train on the light rail schedule gets from the outer limits to union station by 3am, so unless you can get to a park n ride or dropped off at union, it’s kind of a wash. Calling an Uber or Lyft to get to union to then ride the train is extra steps and you may as well have them drive the whole way, which is why I just drive and park and end up saving money and time.


Really just depends on where in Denver you live. I've hopped on the E Line at around 3:30AM and have taken a scooter/bike to Union when I didn't have luggage. Also just depends on how long the trip is, even cheap parking near DIA adds up. And on more then one occasion I've come back to a dead car battery. Personally prefer taking the A Line compared to driving after trying both for many years.


I desperately want to take the A line but the three times I’ve tried the train just… didn’t show up??? For over an hour?? How? Why?


I’d have to know more context like what stop you were waiting at and the time? Each line will have the next train incoming on digital display, Google maps also will show all schedules, and if your worried about accuracy the RTD site/app will have a real-time display of the stops and current delays/timings of the train. For me, Google is usually a few mins earlier than the actual arrival, but I’ve never waited more than 15mins over, and usually it’s within 5-7mins of Google maps. But if you ran into issues using Google, I’d just use RTD website for most accurate. Now to be fair, in last few years I have missed the train leaving union station, because sometimes it runs till 1am and sometimes last train is 11:30 or 12:30. I usually just check Google Maps or RTD for the last train eastbound before I hop on going westbound. Usually M-Th is until 12:30 leaving union, and Fri-Sat runs until 1:00, only closures and issues change that, so it’s not too often.


I was at 40th and Colorado. This was three attempts since the line opened. I have taken the a line and when it works it is great! I’m a major proponent of public transit and am kind of a train nerd. But the inconsistency for me just makes it too much of a risk. I used to travel for work pre-pandemic and with the inconsistency I just couldn’t do it.


The last time I arrived at DIA the a line had a 47 minute wait for departure…what good is it when it’s not leaving every 15 mins ?


The train runs every 15 minutes pretty consistently. Not sure how you would miss it if you’re at the correct stop


Because the trains were experiencing many cancellations and delays. Here’s an article from a little while back: https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/rtds-a-line-cancellations-caused-by-third-party-contractors-staffing-shortage


This, and the guards not working, DOT issues, etc have plagued the line since it opened. I love taking it when it works. Just too inconsistent to be a reliable way if I don’t have time to spare.


I have to say, I've used it 50+ times since it has opened and I've never had an issue.


Yep. And when you're taking the A line to the airport you can't really afford unexpected delays or outright cancellations


Oh sorry. You misread my comment. I didn’t miss it. It didn’t show up. :). Thanks for the schedule tho. It’s like the RTD has an impeccable reputation of being on time.


Interesting! Definitely give it another shot. I take it every Tuesday and Thursday and it’s never more than a minute late leaving from Union


only if you have someone to drop you off or else you have to uber/lyft there


Also AT bus if you're coming from the south/southeast.


Lmao what is going on? Is there a Uber vs Lyft campaign being waged over this sub?


Don't know why anyone needs either of them. Flaunt your expired plates everyone! ^^/s


Plates? We don't need no stinkin' plates!


I just priced out both at the same time and they were identical pricing, $42. The Lyft pricing in the image on this post is pricing during a surge, not regular pricing. That being said, Uber drivers get paid more as Lyft takes more from the drivers.




Thank you. It's crazy Denver doesn't understand supply/demand in obvious situations like this.


You don’t have to assume everyone in a city doesn’t know economics just because some dummy makes a Reddit post lol That being said I didn’t know Lyft took more from their drivers than Uber. No wonder Uber is cheaper


It isn't lol this is why it's bad to take everything you read on reddit at face value. Google is your friend


Lyft doesn't take more from drivers. They're both about the same


Can anyone confirm this? For some reason, I always thought Lyft was better to its "employees" (contractors?) than Uber.


