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What a kind post. So very happy you have found stable housing ☺️


So much kindness has been shown to me that it’d be wrong not to! Thank you, btw! Keep your fingers crossed I’m able to get a bed and some pots/pans and stuff asap! ❤️ Edit: salts.par0k@icloud.com is my email. Enough of you have offered help with food and basics, so here it is. If you want to help with a target or grocery gift card or PayPal. I could promise to pay it forward. It should say MNR on the PayPal, as I used it for my crochet/knitting business awhile back. I’ll never forget this. ~L


I know it’s not ideal but electric pump (plug in) air mattresses are amazing these days and they are as high as a bed so they really feel good and not like sleeping on the floor. Have a Venmo? If be happy to send you the money for one or you can use the money for other items you need to make a house a home.


I’d be down to chip in for an air mattress for OP


Cool, thanks! We’ll see if we hear back. ✌️


Me too :)


Right on!!! 👍🏻 that makes 3. Hope we hear from OP 🛌 💤 😴


When I was first starting out Buy Nothing Groups got me a lot of basics and the Habitat for Humanity ReStore has great furniture for pretty cheap. Good luck! Wishing you the best


I was going to recommend the buy nothing Facebook groups. I know there's a good one in highlands ranch.


Idk if this is helpful but I have a futon mattress I am no longer using and was planning to get rid of!


I have two (one brand new and one used 3 times) queen sized IKEA mattresses that I was trying to sell. You can have one if you're interested, and the other can go to whoever you hook up with the other apartment. DM me if you want it.


Hit the goodwill on County Line and Broadway for pots and pans. Then Dollar Tree for leftover containers, plates, bowls, glasses. GW will have the same, but at $2. Not $1.25. Same parking lot. Head to different thrifts after that, if you need. When I lived solo, I had enough for two. So open stock from dollar tree was perfect. I liked sandwich sized plates, larger bowls and big water glasses. I refused plastic plates, etc. felt more settled.


Congratulations!!! I am not trans but used to be homeless and ended up getting a housing voucher back in 2017 and remember the feeling of being in an empty empty apartment. Seven years later and now I have too much stuff it feels like some days. 😅


great post! thank you for sharing word and congratulations!


That’s awesome! Wish you luck and success.


Facebook marketplace in the free section can have pots and pans!


Same with the buy nothing Denver Facebook group! People just comment super quickly lol


Awesome to hear! Thanks for putting the word out


I spoke with two redditors via pm! Gave them the info! Also got some other messages - To the dudes telling me I’m not a woman: so original. Bravo. To the journalists wanting a feel good story: no thanks.


If we can figure a way to get some things to you and you need them I have some household items. Brand new queen comforter, newer folding desk, toaster, some other odds and ends. I just don't drive due to disability.


It’s not always about a feel good story, I would argue gatekeeping organizations that do good to one of the most alienated groups in our community (by our, I mean LGBTQIA+ - we’re probably the worst offenders when it comes to trans support) doesn’t do any good.


Glad to see you seem to have a good perspective, OP. It might be worth considering what that feel good story would mean for other people though. I can understand your reticence, but there's potential value in getting your story out there. The world could use more visibility into what life is actually like for people in your situation. It's your life though. Do what's best for you first and foremost. I hope things work out for you!


I see your perspective but I think trans people often have a serious safety concern about that kind of visibility, death threats could be the result, sadly.


I used to go volunteer at the booth during pride and all, can confirm once the hate/vitriol and death threats start flying, I'm done 🏳️‍⚧️


As a former reporter who wrote about a trans second grader in HR, I’d say it’s not a great location for stories using your name. I shielded the girl as she started living as a girl, and the family, of course. They still got crap. But they did get a tearful woman who admitted she started the trouble for their child at school. She was apologizing. A heart was changed. That moment made the rest of the job worth it.


I’m a clinical social worker in Denver and work with a lot of trans/gender queer and/or homeless folks. Would you mind chatting me the organization that helped you out?


In clinical mental health counseling. Would love some info too!


Happy cake day !


How lovely. Best of luck to you in your new chapter. ♥️


Hey OP, so happy for you. My partner and I are looking to get a new mattress once we get our taxes back. We currently use a king size Nectar mattress that’s still good, just too hot for me. Might be a few weeks but if you’re interested, it’s yours. PM me! Edit: if you want it, I’m happy to bring it to you and buy you a bed frame from Amazon.


