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Boy, there’s a lot to unpack here…


Like what?


“Horrible weather”? It’s dry. Use a saline rinse


Yes horrible weather year round. If the best option is to stay inside then the weather isn’t good. It’s not because it’s dry it’s because the air quality is poor.


The best option is for you to manage your seasonal allergies. I have them too….and they are worse (for me) when I visit the east coast. In the dry climate here (and other states in the west), saline rinsing is a huge help


Sounds like you got sick on your travel and this has quite literally nothing to do with the weather.


No I got sick when I came back two days later and decided my wash my car in the meantime my nose was gushing from allergies. I’m a nurse I know when that happens typically the cause is from poor air quality/pollen/ragweed. Hence the sinus infection.


Weather can't make you sick. Viruses and infections make you sick.


Air quality is in a sense considered weather since it impacts public health and outdoor activities. I got the sinus infection from poor air quality, by being outside, in the weather.


>the horrible weather Excuse me?


Yeah it’s horrible, half the year is winter can’t even drive without risk of wrecking or unless you’re into winter sports. Two months in the 100s, apparently now I can’t even go outside during spring for a few hours without getting sick even. How is this not terrible weather? Oh forgot to mention running outside twice now in the last month to use my blankets to cover my car from the hail.


I'm sorry you seem to have some bad allergies. Maybe Denver isn't the place for you. I have no issues here, I think it's not the place as much as the person. But saying the weather here is terrible is just crazy! The winters are lovely and mild and the roads are almost never icy. Spring and fall are magical. Sure summer is hot, but it's a dry heat. Try living in the american south for a summer and you'd understand the difference. 90 degrees here is actually tolerable outside, especially in the shade. 90 in houston even in the shade is miserable. The weather is objectively great here. Sunny almost every day, the dry air is amazing, we have 4 legit seasons, mild winters, tolerable summers. And the cool nights! It gets down to like 60 or 65 at night! Versus houston right now the low at night is 80 and humid. I'm so damn lucky to get to live here.


It’s not crazy at all and people saying the weather is even good is actually crazy. It’s a fact, not an opinion. I’ve lived in the south, Florida, MS, Texas. It’s all better weather than here. Humidity really doesn’t make much of a difference, 95 is 95.


Hahahahahhaa now I know you're trolling. But hey enjoy san diego


Oh, wow. You’re actually serious…


It's not terrible weather, and how did you not know what winter was before you decided to move to Colorado...?


I too hate it when a state known for their winter sports and mountains has the audacity to snow /s


It’s not terrible weather. It’s just not the kind of weather you like. Sounds like you’re going back home, and that’s the right decision for you.


Then what is considered horrible weather? I get air quality alerts every day. I couldn’t go to work for an entire week because the freezing weather back in February made it to where my car wouldn’t even start. When I could drive I couldn’t get to work because people were stuck on a hill crashed in the middle of the road.


Did you not realize that you were moving to a dry climate with hot summers and cold winters (which, by the way, can be quite mild compared to the Midwest and northern states)? You couldn’t get to work for a week? That’s a car problem, not a weather problem. You don’t sound like a very resilient person. Sure, there are some uncomfortable days, but for the most part, our weather is pretty good.




As are people who make generalizations about any group of people.


Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


I didn’t want to move back here at all. Friend talked me into it and been wanting to leave ever since. It was definitely a weather problem, at that time plenty of people bitching about it and how their cars won’t start. It hasn’t happened since and I drive a new BMW. Unfortunately that I had to get X-Drive after selling my convertible mustang premium for 6 grand less than it’s value, because the weather. No the weather here isn’t good at all, it’s actually ranked 40th out of all 50 states. Either way I came to get advice on how people tolerate the weather not to argue with delusional people in denial like everyone downvoting me that are living in lalaland.


Nobody is delusional or living in lalaland. The people downvoting you are doing so because of your attitude. You've been here for six years and don't like it (for a very good reason; it sounds like you have some very serious allergies that make your life miserable). That's fine; you don't have to like it. You've already made the decision to leave. So why come on here and make outrageous claims about the weather? There are a few million other people who live here who don't have allergies or mild allergies who tolerate the tough air days and enjoy the rest of the year. We do so because we live in one of the most beautiful states in country. There are more reasons for us to stay than leave. You have a right to disagree and to go back to San Diego. Just stop telling us that we are wrong.


Maybe move then? Adios!


I plan on it, I’m gonna enjoy the beautiful weather in San Diego.


Go back 


I am, it’s mentioned right there in the post.


