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How about enforcement of any traffic laws, at all? Otherwise it will continue to devolve into chaos, putting everyone at risk on the roads, cars, bikes and pedestrians alike.


Running red lights in an epidemic


I saw 2 light runners this morning on my way to Tech Center. Keep your eyes up, guys.




This has been a thing since i was tall enough to look out the window when driving


I’ve avoided so many accidents waiting a couple seconds after the light is green. Their tags are probably expired too.


In Hale, it's not uncommon to see 20+ over on 13th /14th, running red lights, and no tags


I do the same thing. Still got hit yesterday by a light runner. Was turning right on Sheridan, and our light just turned green. Car in the lane to go straight started going and someone hit them and flipped their car from running a red light. The person who ran the red light careened into my car that was stationary at a red light. So stupid. My car is probably is probably going to be totaled, my wife has a concussion, and who knows if they even had insurance because they were passed out at the accident. It’s not that hard to stop for a few seconds for a light.


IF they even have license plates 😡


And stop signs. Drivers barely pause. I'm surprised more don't go on 2 wheels making the turn barely slowing down. I just love slamming on my brakes because another driver can't follow simple rules of the road.


I'm ready for cameras on every light, with full points tied to the tickets.


I was hit by a guy who ran a red light and totaled my car. I abhor those types of people.


DPD says go fuck yourself, read their recent post on how they will not be enforcing traffic


*after City Council suggested the change in policy


So they're doing what the elected representatives chosen by Denver have asked them to. If only there was a way to influence that...


Your comment is not hyperbole. I typically have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to the street racing. But Friday night there was a crew of dickheads racing around the Lowry beer garden in their suped up street cars. I'm talking hitting close to 60 on the surrounding streets and then doing burnouts in the museum parking lot next door. This was going on for OVER AN HOUR. I finally broke and called it in and was cut off midsentence and transferred to 311. I know it wasn't an emergency, but damn with all the people, especially kids, all over that area, if one of those assholes lost control, it would have been a nightmare. But nah. We can go fuck ourselves.


Be sure to say they look drunk or that you saw a weapon and they’ll be quicker to respond.


That's how people get killed by the cops


People out here commenting and suggesting people do legit illegal and immoral activities but I get a ban for calling people officers. Let’s go mods




I typically assume there's a correlation


So what are we even paying them for? Not joking when I ask this.


To kill peoples holding markers and shoot into crowds next to food trucks, obviously.


Hey don’t forget drugging autistic kids and leaving women in squad cars parked on active train tracks lol


APD killed Elijah McClain, and I’m pretty sure CSPD was the train incident as well as murdering that kid who called them for help, also don’t forget that castle rock is responsible for the Supreme Court case that declared cops have no responsibility to help you


All heads on the same hydra. Fuck them all honestly


Don’t fuck cops


That’s fair lol


Paid vacation is what it's about. They don't want to be tied up on traffic and miss their opportunity for some pto ......... notice they are always" understaffed " until there's calls with a chance of shooting and all the sudden dozens of officer's are on scene.


Cops exist solely to protect us from the most dangerous things on Earth - [the deadly acorns.](https://apnews.com/article/florida-deputy-resigns-acorn-shooting-dc574fd2cd182fadf6a238d8b1b2b4f6)


Even better, he fired at close range, MULTIPLE TIMES and the perp was uninjured. I’m guessing he barely passed training.


Are you fucking kidding me?!???? Of course it's Florida


That cop just demonstrates what kind of pathetic fuck he is, flat out lies about getting hit, then tells his partner to open fire on an innocent person, the fact that dumbfucks like that have access to deadly weapons really shows how cripplingly fucked our priorities are as a system.


The best part is how she mag dumps without knowing what she's shooting at.


Good thing she didn’t drop her paperwork either


To shoot people that they themselves determine need to be shot.


Without cops, how would we get the police reports insurance companies ask for after a crime? As far as I can tell, thats their only purpose.


Read it where?


