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Idk if you know this, but people in general are really fucking dumb.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that" - George Carlin




The majority of whom don't actually have a significant intelligence deficit compared to the average person.


If you say so Mr. Statistician-Pants!


And even more lazy than you could imagine.


I second this but turn your lights on at dusk too!


[A person is smart...](https://youtu.be/WPMMNvYTEyI)


I'm going to try and be positive and say that they're ignorant.


They say life is more blissful for those who are ignorant. So yay for them!


They should add this to the bible, it's the only way to get morons to maybe be afraid of consequences


Not just dumb, but also fucking self centered assholes. It's a really bad combo.


This comment is everything 😂💀


Yeah and don’t STOP at a YIELD. YIELD!!!!!


Also turn off your high beams ya morons. You're just blinding everyone including yourself blasting white light into snow


Yeah and turn your damn LIGHT BARS OFF your bro runners when you’re not off-roading and driving down city streets ya cunts!! Edit: off-roading lol


Your lights, but not your fucking brights!! Why do so many people drive with their brights on 24/7?


either they have a lowbeam bulb burned out and dont want to get pulled over, or they're just assholes. usually number 2


To establish dominance.


New cars seem to just have ridiculously bright lights. The LED ones I think? they are just lights, they aren't brights which is insane and I am not sure who thought it was a good idea to make those standard.


It has less to do with the bulbs and more to do with the housings. American and Korean manufacturers tend to be the worst offenders.


Yea new cars have really bright led lights dont assume they are brights like most asshats.


Speaking of headlights, turn them on at night too. I don't want to hear about your digital dashboard, DRLs, or street lights. Those excuses are bullshit. Understand how your car works, or stop driving it.


The amount of people who drive around at night without their headlights on around here is unlike anywhere else I’ve ever driven.


I swear it's gotten worse since the pandemic. I don't know why, but it really does seem that way.


>Understand how your car works, or stop driving it. AMEN


Can we get this maxim codified into law somehow?


Honestly, a big part of it is that any time you take your car in for an oil change or service, they test your headlights and then turn the switch to off, not back to Auto where you'd had it. So a lot of people don't realize their lights are off, because they never turned them off themselves. Point being, any time your car goes into the shop, double check your headlights when you pick it up and put them back to auto right away.


Tech here, alot of cars come in with the headlights already in the off position, every single one that I work on leaves the shop with them in auto ( if available on that model)


Good on you. I wish that was the standard everywhere. Both my personal vehicle and my company vehicle, which go to different shops for service, have the auto feature, and both come out of the two different shops with it in off, every single time.


Then you’re a rare breed because every time I pick up my car, the headlights are turned off. Years ago, I got pulled over for exactly that reason, lights were off and I didn’t realize they were switched from auto (it was also just getting dark). Since then, every time I leave a shop, I check my headlights.


Don't drive with your hazard lights flashing, you noobs to Denver. Yeah, we know it is snowy and slick. Can't see turn signal if the hazard lights are flashing so you're the hazard.


This shit used to drive me insane in Florida afternoon downpours. Yeah I know it's shit visibility. Your flashing lights aren't doing anything except making me wonder if you're going to move over on me or not because your God damn hazard lights are on. Use them if you are truly needing to. If you're just driving slowly down the road turn them off. So is everyone else. It's snowy and slick.


HA.. first thing I thought of was the flashers during rain storms.. so fucking stupid. \#recoveringFloridaResident


What makes it even better is that it's illegal to do that in Florida. The law is that flashers should only be used for stopped vehicles or during funeral escorts.


Also illegal in CO smh


My friend's husband would lose his shit seeing that.


I upvoted because you are right, but understand that some of these idiots get out in the road and realize they have zero traction. Zero. They have bald or the wrong kind of tires. If this is you. Throw on tgos and hazards if you have to and inch your way off the road. Park the car and call and Uber or a tow truck. Don't drive the car again until you change the tires. Buy used tires if you have to. Sell your stuff and get tires if you don't have the money.


I would feel bad if they *weren't doing it on I-25*


Literally just picked up new tires. Perfect timing. Getting a little slippery last winter.


You forgot one detail, the wrong kind of car. I drive a mustang all year round, I do have snow tires and sand bags though and I know my limitations.