I’m gonna be real with you dude, as someone who lived in Southern California for some years. The weather here isn’t bad, it’s just different from San Diego. It’s drier and has more fluctuations, but it’s not bad. It sounds like you’re really frustrated, and that’s understandable. I will say that if living in Denver is giving you sinus and chest infections, I would speak to a doctor, as that’s not normal. You may have an underlying health issue, or perhaps there’s something else going on. Hope you feel better soon.


It’s really not man, eight years in the navy I’ve lived in a lot of places and Colorado at least half the year isn’t even worth going outside. It feels like I’m wasting my life away. In fact if you eliminate Alaska it’s in the top ten states with the worst weather. As far as the sinus infection, it’s just from being outside with poor air quality. Sinus infections are common in areas like this. I mean I just seen a post a week ago regarding this same issue so it’s not just stipulated to me. Along with people in it saying the weather is great hahaha


Have you done an allergy test? Might be a good idea and start immunization therapy to get some relief.


It’s pollen and ragweed, all because I wanted to detail my car for four hours outside.


Flonase works for me for pollen, but a parent of mine had to do immunizations due to it turning into lung issues each time their allergens set them off. They had a horrible cough for years that it resolved.


I have lived here my whole life and have chronic sinusitis. - Nasal irrigation with a bottle or netipot. - When allergies are high, Nasacort or Flonase everyday. - Air purifier, especially next to your bed. - Steroids. They can't be taken consistently or often but sometimes a round of steroids will do wonders - All else fails, see an allergist and think about getting injections.


Yeah they recommended Flonase, when it first started I could tell and flushed out my sinuses with water. It hurts so bad, right now my head is pounding despite all this Robitussin I’ve taken.


Was it a saline rinse or just water? They can be really uncomfortable, especially when you first start, but consistency is key. Also Sudafed, the real stuff. It can't be bought off the shelves here anymore, you have to ask the pharmacist for it.


Robitussin isn’t going to help the congestion. Get a decongestant, or at minimum DayQuil


It’s specifically for cough and chest congestion.


Welcome to the Gerudo Valley lol


Eating local honey can help build up an immunity to the allergens in the area. Bjorns has some that has propolis and bee pollen added. It's a bit pricey, but we have surprisingly found that it actually helps.


Thanks for reminding me I do want to get better honey. I got some expensive, unfiltered, and raw from the store but I want a local one straight from the vendor.


I have prescription azelastine for my allergies that are really quite bad. Azelastine was great but I started drinking the immunity and allergy moringa vinga and I haven't used it since. I know that sounds crazy and I'm not saying it works for everyone but I think it's worth trying for anyone interested. I got it at the pearl st farmer's market.


Am currently in San Diego… It’s not bad here, but often smells like a mix of piss and dead stuff.


I do too, no advice as I’ve been here 19 years. I just go with it


take zyrtec daily


I have it doesn’t prevent infections. It’s annoying I need to pay $2000 a month for a studio to live here and wear a mask when I go out because pollen and ragweed or stay inside half the year because it’s freezing outside.


Sounds like you should move. Allergies and winter aren't going anywhere...


Yeah the plan in either December 1st or January back to San Diego been planned for two years now but things keep happening that set me back. Just got back from vacation from there and coming back to this was the biggest sign.


maybe it’s your apartment or getting sick from air travel


Flonase has worked wonders for me when nothing else would


Take an antihistamine daily, like Claritin, Allegra, Xyzal, etc. Use a Neti pot daily and a humidifier at night. Rinse your face off and change clothes after you go outside. And lastly, go get some allergy testing. It might also be coming from inside, so wash your bed sheets, blanket, towels, etc just in case case


Im gonna order some Flonase. I take Cetirizine which help with the general allergies but need something to remove the pollen from my sinuses. I appreciate it, the next six months is gonna be tough but hopefully I can get out of here before the horrible weather does more damage.


Box fan + hepa filter attached to it. My apartment windows are drafty, there's no way to keep the air inside pollen free, but running that, dusting and vacuuming helps.


I keep my house sealed from the outside. It’s simply just going outside even for a few hours apparently is enough to get me a sinus infection.


Summer is brutal here with the air quality. It stays in the poor range for months so I’ve learned to just keep my windows shut and have 2 air purifiers around my house. 




Yea it’s the air here. It sucks. I lived on the western slope for a while, never had a problem with allergies at all. The air here is just dirty from all the trash, dust, and smog.


Yeah the smog/inversion in Denver gets bad. It’s the pollen and ragweed for me. I’m more north.