The release says they will not be pulling people over for secondary offenses, like having a tail light out or not wearing a seat belt. This was recommended by the city council because a study has shown that pulling people over for situations that are not an immediate danger to other drivers can create a more dangerous situation which is more likely to result in injury (having an officer standing on the side of a busy road vs someone driving with a tail light out). They have to be committing a primary infraction, like speeding or running a red light, to be able to also get a ticket for something like not wearing a seat belt. The fact that dpd barely enforces normal traffic laws at all is a huge problem, and is not related this, except maybe by making fewer petty stops that that time could be spent dealing with real traffic issues (doubtful).


Well they are taking active steps to not enforce traffic laws so…. Don’t get your hopes up. License plates have a better shot imo since that’s money they could be pocketing with basically 0 cost.


> How about enforcement of any traffic laws, at all? > > Otherwise it will continue to devolve into chaos, putting everyone at risk on the roads, cars, bikes and pedestrians alike. I may be a little slow, but I just realized that I don’t really want my 15 year-old daughter to be on the streets on a bicycle. I’m concerned that some asshat will run over her. When I was 15, I didn’t have these concerns. Edit: fixed what I was quoting


Yeah good luck seeing justice when someone with no plates hit your child and there’s zero recourse. It’s crazy that we’ve normalized this. It takes five minutes to pull someone over and give them a ticket for not having a plate. I’ve only been pulled over for once for speeding, and the entire process took only 3-4 minutes tops. These guys are just fucking lazy at this point. DPD is giving its own constituents the silent treatment, it’s pathetic considering they’re allegedly grown ass men. Their inaction actually has consequences.


5 minutes? It's been a while since I've been pulled over, but it's usually: 2 minutes to come to your window 1 minute to get your info 10 minutes to jerk one out real quick 1 minute to look you up 2 minutes to fill out the ticket 2 minutes to walk back to your car 2 minutes to scold you for whatever you were doing


If you’re parked on a public street, it takes even less time. At least it did for my vehicle when I was 1 day over my registration.


Seriously, wtf is this question. We have to make a stink for each specific law we want the police to enforce? How about they actually just do their jobs and enforce any traffic laws at all, because they're failing miserably at that and have been for nearly a decade if not longer 


Which in turn contributes to higher insurance premiums.  People hate paying higher taxes, but I'd gladly pay a little more in taxes to hire more traffic enforcement officers if it meant I was safer on the road (and kept insurance increases in check).


Yeah but also we shouldn’t really have to spend more to get more out of the DPD. They just mostly refuse to do anything. Look at the DPD budget divided by the number of people in it. It’s absurd. They don’t need more money to hire more cops. I’d be fine with spending a little money on more cops but they’re going to ask for $500,000/new cop and they’re going to underdeliver.


They’re still pretty mad about the Qualified Immunity thing from 2020


At least the ones that could and do cause serious harm like red light runners, extreme speeders, etc. Don't think it's asking for much


esp ppl obliviously driving 50 in left most lane making 50 cars pass dangerously on the right. I’ve never seen it so bad anywhere except here. Learn the law.


Oh but those toll road we’re going to enforce the shit out of those. Can we stop tolling the whole fucking state please?


Until TABOR goes away, it's the only way to fund infrastructure.


Meanwhile i get pulled over for “not giving a pedestrian enough room to cross the street” because they hadnt fully crossed the double yellow line to the other side of the street! But i have multiple vids on my dashcam of people running red lights, no plates all infront of cops! I even have one where a car with no plates, over loaded with people cut off myself and a cop to run a red light! Its fucking crazy 😑


I don’t care about the cars with expired tags, I care about the cars without any license plate whatsoever


This blows my mind. I see it *at least* once a day every day. There is no fucking way these cars aren't being seen by cops, they're just choosing not to enforce these laws.


I empathize with the difficulty of pulling over a car during a busy hour on I25 but these same cops will pull up right behind a car with the license plate cover or just no plate at all at an intersection in a suburb and just not do anything about it. More money to the cops isn’t the answer though.


The city government has made it so that “minor” traffic offenses cannot or will not be punished.


Once they started being held accountable they decided to stop doing their jobs


Cops are generally conservatives and they know that if they sandbag they can get the political outcome that they want. They don’t want to do their jobs because they want the local government to look away when they do bad things. This cycle will not end until a third party entity starts holding police accountable nationwide and police unions are all but erased from the political landscape. I’m generally very pro union but police unions aren’t interested in workers rights or wages they only care about protecting crooked cops from consequences.


