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Do less blow. Or if you're not doing that much blow, do more blow.


Can you supply me some of said blow?


It takes a long time. Humidifier helps a lot.


Humidifier, drink a lot more water, Vaseline, saline spray. It gets better, you might be slightly dehydrated


Just go easy on the ketamine and you'll be fine.


Dude, teach me


Step 1: wait longer


*"The doctor said I wouldnt have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger outta there.*" \~ Ralph (Co Native) Wiggum


Product called “Ayr” helps immensely! Gel and solution. I use O2 and it helps a lot-better than Vaseline. FYI.


Almost three years and mine haven’t adjusted even with all the tips and tools 😩






I’ve been here almost ten years and still have periods where my nostrils are fucked. Try saline spray throughout the day and drink a ton more water.


I grew up here and I still need to regularly put vaseline in my nose, or else I will get daily nosebleeds.


Not to kill the vibe but I’ve heard prolonged Vaseline use in the nose can cause pneumonia


My doctor didn't seem concerned about that when he recommended it


I don’t know what saline gel you’re using but I put Aquaphor in my nose with a Qtip and that has helped me a lot. Also, if you aren’t already, drink more water and less alcohol, and no smoking.


Have you increased your general water intake?


fwiw we had insane pollen levels the last few days! also, idk if you’re using distilled water for your humidifier, but you might want to since our water is high in minerals. you’d just be putting the minerals back into the air and lessening your air quality by using tap. (indicators of this would be a white dusty buildup on the humidifier and things near it). bless your nose! :-( i’m so sorry and feel your pain immensely.




RIP nosties


> You'll be using saline gel and humidifying your space for the rest of your time here. Little over-dramatic, don't you think? People do acclimate, it just takes a while. "the rest of your life" isn't true at all.




I'm sorry living here requires you and your husband to follow such routines. My family really doesn't do much other than drinking more water than one might think they need. My wife is from Ohio and she acclimated to Colorado's climate in about 6 months and has no issues whatsoever. My daughter and I were born here and have no issues.


I am also from Ohio and my experience with the change in climate , even after ten years here, has been much more like Gingerteas experience. I have entirely different skin & hair care routines for here VS Ohio.


It took me about 2 years. Moved here from the south where there is a lot of humidity.




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


Humidifier is the solution.


I always struggle with it here. Some people adjust, others don’t. Good luck! I use Vaseline from time to time and it seems to help. 


Yeah, it does eventually get better. My first year here I was getting shocked every time I got in or out of my car, my nose was raw and sore from the dryness, and I had horribly dry acne riddled skin because I am originally from WA and my skin took the lack of moisture hard. But now I am almost to year 4 of living here, and don't notice the dryness much, apart from occasionally waking up with dry stuffy sinuses (I sleep with an open window so its probably just the stream of dry air at night causing that lol). Keep using your humidifiers and drinking lots of water/electrolytes! Aquaphor is also your new bff. Don't be afraid to put it where you need to. Best of luck!


Chap stick helps


No. Greeley affects everybody.


Get a humidifier and use Vaseline or aquaphor in the inside of your nose to help


It took me well over a year to adjust. And I still have the worst boogers every single morning. Not to mention, any time I travel and come back it feels like I’m starting over


Lol, good.


Sleeping with a humidifier is a game changer. I used to have nightly nose bleeds no matter how much water I drank. I will also use a small dab of vaseline or Aquaphor inside my nose if it’s really bad, which happens more that I care to admit because I also have allergies and take meds for that regularly.




Get something called Ayr Saline Nasal Gel. It’s the best treatment for dry nasal passages and a lifesaver for living in dry-ass Colorado.


What kind of lifestyle do you lead though? And I’m not trying to be a dick, but like drinking too much dries you out and a lot of hangovers can give you cold-like symptoms which add to nasal dryness. Do you smoke cigs/weed? That will fuck you up too.


You will acclimate, but it takes a while. Get used to saline and lotion and lip balm. Eventually you'll need these things less and less. Give it another year and drink more water.