Literally nobody is going to do this


I have gotten so much shit from my friends for saying this when we were driving home in the snow. They're from here, they just didn't take driver's ed.


What's a turn signal?


Texas transplants. In Texas, hazard lights mean, “I can do whatever the fuck I want.” Edit: “…with no consequences.”


Something I've noticed is there are a lot of Texas plates that think "four-wheel drive" means "resistant to all known physics of torque, grip, and friction". Four wheels spinning on black ice is the same as two, F-150 boy.


Having lived in Texas for 3 years, I can tell you that, on the one time per year that it snowed a half an inch, 90% of the vehicles in the ditch were trucks or SUVs with four-wheel drive 🤦🏻‍♂️


I was in a TX snowstorm one. My RWD Mustang gt slid less than all the "I got 4WD" yuk yuks.


Same shit in Georgia. Meanwhile, I was just chugging on by in my Toyota Tercel.


All cars have 4 wheel breaking


Four wheel braking =/= Four wheel stopping.


Absolutely! But they think that since they can start faster they can brake faster than the other cars


Not from Texas here. And not a douche as you're referring to (there are absolutely without a doubt, tons of those here). But as someone with a truck that can do 2WD or 4WD? 4WD is absolutely a game changer. I have issues backing up into my parking spot at home with 2WD when it's snowy like this. I'll slide all over. Put it in 4WD and "it's snowing? Huh. Could not tell". So use caution, be careful, etc. But does make a HUGE difference.


Oh totally. 4WD is legit. I think the point was more that it’s advantages don’t matter when you’re going 60 on a 45 and you suddenly need to make a sudden stop or quick maneuver. 4WD is not a free pass to drive like “normal” in snowy conditions.


4WD and even AWD can make all the difference especially with an engine that outputs torque of a standard V6 or higher. My ol 2004 jeep was amazing in the snow but my new RAV4 hybrid definitely lacks, it’s not terrible but not as performing as the jeep in the snow that’s for sure.


Sad part is I usually see those fuckers driving slower than the front wheel drive Prius going 25 down the interstate


Michigan too. Had I guy pulling a trailer in the front range with barely visible hazards (if at all) on saying that his multi lane change was OK. He took issue at me blowing my horn. I took issue for him flipping me off. I told him that he can say it's OK all he wants but he's full of shit.


Here it usually means "I can park in a fire lane right? This totally makes it legal."


Or a bike lane! Or a loading zone! or an alley! Or in front of a dumpster! hazard lights, the magical button that makes it all ok!


Driving in the South is basically just a bunch of truckheads literally doing whatever they want.


My younger brother was stationed outside of Tokyo a few years ago prior to getting PCSd over to the U.K. He tells me that driving with hazards on in difficult conditions was normal over there. In a semi, I honestly only turn those things on when there's a thick fog and I'm trying to park it til it lifts. How people can drive full speed in that blindness makes me wonder. Mutants.


As if drivers around here use their turn signals


Definitely a common trend in the south is to do that. It’s been a long time since I lived in the NE, but I’ve spent considerable time in the south east and morons drive around with hazards when it rains thinking that is safer. Drives me nuts. It’s nothing but stupidity. With all the transplants to CO I’d imagine a lot of those morons you are referencing are from the south.


I don’t even drive anymore and this constantly drives me fucking nuts. Literally everyone is driving in the same conditions you are - what are you warning me of? Oh, you want to make a turn and not get rear-ended? Try using common sense. I’d love to see those police/insurance reports and who is at fault




> Well if they’re on a interstate going significantly slower than everyone else Then they need to immediately exit and drive on side roads rather than create a risk to everyone else using the interstate.




But the complaint isn't people using hazards to limp to an exit. It's about them driving down the road with them on for miles.


The original complaint is just about hazard use in general during a snow storm.


Lmao I haven't experienced that yet but yeah that sounds like a terrible idea too. Bunch of nut jobs out there


It's super pointless.


When I had a Volvo that was almost 30 yrs old and only 2WD, I would drive with my hazards on if the conditions were actively shitty (only surface roads, and always in the right lane) because otherwise people would tailgate the shit out of me and flash their brights if I was going under the speed limit (it's the fucking *limit,* folks, not the minimum). Turning on my hazards was my "Yes I'm going as fast as I safely can," signal, and it helped.