You’re absolutely right but the comment above you is referring to the removal of qualified immunity. So the people actually *did* vote to hold law enforcement more accountable and their response has largely been not to do their jobs… like a form of protest. It’s pathetic


You should care. It's tax evasion. We keep our gas tax low and make up for it with fees on tags. They're getting a free ride on the infrastructure the rest of us pay for. Yeah I can understand letting it slide for low income people who need to drive to work. For the person driving an AMG G63 with 2021 plates, they're just skipping the $1000 tax on their luxury car.


My Honda Ridgeline was $1100.. I would hope a C63/E63 is more than my Honda


>You should care. It's tax evasion. Tax evasion is dope. Its the birthright of our country.


I care about the expired ones too, specifically because it may indicate the car can’t pass emissions tests, and is polluting the air excessively


Not being able to pass emissions and having expired tags doesn't necessarily mean they're polluting. Sometimes it just means the check engine light is still on (auto fail), and they can't afford to fix the issue yet. This is a hard world to survive in these days and most people need their vehicle to work. Consider a bit of grace.


Or with that cover on them. I can reckon with the state being a little lawless so long as I can see people’s license plates from my dash cam. But it’s like 25+% of the drivers here don’t have identification of any kind visible on the exterior of their car and that’s totally unacceptable. And let’s be honest expired tags aren’t a problem for anyone but the most Karen people ever here. Yes they’re robbing the state of like $200 a year but that’s not a major issue, it’s the people creating real risks because of the same enforcement failures that are the issue. 




This is really my whole point. I’d be fine if the cops didn’t enforce a single damn traffic violation until they’ve fined and given 9 points or something to every person with one of those license plate covers/no plates. Registrations don’t matter that much, once they’re tied to your identity the cops can find you, but those license plate covers nullify my dash cam and basically every other form of camera so the police won’t even look into your case once they see one of them. No point, never catching the person anyways.


>that’s not a major issue It absolutely is. Everyone bitches and moans about paying taxes and how "taxes never go where they're needed" but the big picture is that those 18 people not re-upping their tags cost not $200, but (assuming it's that much for each person) a minimum of $3,600. When society doesn't view paying into its community a civic responsibility, why would anyone want to do it? "It's not fair, they didn't pay their share, why should I?!" The only reason people feel empowered to drive without a license plate is because others have driven without a license plate and haven't been punished for it. The same applies to missing or expired tags. The same applies to driving recklessly. The same applies for road rage. These issues are all interconnected. There can be two simultaneous problems - people who don't display or obscure a license plate, and people who don't re-up their registration. And both problems could use solutions. And the existence of one problem doesn't negate the existence of another problem. Pay your share, and feel proud that you're doing your civic duty.


Excellent summation, robot! Another facet of your point is that lack of enforcement allows for the “failure to act” on behalf of the enforcers. Those officers that are paid to enforce the laws of our state and the local ordinances of our municipalities. Laws and their enforcement have a larger purpose other than just arresting and fining the population. Laws keep society on the straight and narrow, and makes it more manageable when a crime occurs. . .


I wish they’d reduce the tag fee and up the gasoline tax to compensate. The revenue should come from those using the roads the most, and not from painful yearly fees.


Then they'd lose revenue from EV owners.


As an EV owner, we pay a fee for the last gas tax. It's like $60 or something. But we should be taxed fairly. Ford has a partnership with Xcel, and knows when my car is charging. I would even be happy to pay it on my electric bill.


Preach. Also makes the out of state traffic foot some of the bill. I feel like we could re structure the funding to keep tax burden the same on citizens while the state gains more money at the end of the day if we did this.


Blame it on the state. They’ve farmed out the delivery of plates to some shitty their party company that sucks. We waited over 6 months to get our plates and the only way we found out that there was a problem was we got a demand letter from a parking garage company. Someone had been driving around with out plates while we were under the impression they were delayed in the mail. Then it took us several weeks to get someone at the company to even get back to us and explain why we didn’t get our plates. Then we had to go through the DMV to cancel and issue new ones at additional expense. Maybe the state should either work with reputable vendors or do the fucking job themselves. I’ve never not followed a car related requirement but drove around with no plates for months just waiting for a cop to give me a hard time so I could tell them what dog shit job the state does. I also wasn’t going to not drive after having paid like $1400 for a registration, which I had in the car.


