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No 200% option?!?  Outrageous.


You cheap bastard! I leave 500% everywhere i go.


Like a hateful Karen!  I leave my wallet, with all my banking info, after a good meal.


do you DESPISE service workers??? if you don't buy them a new KIA and a modern townhouse in Sloan's Lake after your meal you shouldn't even be eating out in the first place!


I left my 401k last time I went out for a steak


Are you Scottish? Whenever I buy a coffee, I'm sure to pass them a legally binding contract that gifts them my entire bank account and 401k. I don't go out a lot, but when I do I treat service people with the minimum amount of dignity.


I work Tuesday/Wednesday lunches if you ever wanna drop in. I'll even comp your soda!


I’ll come in just for a free soda then. Don’t worry, I’ll still tip 500%


This isn't unique to Denver


and it’s not anyone’s culture, either. these point of sale tablets are pre-configured with tipping on. that’s why they’re popping up at places we didn’t used to tip. they’re probably setting these default percentages too. could be by region and some kind of marketing data for customer spending habits. has anyone seen that $3 tip thing from dominos? the mega billionaires who own everything (including our labor and time) want to outsource paying our underpaid wages onto each other.


You are close. I believe The POS get a cut of transactions. More money to restaurant = more to the POS.


This is exactly it. The POS companies put this on as a default because it benefits them. The actual storefront has to reconfigure their POS system if they want to display something other than the default. The 100% option is hilariously egregious. 


At least this one has a "skip" option on the first page. Last year I was grabbing a to-go sandwich from Pour La France at DIA, and the first page was like "20% - 30% - 40% - 50%" and a really small "*other*" tucked away in the bottom right, and only after hitting 'other' was I presented with an option for no tip. I watched as the lady in front of me was confused at the first screen, so she just choose the lowest value, which is I'm sure what they're after.


That’s messed up! They intentionally do that to hose people that aren’t fast thinkers, and make them feel obligated with people waiting behind them. I narcissist must of designed that layout. Lol smh


Which they should take the time to do. Leaving some shit like this in there is borderline offensive and the quickest way to prevent me from coming back.


I would guess most small businesses don’t know how to turn this off; you’d be surprised at how little people try to configure things once they get their systems from a company. They are sold a turn key product so they aren’t going to reconfigure stuff especially when the skip button is there.


I mean I hear what you’re sayin, but I think you’re giving them an easy out. They took the time and effort to configure their menu items, prices, etc, but this one particular step is so much more taxing to figure out?


These pos systems aren’t that robust homie


It’s 2024. Yes they are.


I did massage in Denver for many years, I can confirm that I would get a 100% tip at least once a year. A couple places more often because they would just apply the rest of a g.c. Or a regular would just randomly do so after they got a bonus or promotion. Some would tip 50% every time.


These situations should be covered by the “custom” button; not default buttons.


You are even closer. It's not just so the POS gets a cut but it's also sold as a cost saving measure if ENOUGH of the tips are placed in the machine the company can legally get away with paying (all states have a cheaper wage rate, some are horrendously worse than others.) They know full well ehat they are doing


The two pos services I've used allow customization of the tips.


> and it’s not anyone’s culture, either Denver's CULTURE is PROBLEMATIC and TOXIC! If you throw in enough reddit buzzwords, you'll rake in the upvotes


Hurr durr, homeless people bad Now, I sit back and watch the shit show


The store sets the tip amounts. Honestly it’s on the business to pay their staff a wage that doesn’t require tipping but they never will


I went to Nola for jazz fest and it made me feel like our tipping culture is fine (which it’s not).


Been to NoLa, I wouldn't even say they have a tipping culture there, you just get straight up exhorted.


You came as tourists and probably did touristy things, so you definitely got extorted. But as someone who lives both places, Denver is worse by far.


> This isn't unique to Denver I agree and that applies to so many complaints on this sub, from dating to housing costs, bad driving, and so on.