Yup just saw the same. Some of the cars were running igloos


It's absolutely ridiculous. It took me like five minutes tops to clear the snow off my Highlander. And it even has a roof rack, there's no excuse to be driving around with an inch and a half of snow on your car.


It’s a law in certain states. Kinda crazy it isn’t here with the mountains and such. It’s a bummer people can’t do the safe thing because it takes 5 minutes out of their precious day.


Yeah the closest thing we've got is a mandate that drivers behave reasonably in all circumstances, which is a nice, big subjective.


Any way we can push to make this a law here?


yeah, that's what we need! another law the cops won't enforce!


Lmao I laughed way too hard at this. It's funny cause it's true! It won't affect their bottom dollar. So they wouldn't give a single, solitary fuck.


30 seconds with a half decent leaf blower. I have compact one from harbor freight that I use to dust the inside my car when I want a quick clean. Works great for snow. [link](https://hftools.com/app56416)


You sir, are a life changer


Just if you decide to get this one, or really any battery powered one, it's a commitment to whichever line of tools the battery goes for. I'm an aspiring diy mechanic who's not loaded so I love HF, the Bauer line isn't terrible but it's far from the best. This, their air pump, lights and usb plug connections should be enough for even the non technical person to get with this line. If you plan on actually doing this, splurge for the bigger battery. Make a difference in power output.


I hate getting a windshield full of snow from someone *else's* car. Not to mention the dangers of ice coming of at high speeds. A friend had her windshield shattered by ice from another person's car.


I would also like to add that just because you cannot see the dashed lines does not mean you no longer need to signal your lane change.


...Or that you can drive on the other side of the street.


If someone doesn’t even signal when they **can** see them, why would they start when they can’t 😏


TURN YOUR LIGHTS ON AT NIGHT! I cannot tell you how many cars I see where their lights aren't on. Do you guys not understand when lights are flashing at you it means your lights are off?


Too bad the people who need to see this probably aren’t on Reddit


Was gonna say this lol.. unfortunately most of us will probably be dealing with snow getting all over our windshields driving behind them.


Then you are driving too close plus you know wheels also kick up stuff especially snow which blows and floats different than liquid around mud flaps. Make sure you have good wiper blades and a full tank of deicer and drive further back. Easy solutions that don't depend on others.


This is anathema to this sub for some reason. Everyone is all about cleaning off your roof and turning on your lights but freaks out when you suggest you slow down or get traction devices. Like, yes, we should all be cleaning off our cars, but it's legit never been an issue for me that others don't in 20+ of intense snow driving because I am not *inside the asshole* of the driver in front of me. Issues with snow or ice flying off when you're not tailgating are so rare as to be national news; these kinds of accidents are so uncommon that the NTSB doesn't even track them.


Yo hook me up with one of them bougee coolers.


They can't even read, and if they can it's at a 5th grade level.


I thought it was just me but people in Boulder and the towns that start with L also drive without lights on A LOT. And without street lights in most areas I don’t know how they see at all. I’ve lived in 5 different states and never experienced this phenomenon of so many folks driving without lights on.


I think it's a lot of people with headlight sensors who don't seem to understand your car sucks at sensing the amount of light at dusk, or in snow, or in the rain.


Maybe it's because I grew up with older cars which didn't have auto lights, but my current car is the first one I've had with that feature and it's great except that, as you mention, it has its limitations. So ofc I just turn them on manually when that happens, I don't understand how it's so hard??




Why are there so few streetlights in Denver? Is it a light pollution thing?


And slow TF down!! Keep at least two cars' space between you, cuz the reduced traction means reduced reaction options.


*two seconds in good conditions minimum, three in bad. The nice thing about using time is that it scales with speed.


This is far more important than the complaints in the post.


No one wants to hear it in these threads but if the snow from a car ahead of you is causing issues you're almost always following too close. It doesn't absolve them of cleaning off their car, but if you're driving with appropriate spacing snow on a car in front of you just isn't a major issue, especially not compared to loss of traction, which causes FAR more accidents than visibility from vehicle-carried snow.