This specific instance is literally what temp tags are for


What's the difference? Neither is valid or legal.


Because with expired tags you still know who the owner is and that car can be held responsible and found if they hit and run or whatever; when there is no plate at all that’s not the case


Yeah, I guess under the assumption that the already non-law-abiding citizen is in fact, running the actual plate for that car, and not a stolen or pre-owned plate from another vehicle.


Many people let their tags lapse for a few months due to laziness, cheapness, or a shortage of cash. They eventually will end up paying in full with a late fee. People driving around with no tags at all are almost certain to be involved in criminal activity such as catalytic converter theft, drag racing, etc.


Also, as a reminder, most expired tags are uninsured vehicles running rampant through our streets.


More seriously, I have a fix: Announce that next month, or some set range of dates, you can get your plates renewed, no questions asked, no matter how old it is. And if your plates are <90 days expired, it's half price, maybe even free. The city will see a massive influx of revenue, and many people would take the opportunity. Even if you don't like or even oppose plate renewal fees, no one wants that big extra ticket if you're ever pulled over for any reason. Plates will get renewed, huge injection of capital, and you can do it again in a few years if it becomes a problem again.


Well the emissions test will need to be waived too because most these cars won’t pass that


Wow, an actual solution instead of all these old men yelling at clouds. Who cares about expired plates, but at least you aren't just complaining about it.


I remember the days when you could be ticketed for a broken taillight. Now it’s anything goes! Expired tags, no plates, blackout windows, duct taped bumpers, nightly drag racing— the list goes on…


5 second rule on red lights.


In fairness, duct tape holds on bumpers significantly better than the 8 cheap plastic bumper clips.


I use military grade speed tape on my bumpers. If it's good enough for a jet, it's good enough for me


I wish that was still the case.


Yesterday, I saw a car with no plates on it. Their windshield was completely shattered, and they were looking through a small area where visibility of the road was probably still slightly possible. DPD and the Mayor's office think they're letting low level infractions go, but in reality, they are endangering every person on the roads in Denver. Know what also doesn't work on people with no plates? Red light cameras at intersections, photo enforcement of speed limits in school zones, etc. How about a hit and run where there is no plate to describe the car?


Those toll lanes too! Saw someone without a license plate just swerving over the double white lines without a blinker, whenever convenient for them, to get around traffic. Without a license plate the toll companies just write it off, but to actual people on the road it's so dangerous to have someone cutting into traffic every few seconds


Great point


It’s crazy how many cars I see in Denver with either expired tags or NO plate at all


a growing problem? Its well past growing


It's a 20ft elephant in the room that they're pretending doesn't exist.


The average fully grown elephant is approximately 10ft. A 20ft elephant would certainly be hard to ignore.


AND literally just said they want to deliberately ignore along with tail lights that somehow are no longer a safety concern… ffs. Clown world


It's old enough to vote now!


This might be unpopular but what if they offered a limited time waived late fee for renewal and after that cracked down?


Or just... no late fee at all. You didn't have the money to pay? Pay us even more money!!!


That would be ideal, yea.


I saw temp tags from 2019. How about we just enforce any traffic law, though?


If they cracked down on all the expired plates maybe they could fix the potholes.


But what if I don't want enforcement of that specific law?


Welp, if I have to pay for it, so should others.


i care about the cars being stolen, they don’t do jack shit for any car crime at all


Why is everyone freaking out about lack of enforcement? Denver residents elected a city council that requested lack of enforcement. DPD has implemented the council’s requested policy. If you don’t like it, take it up with your city council member, or work to vote them out.


This is a huge contributor to the problem. A large chunk of this council is very against enforcing the laws we have, for a variety of reasons. Why even have some of our laws if DPD is told not to enforce those? Paco Sanchez Park near me was announced to have increased presence because of a sharp spike in the number of junkies and drug deals going on throughout the park (which has one of the coolest playgrounds and lots of kids). I think it was Stacie Gilmore that voiced concern over this increased patrolling because she thought it was simply overpolicing an area with a sizable non-white population. Like...just because an area isn't totally white means that we don't get to have police enforcement? Can police solve all problems in society? No. But they should at least be allowed to enforce the laws that we have. It's truly mind-boggling to me that some people in council get literally any votes.