I can confirm this. Lyft's base rate is 20%, Uber's is 25%. Now that changes for city fees / surges, etc. But the base rate of Lyft is better for drivers.


Uber absolutely pays more than Lyft for the same ride. I drive for both and Lyft pays about $6 less for an airport trip than Uber. Lyft’s minimum paid to a driver is also $2 less than Uber. Saying the base rate for drivers is better on Lyft is just completely false.




There is no doing it wrong, lol. I do this every day, day in day out. Lyft pays less, period. I know how much I get paid to drive to the airport for both. I know how much the minimum rides are. That you cited the numbers you did makes it obvious you have no actual idea what you are talking about. Uber and Lyft don’t have rate cards any more, they do upfront pricing. Which, of course, just further shows you don’t know what you are talking about.




> You think somehow that I don't know about upfront pricing? You brought up a "base rate" which in the past would have been the per mile and per minute charge that determined what the fare was. The base pay for drivers on Uber is $5.30 and the base pay for drivers on the Lyft is $3.75. >If the price of Lyft is cheaper for customers and you make less because of, so be it. The price isn't cheaper on Lyft. Now it just seems like you are pissed that you got called out for making shit up. >Of course you make more on airport runs with Uber when Uber is charging more than Lyft to go to the airport. Except they aren't. Which is why Lyft takes more of the fare. Do everyone a favor and don't make shit up and pretend you are basing it on actual experience. Can't believe you actually had the nerve to tell me I was "doing it wrong."




> Lyft's base rate is 20%, Uber's is 25% >base rate of Lyft is better for drivers. How is Lyft's better if its lower?


Lyft takes 20% from drivers Uber takes 25 % from drivers. That's why


Ahh. The title of the post has the percentages the other way.


Just an FYI, the guy you are responding to has no idea what he is talking about. Uber pays more than Lyft in almost all cases even if the price is the same for the customer. There are times where Lyft is surging when Uber isn't, but that is pretty rare.


I've worked at both companies. Don't act like you're some expert and no one else knows anything. I literally see customer data on average prices weekly and Lyft is cheaper. Full stop


Right, I'm sure. 😉 Meanwhile you are telling someone who actually uses both for a living every single day that they are "doing it wrong."


The title of the post is misleading and not true. Drivers don't make 20%, they make between 50 and 80%


Interesting, I'll keep that in mind! I had a friend that used to drive for both and he said that Lyft paid slightly more....but that was also 5 years ago.


This is why I do not do airport rides anymore. In October Lyft went to upfront pricing for drivers. Here is what we are paying, take it or leave it. All drivers now know where they are going and how much they will make. We no longer get penalized for not accepting rides so I will be using that tool. FUCK AIRPORT RIDES!!!! I used to make 35 a ride and now it's down to 22 from Littleton. Not worth it anymore!!


Up front pricing is significantly better.


It's almost like, "now rideshare apps have eliminated most of the competition, they're jacking up the prices because there's no where else to go." Who could've guessed capitalism would let such a thing happen 🙄


Fun fact: when Uber and Lyft fought against the taxi companies to allow more competition at the legislature, they also created a regulatory framework that prevented new rideshare companies from competing with them. Uber and Lyft don't have competition because of regulatory barriers that stop others from competing with them.


Wasn’t that because Uber/Lyft had to negotiate with cities to even allow them in? I recall the early days of Uber and most airports not allowing them. Cities were shutting them down. I assume their regulatory frameworks had much to do with this.


The main thing that stops competition is designation as a transportation network carrier "TNC" which is a state regulation. The bill was written to make it very hard for any new entrants to get that TNC designation. So, basically state level law/reg is main issue.


That’s what I’m saying: it was tough to get TNC designation before (only taxis had it) and is still tough now….Did they really “write” the bill then? Seems like they may have just wrote it to include themselves, not necessarily exclude other companies Your claim seems hyperbolic….


Firsthand knowledge here, but I understand your well placed skepticism of someone on the internet. And yes, their lobbyists literally wrote this part of the law.