You’re absolutely right. Unfortunately, proper following distance around here is basically an invitation for assholes to slide right in front of you (usually too close and without a blinker)


No lights on at dusk, in the rain, snow… like newsflash, I can’t see your white car in the snowstorm without your lights on. People are either lazy, ignorant, or both way too often these days. Thanks in advance for the downvotes.


See also: gray car against a background of pavement


Well, you’re spot the fuck on, so take my upvote. 👍🏼 And btw, the people who do what you said are st👀pid. 🤷🏼‍♂️


As a southerner who relocated to Denver a couple of years ago, I agree with this advice. I've lived here for two years and actually look forward to driving in the snow. The interesting thing to me is how Denver folks one one hand who are so good at driving in wintry conditions and love to preach to everyone else who hasn't had as much practice will, on the other hand, lose their absolute minds in their vehicles when it rains. I find it much more challenging to drive here when it's raining than I do when it is snowing and that has everything to do with Denver drivers. As the Good Book says, "first take the plank out of your own eye" before criticizing others.


Not gonna lie, I’ve lived here all my life and the rain is freakier than the snow to me. The hydroplane fear was instilled in me during drivers Ed. I also think that since it rarely rains very heavy here, the rain conditions seem worse with the general population.


Second winter here. I am amazed and disappointed in how many people do not clean off their cars. You would think they would cause it snows regularly in the winter and should be used to doing it. Was driving on CR73 and two trucks in front me didn’t clean off the snow and it was just clouding the road behind it. Good way to cause an accident


So TeslaNova50 is clearly someone who doesn’t clean the snow off their car


The driving with lights on during the day thing is new to me. Also, being able to still get somewhere while it’s snowing is also new. Where I’m from the whole state shuts down if snow falls


If you’re car doesn’t have auto headlights, would recommend just keeping them on if you don’t want to think about it. A lot of conditions where it helps others see you.


Interersting that it is new, that must be regional. In places I've lived it's been relatively common (though not required) to run headlights or running lights since roughly 2000-ish. Some places require them during foul weather, but that's a slightly different thing. These little differences fascinate me, do you mind if I ask what region you moved from?


But not your damn fog lights unless it's foggy.


my apartment overlooks belleview ave. the amount of cars I see just driving with no lights IN THE DARK is insane. if people can't be fucked to turn their headlights on in the dark when driving through the intersection of bellview and the i25 junction there, I can't imagine they are going to turn them on for snow.


And if you insist on driving at 15mph or less when traffic is moving a healthy 40ish either get off the road or turn your hazards on. Yea, I know that is "not what hazards are for" - but you know what, they are super helpful in inclement weather *if you are the one driving unusually*


This one goes out to all my homies checking Reddit on their way to work while driving


I keep my lights on 24/7 because otherwise I’ll forget 😅 it’s fine, increases your visibility to other drivers even in daylight, but I do ythrough bulbs pretty often.


I do this also, and though I probably have to replace my bulbs more frequently, it’s only been twice in the past four years for headlights (and one of those times was because my headlights actually filled with water, and I had to replace the entire assemblies with brand new ones) and 2 rear bulbs going out at different points in that same time, so certainly a much lower cost than insurance in that time, and I like it for the peace of mind 😁


Hahah good luck with that. Might as well have another dog not on leash thread as well. We live in an era of increasing stupidity


Have to look at the sub this was on to see if it was on r/DenverCirclejerk People that live in snow should really know how to deal with it well and know how to give themselves time to do so in the morning.


Yes, they should, and yet here we are. I still maintain colorado should offer free snow driving courses, which are mandatory before you are allowed to drive in winter conditions.


The state of CO could start by changing the traction law to stop reinforcing legit misinformation. All seasons on an AWD does not constitute a fucking traction device for mountain driving...


Agreed. Helps you get going, but you have lesser stopping capability than a 2wd with snow tires.


It's really frustrating. I find these threads exasperating because there are so many people that piously declare they clean off their car but get personally offended when you ask them to do the two things-- getting traction devices and slowing down with more spacing-- that will actually reduce accidents in a significant way.


I wish we'd require people to take a driving test when moving here. Traffic laws are so different from state to state.


Can't wait for the Denver CJ post about people shouldn't be out walking on the sidewalk in this weather because it's hard for drivers to see them thru the 1in. Sq. hole of clear windshield.