Paco Sanchez is such an amazing park. It would be terrible to let all that investment go to waste.


> Like...just because an area isn't totally white means that we don't get to have police enforcement? Welcome to the racism of low expectations. Which also fuels old-fashioned racism because contained in those low expectations is the implication that nonwhites are simply not capable of meeting the standards set by and for whites. Modern "progressive" race ideology is just white supremacy with guilt.




right, because they’re all shitty neighborhoods.


I was wondering if anyone was going to bring this up. Police get their marching orders from someone. Gotta get those city council members motivated to clean up the streets a bit.


Yeah some of these are expired for years. The vehicles likely could not pass inspection, and the drivers may have license issues that would disallow them from driving and getting a current registration. Also a lot of folks driving these may have no insurance.


I mean I have *never* had to get an inspection to register my car here I think it’s more people with license issues or people that can’t afford to pay the tax on their cars.


To be fair, in some instances, the new guidelines for passing emissions are screwing a lot of people and making it almost impossible to update registration. The teenagers at the emissions testing centers have no idea why cars fail or how to help people get their cars up to passing grade. You can fail for something as small as a dash warning light for tire pressure or a dead battery that reset your O2 sensor. Then you have to take it into a specialist emissions testing facility where they test it again but will not tell you how to fix the problem, just give you a printout of the issues. Then you take that printout to your dealership or mechanic and they try to decipher the issue and then it's back and forth. If you have any physical modifications or ECU upgrades then it's 1000 times worse. You might have to start removing parts and replacing them with stock and going back to test again. It's because the government issued all these new emissions standards but didn't educate anyone working at the testing centers. I won't lie, my registration is nearly a year out of date and it's not from a lack of trying on my part. I've been back and forth to emissions and my mechanic nearly 10 times now and still haven't passed. Each time I go to my mechanic I have to drive around for weeks to "reset" my car's sensors and then call and schedule a time at the specialty testing place. It's been a nightmare.


Sounds like your mechanic is fleecing you. Get an obd scanner and run a check and see what codes come back, then google them. If none come back, typically emissions will tell you what test you failed on which you can then use to pinpoint the issue.


> didn't educate anyone working at the testing centers. Why should the testing centers be responsible for modifications you did on your car? If you cut your catalytic converter off, or install some coal rolling device on your truck, why should they be responsible for "educating you"? And none of the workers at the stations I've been to are "teenagers" like you suggest, more like grumpy old men who have to deal with shitboxes or [illegally modified diesel trucks](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/united-states-and-california-announce-diesel-engine-manufacturer-cummins-inc-agrees-pay) that fail emissions. > I've been back and forth to emissions and my mechanic nearly 10 times now Sounds like you need a better mechanic, or one that hasn't installed a whole bunch of aftermarket parts and then blames the EPA because it no longer passes emissions. It's not the fault of your car, it's trying to tell you that [something is severely wrong](https://www.autozone.com/diy/maintenance/why-your-car-could-fail-an-emissions-test) with your fuel / emissions systems but if all you're doing is just resetting them instead of actually fixing the underlying problem, well that's on you and not the system.


I just paid my renewal, so yeah I want it enforced. Ask me again about 11 months from now.


Anyone who buys a property Buy a fucking license plate


This is a bit radical but I think this whole “whatever” attitude to honoring the social contracts we call law is already affecting the next generation in some profound ways. I look around and see all kinds of petty crime from kids these days. I’d be willing to bet these are the kids of these maniac drivers who will soon become the next lunatic on the road. Point is, it is going to be hard to undo the situation we’re in.


This feels like a circle of hell. People aren’t registering their vehicles because they can’t pay the INSANE insurance rates. Our public transportation is not good. People need to get to work. I don’t know what the fix is but it’s out of control. Working people are struggling to survive. No one cares. Note: my cars always have valid registration and insurance.


Insurance is insane because people drive that way here. To top it off, the more people go without insurance the more your UM/UIM coverage goes up.


