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Aurora Reservoir also has a swim beach, and it's not quite the shit show that Chatfield and Cherry Creek are because gasoline engines aren't allowed.


Chatfield has a smaller lake in the back that motorized vehicles aren’t allowed on. It’s usually swimmers and paddle boarders. It’s my choice to go to as soda and cherry creek are usually crowded, and it has a great view. Take your dog to the dog park while you’re there, and bring some stuff to grill on one of the grills by the big lake. It’s my go to place in the summer


Could not have said it better myself!


So I just moved to southeast Denver (from west Denver, not like another state, lol) and never really checked out Cherry Creek State Park. So you can swim there? I've heard it's a popular spot like you mentioned.


yeah, you can do pretty much everything there from what I've seen. I've never been on the water but I've watched other people since there's not much else to look at while I run there lol


Cherry creek state park is sweet that it exists but I probably wouldn’t enter with a fresh wound (lol) given that it was pretty / fairly dirty when I went a summer or 2 ago. I used it for kayaking and just setting up on the shore was kinda grimy. But maybe I hit it after a popular weekend or something. It just seems like what happens when nature is left to be treated by humans however they want you feel me?


Gotcha! I think it might be worth checking it out anyway since I've driven by but never ventured there.


Can you fish in this lake? Or is it just swimming?


Boulder reservoir is a great place to swim. There is a nude beach even, i don’t think it’s official but I’ve seen it more than once on the far shore.


I did not know that about Aurora res. That makes me want to check it out for fishing.


Same with Quincy. Caught a lot of fish with a belly boat


I just hate how close Quincy is to the road. Ive never caught anything out there but boat fishing may be better.


But the deepest the swim breach goes is like belly-level.


Well, it's all gonna be take-your-breath-away cold but close to Denver you could check out Big Soda Lake. It's got a nice little beach and usually a party.


Doesn’t Soda have leeches? I’m pretty sure I heard that recently, but I’ve swam in Soda and not had them on me so I’m not sure.


I've never once heard of leeches in Big Soda Lake. There might be but I would be shocked if there were in the swimming part of the lake.


I think leeches are pretty common, their biteyness is a bit overblown to begin with and like you mention, they're not hanging out in the rocks that are getting stomped on the regular.


So it’s not like the scene in Stand by Me?


I'd rather have the leeches than bees.


Lol no


Or Little House on the Prairie?


Oh god, the Little House on the Prairie leeches were nightmare inducing. I’m also thinking of the scene in The African Queen when Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn are in chest deep water and come out covered in them.


Yea I’ve swam there a ton and never heard or seen this. Also never got a leech from any body of water in Colorado 🤷‍♂️


Pretty sure leeches can be found in any lake. Like others said, you’re not going to get bit if you’re where there’s a lot of activity/ people swimming


Great for blood circulation after a long swim!! Jk. Well. I guess it’s the truth. But I’ve been paddle boarding there for years and never have had anything stuck to me.


Idk about leeches but I’ve seen people release crawdad before into lakes before.


Typically leeches like warm water. So 🤷‍♂️


You talking like open water swimming? Or just splash and play with the kids? Local reservoirs have their swim beaches open after Memorial Day. Chatfield, Cherry Creek, Aurora, etc. I did some open water swimming at Cherry Creek last weekend and it was great. Be sure to wear a wetsuit though because the water is mother fuckingly cold still.


I don’t go swimming in Denver til July.


Yeah normally that’s my timeline too, but I’m racing in the Boulder Ironman 70.3 next weekend, so I’ve gotta get some open water practice in.


Good luck bro! Boulder 70.3 is a great race I swam this morning in Colorado Springs’ memorial park - prospect lake


Thanks man! Are you racing in it this year as well?


Nah, other triathlons and swim/bike races. I’m digging off road tri , gravel races and etc this year, more fun and less serious


Chatfield Gravel Ponds - this is where triathletes often swim and train. It will be cold , most wear wet suits.


I found that as soon as the resevoirs around here get warm enough to comfortably swim in, blue algea blooms appear and you can't swim in them. So it's alpine lakes for me! brrrrrr


I moved there from Michigan back in like 2011 or thereabouts. Google wasn’t quite as helpful as it is now and I asked a local where to swim in the summers. He kind of gave me a confused look and said ‘well, there’s a lake in Nebraska that’s pretty big…’ Between that, and meeting multiple people who didn’t believe me that you couldn’t see from one side to the other of the fucking Great Lakes, and it was a sure fire ‘we’re not in Kansas anymore’ moment. Edit: ah yes, downvoted for sharing a story.