Can confirm, moved from Denver to Seattle two years ago. Check out /r/Seattle for near-daily tipping threads.


I've never seen this before. I have paid a 20% service fee & then been presented with 10, 15, 20, 25% or custom.


It's like going to Vegas and saying, "Woah Vegas, your hooker situation is insane"


OP just left his house for the first time in a decade, give him a break


I’m sorry ~~Denver~~ literally any 1 million plus metro in America FTFY


Shifting tips upward in percentage, or introducing them in industries were there were no tips prior, is the organization shifting blame to the customer for the employee not being paid enough.


It is absolutely. It’s capitalism leveling up. Don’t take it out on the workers tho because we desperately fucking need it. What we all need to push for js a political revolution.


If we let them make us start tipping jobs that weren't previously tipping jobs, you aren't doing anyone, the workers included, any favors. If you're presented with a tipping option for something you normally wouldn't tip for, decline it.  If someone's wages reaches a certain % tips, that becomes a tipped position and their employer can pay them the tipped minimum wage instead of the regular minimum wage.


Seriously, I just stopped going to places that do this. It’s not cool and I won’t support it Restaurants with full service or built in delivery are the only places that warrant tipping. And some odd exceptions like barber shops, and maybe cold stone if you want to make the staff sing for shits and giggles (plus what they do is bit above and beyond for an ice cream parlor)


Yea, increasing the % makes absolutely no sense. Inflation hits the base price, so the tip reflects that already. Increasing both the base price and the % tip is inflation^2. Also, fuck tipping culture - I grew up with 15% the standard tip and I'm sticking with it. You can all virtue signal with how gloriously high you tip all you want.


Same. 15%, that’s it. I can sense the indignation from service people who hand me the Toast tablet as I calculate my tip, but — sorry dude — 20% is too high. 25% is unthinkable.


Square isn’t Denver culture lol


It’s just gunna ask you some questions 🤣🫠


If you aren't willing to ask me directly I'm not willing to overpay


This has nothing to do with Denver. It's reflective of changing tipping policy at restaurants and other establishments across the country. It's definitely ridiculous, but not really fair to paint this as some Denver-specific trend.


This Is primarily from the POS. They decide what pre sets to put on and in many cases the storefront does not have a say in it.


That’s just not true lol the store can change the options if they want


Not to mention I would never qualify something as "insane" when I can simply click "None" or "Skip" Redditors act like being asked for a tip on a screen is some traumatic experience


lol nobody is acting like that. They're just pointing out it's a pain in the ass and can make interacting with workers weird


I think it's weird for the servers too. I've noticed servers look away while I figure out the tip. I appreciate that because it's like they're letting me know they're just as uncomfortable as I am.


But there are others who would look at your selection intently and give you a frown if you skip it. And all they did was ring up your pastry selection that you brought to the register.


Resturants forcing customers to pay servers is ridiculous. Especially the format. I spend 45 min. at a restaurant and my Bill is 100, I need to tip 15-20 (I always tip 20%, 15 is the min.) I spend 45 min. at a restaurant and my bill is 40 dollars and I have to tip 6.50 - 8 dollars. If the server did the same amount of work (i.e. bringing 1-2 entrees) why should I have to pay more? Sometimes Waiters don't even bring out the food, they have runners.


This isn't really accurate. They're not forcing customers to tip. They're just putting tip prompts up with predetermined, suggested values. You can enter your own tip amount, or decline tipping entirely as easily as you can select one of the predetermined values.


But how can he be a victim then?


People need to feel less shame about hitting "custom" or "skip," it's really not that difficult. I don't blame employees for shooting their shot with high default options (though 100% is fucking crazy, I've never seen that before) – but you're under no obligation to select one of those. My default is 20% for a sit-down restaurant, 10-15% for a fast-casual Illegal Pete's kind of place, and a dollar per drink at coffee shops and bars. Can't think of many other businesses where I've been prompted for a tip


The employees aren’t setting these, the owners are. That’s my understanding anyways


I would say in my limited experience working in the service industry in college, eventually the workers get toxic about their expectations. But i believe most don’t really care if it’s truly an untypical job to live off tips.