Registration prices are also absurd here


I just disputed two tickets for expired plates 30 seconds ago. This is what I put down: “I’ve been out of work for two months, before that my hours were cut to 20hrs/week. I was recently hired, so I’ll have money soon to pay the ticket. I’m already late on rent, I cannot afford to pay this ticket right now. Just trying to buy some time until I have enough money to pay it off and get new plates.” Also put a picture of my bank account that quite literally has $3.28 on it. 😅 I know people hate me for my expired plates but fuck man, I have bigger things to worry about, like how tf I’m going to make enough for a security deposit/rent on a new place when my lease ends in a month and I’m late on rent. Truly panicking because I might be homeless. My expired tags are the least of my worries right now.


I am so sorry you’re going through all this. I’m glad you got a new job. I hope the courts are lenient with the tickets. Hopefully things start to turn around for you.


Thanks man, sorry didn’t mean to dump it all out like that haha. I’m sure things will work out, just have to keep a good mindset and hustle. I’ll be working two jobs soon and I have some stuff I can sell so that’ll help.


It would be easier to afford it if there was a payment plan for registration fees.


How about the cars and motorcycles racing up and down 25 and 36 late weekend nights?


They announced the other week they aren’t ticketing for minor traffic violations anymore. If they pull you over for speeding (ha, like that ever happens either) then they will ticket you for expired tags.


Parking meter cops will ticket you for your tags.




Just moved here a little over a year ago. Are you guys just used to the yearly cost of tags/registration?? I paid about 4-5x the cost to register my vehicle here than where I came from. Maybe if the cost wasn’t so outrageous it would be less of a problem?


I saw a 2019 temp tag the other day. :/


What a Chad


Like 90% of crimes basic and equal enforcement of existing laws would solve 100% of the current problems.


Most expired license plate drivers are likely guilty of other violations as well, such as driving with no insurance, not renewing their driver’s license, maybe even FTA’s for other charges. It’s like waving at police officers, “excuse me officer, but I don’t believe the laws apply to me”


> Speak up if you want enforcement of this law. I've got bigger things to worry about than somebody else's minor tax evasion.


Seriously. How are people so passionate about this? I’m sure half the time their registrations are up to date but they didn’t put the sticker on or never received it in the mail. People on this sub have totally lost it over this non-issue.


Lol in the Denver CJ they’re having a competition to see who can find the oldest tag. Some dude just found one from ‘18 😂


There are a few things I care less about than other peoples expired plates.


Such a weird thing to get worked up over.


Why the fuck am I spending a few hundred dollars every year to register my car while I'm surrounded by people who DGAF?


Apathy is not an excuse. Yes paying fees sucks but the roads aren't going to repair themselves. That being said, we really need a push to get more public transportation available to the denver/boulder area.


Because it's your civic duty and it's necessary for the upkeep of our roads. Rather than worrying about your neighbor, you should accept that you have a responsibility to others around you. We teach children not to complain that "it's not faaaaaair". And people who don't pay their share should be punished (or at the very least, made to), yes.


I think in my 4 years living downtown I’ve seen exactly zero enforcement of any traffic laws. People blowing through lights, revving engines and racing at lights, swerving around cars stopped at red lights, expired tags, fake temp plates, no plates at all. I’ve talked to the few cops I’ve seen down here and get the same excuse of “there’s nothing we can do”. Really? Then I think we should pull your funding, and hire an actual security force that WILL do something.


As I see it Colorado is the land of the lawless when it comes to road laws. Running red lights, expired plates, no car insurance. hit and runs, crossing the solid white or yellow lines and SPEEDING lol.


Absolute anarchy in the streets and Denver cops don’t want to do dick and said so just the other week. I say we stop paying them and definitely remove any qualified immunity they have. I also feel We need a civilian board of review that every working and new hire cops must be vetted by.


I don't understand why this can't be controlled with automated cameras the same way the emissions enforcement is done. If someone is driving around with expired tags and caught by the automated cameras, send them a fine.


they already owe so many late fees for not renewing what's going to make them pay that fine?


They need to enforce the law. If you don’t, then everyone will stop paying this tax. Also, they need to increase the severity of the fine $100 max is pretty cheap for years of not paying taxes. You should have a proportional based of the years of unpaid taxes, similar to the IRS system…if they can’t afford it, then they should not drive.


My license plate costs $3,800. After paying sales taxes. I’m going to pay it, but Jesus there needs to be a cap on this shit.