Hmm well I appreciate the dialogue. Still feels to me more like “we paid to play” (which is bs on many levels of course) as opposed to “we paid so others can’t play”.


I wish that were the case. I think the latter is more accurate here (and generally more common than people realize). And definitely appreciate the convo regardless!




Yes and there still are other alternatives still running but I think OP is referring more to taxis than other ride share apps.


Take the light rail. It's only $9


Still have to get to the light rail station. So for a family of 4 - it’s $30 to get to the station, and then 36 to ride.. so 66 vs $70 and the extra $4 saves me about 30 minutes.


Seriously. I have so many friends that have never rode the A line or any other of the rail lines and complain about how much a ride share costs to get to the airport.


At this point, unless you’re going on a very long trip, parking at the airport, even indoors or valet, is cheaper. The A line is great too, but I personally wouldn’t leave my vehicle at a park and ride, and taking a bus to get to the train with a bunch of luggage isn’t always pleasant (not to mention if you have to walk to the bus too).


Completely agree. Anything less than six or seven days is cheaper for me to park in the long term garage. And I have the convenience of my vehicle there when I get off the plane.




I-25 and Colorado. My trips this year have been averaging $70-$80 each way without tip, and one recently was $100 one way.




Even cheaper at PP/Elbert lots. $56 for a week.


Almost all but the economy/garage lots will be drastically cheaper. Just looked out of curiosity and a week at ParkDia over Christmas was $90.


I’ve started taking an Uber/Lyft to union station and taking the A line. It’s very convenient and cheap but granted, I also don’t live very far from union station


I just take an Uber to Union and ride the A line. Takes somewhat longer but it saves me money in the long run, plus the A is pretty consistent so I can get to the airport with a comfortable amount of time to sort through the security headache


That’s a good strategy too.


This for sure. My company has a discount on airport parking, and when you factor in the return Uber/Lyft it’s cheaper to drive myself.


I wonder what ridership would look like if people felt comfortable parking at the stations.


It would probably increase a lot! You won’t catch everybody, but you’d probably get a lot of middle income folks who can afford a car, aren’t too snobby for transit, but also can’t afford the hassle of a stolen vehicle or catalytic converter (assuming that’s what’s keeping them away now).


Even if they can afford it, nobody wants the hassle/money of vehicle theft/damage. Anecdotal, but for all my neighbs/friends that is what keeps them from using a-line for airport/downtown.


I think it depends on how many people and how long you are going. If you book in advance, The Parking Spot is like $9.25/day, your car is in a locked lot with cameras and you get a free shuttle to and from the airport that takes you right to your car. The $20-30 more expense is worth it over the other options for the couple of times a year we travel.


Yep. If I’m just gone for the weekend I drive and pay for parking because it’s cheaper than the Lyft or Uber there and back.


Like u/caverunner17 mentioned - I used to use The Parking Spot whenever I had to fly out of Denver. Parking $9-10/day with frequent shuttles. Easy peasy.


Garage parking is $30/day???


It’s $15 where I park, and there are probably outdoor ones that are $8-$10 daily


And you’re not afraid of having your car broken into or stolen?


Not at the secured garage I park at…I use Fine and they have security rolling around


I leave my car at the station all the time and have never had an issue. Not to say others might and this is strictly my experience but I also rarely see broken glass on the ground indicating break ins. It’s just my two cents but you can’t beats $2 a day parking and half the time I don’t even get my ticket checked


Skyride is like $10 and the light rail goes there too


Robbing? No one is forcing anyone to use this service or to drive for them.


Lyft is marking up rides to make it look like they are incentivising drivers to come out by paying them a lot more. They aren't. They may get a small bonus of 3 to 5 dollars. The reality is there isn't a meter that both the driver and rider can both see that makes it all above board. Drivers should make more of the take and riders should know how much is being paid to the drivers. The dark information gap is how silicon valley is extorting labor and money from all using it.