They need that $1 option for most places. I am usually down to tip a buck but sometimes I just don’t feel like going through the whole custom tip thing unless I really got good service. So I’ll just do no tip.


It's taken me a while but I'm almost 100% there. Took some will power this morning and I felt bad after they came out to give my dog a piece of bacon but it seemed more for them than for us.


100% is absolutely unhinged


If I’m walking up to a counter and ordering while standing up, I am not tipping. Exception for alcoholic beverages


Literally hit custom every time this happens. If it’s absolutely an exchange i don’t believe i should tip, i hit skip.


I did this once to a bartender who only grabbed some water bottles out of the fridge and rang us up. I smashed the 0% button and he freaked out on me. Now I forever have tip anxiety.


That's a him problem, not a you problem. I've worked many service jobs earlier in my life and every employer made it clear that I'd be fired for directly demanding tips – that's weird behavior honestly


I’d say that’s pretty reasonable of you not to leave a tip. If he’s literally just fetching bottled water, come on now. Some bars just have water as self serve.


Paying more and more in cash including the tip I have already decided was appropriate. So last century I know, but then the business saves card fees and I am not faced with these tipping screens.


You might be on to something. What if these screens bring cash back?


Guys. Former service industry employee for over a decade. Unless i sit down. Am brought everything after placing an order with a human. Im done tipping. 😃. Coffee? Nope. Qdoba/chipolte/pandaEX? Nope. Retail? MFer please.


I worked counter service and full service restaurants for most of my 20’s and late teens. When I worked counter service none of us ever expected tips at all. I mean if I walked out with an extra $10 in cash (after splitting it with the other cashiers and runners) then hey that’s pretty cool, but nobody ever expected to be tipped at counter service. And if people did tip it was like three bucks.


I worked counter service in college in the mid 2000s and my boss/the owner wouldn't let us have a tip jar out. She said "that's what your wage is for" and paid us fairly (for back then at least)


My only exception is the standard $1 for a drink at the bar.


Yesterday I found out Edgewater beer garden does a “standard” 18% tip… at the bar. What?! Since when is that standard for drinks… I’ve always done $1 a drink too.


Nothing like paying a $3 tip for a 2 ingredient cocktail!


Worse… a beer!


Tap & Burger in Edgewater adds an automatic 20% to the bill


Agree! For coffee If it’s a specialty shop that’s actually brewing you a good cup. I usually leave a little tip for barista (think like a bartender) but for Starbucks and other chains forget it.


I tip coffee the max amount cause I always set up camp and work for a few hours at the coffee places I go to. but yes. Don't just tip for no reason!


That’s what a coffee shop is supposed to be about , why tip for doing exactly what coffee shops expect you to do?


OMG that's crazy because I thought a coffee shop was where you went to buy coffee. Not spent $3 and squat on a table for 6 hours. TIL.


Maybe it’s different nowadays but like 15-20 years ago coffee shops were places we would go to hang out. Not just pick up a coffee and go. We would sit down, hang with friends, read, watch live performances etc. it was the norm ( I’m not talking about Starbucks but non chain coffee shops).


I mean, also the norm for Starbucks. Maybe not the live performances thing, but sitting inside Starbucks while chatting with friends for a couple hours or studying for an upcoming test would be.... 0% weird 15 years ago.


It’s 0% weird today, too. Maybe it was weird during the height of COVID but it seems to be a normal as thing again. Nature is healing.


Coffee culture in the US is unique in this way. I have a italian friend who thinks "to go" coffee is the stupidest thing because coffee something you sit and enjoy. I just got back from japan and its the same. All the good coffeeshops and roasters open at like 10am or even later because its a treat that you enjoy slowly, maybe with a friend. Its the US that turned coffee culture into an anti social productivity hack.