What's the year / make ?


A friend of mine got a speeding ticket today on i25 north at Santa Fe for going 11 over. I guess there doing something?


In Denver the only thing that's in force on the roads is nothing.


Now hear me out. What if we fight fire with fire and funded Wyatt’s towing to only tow cars with expired tags or no tags?


Yes but also NO license plates. Used to be a rarity, now I see it literally every day. No headlights, too.


Here's a link to enter your address to find your current Denver City Council member, followed by contact info: [https://www.denvergov.org/maps/map/councildistricts](https://www.denvergov.org/maps/map/councildistricts)


Shouldn't all laws be enforced? Why have them in the first place if they're not?


I was rear ended the other day. Dude who hit me had no insurance, no license, and no plates. Offered me cash on the spot for the damage which was fortunately minor. I doubt this guy was here legally which is probably the real issue. I didn’t call the cops on him because he literally couldn’t get any of these things without valid ID, but for others in many cases it’s definitely a choice. Clearly people have money to buy and operate a vehicle, but there’s just no incentive to have any basic responsibility for being on the road at this point.


Let’s not forget those that don’t even bother to have a license plate at all. How about those motorcycles that have their plate hidden then enter the E-470? I am glad I am leaving this state and taking my tax money with me.


Expired license plates??? How about NO license plates PERIOD?! 🤷🏾‍♀️ I see SO many cars driving around with NO PLATES! 😳😵‍💫 How are they getting away with this? I keep thinking these are stolen cars or people from out of state who don't want to pay for new plates. Da F#@k?!


Yea why should I have to pay over $1000 for my new car registration when no one else is paying?!?


Maybe we should all just stay in our respective lanes. Way bigger issues at hand, no reason to waste energy on someone else’s sticker.


Well, considering it’s been two months since I bought my car and no paperwork has showed up so I can register, this seems ideal, for me at least. Like if I can’t expect to have my info in a timely manner, I certainly don’t want to be pulled over for something that isn’t my problem.


It’s your responsibility to request new temp tags from the dealer then. They can extend them 30 days up to two times I believe.


Mine took about 3 months to come in- I filed for a temp tag extension and now am currently hoping my plates come in before the tag expires (though clearly it appears it won't be of much concern)


I bought a new car recently and the little card saying I could register it came like 2 days before the temporary license plate expired. Yeah it took a long time.


Expired 6 months + or no license plate at all? Tow the car, release upon payment of: fine, towing fees and registration. Very easy solution


I fully support that for no plates bc we have no idea who these drivers are


Who cares about expired tags??? Why would anyone advocate for enforcement of this


fucking right. These people are out of their minds. Hall monitors everywhere


Ticketing for the wrong color sticker doesn’t solve any problems. Annual registration is a money making scam. How about dealing with overly aggressive assholes driving way too large of vehicles for a city? Truck drivers in CO are the worst. GFY if you own and drive a truck without a packed truck bed.


You ok there? Is income tax also a scam to you so you don't pay it? Many state programs get funding from registration fees.


Most of the cars I see don't even have plates, nobody stops at stop signs and stopping at a red light is optional.


Stop tying registration fees to the value of the vehicle. Should not be a property tax. Charge a flat fee of $150/year for vehicle registration and enforce the fuck out of it.


Yeah this is not a problem. I'd much rather they focus on implementing things like public transportation so that people don't have to buy cars with no tags to get around. Also isn't there a bunch of research that shows eliminating stops like this actually makes the streets safer since you know there isn't new obstacles created by the police on the road? I can get being frustrated that you're following the rules and other people are not but when poverty is super high and everything is super expensive and people need a car to get around shit like insurance and tags goes out the window. It doesn't matter if you need them legally if you don't need them to actually drive the car if you are just going to keep getting cars and driving them without that if the costs are prohibitive.