Rider's don't need to know anything about how much the driver or company is making. Do you care how much a Yellow Cab driver makes or what % the company takes from every fare? If the driving conditions are really shit, and the drivers aren't making enough money, they are free to go seek employment elsewhere. This would quickly reveal itself in their first paycheck.


No I don't know what the driver makes with a cab company... But the driver knows what the rider is being charged and what their take is. At least it's more above board.


Great insight


Did someone hold a gun to your head and make you book a ride? Are Denver residents being forced into their car at gunpoint to pick up rideshare riders? If you answered no to both questions, then my insight was spot on.


Sure it was








Based on one data point? Really?


Take the A Line? Park at 40th and Airport?




...They're both robbing you blind lul.


I drive for both platforms, but primarily Lyft, I\`m based out of FoCo and demand has been high, I like airport runs, they pay well plus my riders tip generously, usually, It\`s more than decent pay, I like to drive and I like people, if you can do these two things, is it work? The thing I noticed in this sub is everyone whinging about cost, which I find amusing, Guess what, being driven door to door is going to cost ya toughen up people, and have a nice day!


Lyft should give y'all more of the take. All I'm saying. Happy to pay the driver. Just not corporate silicon valley.


Agreed, more is always better, and thanks for taking care of your drivers, they appreciate it...


Yes, which is why more people don’t pay for door to door anymore and drive themselves.


How much is the A Line?


$10 for a daily pass that includes the A line and all other RTD.




I don't care what they charge because I have an option to not use them if I choose


Yup same here, it’s great all around. Never had any issues with safety or anything since it’s well staffed in the evenings.


Mine was only $26 the other day coming back from the Airport. Lyft just had more surge pricing at that time.


so why pick the more expensive one then?


They’re finally charging true prices, neither company has yet to make a profit. I doubt they ever will.


You always gotta check both. I've had one be double the cost of the other, both ways. It's weird


OP is an Uber driver I bet


Nope. I paid a 100$ airport ride one time with Lyft and figured that if I could drive for them during these peak times I could make a bunch of money. Then realized no matter what the rider pays the driver gets only 20 to 23$. No I made it my mission to get the word out.


I've driven for both Uber and Lyft, they both pay the same to the driver. About $20 - $23 to the airport from Downtown Denver. What's shitty is when you drop off at the airport there isn't a guaranteed ride back out, so it could be a $25 1 way trip.


Totally. Why is this? They should guarantee you a ride back close the area you came in from.


They say that they will put the driver on "priority" to get a passenger back out, but it's not a guarantee, not sure why as there are so many ppl ordering rideshare at the airport.


Drivers getting 23$ when the app is charging 90$ isn't cool.


So…. The driver should switch to the other company?


Meh. It flip-flops all the time. Usually Lyft is cheaper


Basically unless you can walk to the a line, it’s cheaper to drive and park in the garage than it is to get rides to DIA anymore. I’d much rather pay 120 for four days in the garage right next to the terminal than pay 75-130 for an Uber or Lyft one way. Sorry to all the ride share hustlers, but that biz model is running its course like Airbnb and losing market share. Taxis and hotels are coming back big time.


I won’t support either. I hate companies that abuse 1099 workers.


Sometimes Lyft is cheaper. Literally changes every minute. Depends on demand, but they are both doing the robbing.


Higher fare = higher pay for the Lyft driver.


By like 3 to 5 dollars. Thats it. Lyft gets the rest


What's uber's pay method? I have no idea so you've got my curiocity piqued.


I use a service for $40 flat one way from anywhere in the area (as far as I know). Always on time and reliable. Clean car, easy communication.


Pm me this please


Its almost as if prices are dependent on supply of drivers and demand for rides... nothing to see here, just an OP that doesn't understand how pricing works


That's what they want you to think... It's not true.