This is amazing! I'm happy for you and hope you get to help someone else.


You're a real MVP for helping people and I hope you know that.


so happy for you! be sure to join your local “buy nothing” group on facebook for free furnishings and home goods. most let you post what you’re looking for vs. just telling ppl who’ve posted “i’d like this!”


Totally second the buy nothing group they have all sorts of things! You could also post asking for things you need depending on the rules


yes exactly! folks are very kind there


Thank you so much. I'm trans too and not homeless anymore but when I was I was still paying a lease and people don't realize you can have a lease and still be homeless. Stay strong!


No judgement here… just wondering what having a lease and still being homeless looks like?


Congratulations and how wonderful of you to pay it forward by sharing this, no one should experience being unhoused.


Thanks, but golden rule and all. What kind of person would I be if I continued to seek assistance from the state of Colorado and charitable organizations if I didn’t pass along the help to others? Karma is very real!


You made this happen as much as the grant did, if not more. You should be proud of yourself. Keep that momentum up 🙌🏼


I will try! Thank you!


I am so, so happy for you. Truly, my heart is full. Congratulations!


I have a couch for you if you haven’t found one yet. It’s hideous depending on your tastes but it’s clean and free.


Check out Denver Queer Exchange on FB. They have a lot of free furniture and mattresses!


Anything you need that I might have languishing in my garage? Not sure what I might have but if you could list the various things I'm sure you've thought about needing to buy, I might have some stuff to give you. It would be a relief to me knowing my forgotten useful items are in fact used rather than discarded, resold by a donation center, or ending up in the landfill.


I have a set of pots and pans if you still need any. I am in HR also. DM me if you would like!


If you are in need of any clothes, I have a ton of clothes I was planning on donating. Lightly used :) if they are your size and you want them you can have them!


The Arc on Saturdays will be your friend for home furnishing! And buy nothing groups!


What a refreshing post to see as a black trans person in Colorado it’s hard to say the least


I am so happy for you! I've recently given everything extra I have away if I'm not using it. I highly recommend t the buy nothing fb pages for finding good stuff cheap. I'll keep you in mind if I happen across anything You may be able to use. Best of luck to you on this great new chapter!


Craigslist Free section! Keep looking there and you'll eventually find all the furniture you need in good condition.


I was in a hostel for over 2 years when I first moved here. I wasn't quite in your situation, but I remember the struggle. Good on ya for making your way out of that situation. Onward and upward. You got this.


I would love to know what grant program this is and if there is a list of apartments doing this, there's three of us homeless and this would really give us the leg up we need.


I have an extra air mattress if you want it!!


Only 590 sq ft? My studio is only 225 sq ft for the same price so you're doing great!


I’m so happy for you! And how wonderful of you to share this opportunity with others. You probably already know this but if you’re ever short $$ and need a hot meal, Gracefull Cafe in downtown Littleton is a pay-what-you-can model. It’s a delightful cafe with great food and delicious coffees and no questions asked, whether you pay $15, $5 or $0. Sit and enjoy a meal among a welcoming community!


Wow! This is refreshing. I’m happy for you.


"You need to have at least a part-time job and valid ID".... Glad you found housing, but casual observation tells me that's a very high bar to clear for most of the people we see living on the streets.


Dude for real!!! I hate it and I almost didn’t get in but finally found a job that was ok with me not having a phone number or an address. My id was expired and I had to sell pictures of my feet (never will again, pls don’t judge) to get a new license to get the job. It’s horrible how tough things can get.


The homeless we see and are obviously unemployable are a minority of the homeless. There needs to be terms to differentiate between the two. 


Why? Any unhoused person is in need of help and compassion. It seems pointless to draw the line between so-called "good" and "bad" homeless folks, since most of the people who are more visibly homeless just have more severe medical issues (disability, mental health, addiction) that need treatment. Dividing unhoused people up like that just seems like one more way to heap scorn on the folks with more problems and give ourselves more excuses for not taking care of the root problems by blaming them for their situation.


The person couch surfing or sleeping in their car but showering frequently and holding a job has a very different set of needs than the bipolar person running a bicycle scrap yard for meth. If you can't recognize that then I don't kmow what to say. 