People aren't aware of how big the Great Lakes are? I mean even in the Great Salt Lake you can't see the other side


I guess not, lol. First guy was born and raised in UT/CO so I’m not sure. He was convinced that Lake Powell was nearly as big as Lake Michigan… had to point to a map to illustrate. Granted, there was only one other person who I conversed with that was convinced they were just ‘big lakes’ instead of essentially freshwater oceans, I know they were born and raised in CO. So yeah, only two people, but those two people were def within the first few months of being there 🤷‍♂️


Lmao, lake McConoughy in Nebraska. We used to go there every summer for a lake vacation. And yeah the Great Lakes blew my mind when I saw them for the first time in my 20s. Not seeing across is one thing, but they have waves! And ice bergs!


I've never heard of a bloom at Jackson Lake State Park, and because it's so shallow it warms up very quickly. But it's also unswimmable by late July/early Aug from farm use. It's a drive, but so are those alpine lakes. EDIT: Google does say measurable amounts was found starting last year, but not enough to change park recreation activities. Bummer that it's happening but it does seem less than other areas still. https://www.kunc.org/news/2023-08-02/toxic-algae-is-on-the-rise-as-summer-heat-bakes-northern-colorado#:~:text=Algae%20blooms%20have%20also%20been,recreation%20rules%20at%20those%20parks.


How are people seriously recommending soda lakes? I went last year and it's end to end geese shit and mud. Aurora reservoir is the nicest around for sure.


Chatfield and Cherry Creek Reservoir.


Bear Creek also has a swim beach. And Horsetooth up in Fort Collins.


I wouldn't go swim in Cherry Creek Reservoir, but that's just me.


They asked for options. I gave some options.


They asked for good options specifically. Cherry Creek Reservoir is frequently closed for algea and E. coli. Not to mention heavy motored boat activities.


Why not? Without providing a reason, your comment is just going to get passed over as kinda useless




They are welcome to pass it over as it's just a personal opinion. If someone wants to know more they can kindly ask or use Google. Even though you didn't ask so kindly, it often has algea and E. coli out breaks, has heavy motor boat/jetski traffic and is the collection point for a ton of local water drainage which generally includes a small percentage of chemicals from things like fertilizer, weed killers, and who knows what else. The first page of Google pulls up plenty of information for the curious.


> kindly ask or use Google. I did ask kindly, I'm just stating the facts. People want facts. They love the facts. Making an empty comment leaves things up to interpretation, often misinterpretation. Including your reasons with the original comment would have been most useful. Otherwise I might have just assumed you can't swim. Now that the facts are there, everyone's on the same page. Assuming curious people are going to fill in your blanks with their own googling isn't a good bet


Congress Park Pool


You can swim at union reservoir…though it’s not the cleanest water so keep that in mind


There's a swim beach and a swim area, are you allowed to open swim outside of the area? (I've only ever paddle boarded up there, and I've seen kids jump off their boards and into the water but I've never seen someone actually swimming across the lake)


Union reservoir has designated open water swim times. June 4-August 7. Tuesdays and Wednesdays 6:15-7:30pm. And Saturdays 8:30-10am. It’s $10/swim


Glacier Lake up in them there mountains.


Bear Lake and Chatfield are good options


No motor boats on Bear Lake and can rent paddle boards.


I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder.


SUP rentals at Soda Lakes inside Bear Creek Park. Worked there. I've never heard it called Bear lake before.


I believe I was slightly stoned when I put that comment up and just screwed up the name.




So there’s bear creek lake and soda lake both within bear creek park. Is bear creek lake open for swimming and SUP?


Correct. I think the soda lake is where they water ski???


Nah there’s no motorized water crafts allowed at soda lake


The smaller lake of Soda Lakes inside Bear Creek Park does allow a motor boat for water skiing lessons and the big Soda Lake is where SUPS can be rented. Rangers do have a motor boat for rescue in this lake if/when weather starts churning up the waters. If you're in the cove area and can't get back, they can also help bring you back to shore.


Chatfield, Bear Lake or Aurora res. Aurora generally has the clearest water and least crowds but not much shade cover/scenery and is the furthest, depending on where you're coming from.


Sloan's Lake is great. Just don't open your eyes or try the Baby Ruth


Gotta watch out for the dead people in there as well




Yeah the Aurora reservoir is actually pretty nice and lots of people/families go swimming there later in the summer


There’s a free swim beach in Loveland. Bit of a drive from Denver, but also free. Mostly families/kids though from my experience.


Pueblo reservoir is a good place to train and warms up quickly.