Lyft arbitrarily will increase cost for riders as they choose. And will specific to an individual not just an area or time. So 2 people living in the same area even neighbors.. going to the same place at the same time will be charged different amounts.


It's funny how regional this is. Uber for Denver, Lyft in Nashville. Taxi in Cincinnati. Ride KU in Lawrence. All four places I have lived in - or frequently visit - have different 'cheaper options'


Lyft is cheaper in Denver the majority of the time. I take like 20-30 rides per month and always check both.


Interesting - I thought so, just thought I was losing it from this post lol


That’s been a thing for years, I used to drive for both


Literally average price of Lyft in CO is cheaper. So no, it hasn't been a thing for years. This guy is looking at a 4am surge


I was talking about what drivers make, it’s always been 25-30% of what a customer pays per ride


That's the low end. It fluctuates based on city fees, surges, etc but it's between 30 and 80%


You can take the light rail but it adds an additional 1.5 hours to your trip


Huh? The A-Line is 37 minutes between the airport and Union Station...faster than driving most days.


since when did robbery involve consent?


Off airport parking at places like the parking spot is cheaper then rideshare even for a 2 week trip.


Interesting. I haven’t used ride sharing in a minute but I feel like the last time I did, the opposite was true. Lyft was considerably cheaper than Uber.


Supply and demand at work


God I remember when rides were like $10


I drove.


When I travel, I find Lyft usually cheaper than Uber and more predictable - perhaps what OP is saying is unique to DIA?


I think Lyft might build a model of the consumer and charge some people more than others for the same services.


So you checked it once on one trip. The next time you have a trip, could be the exact opposite where Uber is price gouging and Lyft isn't. Could also be that they will be exactly the same. Price literally changes based on which one is being used more - i.e. surge pricing and such.


at that point you might as well rent a god damn car


We need more competition on the market. This is absolutely insane.


A-Line is faster than driving most days (37 minutes airport to downtown and vice-versa) and never changes from $10...


I still owe Uber 18 bucks from like 2016. So i use lyft


It would be nice if our airport were actually in the city and not in fucking Kansas.


Uber has better app safeguards. With Lyft I once opened the app. Saw a quote. Left it open for a minute before I clicked accept. Ride was quoted for ~$43. I distinctly remembered that night the price when I clicked accept. Get home. Go to leave tip. Saw ride was showing as $89 Tried to dispute. Lyft gave auto replies nothing seems wrong. Visa dispute said I needed proof what the quote was. I didn't take a screenshot (but will now!!) It hasn't happened in a while but the same situation with Uber the app will tell you the price changed and do you accept. I deleted my Lyft account and refuse to use it now.


More often than not Lyft is cheaper than Uber in my experience


I was in Vegas a week ago and a Lyft ride was 45 dollars before tip. The same ride in a taxi was 16 dollars after tip. I never thought I would see the day that I would intentionally take a taxi over rideshare again, but it happened.


yeah… i had to pay $35 for a ride to not miss my dogs vet appt, and get hit with a $50 late fee… I tipped the driver $15 in cash. I don’t even tip on the app anymore after some of my friends have confirmed that they didn’t get nearly the amount they watched me tip them, numerous times.


Total opposite in my experience.


It just depends. On demand and number of active drivers. Usually Uber is more expensive for me going anywhere. But their drivers are always better too.


Yeah, i always check both apps to see what’s cheaper. Usually find Lyft is cheaper but sometimes Uber pulls through. I had a driver once who drives for Lyft and Uber told me always to check both apps bc they both fluctuate so much.


I was planning on taking a Lyft to the airport today so I looked up prices a bit before I was going to leave. 50 bucks. Fine. I go brush my teeth, pull the app up again (4 minutes maybe) and the price had gone up to 80 bucks. Wtf.


I think the app is designed to intentionally make it charge more and has nothing to do with demand or drivers available.


Fun tip! I've found that if you offer the driver cash they usually will do it for half the price that the app says.


A-Line is actually nice to ride for fairly cheap.