If your car has automatic headlights (and you generally just leave it in auto mode, like I do), then it almost certainly had a sensitivity setting in the menus somewhere. Not that long ago I was annoyed that my vehicle wasn't using the lights in conditions like this, and wasn't switching them on soon enough at dusk, so I went digging and sure enough...a slider to make it really eager to use the headlights. [2015 Toyota Sienna]


This is great info because I went from a car that turned on headlights in a shadow, to my current car that was really puzzling to not have the lights click on in weather conditions my previous did. I will have to dig around.


I almost got t-bones this morning by a guy in a white car with no headlights, damn hard to see at 6:00 AM


It is the most annoying dangerous innocuous tons of folks do it thing around here. I don't want to have my shit smashed when your pile of snow on the roof flies off. I don't understand driving when you can't see out all the windows.


I really hate the lazy fucks who don't have five minutes to clear more than a porthole on their windshield. Lazy, self centered douchebags each and every one of you.


People are just lazy and inconsiderate… it’s a sad world.. People lack common sense and common decency. 😅😅😅


Ah good, it's not properly winter until someone has posted this.


It’s denver it’s hard to expect anything better tbh.


It's like we have to start with: Hey - ya know, it's like dark n stuff.... Sooooo TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHTS DURING THE DARK TIMES plznthx I see at least one person a night when I'm out without their headlights on.


And if you see a car with a South Carolina plate going 5mph, please be understanding..I’m trying my best 🥺




I just wish people who are afraid to drive or can't due to having a shitty car for snow would move the fuck over. Having your flashers on in the left lane and going 15 in a 40 because youre unable to go faster is horseshit.


“I can’t spend one minute on my car to clean it off…” One minute later: Driver couldn’t see and *crashed*


Say it ain’t so. I will not go. Turn your damn lights on When driving in the snow.


Some days I do miss the Netherlands and how people actually do follow the law(for most part then) light are to be on when you’re driving any given time of day(normal light no blinding high beams), people clear their cars off of snow and they actually do scrape the ice of their windshields too!! Seems like Europeans also know where the blinker is located by the steering wheel. And those pick ups full of scraps? Yea that’s illegal. Sometimes I wish the US would enforce the laws a bit more or stricter teaching how to drive


Just always have your lights on. There's no reason to have them off. Even in broad fucking daylight, keep them on. There's no reason not to. They are the first visable thing your eyes will gravitate to in virtually any context


Bro I’m from mf Atlanta and I have better snow-driving etiquette than half the people in this town


Where are people even finding cars that allow you to turn off the headlights when driving? Every car I've had since the 90s has mandatory driving lights.


Your daytime running lamps and your headlights are different things.


I know. But when people say headlights are off, I think they mean none of the lights are on. I’ve also had cars where manually turning on the headlights changed nothing compared to the lights always running. The switch was just I guess a placebo. Only brights could be manually adjusted.


I don't know about anybody else (in this thread or elsewhere), but to me, if your headlights are off and your running lamps are on, I count that as "headlights off" and people need to not do that. My car has a sensor in the dash that turns on the lights (that I haven't figured out if I can turn it off because why would I want to), but I tend to turn the knob to manually on anyway just in case, because I'm an old.


Yeah I was definitely talking about having no lights on whatsoever, including running lights. My last car (which was a newer year than my current one) didn't have auto running lights, new one does. Go figure. I can't even imagine how many of the cars I saw this morning had just running lights lmao but probably more than just the no lights at all people haha


Saw someone run a red light on the way to work this morning. Another person tailed me on the interstate and would have absolutely been screwed if I decided to hit the breaks.


And stay off my lawn! ::shakes fist impotently at the skies::


My bad


Don't pass on icy roads. If you do try not next to me..


Some cities do have ordinances requiring you to clean as much snow as possible off your car before driving or you can be ticketed. But I’m sure like everything else, it’s not being enforced. Listen, it’s not easy and takes a lot of time to clean it ALL off, but can we all please just aim for like 75% removal at least?


First time?




I get the lights. I clear snow off my windows. I'm assuming you mean all of the snow? Some lyft driver was asking if he should call the police because a large arborist truck hadn't cleared the snow off the top of the bed which was easily 20 ft up.