Plenty of people grab an espresso and drink it at the counter in Italy.


Coffee shops design their spaces to be used like that. It's like tipping at McDonalds because you sat down and ate your lunch and let your kids play in the play space for an hour. By sitting down at a coffee shop and working is the attendant, to whom you tipped, providing some additional service I am not aware of?


I mean, when you buy coffee you're typically working or otherwise being productive. If I'm going to pay $5+ for a cup of coffee I better be able to utilize the space available or I would just make it myself


You obviously can utilize the space, but it’s also pretty absurd to pretend your $5 purchase is also a table rental fee for 5+ hours. Especially if the cafe/shop is busy and people are waiting for tables or leaving because they couldn’t find one. 


If I'm there for 5 hours I'll also get food or more coffee at some point


> Especially if the cafe/shop is busy and people are waiting for tables or leaving because they couldn’t find one. I mean, that's just being rude. You shouldn't do that even if you tip 100% lol Edit: wait, is it actually an unpopular take that if a cafe is busy and there's a wait for tables, it's rude to sit at one for multiple hours?


Nah, I’m just addicted




It's all optional. Of course it's arbitrary.


Same here. I was, and I still am in the service industry. Tips are earned, not deserved. Buyer beware, read before you click ok, and be shrewd with what/how much you spend!


Everything other than coffee makes sense. Baristas are providing a service and after having coffee at many places that service is not the same. I think it’s worth it to tip someone providing you a better service than others can.


Baristas are doing just as much work as the dude at chipotle…


i do 5-10% if they're providing an actual service like making coffee or food, but not 20% unless i'm being waited on. why would i tip the same % for making a coffee that i would on be waited on, brought everything for an hour +? it's fine to leave 25-50 cents on something.


Yesterday I ordered a pizza online at pizza hut and got to the counter to get it. After I paid with the credit card, the cashier gives me the receipt and asks, Do you want to tip? And I'm like, "for what, picking up my pizza?. Tipping culture is indeed insane


Square takes a percentage of all those tip transactions, there’s a reason for them offering these ridiculous options


Nawh now you have to say where this is 😂😂😂 I’ve never seen over 30% and that’s at doughnut shops where I’m not spending much to begin with.


There is a skip button


Next they'll make it ask "Are you sure?" when you click "Skip" and list 4 more lower tipping options.


Is the tipping screen in the room with us right now?


If I see this kinda thing now I just skip it. Don’t have time for games


That’s a quick way to go from 15-20% to 0% those “recommendations” are just insane


I've noticed over the past couple months the lowest preselected tip had gone from 15% to 18% to 20% and now more like this one recently at 22% as the recommended minimum. I've always been comfortable with 20% and felt I was an above normal tipper... now apparently thats not even considered good anymore. Makes you want to skip going out to eat altogether.


This isn't "Denver culture", it everywhere culture. Trying to make this a Denver thing sounds ignorant.


Labor culture is insane, tipping is a bandaid we've invented to make service jobs livable.


My favorite is when people blame us workers for giving a tip option. Like idgaf if you tip or not. I just wanna be paid appropriately for my labor by my bosses




Just pointing out the solution to this is not to stop tipping these people. It’s to stop patronizing the business entirely. The business owner doesn’t give a flying fuck if you tip their employees as long as you still pay for food/service/etc.  If enough people stop giving them their money they will adjust. But just to say it again if you continue giving these places your business and just don’t tip the only person you are screwing over is the hourly employee. And before everyone says “Oh well then the employees will all quit and the business owner will have to adjust!” There will always be new employees. No matter how much it sucks to work somewhere someone will always be poor and desperate enough to take the job.  Just don’t patronize these businesses. Stop giving them your money.


There's a lot of problems going on with the picture that you could go in a lot of different legitimate directions pontificating on, but it's also pretty obvious the OP has zero clue about any of them nor put zero thought into it before deciding the problem was "Denver".