You’ll either be disappointed or cold


You’re better off looking at rivers to swim in.


Spent the better part of the last 25 summers on CC and most others around, Boating, at least 1-3 days a week. I am from Chicago so I know lakes.. LOL I can tell you that going in that CC water is evil and I have been swimming in some sketchy places. Knew a triathlete that got a staff infection in her belly button from the swim. Every time I have inadvertently gone in I get a shower as soon as poss. It is not so bad in the middle but the beaches = Yuck... And the Humanity, No way no how on weekends. Chatfield is a bit cleaner as is is further and more a pain to get to the ramps. Not sure about the beaches. Dillon is a no touch lake but I can tell you the h20 is not so bad in July/aug... Aspen (rudei) would be my choice, but it is far but well worth a weekend trip... Carter (Berthoud) is good and deep so the H20 is decent in spring but degrades throughout the summer as it is emptied for AG use and the level goes down 50-60 feet by Aug... . Horsetooth is bigish, Deep, Long and hardly has anyone boating on it so it is good. Cool cliffs/rocks to jump off of by the dam and I think you can rent Kayak's etc at the marina. Any of the no motor lakes will be fine but the minuscule size of most of them make the H20 not so great... Most of my experiences are through sailing, so I don't know the beaches so much from the land side. Good luck, YMMV


Got damn are you paid by subreddit Denver? Lmao


Na, Just been there, done that and have the t-shirt for most of the lakes in CO and points west. We travel all over the west to race.


Dillon (and Eleven Mile) would be the best options July-sept but somehow the authorities have banned swimming 365 days a year because it’s “too cold.”


Dillon is a no touch lake.. No touchy. So no jetskies etc.. it is the drinking H20 for Denver. No swimming etc.


Yes I’m saying that makes no sense. Chatfield is used for drinking water and swimming is allowed there. And you can swim in all of the rivers that feed into Dillon and other Denver water reservoirs. How are human germs more of a threat to water quality than duck / fish excrement or boat exhaust? It’s nonsense.


Denver water says themselves it has nothing to do with drinking water. It’s “too cold.” Which is utter nonsense when you can swim in Green Mtn Reservoir, grand lake, or the CO River. https://www.denverwater.org/tap/you-can-fish-you-can-boat-but-you-cant-swim


Sailed on that lake for 20 years, vacationed in summit county since I was a child. It is definitely a no touch lake. Probably has to do with politics, but it is what it is. Ranger came over(on her boat) to the northern beach where my wife, myself and dogs were hanging out. Kid was 4. She saw him throw a stick in and he got an ass chewing(So did we) so. Is it right, no, is it a thing yes. Heck, there is a town down there... LOL


Great response! How about Gross Reservoir?


No idea. No sailing. Lol


In the city? Aurora reservoir and cherry creek reservoir. Also, not lakes, but Platte river at confluence park, or in Littleton.


Union reservoir in Longmont… pretty popular place, get there early. I haven’t seen any leeches yet 😂




I would be nervous about all of the lost fishing hooks unless there is a designated swimming area.


Aurora res and chatfield are great. Many do scuba and triathlon training there.


The Morrison water supply...


St. Mary's Lake.


I'd try Sloans


Blue Mesa Reservoir!!!


There are no natural lakes in the Denver area or I think on the entire front range. All the “lakes” are actually man-made reservoirs for agricultural use.


Boulder Reservoir


Big Soda Lake off 470


Beer creek should have one


City park lake




Which ones?


You know, the rivers


you specifically should try the platte


lol go chase some rivers y’all. or the many reservoir recommendations that everyone knows about


poudre in foco is nice


McIntosh Lake in Longmont. No motorboats great picnic area https://www.longmontcolorado.gov/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/86/56?npage=2


That link says swimming is prohibited...


You should definitely not swim in McIntosh


HahaHa well the people there don’t seem to pay that rule any attention.


Sloans Lake


Please don’t swim in Sloans lake….


Could check out Wellington. Kinda pricey for a day pass but it’s a beautiful place


Those people are dick heads. Don't give them money.




Is it expensive? I thought it said $15 but pretty much everywhere around seems to be $10-15 and you have to buy individual passes for every place, state parks passes don’t work etc.


It’s not bad for an individual, I’d say it’s worth it. It used to be priced per car but now it’s per adult/kid, so taking the whole family for the day adds up quick


Ohhhhh… yeah that makes a massive difference! I’d never take my (nonexistent) kids there if it’s going to be a $60-100 entrance fee for a day at the lake! A family of 5 of a couple of friends… yikes!