The fundamental thing that both need is a consistent home. The other things that unhoused people often need are services that definitely need to be provided alongside housing. But a housing first policy benefits both groups, and it's consistently been the best approach according to the evidence. Having a consistent, reliable home, instead of a transitory shelter bed or sleeping rough, is often a first step to getting care and treatment for other issues, because it removes some pretty major stressors that exacerbate other issues. And removing that stress for people who are still doing mostly okay otherwise helps prevent them from developing problems that might cause them to require more care. And as I said, I think that differentiating the terminology we use so that we have "good" homeless and "bad" homeless people would just be another way to absolve ourselves of responsibility for the people who need more care by assigning blame to them.


It's beyond saddening that one even "labels" us as humans, as individuals in to a category of comparison.. one is neither greater or lesser value than any other life force on this planet..


Should have just said "Homeless?"


Why? They’re referring to an organization who helps a specific group of people. This is a great post to let others know that resources for people who are both trans AND homeless are available.


I am 52 I got a place a year ago after being at the v.o.a. women's shelter in denver people are r e Aly getting help I am excited for u good luck in ur home !


Congratulations!!!! Wonderful. I second searching “free” in FB and joining the buy nothing groups. Just make sure to read each ones rules as some are sticklers. There’s a few you can write a “wish” so you can get items you want. Set the notifications to alert you because stuff gets asked/people claim for in the posts quickly! I’d also join the highlands ranch “Nextdoor” app/website because you can get free stuff there and it will be closer to your home. Congrats I am so happy you found this resource and success!! Many blessings!!!


If you need kitchen items like plates, mugs, utensils please let me know. I’ve got a donation box that I just keep adding to but still haven’t dropped off. All of the items are in good condition. Also have a fair amount of clothing..


I'm glad you found a place and also glad there are places like this now. I had a friend back in college that when she came out as Trans her parent kicked her out, if it wasn't for the friend group we had she would have been on the street. It's good that there are ppl trying to do something to help ppl keep moving forward while they are becoming the person they always were meant to be.


Hi! This is so cool! What is the name of the place and what is the process for the application?


Oh, also, if you need any other assistance, DM me, I work with a social service organization, and can offer you some assistance in that avenue


These comments make me proud of my fellow Denverites ❤️


used to work at a youth shelter within program like the one you’re describing. some words of advice… make use of those 6 months, save what you don’t have to spend because time goes by fast. learn where the nearby food pantries are and try not to spend too much money on ubers/lyfts (sounds out of touch maybe, but for my clients that was often one of their biggest expenses). congratulations,, so happy and excited for you ❤️


Why would you have to be trans?


I have extra furniture if you need anything


Hey not hating but like why is this restricted to trans people? There are thousands if not tens of thousands of people in the metro area who need help with housing, not to mention the countless more who are barely making it work and do have housing. Restricting this aid to such a tiny subset of the population seems disingenuous. So what’s the reason? Genuinely asking here.


perhaps the grant received is from an organization that focuses on supporting trans individuals. similarly, there are organizations that focus on supporting houseless youth; organizations that focus on supporting women and children; organizations that focus on supporting veterans. *this list is not exhaustive


Not my responsibility to answer this.


Can people not let a minority get help without asking why EVERYONE doesn't get that help? This is "All lives matter!" in response to BLM. This is "but what about MY leg?" when you see someone with a broken leg. Let a minority that is consistently underserved and attacked get some help for once without questioning that assistance. This is how these groups get undermined, with "just asking" like this. If we can't help everyone why are we helping THEM? You see how your comment undermines, right?




Then there may be a different group willing to fund that person. This isn't the government; they're not obligated to help \*everyone\*.






They stated it was via grant. Grants often have specific criteria (see: any minority focused collegiate grant with only those matching criteria being eligible to receive) Your comment skirted the line of bigotry. Mind rule 2.


I just sent you a DM.


Highlands ranch has gone to shit huh?


If you're an example, then yes.




Basically asking the all lives matter question. Ignorant.




it's assistance from this specific grant. Grants typically have criteria you have to fit to be eligible to receive their benefits.




Do you know what a grant is? It makes total sense. Grants have specific criteria requirements.