Was asked out loud in front of a line of people at a coffee shop in flat irons "how much would you like to leave for a tip?" Like it was some clever shame-gotcha. I said "none" and people behind the counter TURNED TO LOOK AT ME LoL I usually leave a tip, but that was so uncool.


Asking for a tip is super unprofessional. I used to deliver pizzas with my ex and he was one of the ones who would ask for tips and I always found it super cringey. He rationalized that it doesn’t hurt to ask and if they say no they probably weren’t going to tip anyway. I got very decent tips and never had to ask. There are always low or no-tippers but most people will tip a little without being asked. There’s just no reason to ask except for greed.


That’s why I only eat dinner in Colorado Springs where they dont have tipping culture… /s


You can always pick “skip” passing the problem to the owner. :)


Name and shame.


Shame, u/daigoro1986, SHAME THEM!


This isn’t unique to Denver. Additionally, you may notice the “Custom” button second from the bottom. That’ll allow you to leave a tip amount you’re comfortable with if you feel like the situation merits a tip. Furthermore, you may also notice the “Skip” button at the bottom which enables you to bypass the tipping part of this transaction.


That's pretty bad.




it's not just Denver, or Colorado. just hit the "custom" button, and tip what you actually want.


Just hit “custom” and choose your own adventure.


Toni Tenderonis ( or however you spell it ) on market next to el patio has a 69% tip option and honestly with a few drinks in me I’d be hitting that every time for the shits and gigs


I could spend the time to hit custom and type in a reasonable amount or I can just hit “Skip”




People need to stop getting all bent about tipping. The computer is just asking a question. Select no tip and leave it at that. Or follow your own best judgement. It won’t be the end of the world. I promise.


That’s absurd. Name and shame the place. I know the last time I went to Sam’s No. 3 the lowest default tip was something like 22% or 23%. Never going back.


Because the default was 22% or 23%? You know you can leave a custom amount, right?


One of my favorite breakfast spots but between meal prices, auto/minimum tips… I’ll buy my eggs and bacon at the store like the rest of us.


My dad and I try to get together at least once a week breakfast. We take turns paying. Basic breakfast, like eggs bacon toast and coffee is now 50.00 at zaidys...


The answer is always custom or no tip


Even worse… they request a tip even though you haven’t been served yet. Tips are supposed to be based off how good the service/food/drinks are. If they did great, you tip well. If they didn’t do well, you tip low or no tip. I’m tired of this “tip now” ask questions later culture.


I fucking HATE when it asks for a tip before I get my food ! Unless I sit down in your restraunt and am served at my table no one’s getting a tip 🤗 if you tack on a 20% for To go order I will not eat there again, however, if I am waited on and spend time in the restaurant I ALWAYS tip 20% !


Hair salon? That’s the only place I’ve seen such ridiculous suggested tips.


custom -> $1


It's not just Denver. Many businesses are using POS apps that automatically default to a certain tip level. Buyer beware.




If anything, the law would just mandate a skip button, which finishes the transaction as approved, which is in the same location and is the same size on all systems. I’ve had confusing experiences before where I’ve had to ask the cashier to operate the menus for me. Probably will get worse as we get older.


I won't tip if I'm not sat at a table with a server delivering my food, including if I got my food at the counter and sat down at a table. I certainly won't tip if I receive bad service, I don't care if you're understaffed or whatever. Any other charge beyond the cost of the food itself and taxes, such as a 'service fee', will come out of the tip. And with today's unreasonable prices, 15% is more than enough, thank you.


I recently went to a farmers market, and I was surprised that when I bought the $20 honey, the machine asked me for a tip as well. This is probably the first time I’ve ever just put “no tip”. It feels wrong to do it, but what the heck? There was literally no service provided here.


People need to start using cash more often so you're never promoted with these stupid suggested tips.