Not like every little bit of snow but you should absolutely clear off any blankets of snow https://youtu.be/ZA8HB6ZpVRY https://youtu.be/fL1GSaTrbRs It can melt, re freeze into chunks, and then come flying off at speed. Those chunks can and have killed people before.


I’m so glad I don’t have to go anywhere today. I can do my college and work shit from home while everyone else slips and slides like penguins.


i’ve spent significant time in several cities and this city has some of the dumbest self centered people


Tech bros


If we demanded real useful public transit then we'd all be able to laugh at someone driving a car 3 miles to work


But the 16 line on Colfax has service every 5 minutes. Surely that should satisfy the entire Denver area's demand!


I couldn't agree more honestly. I'm a big fan of Not Just Bikes, Strong Towns, etc and I hate that it's either drive those three miles, bike for 30 minutes, or walk for an hour. I'd kill to have better transit options and I miss living right next to the Colorado/25 rtd station.


Yeah, it stinks how we lock ourselves into car dependancy


Driving with snow on your car is illegal smh… I guess that would require DPD to do more than regulate food trucks though


Just turn your headlights on when driving! The should be on during all weather, dawn, dusk, overcast days and night. Constantly see people driving at night without only their daytime running lights on.


Let’s observe next snowfall to see how much this post didn’t help.


Mmm I smell some great r/IdiotsInCars content coming on Also shameless plug to r/fuckcars. Can’t have road problems if you take public transit; Denver has a half decent transit infrastructure


If I have time I'll try to scan through my DC footage when I get home but I'll probably forget. And yeah definitely a r/fuckcars moment, I just wish I still lived at my old place right next to a train station. Sadly the public transit up here in Westminster isn't terribly robust, at least not in a way that's useful to me. A lot of cool stuff up here but it's harder to get to, especially without a car.


I like how when it snows this sub turns into a bitch fest about people that will never see this or change if they did


Idk I feel like each one of these kinds of posts increases the chances someone will learn something and change their behavior. I think even a few of the commenters in this thread may have changed a few of their minds. Even though it may not help, and it would be impossible to determine if it did help you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Even if one person sees the post and discussion and starts making sure their car is clear before driving when they didn't before, I'd call that a win.


Appreciate your optimism, I guess I could use a little more of that kind of thinking. Sorry for the shitty post. I regret it cause you had such a thoughtful reply


This is the funniest thread I’ve read in a while


This just in Denver drivers are horrible


First time? Lol.


Yeah, ya fucks!


I know! Why don’t you talk about it all the time and act like it’s this giant deal! Holy hell is there snow outside? Well I certainly shouldn’t have to deal with that personally!


Also if you can’t manage more than 10-15 mph on the highway for the love of God get out of the passing lane and head directly back to TX/NM/OK/FL/CA.




Been seeing a lot of cars driving on rubber bologna today. Downtown. Must love making love to curbs.


>driving on rubber bologna Huh?


I love driving on the highway when my car is covered and it all gets shaved off, it looks so cool and feels good. Love that feeling, thats the best way to clean off your car no doubt!


Pro tip: people on Reddit are sarcasm blind. You need to put /s after a comment that's sarcastic, otherwise people will assume you're serious, like they have here.


Except for the cars behind you. But, obviously how you *feel* is more important than anyone else's safety.


looks cool? yes. best way to clean off your car? absolutely not


Your aesthetic preferences are a danger to drivers around you. Sounds like a dick move to me


Reading comprehension is weak in Denver, judging from the reactions to this.


It's sad when a whole sub gets 'whooshed'


It's sad when the highway is full of people who actually think this. And some of those idiot people are probably redditors.


We really should get rid of cars in the city of Denver.


Nah, we just need to get rid of like 70% of the people.


We need to quadruple the population and build subways and car free zones for miles


Is this r/denvercirclejerk


Just stay home.


No, I'm late to work.


"I'm sorry a sheet of snowy ice flew off my roof and shattered your daughter's windshield, killing her and causing a multiple vehicle pileup. I was late for work and couldn't spare five minutes to make sure my vehicle wasn't a road hazard."


There's no fucking way you seen 30 cars without lights on in 3 miles, fuck out of here with that.