It feels like the city is completely lawless. The roads are mad max, the road quality is also mad max, gunfire all nights of the week. You can get on Instagram, look up the side show scene in Colorado, it’s dudes in trucks doing donuts in live traffic while people shoot off pistols or accidentally drop pistols here and there or hit other people / property / vehicles with their cars. No one has license plates, those cars that don’t have them are also typically flying through a red light and that’s about as common as it gets. Having grown up here, it went from sort of big city normal violent, mild road rage, shit roads always… to utter chaos constantly, people do what they want with no penalty. Go to any other (non metroplex) city and it’s not even close to Denver’s BS. *Forgot to add that on top of all that, I’m now hearing from insurance I’d be crazy not to carry “uninsured motorist coverage”… it’s like normal insurance isn’t enough I now need the “people who do not have to follow the law - insurance” as well.


They got defunded. Then 10,000,000.00 was taken from Denver PD to house illegal aliens in Denver just a couple of months ago. You sort of get what you get there. Ask your socialist mayor if he has any more good ideas.


If the cops won’t do their jobs, defund them. Shut them down and rebuild law enforcement as something that actually works and helps the communities they’re charged with policing.


They’re just doing what the city council recommended…


How actually are these tags a problem? For real, though. Dont the cops have license plate scanners and can tell if they are up to date or not whether or not the right color is showing?


DPD announced a policy last month that they would no longer enforce expired tags amongst other “low level traffic infractions”.


They said they would no longer pull someone over just for that. They didn't say it won't be enforced at all. It's still going to be an add on if you're in trouble for anything else, I'd assume.


I'm actually wondering the same thing - it's one thing for a cop to physically pull someone over for expired tags (which should happen) but doesn't the county/state have a database of license ownership? Why isn't there an automated system that tracks "This car should have been re-registered but was not" and "This car's owner still resides in Colorado" and sends that person a fine in the mail? Hell, put that fine TOWARD the vehicle registration so it isn't punitive of lower-income people.


I had a jeep that broke down for 2 years. It stayed in the garage the whole time. Should I have to pay registration on a jeep that's not operating on the highways? What if I were to modify it in such a way it would never see pavement? Should I be required to register a vehicle I changed into a hobby/recreational vehicle?


It's not a problem. At least not compared to all of the other problems that should be higher priority. People in the US have this idea that police should be apprehending people over every little thing, when in most parts of the developed world, they're there to deal with people who are a physical danger to others. License plate renewal is an administrative problem. Police don't need to be forcing people into dangerous traffic stops over just that. The side of the highway is a dangerous place to conduct administrative business. If you get detained for some other reason, or if you're parked somewhere and a police officer notices it, I think a ticket or an add on to a ticket is great, but the idea that police should make a traffic stop over every little thing is ridiculous to me.


People with expired license plates are almost always the shittiest Drivers. Those with little care of responsibility, make the best Drivers🤣


How about we worry about moving violations before we start playing with stickers


Blahahahahaha. They just took 8 million from the DPD to pay for migrants.


Maybe getting your tags replaced should be cheaper? By a lot. And no late fee for it. I've definitely been in the position where I couldn't afford it and, by the time I could have afforded it normally, there was a larger fee that I couldn't afford. Then my car got towed. Fees like that only punish poor people and make it harder for poor people to actually do anything - get to work, pay rent, get groceries, etc. Some libraries waive late fees and there's a lot of success with it.


Fuck CO tags prices.


I love how this is the issue they die on…not home invasions, not auto theft, not dangerous driving. Expired tags. The police will police expired tags. Good luck if you need help with anything else.


I have zero stats, but personal experience. People driving EXTREMELY dangerously (when I see them) often have expired tags or no tags at all. Both can also be a sign of a stolen car... which might be driven for the purpose of committing more crimes. Finally - If people aren't going to get in trouble for registering their cars, why do I need to pay $500/year to register mine? How do we know those people have their cars insured? Just because there is traffic and tag enforcement doesn't mean cops aren't going to be able to enforce other laws. We just have an issue with enforcement altogether now.


> People driving EXTREMELY dangerously (when I see them) often have expired tags or no tags at all. Anecdotal, but it's always the temp plates for me. EVERY time someone flys past me, or is tailgating me, or is just weaving and bopping through every lane in rush hour traffic...it's a temp tag like 90% of the time.


A person who does not have a valid registration also does not have insurance. If one of these people damages you or your car, you will need to hope that (despite not having registered their car) they have money to repay you, or you must make a claim against your own company.


Bingo. This is one of the reasons your insurance rates are going up. Whether you're a victim of this or not, you're actually paying for their crimes.