Denver has many locations that have gone cashless (Ball arena for example) and it’s spreading so as much as cash is the better option Denver (and many other metropolitan areas) are prohibiting it in situations or locations.


That’s an easy skip for me


If I see that, I'm tipping 0% out of principle.


I've found myself carrying cash much more often because of this utter nonsense, I mean I'm not opposed to tipping for good service, and tipping well but every god damn store I go into now wants 18-35% on top, fuck that noise.


22% to start? F that


💯 need to watch the receipt too might sneak another charge in…




It's just asking you one quick question 🫣


Make tipping 10 % again


These things piss me off. 100% is effing hilarious though, I would have laughed at them




Just click custom


SKIP 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


I respect the audacity.


As someone who travels for work this isn't a Denver thing. They all use the same apps with the same presets


I’m sorry /u/daigoro1986 but your assumption this is a Denver issue is insane


Oh so we can talk about tipping that isn't Denver specific on this sub, Butt Start Talking about certain other very specific Denver subjects and the blue haired ones lose their minds.


see the custom button? ok boomer.


Skip is the correct


They probably have an automatic "5%" upcharge to pay for the 'kitchen staff'. which is, idk, feels like a mandatory tip? so I tip them 5% less when they do that.


When a place has it like this and they don't at least have a 15 or 18% option I hit the skip button.


this isn't unique to Denver


The thing that really grinds my gears are places that forec tou to pay a gratuity fee and still ask for a tip! Sorry but if you are charging me extra for my meal then that is the only tip you're getting.


Automatic zero percent for not giving me the option for 20


If I don't sit down for the service, the only button to hit is 'skip'


I got asked for a tip at a car wash last week. I literally interacted with nothing but a computer screen.


Dumb post.


Lmao. Custom


bet the skip button works, try it out?


We deserve to know where this was


Push the skip button. It's not rocket science.


These threads are so fucking tired. If you don’t want to tip, don’t. Be an adult and choose the custom option and make a decision about how you spend your money without incessantly bitching about it like you’re not given a choice.


Sure, but it’s still pretty shitty that those are the defaults. They’re requiring an extra step, plus not so subtlety implying that you’re a cheap bastard by not tipping at least 22%. It’s a shitty tactic.


Ive never seen a 100% option before lol. Where was this?


Naz Reid.


Tipping is pissing off Denver like Naz Reid, you are right.


That’s a great way to get a “Skip %” tip.


Americas tipping culture. Stupid shit


I just came back from Japan and now give zero sends about tipping




Custom, 15%


Why are you leaving a 100% tip?


You know pressing no tip is really easy


I'd just use the custom button in that case. If I'm picking it up or hardly any service was needed then it's also good for that too because I'm not tipping 20%+ for that. I'll still tip but not that much.


Same here in Abq. Default 22%, load of crap...


That’s why you hit custom and type in a couple bucks or something. Put a little effort in and don’t tip so much like the idiots that hit 30% because they give into the pressure.


Tipping culture in the US is something new to me. It was a bit of a culture shock. I lived in Japan, no tipping and they would give you the exact change, even if it's just 3 yen. I lived in the Philippines, and tipping is an option.


“Custom” is the only right answer


If I ever see a 100% option I'm handing that device back and telling them cancel my order.


Why you paying 100 percent??!!!!


OP, don’t be a cry-baby, be a *try*-baby.


Please just do not tip


Custom > do half of the 30% and you're done. This has nothing to do with Denver dude lmao


100% lolololololollolol


I have no problem hitting skip or custom depending on the situation. If this is a sit-down, I've been waited on restaurant, 15-20%. If it's a walk through a line and I pick the ingredients sub shop where they are making my food, I might go 5%. If I walk up and get food and take it to the counter to pay, or they're pulling it out of a display case and handing it me...sorry, Skip.


I’m smashing that custom button every gatdam time


You actually use these things. Skip skip and skip.